HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-03-03SPECIALThe repor~ of the DistriCt For~s~er on work ~u this county during 2he calendar year 1988 was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, ~he Cour~hy-E~ecutive w~s inst~c~e~ to write Mr. Berlin Eye, the District Fores%er, and express to him%h~ Boar&!~s appreciation of the very fine work. v~ieh has been done ~nder his supervision in this. county. RepOrts of %he Auditor of Public Accounts o~ audi~sef-%he ac~.our~s of Mrs., Eva W. IMaup~i~, Cler~ and Nfo Jesse Be Wilson, Trial Justice, were presented _and ordered filed. Claims Ggainst %he Oou~y,~mour/ci~.g ~o $fi8,282.$~, were~pr_e~e~,~a~,-exami~ed, ve~fied, a~ ~ppro~, a~d orde~d codified go ~he Di~eo~or of Fin~a..f~r....p~ .~ oharge~ %~e following fu~ts: General School Dog Tax Creze~ Fire Dis~ic~. I~y Dis~.ric% .Read Deb~ Office Buil di ~g S ohool. Buil ding ~ Cen Commomvealth of Virginia' To~al $ 5, 8~5e$4 19,574o1~9 188e68 ~47.65 4,257029 ~58,282-~. Upon motion, ~he meeting adjourned. , .~hairma~. A Special Meeting of the Beard of Cou~y Supervisors of Albemarle Cou~y, Virginia, ~s held at ~he Cou~ House ef the ~-~s~ ~'~ ~ ~he .Srd d~ ~ ~rch, 19S9. Abs~t:: ~. J. M. Fray. A c~ea$i~ fr~ the S~ool Bo~d, request~g ~ ~preprimttem ef $~e~ ~e~ cover the ,est ef S~vey of %he 8~1 8yst~ im this eo~y te be m~e ~ the S~ ~d ef E~- cation, ~s presented. ~e folle~g Resolu~en, effer~ ~ Dr. L. G. Robe~s, d~y sec~ed, was adored by ~he foiling reee~ed ~%e: Ayes: Nessrs. E. J. Ball~d, P.H.E. Ashby a~ O. Purcell McCue,~d ~. L. G. Robe~s; Noes:' Nome: ~ BE IT ~LVED ~ ~ B~d Gf Co~ 3~e~sors of ~~1~ go~ty, V~g~ia, t~t am app~ti'~ of $~ be ~d ~e $~e is~ hereby ~de e~er ~he eo~ of a S~ey of the Echool S~tem of Albe~le Comfy, provided t~ So,el Board r~eives from Dr. Ei~ B. ~H, E~e~e~ent ef ~blie ~m~etiem, satisfa~o~ assm~ce ~hat ~he i~omatibm desired ~11 be ~ ~e Sehoot Bo~d the~ p~s~ted its Proposed Budget for the year ~eg~g July 1, Z959. ~t. er e~siderable ~semssiom, a go~ee, eonsist~g of ~. ~.~ R. Dora-er, Dr. L. Robe~s, ~e Supe~nt~d~t of S~ools,and ~e Oo~ ~ecutive, ~$ appointe~ to f~ther eomsider t~s Budget ~ r~o~ te bo~h Bo~ds a reeo~emda~ as to ~t eh~es.~y ~e ~ order $0 b~ce the The C~ Exeeuti~ i~e~ed the Bo~d t~t t~ou~ ~ e~or, ~ appro~ati~ of ~1,5~.~ ~ be~ o~t~ed fr~ the Budget for ~he ~ ending Ju~ ~0, ~19~9, for the ~er- ~ity of. Vir~a HospiCe, c~e~ng .the c~e of i~ige~t ~tien~s. Up~ motio~, ~uly made ~d se.ended, ~ a~rop~atio~ of ~,S00e~ was m~e ~o the Umive~ity of Vir~nia Hospital for ~he year en~ng J~e Z0, 1959, for t~ .are of i~dig~ ~tie~ts ~y~e follo~mg ~r~e~ ~te: Ayes: NesS'rz~Ei J~B~lard, P. H. Ge~, H. Ashby Harris, ~d C. ~eel! )r~ L. G. Robe~z; Ne.s: No~e. Upon motion, duly ~de ~d se~mded, am approp~mtiom of $~0,~_ for. the F~ily ~tati~ S~ee ~s ~de by the fo~owi~ ~eorded ~te: Ayes: Messrs. E. J. B~!~d, 29.4 motion, ~he meetfng..~djou~d~. A ~gular mee~img of She Board of Ceur~y Supervisors ~f ~b~rle ~o~y, V!rgini~ was hel~ a2 2~ C~r~ House ~f 2he Js~i~' ~:o~y ~ ~e, 15~h ~ay of M~h, - PreenS: Messrs..J. M', ~,~ E. ~. B~!~d,. P- E. Ge~, ~. ~h~ E~ris, and C. ~ell. McCue, a~ Dr. L. ~, Robs, AbSent: No~. M~es of t~ me.~gs, ef.FebEr~ 15, 1.~.g, ~d..~,S, lgsg, ~re read ~ ~. Fre~e~ek 2.~ Morse.~a~e~e~ b~e~,~he ~Boa~ in the i~terest of an a~licati~ ~ ~s ~n ~de ~ the ~U~ersitLy of ~ir~n~ A~~ OI~ to ~e S~te Corporation Oo~ ssien for ~ ~perary a~po~ ~ lie~s e. ~ fell~g~Reselm~i~, effe~,~ ~ ~. C. ~rcell M~ue, see~.~ by Mr. H. Ashby E~ris, ~s u~n~sly adopted: ~~, it ~s be.~.~ou~e the atte~ien ef t~s B~rd ~y ~. F~e~ak .T..Morse ~at ~he U~versity .el Vir~ia A~atio~ Club, am .approval ~m. ,=~ ~~.~e'rSzatt~ ~ t~.U~ve ~ i~ of Vir~nia has fer s~e~l ye~s a~tem~,ed ~e s~l~em$ ~eaere~ti=~ ~gi~e~ lng ~st~e~ at~ the N~versi~y ~ a~ f~ing e~erienee a~ ~R~ ~he ~o~s~ Club ~s seared ~he ~a~s ~e of a field app~ved by State ~d F~er~ avia*~.a~herittes t~ s~e l~te~ en .~v~ River ne~ S~I!, ~ the Seott~lle ~i~ proximately six ~les from l~;le~tesvil!$ ~ ~ E~AS ~he aforesaid Olmb has pending ~f.~ the_ S~ate Oe~eratiom C~ssion ef Virg%~a ~ apR~eati~ for a te~ra~ ~o~ license a~ ~ above leeation ~ E~ the g~ng ~ this ~eemae ~ p.~de f~ilities ~ieh ~11 ma~eri~ly ~remg~hen ~e ~eresat~ ebJ~$ of ..~d elmb, ~d ~11 enable the U~versi~ ef Virg~ia ~e p~iei~e, in ~e pem~ Feder~ Pil~ T~ining~ ~r0g~m, NOW, T~R~G~, BE IT ~L~ ~ ~he Board e2. '~'y Supe~rs of ~b~arle County, Virgi~a, t~t ~e ~e~--ebjee~ives of ~he U~ve~ sity of Vir~nia A~atfen Club ~d the U~ve~ity ef~Vir~a be app~ved ~d ~ha~ ~he ~te Collation O~issien ~ ~re~re~e~lly ~titioned te gra~ ~ ~e~ license for the p~peses ~e Ooa~y ~ive ~f~ the B~ard ~ha~ ~s w~ld ~e received en me~ M~day,~ ~ch 20, i9S9, a~ 11 Ae Me f~ ~itn~ 2er t~ n~Of~ee El~g ~d.that it would neeess~ te call a spee!~ ~e~ of. the ~B~d. on tha~ ~ate te ~ ~e eea~ct for ~s equipme~ a~a~ ~ime,~ or appein~ a O~i~ee te act f~r t~ up~ me,om ~ ~. L, G. ~be~., s~eonded by'Mr. O. ~reell Me~e, ~e ~selu~en ~s ~~sly ad~te~: ~~ ne~ M~d~.,~eh 20,~i9~,. a~ 11 A. M., ~s been ~xed as ~he t~e for ~ee.ei~ng .se~ed,..~s- for ~ish~. ~r~e f~r ~ew 0f~ee ~din~, NOW, ~F0~, E IT R~0L~D~ ~ ~ Beard of ~y S~e~sers ef ~be~le Oou~y, Virgi~a, t~ a Oo~ee, eonsisti~ of Messrse P. H. Gent~, E. J. B~lard, ~d H. Ash~ ~r~s, be ~d is h~e~ ~- pei~ te reeei~ bids for ~mit~e for ~ m~ 0ffiee B~ld~g, P. W. A. Do,et No. Vae-101S-F, and a~rd the ee~ct f~ s~e on b~alf of ~his B~rd, subject te the a~r~ of the R~ienai ~reeter ef the ~blie Works A~ini~tiem, at At!an~, Geog--, Mr, Ro~s Coles, Atte~ for Ernst P. Gemt~ a~ Delia O. Ge~. m~ea~d with referee te ele~ e2 a piece ef r~d ~een ~lis~ an~ ~en, ~s~ the BOard the p~per no~ees ~d been pos~ed accerdi~ ~e 1~, ~ re.q~ste~ t~t aetie~ en ~e be ~e~e~ ~til the ne~ re~!m' ~eting of the B~rde Up.nineteen, ~ly m~e a~~ this re, est ~s