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Upon motion, the meeting., adj. ourme.H.
A reg~tar meeting of the Beard of 0our~y Supervisors of Albemarle Cou~y, Virginia,
was held at %he Cour.t: Roms.e. ef the saiH.0ommby en the-. 15th day el March, 1559.
· Present.: l~essrse.~J.:M. Fray,. E. ~J, Bal!ard, Pe H, Ge~cry, He AShby Harris, and Ce
Purcell McOue, and Dre Le G',, Robertse
AbSent: Nons
Minutes of the meetings_ of Febr~.. ary .15, 1.9~9, and_Nareh.S, IgSg,_were read amd ap-
Mr. Frederiek T._ Morse_appeane~.hefcre the.Board ,in the interes~ ef an application
which has been made. by the.Umiv, ersit.y of. ¥irginia Avia~lc~ Club to i/me S~ate Corporation
Commission for % e~perary airpor~-licens®.
The fell~ming..Resolution, ~ffere.d by Mr. C.. Purcell M~ue, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby
Harris, was una~im~sly adopted:
EHE'EEAS, it has he.en.~rou~%.~to.the atte~ion of this BOard ~y
Mr. Fre~eriak T..Morse ~at the University .of Virginia Aviation Club,
an appro?ed extra c~riC~lar.~.or~amizati~en.~f the .University of Virginia
has for several years a%teml~ed ~te s~ppleaen~ the._aercnau~ical Engineer-
ing /nstrac~i.on a~ the University. by a.~I flying experience and
~HEREAS the aforesaid Club has seared the gratuitous use of a
fiel~ approve~ by 'state and Federal aviation.authorities the.same being
lccate~_~n Rivanna River near Shadwell, in the Scottsville ~istrie~
proximatelY six miles from ~Cha~lettesvi!le and
WHEEEAS ~he aforesaid Club has pending before ~he. S~ate Oorporation
Commission cf Virginia au apRlication for a tem~rar~i airport license a%
the above location and
WHERFAS the granting ef this license, will pro_vide, facilities ~ieh
~!l-materia!ly ~rem~hen ~e ~ereSai~ ~bj~v~ ~f ~ Club, ~d ~11
enable the U~versi~ ef Virg~ia ~e pa~ieiga~e, in ~he pen~ Fe~er~
NOW, T~R~0~, BE IT ~LV~ ~ ~he Be~ e~ ~Y Su~r~rs
ef ~bem~le County, Virgi~a, t~t ~e ~e~s~ehjesti~s ef the U~ve~
miry ~ Vir~nia A~atten Club ~d the U~versity ef virgi~a be ~p~ved
~d tha~ ~ ~ate Co~oratien Oe~ssien ~ hereby federally petitione~
te gr~ ~ ~e~ license for the p~ses aferesaide
The 0e~y ~tive infe~ the Beard ~hat ~z woul~ be reeeive~ en ne~ M~day,~
Narch 20, 1959, at 11 Ae Me for furniture far the. n~. Office Building and that it would be
necessary ~o call a special meeting of the ..Board on ~hat date t~ award ~he contract for ~his
equipme~ ~ 1~ ' ~ ~ ~e ' ~r appoint a 0ommit~ee to ac% for the Board.
Upon motion e£ Dr. L. G. Roberts., s~.e.~nded .by'Mr. C. Purcell MeCue, %he fellcwTng
Resolution was unanimously ade~te~:
~.~tEEEAS. next Mmtday,.M~ch. 2~, 19~9' at 11 A, Me, has been fixed
as the time fe.r receiving sealeH..bi~, for .f~rnish~ furniture for the
new Office Buildink,
NOW, THEREF0~E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of ~y Supervisors
ef Albemarle County, Virginia, that a Co~dttee, consisting of Nessrse
P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, and H. Ashby Harris, be and is hereby ap-
poinbed tc receive bids for i~rnitmre for the new Office Building, P. 7/. A.
Docket No. Va.-lO18-F, and award the con~-~act for same. on behalf of ~his
Board, subject te the approval of the Regional Director of the Public Works
A~minis~ration, at Arian/a, Georgiae
Roberts Coles, Attorney for Ernest P. Gentry and Delia C. Gentxy., appeared with
reference to closing' o£ a piece cf read bei~een Kfl~t~r~ and Alton, ~a~wisimg the Board that
the proper notices had been posted according to law, and r. eq~es%ed that..ae~tion on same be
deferred matil the next regular meeting of the Board. Upon motion, da~l~ made and seconde~
this request was grantede
Dr. !~. A. Kyger appeared and requested that the Beard recommend treatment ef Routes
671, 66~, and 2~ ~ile ~he r~k c~sher is 'loca~e~ in ~h~ ~ini~e
The felling Resolution, eff~e~ ~ Dr, L.G~ Rebe~s, se~e~ ~ ~ H.
~r~s, ~s u~usly adepte~:
BE IT ~S0~VED by~He B~rd ef Co~ Supe~sers ef ~b~le
C~y, Vir~a, ~a~ Mr. H. L. S~h, ~side~ E~i~er ef the S~ate
~y Dep~t, be ~d is he,by re~ested te treat ~
r~ds for t~ apprex~ate dist~ces she~ ~ile the ~ek e~sher is 1~
oared in ~ ~c~i~:
R~e 6~ ....... 1 ~/4 mi~,
R~e 66~-~-1 1/* mie,
w~eh c~ver ~he ~is~ce from R~te 6~1 ~e the. Greeae Ceu~y li~e
~e C~t~, appo~ ~atthe speei~ me~ing held en.~ch~, 1~9, ~e ~her
eo~ider ~he Soho. 1 Budge~, ~pe~ed ~ adJu~me~s had .hee~.~e_~o ee~inue ~he ~
rate for school p~ses ~ch is in ef~ee~ a~ ~his. ~e for anchor ye~e
The fe~o~g Rep~s ~re p~ sensed. ~d er~e~ file~:
le ~un~ ~eeu~ive,
~et Bo~d,
~iver~t~y ef .~nia
A G~it~ee,~ ce~esed ef Nr..P.H. G~ ~d ~he .~o~ ~e~ti~e, was appei~
con, der ~he ~eeess~y sp~e ~-eh ~ould ~.assigme~te each d~~ in the ~w 0ffi~e
~e ~u~ ~ee~i~ ~s ~st~eted ~ e~e~ ~ ~he pro~ r U~rsi~y of V~g~ia
amthe~ties ~th refer~ee ~e epe~ting ~e Jo~ Eeal~ ~~e~t for the ~ar be~img
July 1,
C~ ef 0. E. E~ea~er, ~o~t~g te $?,~,~a~st ~heDeg F~, ~s presemte~
~d ap~eve~ f~
Mre He A~ ~, _~=ec~er of...Einanee, s~ed astat~ent of ~e~es ef the
par~ of Fi~ee for %~ moth of Feb~a~, 19~9, ~~rd ~ ~eh e~mses ~e ~ berne
~ the State. This s~temem% ms ex.~.e.~, ~ri~e~ ~d appreve~e
Proposed ~dg~ of. the Jei~ ~alth~De~en% for ~he year ~gi~ing J~y 1, 1~9,
~s r~eived f~ %he Jein~ H~th Bo~d .~d a.cti~ en s~e deferre~.
Up~ mo~en, ~y made an~ s~.~ded, ./i~s o~ered that the Director of Fin~ee shoul
pe~i~ t~keys to be assessed ~ more~.h~ $~e~O~%Per ~a~..~- ~
The felling Budget for the q~er ~g J~ ~0, 1~, for the Depa~en% of
Welfare was presented a~d approved:
Class ef Aid
01d Age Assi~st~maee
D~ en~.e~ Chi ld~em
Gene rai Reti~
Qmarb. e~l~y Esot imat~e
The foiiewimg Budget for the year ~ndimg~ June ~0, 19~, for the Department ef Public
Welfare was presented and approveS:
Sources offends
~ _ F ed era! .. S. tate . C o um~y T et al
Old Age Assistance
Aid ~o Dependent Children
Aid to the Blind
General Relief
$12,S74.88 $'?,858.80 $ ~,71Be28
1,856e00 E,$ZO.O0 1,$92e00
990e75 619e22 $72e5~ 1,981e50.
-o- 5,954.71 ~,5~).83 9,495,5~.
~3_~_09 1,?~9,21 6.898.70 ~_~a~.~ .
A N N 0 AL
Old Age Assistance
Aid to Dependent Children
Aid t,o %he Blind
6eno. ml Relief.
Aami~istr~tton~ _ .
$25,1~8,1 6
The County ~xecmtive was.'di.reeted I~' publish a synopsis of %he pr, posed Budget for
the year beginning JUly 1, 19~, according ~t.e law; ~a hearing .on same to be held at the
Court House at the regular April_, 19S9, nesting of .the Board.
Claims against the County, amounting te $32,4421,6~,Were presented,.examined,.verified,
and approved, and ordered certified.-to~ %he Director cf Finance for payment and charged
against the following
Dog Tax
Oroz~t Fire District
Woolen Nills ~anitaryDistrict
Road Debt:
0hariottes~ille Dist=ict
Ivy District
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
Scott sville ~District
~hite Hall District
Deferred Debit
~£~ice Building .Oons~ct£on
School'Building Const~Ac. tien
Gommonwealt~af Virginia
2o,8 ?.21
T~tal $~2,$42.69.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A Special Meeting .of the .Bo~rd ef Getty Supervisors-of .Albemarle Oematy, Virginia,
was held at the Court House ef the said Oou~ty on the 23rd ~ay of March,
Present% Messrs.. J. ~. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C.
Purcell. McOue, amd Dr. L. G. R~rts.
The County Executive reported that he had. ¢~e~e~ with..Dr. H. E. Jor~sm, Acting
Dean of the Medical School of the University ef Virginia, amd:;.Dr. George N. Lawson, Professor
of Public Health of the. University ~f Virginia., with refer, nc'l. te the attiiude~.of ~the Uni~e.r-
sity of Virginia toward a,.,¢ounty Health Depar-~emt in the. event it became~aecessary t~ es-
tablish one. Commun.icatien from Dr. Jord~m as a result of this.conference was presented and
ordered filed.
Fott~winE .eons.ldo,table d.is-eus.sioa.-ef, this. problem,. ,the ~ollowing Resolution, offered
by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded, was u~smimou.sly adopted:
WHEREAS, by a c~ntrac% approved smd adopted by the Board of County Super-
visors, of Albemarle-Go'sty! a~ a .meeting- ~f said Board held.MaM~ 25, 15~6, the
County of Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville entered into a mutual agree~
ment concerning the maintenance of a joint health department to supervise and
promote public.-~eatth~ ,i~ said .Ce.~m~y ,a~d., in said Cit~;
WHEREAS., said c~ntract cm~taimed, previsions.concerning--what proportion of
the expense, not otherwise provided for, for maintaining said joint health depart-
ment should.be, berne-, res-pee~ively by sa~.Ceunty smd said
WHEREAS, since the .ex~eutiom..of. ~said .c~ntract,, te-wit,~ en the first..day
cf January, 1939, a ce~n .area~of Athlete Co~%y.,~s~,--~~.,-.~o. ~he said
City ef C~rlottesville, mWhieh area contained a ~pulatien of appro~ately
2~200 persons ~d contained about 10.26%, in assessed value of ta~ble pr. pe~y
i~ .said. Oo,untF; .~ .....
WHEREAS., it is the sease-ef, theBoa~dof C:ounty~Smpervi~.rs of Albemarle
County that. iS isright and pr~e,~--%ha%.the,.~eta~ive p~epe~%ien-s,~f the-~expe,~se-,
:et otherwisep~o~ided..for, of maintaining said: joint health department.should
~e adjusted accordingly in view of the increase in population .and assessed
~rooertv valme of said City and the ccrres~ondinE decrease in population and