HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-02-15:.tP, e foll~ing f~mds:
Gene ral
Dog. Tax
~rozet Fire District
.Read' Deb~:
Charlottasville District
~vy DiStrict
Rivanma Dis tric~
Samuel Miller Distrie~
Scott~Ville District
White Hall District
Office Building Censtrue~i
Sehoo! Building Construction
Cammo~eal%h of Virginia
To~al $84,025.48
Upon motion, the m~e%ing adjourned.
A regular meeting ef the Board of ~in~y Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at ~he CoU~b 'House of the said County on .~he l~h ~ay of FebrUary, 1~9.,
Present: MeSSrs', J.. ~. Fre~, E. J. Ballard, Pe H. GentrY, H. Ashby Harris,
Purcell MeCa,, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absen~ Nonce
~Min~es. or'the meeting of Jauue_~ 1.8, .19S9, .wer. e .rea~ and approve~.
5, NEAR CISMONT SCHOOL, IN THE COUNTY OF A~B~: The ~Jspor~ of J. B. Kegley, P. $.
Minor and H. V. HeroI~, three of %he ~ewe~s heret,~fo~e appointed a~ the regula~r Jsmuery,
1959, meeting of tt~s Board, to vi ew.a aho.r~ mnused.~i~e~nmeeting read between Route 2$1-a~d
Route 8, near Cismon~ School, in the County...of Albemarle, aa..herein..speelfically designated,
having been hero,of, re filed wi~h th~.Clerk of__~his B~ard,. it~. is ordered~ tha~ the sa~d
reper~ be spread upon ~he minu~.es,.~whiCn~.is~.ac~orSingl~ done, ,as fellows~
We, the unde~ signe~l ~Viewe~a~. aRp.oin~.~ed~.a~ a. meeting .of your Beard held
on %h~ 18th ~ay of_Jama~y,..l~, %o ..vie~ road_whieh..ruua from Route 251
R~e ~5, a distance of .approximately ~hree hmndred. ($,(~) fe~, l~ding from
Rouge 5 a~proximate!ym [~ front of the Cism~n2 White :School, bour~ed on
Si~e by land ewne~ by Wiley B. Johnson, and. repor~ in writing whether in
epiuion an~,. and if a~y, what inconvenience would, result~ ~m discontinuing
~he same, beE. leave to make repor~ ~s foll~ws~
That on 2he l~h da~ o~ Fehrua~, 1~$9, wemet at 2he Clerk's Office
e£ the Circuit- Court ef Albema~ie C~r~y and after being d~ly sworn by Eva
W. Msupin, Clerk .of the 'said Court, we proeee'~'e~ te~triew ..sam~ . cad. We care-
fUlly eXamiued ~he road Irepese~'teBe closed and-:~epor~.,that in our opinion
ne inconvenience will result. ~o anycue if said ._road is discontinued and closed.
Res~lly submitted,
P. ~o Minor
H. V.
J. B. Kegley"
An~-it appearing that the viewers ~ad.been sworn .in ac. oor~anee ~Ith-~taw, end further
appearing ~,rem said report that no incon~nience Will, in 2he opinion of the Viewers, result
to 'anyone if sai~' road is discontinued end closed;
And it s~ilI fUrther app~zring ~ha% Vgmley B. Johnson, the person who made application
for discontinue'e en~~ abandonme~.~e~ ~h. aforeSai~ r~ad is ~he sole la~d proprietor along
the road so proposed t~o be discon~inme~, an~ that it..~was, app..the .aPplication of the sa~d
Wiley B. Joh~on that V~'ewers were appointed in this instance; an~ it ~ther appearing', from
correspondence betweem represent~iVes .of ~he Depar~men~ of Highways and 'the Commo~h's
Attorney of this Comn~y t~ha~ ~the a£el~es~d ~r~.nt~ 1of Higb~s deo!ines any par~ in this
proceeding, taking the position %ha~ ~he .no~ .pr~.pose~ ~te be closed is no~ in %he Seeondar~
S~em in any manner or form;, en~ no. eau se. ha~§ been.~Shown .against ~he repOr~ ef a~d
unused connecting read between Routes 231 and $, near Cismont School, in the County of
Albemarle, a dist~uce of apprOXimately ZOO feet, bounded on cache, side by the lands of
~Fmley B. Johnson, be and the same is. hereby discontinued and~cles.ed a's a public reade
IN BROAq~ ~O.V~: T~e rePort of J. B. Kegley, P. '~C. Miner and H. V. Herold, three of the
~iewers herebofOre apPointed at the reguiar January, !9~', meeting of this Board to view
*Joe unused p°rtim of that certain road kn°w~ as Mountain Road, from Deyles Creek lea~ng
in an easterly d'irecti.on through t~e' proper~y of Le T. Saml for a di;anCe heretofore esti-
mated at approximately ZOO yards, ~y the. Viewers estimated as ~00 yards, having been hereto-
fore filed ~th the Clerk of this. Bcard, it' is ordered that .~ke same be spread upon the
minutes, w~ioh is accordingly d'ne, as fellows:.
"TO ~ H0~0~BLE B0~mO ~ c0m~¥ ~P~wso~s o~ _A~'~ co~,
We, the undersigned Viewers, apPointe~ at a meeting of your Board held
on t.he l;th day of January, 1R$9~ to.view read which runs fr~m Doyle's
'Creek %hrmghthe proper~y elL. T.. Saul., adistanee.,of approximately
hundred (200) yar~s to a .point. where it intersects with. a ~ew road recently
censbructed by the C..Cd C.. Camp, and reporb._.in, wri ting .. wh ether .i~ our
opinion any, and if an~, What inconvenience would result from discmtinuing
the same, beg leave to make report as follows:
Tha~ ~ the lOth day of February, 1959, we. met at the Clerk's Office
of ~be Circuit Court of Albemarle Eounty and after being duly swor~ by Eva
W._~mpi~, Clerk of the said Court~ we proceeded to view said Road. We
carefully examined t~ read .proPosed. to be c!Osed~.and mporb that in our
opinion no inconvenience will result.~to an~one.~ if .said: read is discontinued
and closed.
R~spectf~lly submitted,
P. C. N~or
Ho Vo H_erold
. Jo B~ Eegley"
An~ it appearing that the aforesaid viewers were sworn in aeeordauee with law, amd
now appearing from t~heir said report ~hat no inconvenience will, in .the opinion of the
Viewers, result to anyone .if said road. is disc~tim~ed and closed;
~d it mrther appearing ~h~'~c theStat'e High~y C~mmissioner has been made a par~y
to ~is ~r°ee~ding; that L. Te Saml is the s~le la~d proprietor almg the read' so proposed
to be di$c~t£nue~; that. it w~s mpon the application of~L. T~ Saul that viewers were ap-
~peinted in this instance; and n~ cause having been.,ahew~ against 't. he same, -it is accord-
ingly ORDERED that the road in queation, ~that. is.to~ say. the now .unused portion' of a certain
road known as Nou~t~sin ~Read ~leading fromDoyles ~r~eekthrough the property of L. T. Saul, a
distance ef approximately 200 yards, .t~ a point ~whe~e ~it intersects with a new read recently
constructed by the C. C. ~. authorities., be a~d. ~the same is here. by discomfited a~d closed
as a p~blic reade
The following claims aga~ast the Dog Fund were presented, considered, amd approved
for payment: Dr. Percy Harris, $$e~; Sam Martin, $10e~$ E. R. Sm~rm!and,
Nrc P. H. Gentry nominated Dr. ~mlbur A. Nelson to serve as a member o£ the Albemarle
County ~cheol Board, succeeding Mr. George B. Zehmer. There being no far~her nominations,
Dre Nels~ was unanimously appeinted~'
T~e~Cou~t-y Executive was instruote~~ to Write Mr. Zehmer and express ~he Board's ap-
preciation for his very valuable service te the School ~y~emef Albemarle Oo~ by his
services as a member of the School Board.
Mr, H. A. Hadem, Director of ~i~a~ee~ ~ubmitted a sta%emen~ of the expenses of the
Depar~ment of Finance for the m~nth ef '~arma~ry, 1~$$~ one-third of these expenses te be
This statemem~ was examined, v~rified and appreved.
The foX'loWing-Resolution, offered-bY 'Dr.L. G. Reber*m~_~, duly seconded, was adopted
by the f~llowing recorded vote: Ayes: Messrse J. N. Fray, E. J. Batlard, P. E. Gentry,
H. Ashby Harris and C. Purcell MeOue ~d Br. L. Ge Robe~s; Noes: Nome:
riate $~e00 ~ assist in ad~er~isi~ the campaig~ of ~he Child '~elfare
Ass~ iati~ ~d
~E~, ~e ~_rk of ~s As~oi-a~ion:is mos~
NOW, THE~F0~, BE IT ~SOL~D by 2he B~rdof~.Ce~y S~e~sors
of ~rle C~a~y, Virginia, ~h~ $50e~ be
p~~ed ~o assis~ in a~e~s~g. ~he 19~9 c~~. ef ~he O~ld W~fare
A~soc ia~ on~
A e~e~i~ from the City Ceuheil, re~e~g..~,~~ttee be appointed by
the Board to co.er ~2h a similar Co~ittee f~m the City C~il., ~o ~scuss the app~
~atio~ of the ~ bodies ~o fi~e 2he'Joi~ He~th D~a~..for~e year ~gi~ing
July 1, 1'~, ~s presente~.
The Ch~n ap~i. nted Dr. L. G. Robe.r~ .~d ~. P. H..Ge~ ~ ~e C~ Exee~i~
to se~e as M~rs or'this
A~eo~cation from Mr. Li~ie L. Clark, tende~nE_~s_r~tion as a ~ber of
· ~ S~oet Board of ~be~rle Co~, ~s p~'e~mt~, up~ m~i~, ~y ~e ~d seconded,
~e Clark's ~sign~i~ ~$ .aeee~ed,~effec2i~e...upm .~appoi.~men~ of ~s ~ceessor. T~
C~y ~eeu~i~ ~s i~te~ ~'.~n~y~the Boar~s a~.~e~a~tou f~ his-se~ees ~ the
S~ool S~tem.
A eo~eation fr~ the...A~el~s~g E~ C~ee of the Ch~ber of Ce~erce, re-
~ e~i~ ~ ~prop~ation for .this f~d. for ~e
~s ~esented.
T~ C~y ~ecu~ive was inst~eted ~o ~clmde ~ t. he Budget for ~e fiscal ~ar
begging J~y 1, 1~9., $1~e~.~fer t~s ~posee
A co~cati~ f~m Mr.~. R. C~ude G~, ~lerk of~-~~rl'e C°u~y ~oheol
Board, r~qBesti~ ~e~ to ~he Budget for the ye~. en~ng ~J~ ..~.,. I$39, co. ring ~he
following transfers of fu~s:
17f=$9~ U~olas sifi~ed
w~$ presented.
1Tc-322 Vooatieaal
Classroom .Supplies. I?c-.314a,Music S~upplie.s
14. ~,
Upon motion, duly made an~ seconded, the TranSfers ~eq~es~ed were authorized.
A petition of the residents of Crozet. and vicinity. · wi~h reference. ~to police protection
was presented an~ referred to a special commi~%ee Consisting of Mr. C. Purcell McCue and
Br. L. G. Roberts and the Co~m~y Executive.
The following .reports were presented ~ud ordered filed:
1. 'Ceur~y Executive,
2. Farm.~Agent,
Se Home ~)em~stration Agora,
*. ~Assi~an~-~ Nome Demonstration Agent,
~. ~ni~ersi~y ef virginia H~spital.
The matter ef providing ~ravel allowance for the Game ~arden i~.order ~o enable him
to cover the County properly amd e~force the Dog Law was ~disc~sse~.~ Upon ~mo~ion, ~u!y made
and seconded, i~ was ordered that Mr. Herber~ L. Je~asen. Game ~arden, ~be paid a travel
allowance of $1~e~O per month for the months cf March, ~April,~.and~.May~,~ 1~, provided the
Game ~Varden s~$s to the ~ounty Executive such reports cf his travel during this period
of time as he may require.
The following R~sclution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded, was ~nanimeu~-
ly adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County. Supervisors of Albemarle
Ceu~y, Virginia, that the E*~te Highway ~emmission be and im hereby
requested to take into the Secondary System of Highways that piece ef
rea~ leading from Route 8~?, near Critzer's Shop., ~to the ~Eelered School,
a distance of approximately eno-quarter efa mile~
The repor~ of %he Dis%riot Forester on work ~u this county during the calendar year
19S8 was presentede Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Coup. Executive was inst~cte~
to write Mr. Berlin Eye, the District Forester, amd express to him._the.~Bear&!s appreciation
ef the very fine work v~ich has been done under his supervision in this' court, re
Reports of the Auditor of Public Accounts on auditsof-the, ac~o~ts, of Mrs-~ Eva Wo
MauPin, Cler~ sad Mr° Jesse B. Wilson, Trial Justice~ were. pres..emte.~ ~a~d'ordered filed.
Claims agai~s~ the Cou~y,emo~nti~g to $~8,282,~4, were~prese~e¢,~examine_d, verified,
a~d approved, a~d ordered certified to the Director of Finamee~.fer...~paymau~ amd charged against
the following fu~!s:
General $
School 19,57~e~9
Dog_ Tax 188o68
C ro zet Fire
I~ ~..~C~ ~R~d De~ 7,B58el~
Office Buil di~
Sc~ol .Building. Cons~e~ic=. 4,2~7e29
C~e~h of V~ginia
Total ' ~58,282.~&.
~pon motion, the meetimg adjcurmed.
, ~hairme_n ~
A Special Meeting of the Board of County 'Supervisors of.Albemarle Coumby, Virgimia,
was held at the Court House of the s~ ,~e~.t~ ~ the .3rd d~ of ~rch, 19~e
A c~ea~i~ fr~ the S~Oel BO~.d, requestimg ~ ~propriatie~ cf $0~.~ ~e cover
She cost of S~vey of the S~eol System im this eo~y to be made ~ ~he S~ Bo~d of
caries, ~s presemted.
~e folle~g Resolutes, effer~ ~y Dr. L. G. Robe~s, duly seceded, was ade~'ed by
~e felling recorded ~te: Ayes~ Nessrse E. J. Ball~d, P. H. Ge~, ~. A~by
~ O. Purcell McOue,~d ~r. L. G. Robe,s; Noes:' No~e:
~ IT ~L~D ~ She Be~d .cf Co~ S~e~sers of ~~le Co~ty,
Virg~ia~ t~t an app~ti~ of $~e~ be ~d ~e s~e is hereby
c~er ~he ee~ of a S~vey of the School S~t~ ef Albe~le Ceu~y, provided
22~ Se~o1 Bo~d r~eives from ~. Si~ B. ~1~, S~e~_~e~e~t of ~blie
Xm~ctiem, satisfa~e~ assm~ce ~t ~he i~e~ati~m desire~ ~11 be
~e SChool Bo~d them p~s~ted its Proposed Budget for the year ~eg~g July
~959. ~ter considerable ~seussiom, a Co~ee, ee~ist~g ef ~ E.~ R. Dottier,
Rebe~s, ~e 3upe~mt~d~t cf 3&oels,~d the Cou~y ~ecutive, ~s appeinte~ ~e f~er
ee~sider this Budget a~ repe~ te bo~h Bo~ds a r~e~emda~ as te ~t ch~ges~y
~e ~ order te b~mce the
The C~ Executi~ i~e~ed the Bo~d t~ t~ou~ ~ e~or, ~ appro~ati~ of
1,800.00 ~ be~ o~t~ed fr~ the Budget for the ~ e~ing J~ ~0, ~iR~, for the ~e~
ity ef Vir~a ~spi~, c~e~mg ~he c~e of i~igen~ ~atie~s. Up~ motion, duly made
~nd seconded, ~ a~p~atio~ ef ~,SO0~ was m~e t~ the U~versity ef Vir~nia Hospital
for the year ending J~ ~0, 19Z~, for t~ care of i~dig~t ~tie~s ~.~e follo~mg ~cerde,
v~e: Ayes: Ne~rme. E~J~B~lard, P. H.~ Ge~, H. Ashby Harris, ~d C. P~eel! MeCue,
~r~ L. G~ Rcbe~; Noes: N~e~
Upem motion, duly ~de ~d sounded, am appropriation ef $~.~ for ~he F~!y Cen-
~tatiem S~ee ~s ~de by the fe~ewi~ ~corded ~te: Ayes: Messrs. E. J.