HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-12-09SPECIAL Co~nunica%ion from Mr. ~E. H. Copenhaver, ¥ice PreSidentt .of the ~Atbemarle. Cha~ter of Zzaak Walton League,~reques~ing ~ha~ provision be ~de ~o secure infor~ion as ~o ~he e~e~ship of do~s when ~rsanal prope~y is assessed for. l~,~was.~re~sen~ed. ~is ~er was referred ~o ~he Director of Fin~ce for ~e Coun~ ~Xeeutive and~the ~onweaI~h's A~o~ were instructed to co~fer the proper Ci~ effi~ial ~d ascertain whether or not ~he--Ci~was izterested ~i~ ~nstru~ the S~ag~ ~st~ A~ ~'~s Spring by use of the P. W. A. Grant. ~e fel!o~ng Clai~ in connection with the ~nexa~ion Prom~edi~g~, having be~ ap- proved by the C~mo~ealth's Attorney, were pres~ted and ordered ~Xd:: ~. D. Booth, $I~0.001 Jesse B. Wilson, $62.~0. Claims, ~o~ting to $48,~8T~27, mgai~st the Co~ty we~ p~esented, ex~ined, verifie and approved a~d orde~d codified to the Director of Fiance for pa~e~t ~d charged agains~ the fe. liowing funds: General School Dog. Tax Urozet Fire District Road Nebt: Char lottesvilte District Zvy District Rivanna District Samuel Mill er District Ecott s vil I e Di s~ri ct White Hall District School Building Construction Office Building Construction Ccmmonwealth of Virginia Total Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. $ ~2,~2Z.67 88.15 .02 280.08 800.08 .O7 .0~ 1,842. ~Z 2, ?8?,95 $~8,487.27. ~ , Chairman ~b~peciaI Neeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at %he C0u~ House of the said County on the ~th day of December, Present: Messrs. J. N. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris amd Pureel! NcCUe. A~sent: Dr. L. G. Roberts. R. Stuart Rbyer, of Richmond, virginia, presented his claimand demand against the County of Albemarle in the s~n of Three Thousand FbUr~Hum~ed~.~wem.~--~o.~r and. ~/I00 'Dollars ($~42'4~*~'5') for s'ervices rendered in connection with a sewerage system and sewerage disposal pla~t in the area of Albemarle County ~nown as the Fry's Springs S~itary District. After due consideration, the following resolution~ was adopted: U~HEREAS, R~. Stuart' R0yer, ef Ric~ond, 'Virginia, has presented his Claim against %he County of Albemarle in the sum of $$,424.~, for services to said County, as more fully set out in his ~wri-tten~ -claim thi~ day presented and filed'~ WHERF~E, the area known as the Fry's Springs Sanitary District lies almost wholIY within the area o~ A~Bemarle County which was recently annexed b~ the .City of Charlottesville in a preceed~i-ng, held .i,n-the. C~euit Court of AIbemarIe Cbunty; and W~E:RM~: ~S, the order of~ said annexation ~ceu~ma~de.~-certain~ provisions wi'~h regar'd~ tO the elaim~ of the said" R. Stuart Royer~. and WHE~qEAS, reference to said order reveals thatI said annexation Court decreed that in the event the said R. Stuart Royer establi~hed all or any portion ,f h'~s claim against the County of ~Ibemarle by determination of s~ne Judicial body, the City of Charlottesville, Virginia~ would be liable NOI~, THEREFORE, be and it hereby resolved that the said Royer claim is hereby, unconditionally refused, it being the sense of this body that the said Royer recover nothiRg from the County .of Albemarle upon the claim asserted o - Mr. Co A. Paxson, Attorney.for Mr. R. 'Stuart Royer, reque.sted~the Chairman er this Board 2e accept notice-that his client was appeasing the decision of this Board to .the Circuit Cour~ of Albemarle County. Upon advice of the Commc~weal%h,s Atter~,ey~1 the man refused to accept such notice. The National Bank and Trust Company requested permission to exchange securities, which it now has deposited wi~h the Peoples National Bank in .esc~ew-~t.e secure the coUnty's deposits. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following.. Resol.ution..was. unanimously adopted BE ITP~SOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the National Bank and Trust Company, .of~-~arlottesvil. le, Vir- ginia, be and is hereby-authorized ~o make the foll~wing exchange of securities, deposited with the Pebples National Bank, of Charlottesville, Virginia, in es- crow to secure the CoUnty's deposits: TAKE DOWN: $1,000;O0..~U. ~; Treas.. S ~8~ of 47, 4,000.00 U. ; Treas. 3 of 43-4~, 10,O00.O0 U. $; Tr~a.s. 3 1~4 of 41, 6,000.00 U. S; Treas. 3 of.§§-$1, 10,000.00 U. S; Treas. 2 1/2 Of 80-82, 1,000.00 Fed. Farm Mtge. $ of 44-4~. (-~s~-~ ,ooo.oo u. of va. ,0o0.0o U. of va. e 8,ooo.oo u. of va. s due 9,000.0o U. of va. ~ $/~ due ,ooo.oo u. of va. due Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ~~ ., Chaimaz. A regular meeting of the Board of Count~ Supervisors of Albemarle County; Virginia, was held at the Court House of the said County on the 21st day of December, l$SS, Pr&sent: Messrs. J. M. Fr~, E. J. Batlard, P. H. Gentry~, H. Ashb~~ H~rris, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. ~bsemt: None. Minutes of the meetings of November 16, 1538, and December ~, 1~8, were re~d and proved. The County Executive reportod that he had received a request from Mr. M. A. Hubbard, of the Division of MaC, ets, State Dep~rtment of Agriculture, for an appropriation of $8~.00 to cover the cost of testing the scales in the county. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was instructed to advise ~he Division of Markets that the Board ~id'~ot~onsider it advisable to make this appropria- tion at this time. ~r. ~. 0. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, reported that he had forwarded notice from R. Stuart Royer to the effect that He had appealed to the Circuit Court of Albemarle Oounty refusing his claim in the from th~ action of this Board in/the s~m of $3,$~24.~, to Mr. E. V. ~alke~, City Attorney, for his attention. The Dire~ctor-of ~inan~e Ca~led~-t~e~o~r~'S attention to the fact that on December 19~8, the v~lue of securities of the National Bank and Trust Company v~s insufficient to cover the County's deposits in that institution. Therefore, he reqmested the National Bank and Trust Company to deposit the following securities with the PooD!es N~tional Bank in escrow to protect the County's dep0sits~