HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-09-21for said con stru eticm~;~mt~:..~b~:~w~e~.; con di~$ozally~ NOW, TNEREFOR..E,. BE IT RE~OLVED ~y the B~ar~ of Co~%y Supervisors e~ Albemarle Count7 as foll~ws~ ~d ~ple~ t/'$~aaI plan~ i~ ~he F~-s Sp~ng ~a~i~ ~ ~he pla~, ~eifiatims ~d ~o~t do~e~s, sh~l pti~Yioa$ ~hreaY~ed ~ sai~ ~ne~Yion proceeding be ~mo~d, ~d the validi~ ef the elee~i~ dete~im~, be, a~d he ia, here~ a~herized ~d direc~ ~o exec~e eaid'oo~rac~ f~r a~ o~ beh~ ef ~his Boa~ ~ if ~fl as ~he o~pli~io~a threa~e=e~ by ~mexa~ioz pre~eediag s~ll ha~ been r~eved~ and.~he ~lidity of the elee~ au~h~ ze~. Section ~ It appearia§ that the award for ~he ~%r~c~iem of the wo~ h~eia~ i~ ~he s~ of $6?,09~,~0 i= ex~ess of ~he ~s syllable f~m the ~l~ea~ 'el ~i~ed S~tes ~f ~e~a ia the s~ of $$6,~4,45, a~d ~her ~a~ing tha~ i2 is' ~he desire of ihis B~rd t~ fixative, it is '~r~he~ ~selved tha~ ~ea, if a~ as aforesaid c~pliea~ens ~h~$~e~e~ ~ s~d ~nexa~ie~ pro- ~eedimg shall have be~ r~o~d, a~d ~he validi~ of el~i~ d~erm~ed, amd ~he tas~aee of b~ds f~r ~he Jeet duly a~o~ized, ~d ~he ~id bonds $~ll ~ve ~ea isled ~ ~ld~ ~e proceeds of a~ b~ds, ~h the standing tha~ ~o additional allo~i is ~o be received ~e U~ited S~ates ef ~e~ca, shall ~ used t~ pay such dttional ~s~$ a~d tha~ ~he f~ds ~v~' fr~ the ~oceeds of sale of s~id b~ds, ~ow ~ee~;~ ~o rep~es~t ~% of ~s~o~i~ cost, shall be de~si~d i~ a c~c~ Section 4~ Tha~ ~he Director of Finance cf Albemarle 0aunty is he~ au~Orized ind directed io d~osi~ the pro- coeds of sale of said a~ro~a~ed for the p~p~se o~ supplementing ~he .~da~.here motion, the meeting ad~our~ed. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Alb~arle County, Virginia, was held at the Court House of the said County on the 21st day of September, Present: Messrs'. J. M. Fray, E. J. BalIard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C. Purcell ~eCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: None. Minutes of the moetings of August 17~.~:,I958, AugUst 2~, 1958, Sept'enber 1, 1958, and Sept-ember 9, 19~8, were read-a~d approved~ The Board received a request. ~u the Chamber~ of. Commerce that a.~r~epresentative be authorized to attend a meeting in Stau~ton with reference to the completion of Route 2§0. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was instructed to attend this ~ et ingo The assessments of property owned by Public Service Corporations in this county for the year 1955 were presented. The Board's aitentien.~was called to the fact that these assess- ments showed a reduction in the taxable value of the property of the Southern P~ilway Company of $9?,980.05. This matter was referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney with instructions to investigate and report. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed: 1 · County Executive · 2. University of Virginia Hospital. $. District Board. 275 276 '~etice from got. LeRoy Hedges, ~airman of the Compensation Beard, that a Hearing will be held in RiChmond on October Ii, 1908. with.~"reference to salaries and expenses cf of Ti. cers in this coumty, was presented.. The Director of Finance was instructed to prep~e an estimate of the expenses of the Dtpart~.ent of Finance for the 0alendar..Year 1939 and present it at that time. The -~O~owi~.Budge~f~1~e ~e~iod0e~i~ ~ne '30, 1939, for the Department of Public Welfare was presented and approvedl A N N U A L -'P~V~UE - ESTIMATES -- Des eruption Old Age Assistance Aid to Dependent Children Aid to the Blind Gen era 1 Relief Admini stration Total 9,064'86 $ 5,665,53. $ 3,399.SS 933.$S 1,166.67 700.00 800.0~ 5OO.00 300.O0 -o- 5,681.~4 3,409.05 Sources of Funds ~18,129.72 2,800.00 1,~09.00 9,090.79 -;ES'TI~'~ OF 'EXA~ENDITURES'- De s cription 01d Age Assistance A~d to Dependen~ Children Aid to the Blind General Relief Administr Amount $I8~12 .72 2,800.00 1,600.00 _9,090.79 6,027~00 TOtal --QUAR TE~RLY' ESTIMATES .... Gl4 Age Assistance $1, Aid, t° Dependent Children 280.00 Aid to the Blind 160,00 General Relief 800,00 Admi~i'st'ration 5gT~oo TOtal $4~200.00 840.00 480.00 2,400.00 A ccmmu~i~tion from'the Department of Virginia, The .American LegiOn, expressing for the Board's assi~iane.e;~,i~..oonneo.%~om, wtth...~e-oo~.~f~m-held. ~ Charlot%es~ was presented and ordered filed. ~.. Mrs. MOllie 'N. Bruce presented claim for damages done to vegetables by deer. Mrs · was informed.that the Board had no authority to pay .such a claim. RESOLUTION. BE" IT"R~OLVED by thO'Boa rd of" OOu=$y Su.per~i:so~s of Alb~rle Cou~, .Vir~nia, that the Sta~ ~p~ent of Hi~ys be and is h~e- ~ requested to abaton the section of Priory ROu~ 2S1 deserib~ be- low: Section t. - Old location of Rt~. 231' from intersection of'Rte. C--645 opposite approxima.te Station 112~88.5, s'outh- west 0.21 mi. to new Ieca~ien at approxLmate Stat~ Length 0.2! miles TOTAL SECTION ,TO BE ABi~/~DONED: 0.21 mites~' ' Mr. William Shiflett tre'sen~ed claim against the DOg Funk for calf alleged to have .een killed by dogs. After hearing fr~m ~e"Game~V~arden, Mr. Shiflett, and Mr. Garth, the of the dog seen near the dead amimaI, the Bb~rd conclUded tha~ there was not sufficient 'tb:i~.~termine that the calf had Been killed by dogs. Mr. H. A. Hmden, Director. of Finance, submitted a statement of the expenses of the ~epar~-m~% ~f Finance for the: m~nth~'~f AuEu,s~, 1938, one-third' of which expenses is to be by the State. This statement was ex,mined, verified ~ and approved. ~p.on-/"mb~$om..~ d~ly~'im~,~'a~d'? seoond~d,.~.-~he,~"t'towzng:-~R~$~l:ution.;-was .u~animou ly adopt RESOLUTION. W~E~AS, H. L~-Smith, Resident Engineer, State High- way Depar~man%, has presented to this Board a report showing the highway work -completed in this countF ,during the fiscal year ended June $0, 19~8, as well as a Proposed Budget for the year beginning July~l, I938, NOW, TH~REFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle CountT, Virginia, that the Budget For ~%~e Department of Highways. of this -county for the year' beginning July 1, 1958, be and the same is hereby approved aS presented. Upen-~ mot~mo~.~!?dul~y.~?mad~..~and~.~a~eo.nd~d,~'~he- ~.l,~c~g~¥~s~l,u~,~n.~was ,uP~im~usly adopt~ d: RESOLUTION ~ BE IT'RESOLVED by the Board of ooun y Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Mr. H. L. Smith, Resident ~ngineer of Highways in this county, be and is hereby commended for his very fine spirit Of cooperation. ~ - ~p,n.~l~0$i~m. ~ ~-du!y?~.ma~e~ nd second ed, the f~oll owi]~E Resolution,.w,as~. u~na~imo usly adopt~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE PLANS, SPECIFICATI05~ AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE BUILDING AND AUTHORIZING TH~ ADVERTIS~'ENT FOR B IDS. WHEREAS, detailed plans, specifications and contract documents for the construction of Office Building, have been presented by E. E. Burrus s; and ~EAS, this Bo~rd, ha~s fully considered said plans, sPecifi- cations and documents, and Finds t~at it is for the best interest of Albemarle County, to construct the Office Building,, as therein, provided$ NOW, ~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED bY the Board of County SUpervis°rs, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1~ That the plans, specifications and contract docu- mants referred to in the preamble hereof for the construction of An Office Building, 'be~ and the s~me are hereby, in ali res- pects, approved and, adopted as the official plans, specifica- tions and contract documents to be used in connection with the prosecution of the work in such construction. That for the pur- pose of i~enti£ication, 2-h-ere shall be indorsed on one set of such plans, speeifica~i°ns and contract documem%s by H. A. Haden-, County Executive, the following: "D~ly adopted 'by Remolution of Board of County Sup~visors, on-the 2Ist day o.f September, 193 8, ~ ·, H. A. Haden ~X ~ou.nty ~xecutlve". Such set cf plans, speoifi~a~ons and c~aCt~ . indors~ent thereon, shall~-r~emain on file in his office. Sectim 2: Tha~ legal notice be given by %he publication in a newspaper published in Ch ar lot to sv il l e , County cf Albemarle, that sealed bids for the cm. etru.ctien.-~f~'An Office Building, i accordance with said plans, specifications and contract documents,. will be received by t~is Board, at the Court ~ouse, until 2~00 o'clock, P. M., on the 4th day of October, 1~38. Such notice shall be in the form of an advertisement for bids, filed in the office of %he H.~A. Haden~Cou~ty executive, as a par~ of ,the a~proved plans, speci ficA~ons' ~d contract 'documents. Claims again,s~ %he County, a~unting to ~,$0~$~ were presented, examined, verifi~ , and approved and ordered certified to the Director of Finance -for payment and charged against the following funds~ ~n eral $ S,8~1.18 School 24, §69.2~ Virginia Public Assistance Dog Tax Crozct Fire District Office Building Construction Road Deb%: Charlotte sville Di stri ct I~y District Rivanna District Samuel Miller Distri ct Scot tsville District ~White Hall District Commonwealth of Virginia Total 937,81 82,49 4.00 500.00 4.53 12~ 606.19 6~66 6.39 402.15 208.14 $~6,508.8I Upon~!~motion, duly made and seconded, the ~Bear. d~..~, adJou~ned,~to ,meet, again on October 14, 1938, at 2 P. M. An adjourned meeting of'the Board'of COunty Supervisors of Albemarle County,. Vir- ginia, was held at the Court House of the said~ county a~ 2'~:P. M. on October 4, 19SS. H. Ashby Harris, Present.. Messrs. J. M. Fra~, E. J. Ballard, P.H, Gentry,/C. Purcel! Mc0ue, amd A~sent: -. None. J The Chairman announced that in aecorda,~.e with the adverti.semen%, bids Would now be opened 'for the construction of an OPfice B~iIding. ~ Mr. E. E. Burr~ss, Architect, proceeded to open the bids received. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously '! ad~p~ ed. RESOLU2ION OF THE. H)A18D OF - C01~PA~ ~PERVISORS..OF ALBEMARLE ORDE~IN(} THE FILING OF- BIDS FOR OFFICE BUILI~NG. COUNTY OF. ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA. WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement, bids for the construction of an office building far %he County of Albemarle, Virginia, have been filed by the following bidders: The WilSom Company CharlOttesville, Va, Barnes ~ber Corporation, Charlottesville, Va. Charlottesville Lumber Co., I~oe Charlott es ~lle, that said bids have been .duly received, opened and publicly reads ~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOEVED that the 'b ids listed i~ the preamble hereof be filed and presented to~E, E. Burruse, Archi~ee~ and that the said E. E. Burruss is hereby directed forthwith to .tabuIate said bids, and at the earliest practicable moment, report to this Board his lfi~d~E-~ as to thee tewes~~. and best bide. Upon mo~ion,, duly~ made and. seconded, the following Resolutioz was u~animousiy adoptedi . RESOEUTXO~ OF THE COU~£Y.~BOARD' OF SUPERVISORS OF ALNE~AR~ COUNT~ AWARDING CONTE~CT FOR T~ .CONSTRUCTI~ OF AN ~IFFICE BUILDING g~R T~ CoU~T~ OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGYNTA. WHEREAS, E. E.~ Burruss, Architect pursuan~ to'a Resolution heretofore adopted, has tabulated and ccmsidered all ~ids heretofore received for the co~struetion of a= office builidng for the County ~f Albemarle, Virginia, and has duly made his recommendations te this Board, and i% appearimg from' said recommendations and repor~ that Barnes Lomber Corporation of Charlc~tesvi~ll~ Va., is ~he lowest and b. es% Bidder for the c c~struo~ien of 'said office ~uildin. g for the Count~ of Aib~arle, Virginia, i~ the sum of $84,458.8A$ and that this Board, after considering said repcr~ and recO~maendations and all bids heretofore filed, finds that the bid of Ba~rnes Lumber Corporation if the lOWest.and best bid~ ~NOW, THEREFORE, BE~ ~T ~RESOLVED by the Board' of County Supervisors of Albemarle CO~%y as folloWs: Sect,_on 1~' That the~bid el--Barnes Lumb~er Corponatiom, for the construe%ion ~f a~ office building, County of Albemarle, 'Virginia, in~ the sum of $84,4~e84 is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the lOWest and" best bid~ and that a contract for the construction of said work, as heretofore prescribed by the plans, specifications and contract doc,mac,ts, ~sha!l be forthwiSh executed for said Section 2: That J. ~i. Fray, Chairma~ of %his Board, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract forand on behalfof the Board of CoUnty Supervisors of Albemarle Ooun~y, Section $: It appear~g that %he award for the construction of the work herein~ is in excess of the funds available from the allotment of ~he United Etatea of America and it fur~e.r appearing that it is the desi re of this Board %c construct the project as specified by said plans and specifications, it is further resolved that the Count~ of Albemarle, ~irginia, from its own funds ~d with the .mlderstanding that no additional allotmen~ is to be received from the-~-~State~ of America, shall pay such additional cost. Section 4~ That H. A. Hades,, Director of Finance :of Albemarle Count-y, Virginia, is here~y authorized and directed to deposit such additional sum into suc~ Construction Account, and s~id sum is hereby specifically appropriated for the purpose of sup01ementing the funds he~e~.efor.e .made available for the construction of the pro ~ect~ Upon motion, 'the meeting adjourned. , Chairman.