HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-08-31l~rsua~t te ~he ff~II~wing oa!l~ Mr, E~-J. Ballard, Aib~rle ~O'~y em %he IS~ d~ of:'S~P~,.'X~, a~ ~ O~elOek, A, ~., a~ the m~rs .of ~he said ~ard as pre~d~-._~ ~ See~io~ 27i~ of ~he 1919 C~e ~ ~is ~ sh~l i~ z~ ~ se ~ ~d. have ~ere ~he~ ~his WITKESS, Margaret T. Woodward, Cle-~k of our said Board, this Slat d~ of ~August, 19~8, Ln ~he 16$rd year ef ~he Cc~m~- wea!~h. t~he Boa~d cf'C0u~t-y Supervisors of Albemarle County, Vi~gi~i~, met- in special sessiom on the ls% day cf Sep~ber, 1958, at t.he Oourt House of the s~id>C~m...~,.,..---_-- Abse~%i Hr, E. J. Ballard. The Cou~y Executive reported 2ha% he had e~nferred with Mr. H. T. C~le, Regional Direo~r of ~he ~ublie'Wo'rks' Adminis~ra.~ion,~.&t.:.i%laz~a, ~eorgia, on August 29,-1~8, wi~h reference %e proposed Wage Scale The foilowi~g Resolution, offered by Harris, wa~ ~n~usly ~a%es which are beimg paid in the C~ty ~f Albemarle, Virginia, ~ioh "~ee~"~ is ~e be eozs~r.uc~ed~.~.~e~C~n~.y ~ llb~rl.e,. V~nia, ~!oy~s t~ eae'h ~de er oocupa~i~ ~.ged in-w~r~ ~f a ~a~ si~'lar 2~ 2he W~k ~ b e perffome~ ia 2he ~s~~ of said pre~ili~g hourly wage ~tes berg ~id ia auth. lo~a~ ~o ~eh ~ployees f~ su~ w~ ~ve be~ da~m~ed ~ oomfer~ee ~th ~pl~e~a of NOW, TH/~EFORE, BE IT RESO~V.ED of ~he CoU~ of ~b~arle~ Wx~nia, ~a% %he fol.l~ng resistive ~des or ocoupa%i~us fixed as the m~ h~urly i~ ~ioh ~he p~Jee$, i:$ %o be-~m~rue~d~ W A ~ E S C A L.E.~-.,, f~lI~ozer Opera%or,....................... o.... .50 Biaok~mtth.. ~. o., ~. ° · .. ..... Ca~pe~ter-F~i~... · ........... · ................ eSO C~cre%e ~nisher.**........ .... ..~............ e60 ~nore%e MiXer Opera%or............... Cl~shell 0~rater.................. C~e ~eraior......................... .... .... 1,00 Eleo%~ei~ Helot. ,............................. ~rader ~e~ter.................,... Pipe O~u!ker, ~e~, J~ar, ~i~f~oing S%eel 271 272 pa%ions i~oludes %o the bes%. of our k~wleflge, all %he oiase!.fioa~i~m~.~o~..:.~....~. e~ployees who will be e~gaged i~ work ~n said Projee~ other ~'~z exec'U~ive, $~pee vi ~ory, aflmini~Cra%ive, olerfoal ~.~h~:;~a~ual workers as s~oh. BE IT FUrtHER ~E~LVED ihs% the re--be %te~ %he ~bst~tia%i~g da.~ upon which the foregoing The folle~i~g Resoiu~i~, offered by Mr. 01. Purcell MOOue, Roberts, was una~i~°Usty adop~e~ WHEREAS, a' thorough tnve~iga%io~ has bee~ ~de ef~ ~h®-hourly wage ~ ~he work ~ be ~fO~d iz ~he cozs~e~i~ ef s~d ~jee~, ~d ~e profiling h~rly ~ge ~tes~ Berg paid im such lccali~ ~ ~ch ~pl~yees for s~h. werk~h~'-be~ de~e~i~ed ~ ,enforces ~h ~ployers of labor iz ~he Cou~Y~ NOW, TEE~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by 2he Boar~ of %he County Of Albeaa~le, Virginia, that the follc~lng rates~fer ~he rest,tire t~deS ~r ~e~pati~zs liste~ bel~ shall be ~d ~e hereby fixed as ~he ~n~ h~rly ~ge ~tea ~d have eord~ee ~th~es ~revail~g f~r work efa s~lar zayre · y i~ whi~ the prejee~ i~ .~o be $1,25 °40 e~ BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED %ha% the fc~egoi~g 1i~% of %fades or ooeup~- ~pl~eee who ~ll.be eng~e~ i~ Work ~.eai~ Proje~% ~h~ ~ exe~ive, ~per~so~, a~nistrative, clerio~l or ot~ ~on~z~l worker~ as ~eh. The ~ird ~s ad~sed ~ an, {~liea~ eould be made 2o the Federal ~er~oy A~i~tion ~f h~lio .Work~ for a~ ad~ee g~%- ef 1~% of ~he esti~ted.eest of %he Upom mo~o~, duly ~4e. and. se,ended, tke'C~y ~evttve ~s 'avth~rize~ ~4 ~ireeted' ~o p~eed .is ~ appli~a%ie~ %o t'he Fe~e~l ~er~m~ ~ist~on of ~Blie Works f~r"~-~a~c~~' g~ of 15% ~f %he e~i~t~ ees~ of the Of~ee Buildi~g, The Fe'lT~wi~g ReeotU%iO~, offered by. Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded'by'Mr. ~. Puroe: improvement, N0~Z,'TNEREFOEE, BE' IT RESOEV'ED bY the BO&~ of County Super.- loca$~ on Rou~e 2~1 2~ Route 230 ~ the work ~w being done h~$ The ffetlowtng Reso!utic~ was, .upon motion duly made. az~..seconded, unamimouely ~EREAS. It has pleased the Almighty toremove By ~ea%h Luee!ia ~allard, wife of E~ eo~labere~, w~ for ~y ~ar~ ~upie~ a Pr~ne~ pla~e i~ ~he ~ivil ~d religicus circle NOW, THERE~RE, BE IT RESOLVED ~y ~he Beard ef County Supe~- visors of Albemarle ~o~y, Virginia, that in the death off Mrs~ Ballar~ the e~muumity has sus~e~ a loses ~ha2 we bear willing ~e~on7 ~o her ~n7 viacom, ~o her u~que~i.~ed p~biS7 ~ s~zless iife~ ~ha~ we ~fer t~ our ber~ved ~o~rker, ~r J. ~lia~d, and his me~g f~ily, eve~~..~~has hung he~ ~odness ~y ~ri~g ~e~ ~li~ ~ ~heir ~r~e~ hea~s. BE IT FURTHER RE~O~V~D~.%ha% a espy of ~ese resoiutiens Be properly engre~se~ amd sent to :our o~-laberer and ffrie~, Edgar J. ~allardo Upon m~ticm, the meeting adjourned. TEE 00MMoNWEALT~ OF VIRGINIA, TO THE SHERIFF OF THE COUNTY OF ~EMARLE~-GREETING:-, We e~am~ 7eu ~o'-sm~em Mr. J. M. FraY, Mr. P. H. Mr. ~. Ashby Harris, Mr. C. Purcell Dr. L. G. Roberts, ~o appea~ at a Meeting of ~he Board of Count:~ ~upervieors of Alb~rle Coun~ 'o~ ~ 9~ day of Sept~ber, 19~8, ~ 9 Sec~ioz 2718 of ~e 1919 Code of Vir~nia, as ~emded. this 2hey s.bail in no w~ se ~mit. And have theye %hen this writ. ~TNESS-, Margaret T. Woodward, 0terk e~ our said %his '7~h day of ~ep%~mber, 1938, in the t6Zrd year of the Com- monweal ~h · (Signed) ~-~garet T. Woodward, Clerk the Boerd of County SuperVisors of AlBemarle County, Virginia, met in special ses-~ion ~ the 9th day of Sep~mber, 1955~ at the Cou~ House of ~he s~id County. Presemt: Messrs~ J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. A~hby Harris, C. Purcell MuCus, and Dr. L. O. Roberts. Absent: None. The followi~g Rose!utica, offered by Mr. C, Purcell McCue, seeonde~ by Mr. P. H. OentrY, wa~ una~i,~ously adop~d~ A RE~OLUTION AP t~OR THE CONSTRU FRY, WHEREAS, 2he oonstru specifications PROVING AND ADOPTING THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., ~TION'OF A SEWERAGES SYSTEM AND DISPOSAL PLANT IN T~E SPRING SANITARY DISTRIOTo this Board has hero,fore fully considered said plans, ~nd d~cuments, a~d has found it to be for ~he best in- retest of the F~y"s .Spring Sa~i~ary Diet~ie~ %0 eom~r.uct ~he complete sewerage system[and disposal .pIa~t as %hereim provided, amd . WHEREAS,--.since said pla~$, specifications, .' etc., were presented ~er~ai~ eCmpiic~%ious ha~ arise~, viz., a certain annexation prooeed- in~. an~ am a~ack u~en an eleotic~ held August 2. 1~38, au~e~,