HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-09-07~PIE~S, Rou%e ~SO, north oF C~ese%e is se~ously~nee~ eft ~-THEREFORE, BE' IT RESOEV'~D by `che Beard of Cou~t~y' ~uper- visors o~ Albemarle COuntry, Virginia, `cha% She State Highway mlss[en He and is hereby toques%ed %o `cramsfer %he eemviot camp new loca%e~ on ROu`ce 2ZI 2e Rou`ce 250 whom the work n~w being done has The fotleWln§ Reso!u`ci~ was, ,upon mo`caen duly made .' az~. .seconded, u~amimously WKEREA~, [`C has pleased `che Almighty ~o..remove by dea%h llr~. Lmoelia Ballard, wife of Edgar ~, ~all~a~;~.~u~,ee~.~e.e~e~ frie~ and eG-laborer, who for ~y years occupied a prcmlne~`c pla~e iz ~he civil ~d religious circle cf her oommu~i~y~ main%ai~ing under all preach, NOW, THERE~RE, BE IT RESOLVED by `che Board ~f County S~Per- visors off-Albemarle Cour~y, Virginia, `cha~ in 2he dea%h of Mrs, Ballarfl `che c~unity has su~tatme~ a l~ss~ Sba2 we bear willing $~les~ iife~ ~ha~ we ~fe~ t~ ~u~ ber~ved ~ll~d, and hie m~z~g f~iiy, ~e~~.~ee~,~h~s huzg her s~ble ~n~le, ou~ he~lt e~ndcl~ce, and p~.~ha2 ~odzess ~ Brizg a~e~ ~li~ ~o their ~rd~e~ hea~. Upon m~tton, `che meeting adjourned. P~lrsuan~; 'ce %he fclloWizg eall~ TH~ COI~/oNWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, TO THE SHERIFF OF THE COUNTRY OF AI, BEMARLE~-GREETING:- We command you to. summem Mr. J o M. Fray, Mr. E. J. Ballard, M~. Po Ho Gentry, Mr. H. Ashby Harris, Mr. Co Purcell }/sOus, Dr° L. Go R~berts, to appear a% a Meetimg of }~he Beard of Country Supervisors of Albemarle Com~ty On ~he 9th day of S~~r, 19~8, a~ 9 re~e~' ~f ~ ~~;.~e~-~the,said Boa~ as pr-evaded f~- by Seo~io= 2718 of ~e 191~ Oode of Vir~mia, as ~e~ded. wri%. WITNESS, Margare2 T. Woodward, Clerk at our said Board, %him 7%h day of Sop%ember, 1958, in the t6$rd year of %he monweal~h. (Signed) Margaret' T° Woodward, Clerk the Board of Ooumty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgtmia, me~ in .special ses-~ion om %he 9th day of September, 195~, a~ the Court House of t~e said Covm%y. Presemt.. Messrs. J° M, Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H° Ashby Harris, C. P~reel! l/sOus, and Dr° L. G. Rebe~ts. Absemt: None. The follewi~g ResOl~im~, offered by Mr. ¢. Purcell MoOue, seconded by Mr. P° H. Gem%fy, wa~ unanimously adopted: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., FOR THE OONS"fRI~TION'OF A SEI~ERAG~E SYS'T~I AND DISPOSAL PLANT IN FRY'S SPRING SANITARY DISTRTCT. WHEREAS, %his Board has heretofore fully considered said plans, specifieatic~s and documents, amd has found it to be for ~e bess in- ~ere~ of ~he ~s ~ri~g S~i~a~ ~et~ ~o construct ~he e~le~e s~e~ge system and disposal ~l~t as ~hereim pre~ded~ ~d I~HEREAS, .since said plans, speoificatiozs, e~e., were presem2ed certaiz complications have arisen, Viz., a certain annexa%ion proceed- and an a.~ack u~on a~ electicm held Au~us% 2, 1~$8, authorizim~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOEVED by .the Board of Co~ty Section 1~ That the plans, specifications and m~s referred to ~ ~he p~e~ble .fSai~ sewerage ~em amd disposal plash, b e, and ~e ~e are herebF, i~ all ~speets, approved md adop~ed a~ me~ie~ may be r~oved, a~ ~he ~lidi~ ~f ~he a~ized. ~a~ f~ ~he pu~se .f id~ifi~to~ there of ¢Ou~ ty Sup ervis Ceunty, Virginia, Such Se% of plams, specifieatio~ and c~'raet doc~ae~ts wi~h ~he indersemem~ thereom shall remai~ on file in his office. ~io~ ~f %he s~d sewerage ~st~ a~d di~pos~ pl~t, in oOrd~e ~h said plans, ~e~fiea~ons, ~c., ~ere~ such hiss were ~ be ~eeived by ~hi~ Board a~ I!~ e~ ~e ~rming of 8ep~ber 7, 19~8~ a ~ is em File im ~he ~f~i~e ~f ~he ~u~y ~e~ive, be, ~d ~he e~e is, app~. SUch copy of said ~ee, off az adve~is~e~ for bids,.-~l~e.~p~ file in ~he approved p~ n s, ~oL~i~%io~$- and. co ~ot doo~s ,~. - / A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE FILING OF BIDS, IN ~E SEWERAGE SYSTEll AND DISPOSAL PLANT IN THE FRY'S SPRING SANITAI~ DISTRIOT. strmc%lo~ Of a ~ewerage system and dlspesal plant in the Fry's Sprimg S~i%ary District of Albe~arl'e County were, ~ay ~f September, 1~$~, filed by the feilewimg bidderS: The Wilson COmpany, Charlottesville, Va. F. L. Showal%e~, Into, Ly~ehbur~ Va, Lig~n & Ligom, S~10 Ridg ~e~.ood Avemue, Baltimore, Maryland. Eughes & ~eegan, Imc,, Richmond, Va. A. G. Pi~ks~om & Co., Box ~2, Norfo.l~, Va. Vo B. Niggi~s Co., Greem~boro, N° C. Btaekwell ~gi~e~r~g & Oe~s~e~ie~ C,.~ ~rren~, j. B. NeO~y, I~c,, IA~2E Made, tm ~reet Bldg., A~te, Georgia. B~d & ~f~r~h, I~o., Oharl~, N~ C~ tha~ said bids have bee~ duly received, opened and publicly read: NOW, TNEREFQtE, BE.~:.RESOIIIED.~ha% ~.he bids Consulting ~neer, ~ ~e said R. Stua~ Royer Be,' ~d he is, ~i~ B~rd ~ts ~ndi~gs as ~ t~he~:l~.es~ ~d ~s%. bid. Passed this 9%h day of Septmaber, 19~8. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C.P~reell MoOre, seconded by Mr. E° J. Ballar~ ~ESOLUTION AWARDING ,QON~TBAQT FOR T.~E C~NST1EICTiON .. OF SEWE~E SYSTEI AND DIEPOSAL PLANT 1~ THE FRY"$ SPRiNG SANITARY DISTRICT OF ALBEMA!~E'~UNTT, VIRGINIA, 8~BJEOT TO THE CONDITIONS N~tEIN RXPRE.~ED. --a Resolu%i~ heretofore ad~p~e~, has ~a~ula~ed ~d.~ ~idere~ all bids heretofore received ~or ~the eo~s%r~ction of a sewerage sys- %e~a~ disposal pla~t in the Fry's Spring S~ttary District of Albemarle County, and has duly made his recommendations amd repor~ ~ha% A. G. Pinks~ & Co., of Norfolk, Vas, is the l~es~ and bes~ bidder for the sous%rue%fen of said sewerage system and o~mplete disposal pl~% .i..~ t~he F~j.~s Spring Eani%a~.:...~~%, in the sma ~f $67~099,00I amd %his Boa~, after e~sidePmg ~d -repe~ amd ~m~da~tous ~ all bids. hostelers filed, f~ds ~ ~he bid ef A. G. P~ks~e~ &-~., of Norfolk, Va,, is the le~s$ mud bes~ bid~ ~d ~~S, in vi~ ~f ~h, e~pli~ti~s ~hat ~ve reo~tly aris~ .~ annexati~ p~eeeding om ~he pa~ of ~he Oi~y of lot~esville~ ~d f~er e~pli~tions imvelv~g ~he validity of ' I NOW, THEREFORe, BE IT RESOLVED by the ~r~ of Ceum%y Supervisors of Albeamrle COUnty as ~ ~ple~e ~iSpeSaI' pl~t in the F~W-~ Spring S~i~ry '~c~ ~u~he ~ of--$67,099,~' is herebY~%~e~ime~ and ~he pla~, ~e~i~i~s ~d oon~mo~ do~en~e, sh~l p~t~iezs ~ea~ed ~ sai~ anne~i~ pro,sealing shall be r~, ~d ~e vaiidi~ of ~he elee~i~ ~e~eml~e~, S®~on 2.~ That-J. M. Fray, Ch'airman of ~his B~rd, be, and he is~ hereby a~horized ~d direet~ te exee~e Sa~d eo~rao~ for a~ cz b eha~ ef ~his Boa~ ~ as ~he e~pli~ie~ ~hrea~ened by ~ne~ioz ~reeeedi~g s~tl ha~ been ~r~eved, amd 2he validity vf the demonized, and ~he iss~noe of ~ds far ~e preJee~ duly autho~ zed · eee~ie~ 34 I~ appearing ~hat 2he award for the ~tr~o~i~n ef the work he~ei~, in ~he s~ ef $67,09~,~0 excess ~f ~he ~s syllable from. ~he ~l~e~2 ef U~i~ S~tes ~f ~e~ea i~ the a~ of $~6,904.4S, a~d ~her ap.~ar~g tha~ i2 is ~he desire of ~hia B~d 2e ~on~-~ ~he pre, eot as ~e~ lied ~7 sai~ plus ~d fiea~i~s, i2 is ~the~ resolved ~ha~ ~e~, if a~ as afe~sat~ o~pliC~e~s ~h~a~ened ~ s~d ~nexa~ie~ pro- ~ee~img shall have be~ r~.~d, a~d 2he vali~i~ ef 2he elec~i~ d~e~ed, am~ the ias~nee of b~ds for the Joe2 duly a~herized, a~ the ~id bo~ds s~l! ~ve isled ~ sold, ~e proeeeda of a~d b~ds, ~h ~he ~der- a~mding ~ha2 no additi~al allo~2 is ~ be received 2he ~it~ S~ates ~f ~e~ca, shall ~ used ~o pay such di~ional ~s~ amd 2ha~ ~he f~ds 8e~v~' ffr~the sale of said b~ds, ~w ~eeted' to repres~ 5S% ~f ~he ~zst~eti~ eos~, shall be deposi~d i= a e~s~eti~ Seo%i~ 4~ That the Di~e~er o~ Fi~amoe ~f Albemarle County is hereby authorized ~d directed 2o d~osi~ ~he pro- seeds ~ sale of said ~ds, ~e~ ~ld, in said aooo~, and ~he ~oeeeds a~ro~ia~ed for ~ p~pose of supple~z~[mg ~e ~ds.-here- ~fore made a~ilable for the oo~~ o~_~,:~e:,~s~d Upcm mo'c~o~, %he meeting adjourned. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Alb~arle County, Virginia, was held at the Cour~ House of the said County on ~he 21st day of September, I938. Present: Messrs'. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C. Purcell ~o~ue, and Dr. L. O. Roberts. Absent: l~on eo Minutes of the meetings of August 17;i~938, August 26, 1958, Sept'saber 1, 1~8, and Sept~ber 9, '1~8, were read.~d app~ved, ~e Boar~ received a request. ~f~ the Ch~ of C~mer~e-tha%.a ~represen~a~ive be authorized ~o a%t~d a meeting ~ Station ~%h reference 20 the o~pletion of Ro~e 250. Up~ mo%ion, duly made and seconded, ~he Coun~ Exe~%ive ~s ~structed to attend ~his The assessm~ts of pr~e~ 'o~ed by ~blic Ser~ce Corporations in this co~ty for %he ye~ 1938 were presented. The Board's a%t~%ien.~was called %o the fac% %ha% these assess. men%s showed a reduc%i~ in 2he %axable ~lue of the proper~ of ~e Southe~ P~ilway Comfy of $97,980.05. This matter ~s referred to ~he C~onwealth's Atto~ey wi%h ins%ructions to inves%i~te ~d repo~. ~e fe!l~ing Repo~s were presented ~d o~ed filed: 1. ~ty ExeCutive. 2. Untversi~ of Virginia Ho~ital. 3. District Bo~d. 275