HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-01-18286 .Old. Ag~ :Dep ~end G~e~l.. Ret~ef Blind Ad~ni.s~o~n T~al allowed and"'o~derod c~'~ified 'to-t'he Director of Finance for Ra ~_ .en~ and-char.~e~ a~i~ast the following_.fund~: General School Dog .Ta'x Croz.e~: ~oad Debt: ~uel ~l~-er District Co~on~t:h of Vir~a Te~eal Upon motions, the me A regular meeting_of the Beard of. Co~n~y.Super~ia~rs _of.~lbemar_l.e Couaty, Virginia, was held a~ %he Court House of .~.he_ sa~d,.Dcun~y on ~he l~h day of Jammary, 1959. Presen2: Mess~e J. M. Fray, E...J.. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C. Pureel] McCue, and Dr. Lo G. Roberts. Absent~ None McOue was unanimously eleote~ temporary Chairmen. The %emporary Chairman ~ook the chair' and called for nominations for ~he Chairm~n ef ~he Board. Mr. J. ~. Fray was nomina%ed by ~re ~. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. ~. J. Ballard and unanimously elee~ed Chaimam of ~he Board fc~ %he year 19~9, The Chairman then called for n~mina~ions for Viee-Ohairman. Mr. P. H. Gem%fy was nemina~ea by Mr, C. Pureell McCue,., seconded by Mr. H. Ashby Harris. Mr. Gez~ry was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman for ~he year 1~$~. The Chairman %hen anmeu~ed ~he appointment of the following ~o compose 2he Finance ~°mmit~cee for the year 1959: Mess'rs, C. Purcell McOue, Ohairman,~P.e Ho Gentry, an~ Dr. Lo Roberts. Minu~es of ~he m.ee~ing of December 21, 1955, were read and approved. Mr. ~. O. 'Fife, C~mmo~e~l~h's A~rney, reported %hat he had inves%iga%e~ the re- duced assessmen~ of'the 3ou2hern R~lway Cmupany. The reduced assessment w~s ~rough2 abou~ by the fol!e~ing: 1. Reduction in the value per mile of main lineo 2. Redme~im in 2he ~lue p~ mile ~f ,side %raeks. The fol!~wing Ordinance, .presented by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, was ado.p~d :~y.L~+Jae fei- lowing recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J.-M. Fray, E. J. Bal!ard, P. H,.Gent~ry, H.-Ashby Narris,/C. l~Areell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Reber~s$ ~Noes: None: AN- ORDINANOE I~?OSING. LI~SE TAXES UPON, RE~ RING PERMLT'~.-.FOR, AND REGULATING THE MAINTENANOE OF PLACES COMMONLY KNOWN AS "AUTOMOBILE..G .P~VEYARDS", AND PRES- CRIBING FINES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED,. by the Board of Co~uz~g:'SupervisorS_.of Albemarle Cou~y, Vi rEiui~,, th at: Every person, firm or eo:~o~tion who intends to maintain or ~per~e in the County of Albemarle a place comonly known as an "automobile graveyard", shall, before such place is ope~e~ or operate~, obtain a p~mi% from the Board of Coun~ y Bup cr- uisers of Albemarle County showing appeo~ai_ of the location;_ Every person, firm or e°rperation who shall maintain or operate a~ "a~obile g~veyard" in ~he said County shall for each such place pay a license tax ma all sales made during ~'~e pre- ceding catboat year as follows: If the mnou~ of sales shall r~t exceed $1,000 ~gae tax shall be $10.O0~ On all sales over $1,000 and less ~han $2,000 ~he ~ax shall be $8'.00; ~ on ali; sales over $2,000 and less t~en $20,000 the tax shall ~ fo ~...r~fxve~ce~ts (&Sd) on the hundred dollars in excess of $2,000 o For the fi~ st year the ~ax shall be based upon au estimate of business to be done durin, g the year° As used i~ this ordinance the term "automobile graveyard" shall mean auy 1~ or place which i~ exposed to ~he weather upon which more ttaa~ five motor vehicles of auy' kin~ incapable of being operated are pisceS. Any persoa violating the-pr~_sions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than $~2e80 n~ more than $20°00~$or e~a. eh day the violation exists or oontinueso IN THE NATTER OF DISCONTINUING A 8HGRT CONNECTING ROAD BETWEEN ROb~ 2Zl ~ND ROUTE ~, NEAR CISMONT SCHOOL, IN THE OOUNTT OF ALBEMARLE: Application havi?~ been made ~o the. Board of County :Supervisors of_Albemarle County by t~iley B. Johneo n to have discontinued a shor~ unused connecting r.oad between R~ates 281 a~ 8, ~ear 0ism~ 8ohool, in 1ah° Oo~y of Albemarle, and i% appearin~g ~at ri°rices have he,refer° been posted with regard thereto and the required ~w~n~y days havi~g new elapsed, it is ordered tha~ Messrs° P. T. Minor, J° B. Kegley, J. ~. Thurman, S. T, Whi~e, amd H. Vo Herold, any three of whom may act, be appointed as View~s whose duty i~ shall be to view said u~ased connecting road and make repor~ in writing whether in their opini~ any:a~, if any, wha% inconvenience wauld result from dis- continuing the same; the viewers herein zamed shall, after being duly sworn, mee~ at the location ef said read at 10 O'el°ek, on the 10th day ef February, 155~, view .said ~mused road proposed to be closed, and file with the Elerk of this Board their repor~ in writing; And i~ is further ordered t hat the 8~ate !Ltghway Commission shall be made a party to this proceeding° IN TBE MATTER OF DISCONTINUING A PORTION OF WHAT IS CC$~MONLY KNOWN AS MOUNTAIN ROAD, IN BROWNS COVE: Application having been made to the Board of ~o~a~y Supervisors of Albemarle 0o~y by L. T. Saul to have ~$.e~n~.~immed Ch° unused portion of ~ha% eer~ain road known as Mommbain Road from Doyles Creek leading in an easterly direction through the property of Lo T. Saul for a distance of approximately $OO yards,and it appearing ~ha% no~iees have here- refer° been posted With regard th~eto and ~he required t~ty days having n~r elapsed, it is ordered that Messrso P. T. Minor, J. B. Kegley, J° O. Thurma~, 8. T° ~ite, and ~. V° Heret~, any three of Whmm may act, be appointed as viewers whose duty it shall be to view ~he portion of~said l~oun~ain Roa~ now desired robe closed, amd make repor~ in writing whether in their opinion any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuing ithe samos the viewers herein ~mmed shall, after being duly sworn, mee~ at Said road on iDeyles Creek at 11 O'clock. on ~he 10~hda.V of Februar~v. laSS. view fhat~l oorti'en of to be closed, and file with the 01erk ef this Board their repor~ in wri%iug; And' it is fur%her ordered this proceeding. : The followi~gReDor~s were ~resented, a~o~e..~d,: and ordered filed: 1, County Executive, 2. C. G. Or,er, Count~,~cal Farm, Agent, ~ S. UniVersi~y'of ~irgin~a HosPi%al~'.~ 4. Dis%riot Board, 5. City Library. Board. ~cmmunicatfons from the State C~mpensation Board, ~hoWing:al.~n~es for the year 19S9 for the offices of Cmmmonweal~x's Attorney and Dep~...ef.Eiu~e,-were presented and ordered filed, The following Report of the Finance Comml~ea_waa.~rasented and approved: January 4, lgs9 To the Members of %he Board of Cou~ S~pervlserm of the CounSy of Albemarle, Virginia: Gentlemen~ Your Committee wishes $0 report fha%. the fal!owin.g Transfers of In%er. st are due the several fundS' as ~£ january. 1,:/19S9o FROM: Soottsville District Road Deb~ Fund $S, 4~5.00 TO: * General Fund $1 ** I ~vy. ~D!~$trie~ Road Debt Fund 275 .~0 *** Rivanna DiStrict Road Debt Fund I~eres~ for lyear ~f So' Dis~. S's ~e' 1/1~/47. I~e~ for ~ m~hs on I~eres~ for 1 year on $3,~0.00 ...... $ In~ere~ for 1 year $S11,~ ~'~ Se,: Total........ Samuel Miller Dis%riot Read Debt Fund Ri~uma Dis~r'ict Road Det~ Fund $1, P~O~O0 Interest for 6 months on $50,000,00 S. M. Dist. 5's Respa~cfally submitted, (Signed) :_C.?.puRC ~LL _N~CUE ') ) FINANCE (Signed) P.H.. _GENTRY ) (Signed) - L., O. ROBEt~'8- ) Mr. H. A. Had~, Director of Finance, mbmitte~ a stat.recur of ~penses of the Depart- merit of Finance for the month of December, 1938, one-third of which are ~o be bonae by the State. This $~a~emen~ was examined, verified, and apprevede The County Executive was instructed to request the City of Charlottesville to in- crease its contribution towards the operation of the Joint Health Departmmt in proportf~ ~o the amoun~ of taxable property transferred to the City on accoun~ of the recent Annexa- tion Proceeding. The follaving Resolution, offere~ by Mr. g. Purcell MeCue, seconded by Dr. L. O. ~oberts, was unanimously adopted: BE IT R~ ~LVED, by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County l~a~ ~e County Executive and Dire~or of Finance be and he is hereby authorized ~o proceed ~o enforce by Chancery~ or other lawful proceedings,, the p~ment of de- linquent and unpaid taxes on la~ds in the County of Albmmarle, and the. said County Executive and Director ef Finance is fur- ther authorized to ,selec% an attorney, er at~orueys, for the purposes aforesaid, The Oounty Executive recommended the appointment of. Mr...E...P_...Durrette as Assessor in the ,Charlottesville District. - Upon motion, duly made and seconde~,..~,Mr~ ~Durrette was ap- pointed · The County Executive was-authoriZed to request change.in, the Office Building Speci- fiCations regarding Counter in the office of the Department_.of~Einsn~e, the estimated ad- diticnal cost of ~hich is A communication from the Sta~e Departmen~ of Education,. advising that Literary Bon~s could not be anticipated unless they were paid fr~m £~nds tn the Counby Treasur~ was prea~ntede The Commonwealth's Attorney advised the Board that he was ef%he~ opinion that these Literary Loans could' be refunded. Upon ~otion, duly mada and seconded,~.~ the Commonwealth's Attorney an~ the Eoun~y Executive were authorized te preened with.the refunding of these toa~s, Repo~ of ~T?~/~C~leman Audrews & Company on audit of the books ~nd me. counts of the Ooum~y of ~rle f~r the' yea~ em~ed~l .mDe~ ...S~, .Ig$8.,'..~was pres~mt~d amd or~ere~ file~. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell .~o~_,~ ~onded by Mr. H. Ashby Harris, was unanimously?dopted: RE SOLUTI C~. WHEREAS, ~ nation-wide organization.has been fomed, having f~r i~s.purpose ~he raising of funds to be used in the fight against infantile paralysis, and ~4EREAS, a local Chapter of this National will ~be 'formed, through which a portion ef ~/~e funds raised will be expended, and WHE~E~, %he campaign te raise funds, will culminate en January ~O, 1~9, the ~Ar~hday of the President of the United States,~ a victim of this dread disease, and. WHEREAS, the organization and 'i~s ~p~/r~.oses are unsel- fi ah, non-political, and non-sectarian, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by 'the Board of C~y ~upervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,. ~At %his Board go on record as aRRroving this work, amd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $25e00 be and is hereby appropriated to assis~ in this very worthy worke The following Resolution, offered by Nr. C. Purcell McOue, seconded by Mr. P. H. Gentry, was unanimously adopte~: RESOLUTi 0 N AMENDING ~VAGE SCALE · WHEREAS, 2~ ~as been bro~ught to the a~tention of this Beard ~hat ~he Wage Scale, adopted by Resoluti~ of ~his Board cn September 1, 1938, to be used in cons~mcti, mef Office Building, P. W. A. Docket No, Va, !OlS-F, did no~ include several classifications, which are new necessary to be used~tn ~his W~rk, amd · ~AS, ~he prevailing hourly wage ra~es being paid fer~these classi- fications in this locality to such employees for such work have been deter- mined by e~ference wit~ the employers of labor in the Cm~ty,. NOW, THE ~NFGRE~ BE IT 'RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of the CountS of Alb~arle, Virgin[a, that the following rates for the res- pective trades or ee~ti~s listed below sh~ll be and are hereby fixed as the ~imum hourly wage rates and have been determined in accordance with ra es~'~"~'vailing for v~rk of a similar nature in the locality in which the project is _being c~s%ructe~: Shovel Hod Mason's Plmmb~-r,.s Claims against the County, amounting ~o $84,~2S.48, were presente~, examined, the following funds: General School Dog Tax ~rozet Fire District Read Deb~: Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanna Dis tric~ Ssm~l Miller Distri c~ Scobtsville District White Hall Dirtier Office Building Construe~i 8cboe! Buit~ing Construction C~mom~ealth of Virginia 21,$18o84 185.96 224e02 2,825.11 14,797~16 1,249.84- ?,818,$6 6,890.98 Upon motion, the m~eting adjourned, ~'~~~ , Chairman. ,.6/ --/ A regular meeting of the Board of Oount-y Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at ~he Cou~ 'House o.f the said Cemnty on.the 15th day of February, 1959, Present: Messrs'. J. M, Fray, E, J.. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Aahby Harris, amd C, Purcell McCue, and Dr, L. G. Roberts, ~Min~es_ of.~he, meeting ef .J~muar~ 18, .1~S9, 'were read and ~ppreved, IN T~E MATTER 0F~.DISCONTINUING A SHORT CC~ECTiNG R0~D BEn, TEEN ROUTE 2Zl AND ROUTE 5, NEAR CISMONT SCHOOL, IN THE COUNTY OF ALB~RIE: .. The ~eper~ ef J. B. Kegley, P. ~. Minor and H. V. Herold, three of %he ~ewe~$ he.~etofore appointed at the regular J~auery, 1959, meeting of this Board, to' vi ew.a short maused/e/e~necting, road between Route 251 ~a~d Route 5, near Cismor~ Sqhoo1, in the Ceun~y~ of Albemarle, as..herein..speeiftcally designated, having been here%cf°re filed wi~h. th~..Oler~ ef fchis Boar~,. it. is ordered~ that the said report be spread upon the mi~u~es,~whieh i.s~,aeco~ingly~ done, ,as fellows:~ "20 THE HONORABLE BOARD 0F. COI~TYP~~~RS~.~OF ALBH/ARLE CouNTy, VIRGIN~/U We, the u~d~ s.igneA~_Viewer~,., appein~e.d~at a. ~eeting...cf your Beard held the 18th day ~. J.ama~, ~1~, .~ ..~ew.r~d_~.m.~. from Ro~e 251 ~e R~ ~5, a' dist,'ce of a~rox~ly ~ee h~d. (_$~) ~, l~ng f~m R~e 5 approximately ~ f~ of the Ci~% ~te 'So, el,. boule4 om ~ch~ Siae ~y ~d ~ea by Wil~ B. Johnson, ~d repo~ in w.~t~ ~ether ~ our ep~i0n ~[,. and if ~Y, ~2 tne~v~ienee w~Id ~12. f~m discon2i~i~ ~ ~ s~, beE. leave to m~e r~o~ ~ foll~: ~hat on the l(k~h da~r of February, lvsg, we met at ~he Clerk's Office ef ~he C~cui~-C~ e~ ~~le C~y ~d ~ter be~g..~ly s~ ~ ~ W. ~pin~ C!erk~ .of the ~d C~, ~ ~rocee'~e~ %O:.~ ~i~.~a~, We care- ~lly ex--ed ~e ~ead ~~ ~obe closed ~d~-~a% ~ our opi~on no inco~e~e ~1! re~t te any~e ~ s~ .road is disco~inued an~ elesede ~s~l~ s~t~ed, P. ~. N~or H. V. Herol4 Am~ i~ appearing that ~he Viewers I~d.been.swerm iu ac. eord~ee ~H~taw, ~d f~her a~ea~ ~om a~d re~ that no incon~ence ~11, ~ %he op~i°n of ~ ~ers, ~sul% to -~y~e if s~d road is disc~ti~ed ~d clese~; ~ it s~ll ~her app~ri~ ~a~ ~mley B, Jenson, ~he p~son who ~de application for disoon~nu~ee ~- ab~'°~..~ %he. afo~esal~ ~ad is ~ sole !~d prop~r ~ong the road so proposed.to be discon~i.me~.,, and that it..was, upm...the.applieatton of the said Wiley B. Johnson that v~ewers were appointed in this instance; and i~ fmr~her appearing'.frem correspondeuCe Bet~eeu representatives .of the Depar~men% of Highways and 'the C~mmenweal%h's Attorney of this C~nty tha~ .~e a£~smid Degar,. ,tme~r~ of Higt~s deeiines any part in this pr~eeedimg, taki~g the position ~ha.~. t~he ~roa~ ~pr~pese~ ~.to be closed is no~ in the Secondary S~s~em in any. manner, or fo~;i amd no. aause, havi~g been.shown against '.%he report of a~'i4