HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-03-29SPECIAL296 A N N U A L --ESTIMatE OF EXPENDITb~RES-- DOse rip.tiaa. Ameu~ Old Age Assi st~anee Aid te Dependent Oh~ldrem Aid te the Bliud Gene ral Relief Administration. _ . .T~cal The Comity Exeembive was.'direeted I~' publish a synopsis of the proposed Budget for the year begir~ing JUly 1, 19S~, a~eerdimg..te, law; a hearing..on same to be held at ~he C~ar~ House at the regular April, 19S9, meetimg of-the Boarde presented., examined-,, verified, 01aims against the County, amounting to $32,,442~$~,were and approved, and ordered certified .to- the Dire~or of Finance' for paYment and Charged against the following funds~: 6,066.31 20,857,21 186 .36 General School Dog Tax Groz~t Fire DistriCt Woolen Mills Bani%dry District Road Debt: OhariottesFille District 5.33 Ivy District 2~.19 Riwmna District 6301~5 Samuel Miller District Scott sville District ? .~2 ~hite Hall District 2,831.76 Deferred Debit ~ ~f~i~. Buildi~ C~nst~c~ion 167.33 School Building Const~cti%n ' Commonwealth of Virginia Total $~2,442.69. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. A Special Meeting .of the Bo~rd ~f Ce~mty Supe~wisors. efAlbemarle Oc~ty, Virginia, was held at the Comrt Ho~se of the said County en the 23rd day of March, ~ Present% Messrs~ J. Mo Fray, E. J. Batlard~ P. H. Gentry, Purcell McOue, a~d Dr. L. G,. Robe-~ts. Absent~ Ne~e~ The County Executive reported that he had eemfevred with Dr.. H. E..Jo=~an., Acting Dean of the Medical School ef the University of Virginia, sad~Dr. George M. Lawson, Professor of Public Health of the-University of ~irginia, with reference, to.the.at~i~ude.~ef ~heUni~er- sity of Virgimia toward a-..Ce~mty. HeatthDepartmeat in the'event it became-necessary te es- ~ tablish one, Communication from Dr. Jordam as a result of this conference was presented and ordered filed-. Following cens.i4erabie.~&iseus.sioa~ef this~pr$1~t~,.Athe following Resolution, .offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded, was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, by a c~ntract approved a~d adopted by the Board of Oomnty Super- visors, of Albemarte...Co~y!a~ a-meeting.~f said Board held. May 29,1~6, the County of Albemarle-and the-City of Charlottesville entered into a mutual agree- ment concerning the maintenance of a joint health department to supervise and promote pubtic~,.heal, th~.in-said-C,~u~F:andimmsaid-Oity$ a~d WHEREAS~ said contract contaimed previsie~s..cencerning-.-what proportion of the expense, not otherwise provided for, for maintaining said joint health depart- ment s.heuld.be.bor~emreSpec~ive!ybysa~.Oounty and. said Ci%y;.,and ~HEREAS, since the.e~eoutiam.ef said .cont~act~ te-wit,.on the first-.day of January, 1939, a eertain, area...~f Atbema~leCeunty..was...anme~®d-~othe said Git~ of Charlottesville~ which area contained a pepulation of approximately 2,200 persons and contained about 10;26%, in assessed value cf taxable prepei~ty in .saidCounty;~.an~ ~- WHEREAS., it isthe se~se..-ef. %he Boa~dof County Smpe.~i.sor.s cf Albemarle County that-it is right and-prope~r-tha%.~he-.~eta%ivep~oPer%iens,-ef the--~expe~se~ mot ~the~ise p~o~id~-..for, ef ma~tai~ing said jeiat he~th depa~ent..sho~d ~e adjusted aceo~ingiy in view of the ~crea~ in ~p~atien and assessed property ~lme ~f said City ~d the corresponding decrease in population ~d assessed property value, in said County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforesaid contract . be a-nd the same hereby is- revoked~-and cancelled ~s of the let day of~.J~y., 1939, unless the said City Council of the said City of Oha:?lettesville before that date agree and contract tc hereafter assume 55% of vide~-ffo~,-ef mainlaining the. aforesaid joint A preposat of T. GolemanAndrews &'Company-to year e~ding J~me. 30,1939, for a fee' not to exe~d ~ days with the understanding that said Oompany is to the expense, not otherwise pro- lhea~th, depa~rtment~ audit the-Oom~tF~ s~.,rec°rds-,£o~ the ~0.00, ba~& e~, twenty-five wor~ng ~ay. all t~veti~.and-~.&i~img .e~pense.s in connection with the engagement., was presented~ Upon-motion, duly.made, an&,secon~e~l,.pro- posal ~f T~ Cotem~ A~d~re~s &.Comp ~any.to.a~dit the records of Albemarle C~u~%~ for the year ending Ju~e 3,0, 1939, for a fee no% %e .exceed $500,G0,~ was accpptod. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ..... ~~~_ _~, Chairman. A regular meeting of the.,Be~rd .o~Ceu~tySupervisors~o~Atbemar!eCo~nt~, Virginia,. was held at the Court House of the said County on the 19th. da.y. efAprit~ 19~9. Present: Messrs. J, M. Fray, E. J. Batlard, P. H. Gentry, H. AshbyHarris, andC. Purcell McC~e~ a~d Dr, L~ G~ Roberts. Ab sen%~ No~e. Minutes of the meetings of March 1~, 1939, and-Ma~Ch. 23, 1939, were'~ead and-. approved. The. Ch~i.rman ~ .a~m~ua. ~e~ .tha~ this. meeting had been designated~ as ihs reg~ar semi~a~a Highway Meeting. The.re, ere, the Board would be glad to hear from. anyone interestedin_~he Secondary System of Roads .in this county'. The follew~-Resolu%ion,.offered~y Dr. L. G..Roberts, seconded by. Mr. C. Purcell McCue, was una~qi~olt~S-ly.a~pt-ed$ BE IT BESOL~ED by the Boar~of County Super~is.ereef Albemarle-county, Virginia, that th, BtateDepartment of Highways be~a~d is hereby reqmested to make the improvements indicated to the roads listed below in the Secondary System. of Highways ~ Albemarle, Co~%y, Virginia.: Read. Route 684 to-the-intersection with Route 686, a distance of approx~tely l~miles. Route 671 from the i~tersectien with Route-668 at Bas.eom Thompson's Corner to Millington, a distance of approxi- mately~.mites. Route 671 from Free Union tea point epposite Charlie~.Nayto~'e Gate. Route. 66? fr~.BuckMountain C~eek.te Patterson's Store, a distance of ap- proximateiy2~-mites. Route 676, from Hydraulic to inter- sectien with Free Union Road. Route 684. Im~ro~ommPnd~d with crushed stone. Surface-with crushed stone. Surface. with crushed stone* Surface withcr~shed stone. Treat with.black top: forsuch a distance as. the funds are avail- able$ the remainder te be com- pleted at a !ate~ date, Construct Bridge across Stockton's Creek at Patterson's.Mill. Route 632 fromaba~doned, eidetrack to Nelson County Line, a distance of 1.6 miles. Necessary treatment to keep the traffic o~, of the mud. Route 614. Routes 635, 636, and 691, a total dis- tance to be improved of approximately.~. 2~miles. Straighten curves between Mech~ms River and V~ite Hall; generally im- provethis route in Sugar Hollow. Improve in bad spots as outlined to Ne~identEnginee=~ The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby