HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-11-16tion ef the League would be held at Virginia Beach on December 1st and 2nd~ was presanted. The County Executive reported that he had been advised by the Department of Public Welfare that a full-time Child Welfare Worker could be secured to succeed Miss Dungan, who had worked ~n the County on a part-time basis, upon the payment by the County of Albemarle of $7§.00 per month towards her salary and travel, and reco~ended that the worker be scour 281 upon these terms. Upon motion,duly made and seconded, the reco~nendation of the County zxecutive was ap~oroved o Claim of Elmer~'E. Burruss, Architect, amounting to $39.30, for expenses to Atlanta, Georgia, and return, in connection with Office Building Project, was presented m~d ordered paid. Claims against the-County, amounting to $40,097.~52, were presented, examined, verified and approved and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: Gen era 1 School Virginia Fublic Assistance Do~ Tax Road Debt: Charlottesville Dist riot Ivy Di st ri ct Rivanna Distri ct S~muel ~_iller District Scottsville District White Hall Distri ct Woolen Mills Sanitary District ~rozet Fire District Office Building Construction Cash In Hands o£ Superintendent of Schools for ~iscellaneo.~s Furpos es Cash In Hands of Home Economics Tea ch ers C~nmonwealth of Virginia Total $ 8,358.21 27,009.74 324.44 933.50 .40 1.09 1.44 1,368.86 475.46 .72 1.00 1,054.22 25.00 100.00 g04.15 $40,097.82 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ~ , Chairman. A regular meeting of ~he.~ Board'of County Supervisors, ,~was..held-a% the. Court ~House of the said ~ounty om the' I6'~ day Of~NOV~ber, I938. Present~~ Messrs. J...M..,F~ay, E. J. Balllard, P. H. Gemtry, H. AshbyHarris, C, Pureel ~cOue, and~ Dr. L. 'G, R~b.er~si ~bSem t: NOne. Minutes of the meeting o~ October. I9, .t9S8~ were. read. and ..approved. Cemmuni~ation from the State Department of Highways, showi,n§ ~Fi~aI Atlecati~n of Funds for construction of Primary Roads for year beginning July 1, 19Z9, was presented and ordered filed. C~m~unication from the League of Virgi~a Count. ies~ requesting ,ail. list o~f-these authorized t° attend the Convention at Virginia Beach was presented. Upon motion, dUly made and seconded, each member of the Board able to attend was authorized 'to represent the: County. The County Executive reported that he had conferred with Public Works Administra'tion officia, ls in '~shington with reference to extension of t~e-~i.~h~whieh.,to~,he§in of sewer work at Fry's Spring and that he had received a .comnunication from Mr. H. A. Gray, ~Assistam% ~dministrater, ~nting extension of time to November ~, 1958. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed: 1. County Exeeu tire, 2. District Board, University of Virginia HospitaI. The County Executive called the Board 's~,-atte~tionI to the fact that the By-Laws of the Crozet Fire Company provide for the appointment of~a~ Fire Board, consisting of five members, by this Board. 'Upon motion, duly made and sec6nded, Messrs. E. L. Sa~dridge, C. W. Sand- .I ~idge, J. W. Montague,. Se ~. NOttingham, Jr,, and D. D.~MacGregor, Sr;, were appointed to co~- pose this ~oard.. The County Executive recommended the employment of an Inspector to supervise the con- struction of the new Office Building. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive ~was authorized to employ an Inspector at a salary not to exceed $I00.00 per month.. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the Depart. sent of Finance for the month of October, 1938, one-third of which ~ be borne by the State. This statement was .examin~ed, verified and approved. Mr. H. L. Smith, Resident ~hgineer, reported that he had- viewed the proposed road, which Mr. W. H, Robinson suggested the Board recommend being taken into the Secondary System of Highways,and strafed that he~c.ou~td mot ,~eeemmend ~ha%:~su~h action be taken. Upom~motien, duly mad~e ~nd seconded, the recommendation eF the Resident E~gineer was adopted. It was brought to the~ attention of the Board that the. citizens who served in 1957 as members of the Board of ~qualizatio~ had been required tode~ote~ e~nsiderable time to a ease which had been appealed to the Court. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was or- dered that each member of this Board be paid $2,00 per day, plus mileage. A communication from Mr. J. F. Garth, tendering his resignation as an~'~emptoye~ bF~t~ Department of ~Finance, effective December I, 1~38, was preached. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. Garth's resignation was unanimously accepted Messrs. W'. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, and H. W. Walsh appeared and recommended that no appea! be taken in the Annexation Matter. Upon motion, duly m~de and seconded, the recommendation of' the CommonweaIth~S ~Attorney was adopted. The Commonwealth's Attorney called the Board's attention ~to.~the fact that Mr. ~alsh had been employed for a fee of $~00.00'i in commec~ion~wi.~h the Anmexation-ProCeedings, but that the work had required considerably m~re time than he-d.had ~am~i~i.pated. Therefore, he recommended that Mr. WaI'sh's fee be increased, Upon motion, duIy made and seconded, f~e of Mr. H. W. Walsh for. ~ professional services in connection with the Annexation Proceedings .wa.s increased to $?00.00. The following Rese,lu%io~,$ffe~red~hy.~Mr. ~E~-~$,Bailard, duly seconded, was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, W. L. Maupin, Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court'of Albemarle County, Virginia, has recently completed a General Index To Deeds from 1925, and WHERF~$, due to the methods employed in its production, a~dthe ly manner in which the work has been done, a system unique in the State Virginia has been produced, which is invaluable to~he~citizens of Albemarle County, ~' NOV~; '~THE~ORE,' BE'IT RESOLVED'by the Board of CoU~by Supervisors of Alb~arle O0unty, Virginia, that'this Board desires, to express to Mr. Maupi= its sincere appreciation of this work, and to commend him for his diligence in cempIeting a task of such immense proportian. The following Claims against the Dog Fu~d were presented and denied ~fo~r %he reaso~s indiea~ed: G. A. M~wyer, Chickens--Evidence not sufficient; H. F. Estes, Turkey--Not Assessed; Mrs. H. F. Estes, Turkey-~Not Assessed, Action of c~aim of Mrs. R.~ W. Foster agains~ the Dog Fu~d was deferred until the next r eg~Iar meeting. Communication from Mr. '~. H, Copenhaver, Vice Presid-emt. e£ Re Aibemarle, Chaco%er of ~z~ak Walton Lea~e,~requesting that provision be ~de to seeure-~nFo~on as to the o~e~ship of dogs when ~rsonal ~rope~y is assessed For lgsg,.-was..p~esented. ~is ~tter was reFerre~ to the Director of Fin~ce For attention. ~e COUn~ ~eeuttve and the ~o~eaI~h~s A~o~ey were instructed to confer ~th the p~per Ci~ official ~d ascertain whether or not ~-Ci-~,~s~ interested i~ e~nstru~ the S~ag~ ~st~ a~ ~'s Spring by use of the P. W. A. Grant. ~e follo~ng Clai~ in connection with the ~nexation. Pro~eding~, having be~ ap- proved bY the C~mo~ealth's Atto~ey, were presezted and ordered ~d~ ~. D. Booth, $150.00~ Jesse B.. ~ilSon, $62.~0. ~ ~ C!a~s, ~e~ting to $48,487~27, ~gainst the Co~ we~ p~esen~ed, ~i~ed,-verifie~ ~d approved a~d ordered ee~ified te the Director of Fiance for pa~e~ amd charged agains~ the fo. llowing funds: General School Dog. Tax Orozet Fire District Road Debt: Charlottesville District Ivy District' Rivanna District E~u em~ Miller District Scottsville Distri ct White Hall District School Building Construction Office Building Construction Commonwealth of Virginia $ 32,823.8? 88.18 .08 .02 250,06 800°08 .07 °03 1,542,g3 2,787.98 ,. 2~43.18 Total $48,487.27. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. (~.~~..Z~¢..~ ., Chairman / ~hSpeeial Neeting of the Board' of County Supervisors of' Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the O0ur~ House of the said Ooun~ on the gth day of ~e~ber, Present: Nessrs. J. M. F~y, E. J. Bailard, P. H. Gent~, H. Ashby Harris and ~reel! NcOUe. A~sent: Dr. L. G. Roberts. R. S~art Royer, of Rie~d, v~rginia, presented his elaimand d~md against the Ooun~ of Alb~arle in ~e s~ of Three ~ousand F~ur~'~H~.d~ed,...~W~.~y-~o~. amd g~/1OO '~llars ($~,~2'~;g'~)For s'e~ices rendered' iz connection wi~ a s~erage system and sewe~ge disposal pI~t iz the area of Alb~rle County km~n as the ~y's Sprigs S~i~ry ~strict. After due consideration, the follo~ng resolution was adopted: ~R~AS, R~ 'S~uar~ R0yer, of Ric~ond, ~mrg~a, has presented his e!aim against the Co~ty of Alb~rle in the s~ of $~,~2~.g8, for settees to said Cou~y, as more fully set out in ~s ~wri.~-tem~..eta.~ thi~ day p~esented and filed$ ~d ~E, t~e a~a ~ as the ~"s Springs Sanitary District lies almost whoIIY within.the area o~ A~BemarIe Coun~ ~i~ was recently annexed ~y the .Ci~ o~ ~arlo~te~lIe in a pre~i-,. ~l.d.i.~l.the, C~.~,t Cou~ of ~'~h regard-~-o ~he eIaim, of ~he ~id"'R. ~uart ROyer~ and ~AS, re~er~ee to said order reveals that~ said annexation ~eere'ed that~ in the evemt the said R~ E~uart Roy~ estabIiShed all or ~y porti~ ef 'h~s ela~ aga~ns~ ~e 'Coun~ of Albe~rle by de,ruination of s~e Judicial Body, the Ci~ of ~arl~.esville, Vi~ginia~ would be tiab~e .Eer..~e