HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-10-19 A regular meeting of the .Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,~ Virginia, was held at the Court House of the said County on the 19th day of October, t9S8. Presen~'~ Messrs. J. M'. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H, Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L.. G. Roberts. ~bsent: None. Minutes of the meetings of Septeaber 21,19~38, and October 4, 1938, were read and pr ov ed. The Chairman announced that ~this was the regular semi-annual meeting with a represen- tative ef the Highway Department~ for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to the Highways in the Secondary System of~ Highways in this county, ~d that the Board would-be very glad to hear from any citizens present. A 'Petition of the residents of ~ismont, requesting that a short piece of road connect ing Route 250 with Route 231 be treated with asphalt to prevent dust, was presented and or- dered filed. Mr. C. D. McCormick and other interested citizens appeared and requested that Route 1014 from the ~d of Jefferson Park Avenue and Route 851 to Mt. Olivet Church, a distance of approximately eight miles, be treated with asphalt surface. Upon motion, duly made ~n d seceded, the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLIrED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commissioner be and is hereby requested to treat With asphalt surface Route 1014 from the e~d of Jefferson Park Avenue and Route 631 to Mt. Olivet-Church, a distance of approximately eight miles,' when funds are available for such Work. Request of'Mr. W. H. Robinson that a piece of road through and near his pr~operty to the Fluvanna County line be taken into the See~ndary System of. Highwa~ys~was.:r~ferred~.~to Mr~ H. L. Smith, Resident ~Engineer, for investigation and report.. Petition of ~he residents of Route 6?6, requesting that this read be hard surfaced, was presented. The petitioners were advised that this recommendation had been previously made. Mr. H. A. Had,n, Director of FinanCe, submitted a statement of the expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of Septe~.ber, 1958, one-third of which expenses are to be bo~e by the State. This statement was examined, verified and approved. The County EXecutive presented a communication from Mr. H. T. Cole, Regional Directo icl the Federal ~nergoncy Administra'tion of Public Works, advising that the Rescission of llotment to.Docket Va. 1097'F, Sanitary ~ewers, had been recommended by the ~tlanta Office o Washington, due to the fact that c~struction had not been started on the project within bhe required time. Construction on this project had been postponed due to the fact that the legality of the election approving the issuance of bonds had been contested. Therefore, upon aotion~o~Nr. C. PUrcell ~.cCue, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby Harris, the County Executive was ~uthorized and directed to contact the proper officials of the Federal Emergency Administra- tion of PUblic ~orks in Nashington, D. C., and request that an extension of time be granted ~thim which te begin construction o~ %he project. A communication from Mr. W. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, recommending that the services of Mr. R. Stuart Roy, r, Consulting Engineer, of Richmond, Virginia, be secured as an Expert Witness in the Annexation' Proceedings, was presented. Upon motion of Mr. C, Purcell McCue, seconded by Er. P. H. Gentry, the recommenda- tion of the Commonwealth's Attorney %~s adopted and an appropriation of $800.00, or as much the~reof~ as may be necessary, was made to cover the cost of Mr. Royer's services by the following recorded vote: Ayes~ ~essrs. J. N. Fra~v. E. J. Ballard. P. H. ~n+~- M~ Harris, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. ~L. G. Roberts; Noes:. None. Mr. R. Stuart Royer,~Consulting~Engineer, presented claim against the County, amounting to $3,424.98, for hi~ services in connection with Fry's Spring Sanitary District, with the request that a im~t~al payment be madeon this account at this' time. Mr. Royer was advised that upon a dvice"~of ~he Commonwealth's Attorney, no payme~% could be ~ade at this time. The following Report of the Committee appointed to investigate and report on recommended scale to be tLsed in the payment of livestock and fowl claims against the Dog Tax Fund, which was presented at the special meeting of the Board held on August 28, 1~38, and action on same deferred until,a Iater meeting, was, upon motion of Nr. F. H. Gentry, seconded by ~r. E. J. Ballard, approved': Charlottesville~ Virginia August 25, 1938 To the Nembers of the Board of County Sunervisors of the ~County of Albemarle, Virginia. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned members of your Committee, appointed at the regular July, 19$8, meeting, charged with the duty of examin- ing the Dog Laws, and ascertaining all facts which would be help- ful in determining a scale to be used as a basis for the payment of unassessed livestock and poultry, beg te~ submit herewith our repDz~b ~ It has been brought to the attention of your Oommittee that the law specifically states that unassessed livestock and poultry shall be paid for out of -the Dog Fund at a fair value. It has also been brought to the attention of your Committee that in numerous instances an unassessed lamb or fowl is at certain seasons ~ore valuable than its parent, which was assessed as of January let last. It has also been determined that the vast majority of turkeys are hatched during the month of Nay. Therefore, ~ .the age of the turkey at any given date during the year may be determined with reasonable ~ccuracy by assuming the date-it was h~t.ched.<~s during ~he first half of Nay. In view of these circumstances, your C,mmittee wishes to recommend that the basis for payment (realizing that there will necessarily be frequent exceptions) should be as follows': Lambs: Weight'x market price per pound. Turk~¢s and Chickens: 1 week June let--1 month June 18th--l~ months July 18th~'2~ months Aug. 15th--3~ months Sept. lSth--4~ months T,urke~ys Chi oken Each Each J$~ ,15 · 50 .2u 1.oO .~ 2.00 --- - Res peetfulty'submitted, (Signed) C. PURCELL M6CUE (Signed) H. ASHBY HARRIS (Signed) W:. O. FI~ (~Signed) H. A. ~N A communication From the State Department of Highways with reference to Tentative Allocation of Primary 'Road Funds from July l, 1939,. ~to. June 30,19~0~,.~was~pr.e.sented snd or~ dered file~. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed: 1. County Executive · 2. University of .Virginia Hospital. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, reported that he had appeared before the Cem- pensati0n Board in Ric~hmond on October ll, 1938, and presented request for expense and salary allowance for the Department of Finance for the calendar year ending December 31, 1939, totalling $21,?$0.00o tion ~oF the L~ague would be held at Virginia Beach on December 1st and 2nd, was presented. The County Executive reported that he had been advised by the Department of Public Welfare that a fU!l-t~me Child Welfare Worker could be secured to succeed Miss' Dungan, who had worked an the County on a part-time basis,' upon the payment by the County of Albemarle Ii of $75,00 per month towards her salary and travel, and recommended that the worker be secured? upon these terms. Upon motion,duly made and seconded, the recommendation ofthe County Executive was approved. ~ Claim of Eimer?E. Burruss, Architect, amounting'to $$9.S0, for expenses to Atlanta, Georgia, and return, in connection with office Building. Project, was presented and ordered paid. Claims against the. County, Amounting to $40,097~52, were presented, examined, verified and approved amd ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds :. ~. Gen era 1 School Virginia Public Assistance Dog Tax Road Debt: Charlottesville Dist riot ivy Di st ri ct Rivanna Distri ct S~muel Niller District Scot tsville District White Hall Distri ct Woolen Mills Sanitary District ~rozet Fire District 0~fice Building Construction Cash In Hands of Superintendent of Schools for Miscellaneous Furpos es Cash In Hands of Home Economics Teach ers Cenmonwealth of Virginia Tota I $ 8,358.21 27,009.74 324.44 933.50 .40 1.09 1.44 1,368.86 475.46 .72 1.00 1,054.22 25.00 100,00 404.15 $40,097.52 Upon motion,the meeting adjourned. , Chsi rman. A regular meeting of the~ Board of COunty Supervisors ~was heId..at the Cour~ .House of the said Uounty on the 16~..~ day of'NoV~nber, I938, Present~ Messrs. J..~M,.~ay, E. J. Baltard, P. H..Gemtry, H. Ashby Harris, Mc0ue, and~ Dr. ~. G, R0berts. Absent: NOne. Purcell Minu~s of the meeting o~ Oc.~obelr I9, .t.938,1 were 1read smd.approved, U~mmuni ca,ion from the State Department Of Highways, shewi,mE..Fi~aI .Allocation of Funds for construction of Primary Roads for year beginning July 1, 1939, was presented and ordered filed. C~mmunicatio~ from the League of VirgirAa Coun~t-ies, requesting a'~lilSt.o~2 those authorized to attend the Convention at Virginia Beach was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, each member of the Board able te attend was ~u%horized-%0 represent 'the County. The County Executive reported that he had conferred with Public Works Administration officials in ~Ashington with reference to extension ~leF %~e' ~&~m~/~whieh,.to~ begin ~eon,s~:rue~ie~ cf sewer work at Fry's Spring and that he had received a comunication from Mr. H. A. Gray, ~ssistant Administrator, ~ranting extension of. time to November 4, t9S8. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed: 1. County Execu tire, 2. District Board, University of Virginia HospitaI.