HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-12-21 'NOW, THEREFORE, be and it hereby resolved that the said Royer claim'
is hereby-unconditionally refused, it being the souse ef this body that the
said Royer recover nothing-from the County of Alb~rle upon the claim
as s erred. ' -
Mr. C. A. Paxson, Attormey for Mr. R. 'Stuart Royer, requested the Ch~i rman oF this
Boar~' ~o accept notice-that his client was appealing the decision of this Board to the ~
Circuit Cour~ of Albamarle County. Upon advice of the Commonwealth's Atte~r~ey, the Chair-
man refused to accept such notice. ·
The National Bank a~d Trust Ccmpany ~equested permission to .exchange securities,
which it now has deposited with the Peoples National Bank in ~escrcw,.%o secure the cOUntY's
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the follOWing .Resolu.tio~.~was.unanimously adopte~
BE IT RESOLVED by' the Board of County Supervisors~ of .Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the National Bank and Trust Cmmpamy, of_Charlottesville, Vir-
gi~nia, be an~ is hereby authorized ~o make the foli~wing exchange of securities,
deposited with the PeOples National Bank, of Charlottesville, Virginia, i~ es-
crew to secure the County's deposits:-
$1,O00;DO U. S; Treas. S $'~8 ef 47,
4,000.00 U. S, Treas. $ 1~4 ef
I0,000.00 U. S~ Treas. $ i~4. of 41,
6,000.00 U. S; Treas. $ of 55-51,
10,OO0.00 U. $~ Treas~ 2 1/2 0f 80-52,
1,000.00 Fed. Farm Mtge. ~ of 44-49.
~SIT: -
e,ooo.oo w.
v,. s
9,000.00 u. of Va. 3 ~/~ due 2~1~51,
v,. s
Upon motion,~ the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County SuPervisors of Albemarle County; Virginia,
was held at the Court House of the said Co,Anty on the 21st day of December, 1938.
Pr&sent~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Battard, P. H. Gentr~,~ H. Ashb~ Harris, C. Purcell
NcOue', and Dr. L. G. Roberts,
~bsent: None.
Minutes of the meetings of November 16, 1938, and December ~, 1~8, were read and ap-
The County Executive reportedthat he had received a request from Mr. M. A, Hubbard,
of the~Division of Ma~hets, State Dep~rtment of Agriculture, for an appropriation of $8~.00
to cover the cost'of testing the scales in the co~uty.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was instructed to advise
;2he Division of Markets that the Board did?noto~onsider it advisable to make this app~opria-
tion at this time.
Mr. ~'. 0. Fife, Commonwealth's .Attorney, reported that he had forwarded notice from
R. Stuart Royer to the effect that he had app~ealed to the Circuit Court of Albemarle County
refusing his claim in the
from the action of this Board in/the s~m of $3,~24.~, to Mr. E. V. Walke~, City Attorney~
for his attention.
The Dir~tor:;of Finance ca~l~:tHer:B~ard's attention to the fact that on December ?,
19.38, the value of securities of the National Bank and Trust Company was insufficient to
cover the County's deposits in that institution. Therefore, he requested the National Bank
and Trust Company to deposit the following securities with the PeoD~les National Bank in
escrow to protect the County's deposits:
$10,000; U. S. Treasury 2~s of 1950-52 Nos. 14693C
1,000. Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation 3~s of
1~6¢-~¢ No. 13861A.
I4~000~ ~Federal'F~rm 'llortg.~g.~ 'Oo~oratio~ 3s of
1~-44 Nos. 2~04~41A-42B-43C-~O~'3C-
t~ dep. o. sii"~heT~it~win'[:se~urtlles' With The ~hase'. National Bank
The ~.:fol.leWf~:.E~'Olu~on
Revolution did on W~esda~i ].~e'ember
~N-O~.- THEREFOr,. BR'"IT"~SOLVED-~:.BY.- -%he"B~rd- 'of'/co~n. %y.. Supe r-
visors of ~be'~rle Oo~%i~- Virg~.~i~f.'.~hsi-~i's'r~c~J'~:e pIaced
up. on. the minutiae of ~bis Board, e~re_sM~.0a behalf of the C~niy
Oftlbemarie de~;. a~~%fon""foF~ ~ handsome'"'%~bule, ~
BE IT~FURTHE~ RE.~SOLVED that a .cope. _of these Resolutions be
se~t to the Boa of %he Jack Joue%t Chad}er of the Daughters of
the '~ic~' ReVolution.
O]~im Of"ll~; O,E; ll~'ran-l"fer':reimbursemen% f~r purchase of ly~ewrit'er in"1927, amount.
The- £olt:owi~g:,.Rep.~-t.s were~ ~esen}~d and orderid filed
M~; H; t, PI~den~.:'Df~e~or-of'Finance,. 'submitted' a statement of exp..enses of the Bepart.
ment of Finance for the month of November, 19~8, one~third"ot~"which'~exp, e~ses are to be borne
be..in' 'a ~OsBion "%o avai~-'"tt~S'eIf'"~f'the' PUBIic"~ork's "~nistratien '~lOtment'Tor %he"Frf s
.~.r..in~... Sanitary. Dis.triers-"was pr~'.sented,
Claim':of' 'firs; 'L' 'W;' Y0'ster ag.a!nst the D~g [~..d" 'for' six"~arke[S missin[,S~nce about
'first' :OfN~Vember, 1'9~8,_ was presented amd denied for la~k o~ evidence ~hat %hey ~were
killed .bx. dogs.
Claim of Mrs ~ Ma~., .Darnetl for'-six hens kilted'tx .,d, og.s....'was-, p';.qs:ented' and' ordered- paid,
The Co'antE .Executive recommended P,..N. Sha.ckelford as Insp~eotor .d~rin, E::;CO~Sl~iction
of Office Building, at a salarX of $1OO,00 ~er month. Up.on .motion, dUll-:made' and ~econded,
Mr. Shackelford wat' ap~ointe&
RE: "A~TOMOB.t~-.,GR~VEYARDS". Sugg~:stion.-h~viag, }send-made· %ha% mn~er the R~re~ isions
tof Chap~er ~04 of the Acts-of the ~ner~ Assembi~:~ ~Virg~a of. 15~8,-thie~-B~rd~has
authority~ %0' .a'dop%-' ~ OrdUres, ~ROS~g".'.!icense '~xes-'m~0n" ~d ct.hearse, re~~E the
fines' ~d
lfor such ~'e~--,~v~g::b'een---~,t'~
intention to .prop.$se.~%he..s.ame. for. ,adeR:~ion-, at th.~.--~.x~ reti~..i:ar--meeiing.:of this-.Beard, to -be
held on January:~'!$~h~, 1~91, shall be p~btished as' required by;~law.
Commu.~i.cation from-lM1~. W,. L, ~apin,, ..aokn-~iedg~g-::receip, t.. Of co~ .of-a Resolution
.~Of--i~s Bo.a~ adop%ed-.~% the last re~lar me~in.g.~, wa.s-~es~.%ed a~-ordered, filed,
Ugon motion, dulx~de ~d $econdedt_%he sa~ries of ~sses ~e
lic Welfare was presented and _ap~roved=
allowed and'-.o~dered ce~ti'f~ed to 'the Director of Finance for ~. pnt and. char~e.d ag~.~inst the
Do~ ,Tax
Croze% Fire~Dis~ri'~
Ro~I Debt,=
~el ~1~ ~s~ict
Of f i~'-B~I~K_~~~
- SChool --B~x, td~ :~:on~'c%i~on
Com~alth-of Virg~-~
$ '-6, ?cY9',94~'
Ugon mo%ign~_ the meetimg~*A[qmrae~t,'
A regular meetiug...of ~he. Board of ~o~y.$uper~ia~rs._of. Albemarle C~oumty, Virg~nia,
was held at the Court House of .tlhe_ seid.,~Ccu~y on the 1~. day of Jamaary, 1~$9.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. ,J. Ballard, P. H. Gem~ry, H. Ashby Harris, 'C..Pureol]
MCCue, emd ~re L. O. Rober~Se
Absent= None
McCue was unanimously elected ~emporary Chairman,
The temporary Chairman ~eok the ohair and ,called for n~mtna~ions for ~he Chairman of
the Board. Mr. J. M. Fray was nominated ~y ~re L. G. Robert. s, seomded by Mr. ~. J. Ballard
and unanimously eleo~ed Chai~mn of ~he Board fm~ the year 19~9.
The Chainman ~hen ealle~ for nominations for Viee-Chairmane
Mr. P. H. Gentry was nominated by Mr. C. Purcell MeCue, seconded by Nr. Ho Ashby
Harris. Mr. Gerry w~s unanimously elecbed Viee-Ohairman for %he year 1959.
The ~hairman then a~aounced the appointment of the £ollewing to eompose %he Finance
cemmit~cee for the year 1959: Messrs, C. Pureell NeCue, Chairman,~Pe Ho Gentry, ar~ Dr. L.
G. RobertS.
Minu~es of ~he meeting ef December 21, 1958, were read and apprevede
Mr. W. O. Fife, C~mo~ealth's A~orney, reported ~hat 'he had. investigated the re-
~uced assessmen~ of the Sou~hern Re[lway Company. The reduced assessme~ w~s 'brough~ abou~
by the fol!e~ing=
1. Re~uc~ion in the value per mile of maia l~me°
2. Redme~lca in the ~lue p~ mile e~ side ~rackse