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assessed property value in said County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforesaid, cont~ract'.be and the same. hereby is. revoked-amd camcette~ .-~s. of the.lst day of.. July, 1939, unless the said City Council of the said City of Oharlettesville be£ore .that date agree and contract to hereafter assume 55% of the expense, not otherwise pro- vide~. ~fe,~-ef maintaining the-aforesaid joint health ldepa.r~nt, A proposal of T. Coleman Andrews~& Company.to audit the Ce~t~'.s~.,recO-r~s~.~£~ the year e~di~g J~e 30,1~39, for a fee not to.exceed $~00.00, bas~-~m~twe~ty-fi~ working ~ days with the unde~st~di~ t~% said ~emp~y is to ~y ~all t~ave~-a~li~g e~penses in connection ~th the engagement, ~s prese~ted~ Upo~ motion, d~iy~e ~d~s~on~, .pro- pesat ef T. CO ~$m~1~ '~dr;ws "& Comply te .a~it the records, of Albemarle Ce~$~-f~mr th~ year e~Sing J~e 30, t9~9, for a fee not to exceed $~0~.90,. was Upon motion, the meeting adjourned~ ~~~L~/ ,Chairmsm. ! A regular mee~img-of the :Beard ~ef Gou~ty .Supervisers-~ o~ Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Court House of the said Oounty en the l$th. day.~of April, 17~. Present: Messrs~, J. M. Fray, E. J. Ball~rd, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell MCO~oe1, ~ Dr, L. ~o Roberts. Absent ~ Ne~e. Minutes of the meetings of March 15, 1~39, ~-~a~.~ 23, 1~9, were. read amd- approved. The~ .Ghai~ anme~ced-.,.t~t~ ~S1 meeting .had been, demig~ rated, as $he reMu-lar .semi-annul .Highway Meeting. Therefore, the Boa-rd would be glad to hear from. anyone interested .ink,he Secondary.SystemofRoads.inthisco~ty. The foll~ing Resel~ion,.effered~y Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by. Mr. C. Purcell McCue, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOL~by the Boa~d~.ofCe~m%y Super~isersef Atbemar!eCeunty, Virginia, that %he. State ~Department of Highways be-~a~d ishereby requested to make the improvements indicated to the roads listed below in the Secondary System of Highways in. Albemarle. Cou~4y, Virgi~i.a¢~ Route 684 te.-the intersection with Route 686, a dists~ce of approx,,rarely 1~ miles.. Route 671 fremthe intersection with Route 668 at BaseomThompson's Corner to Nillington, a distance of approxi- matelyS~mileso Route 671 from Free Union to a point opposite Charlie~.Naytor's Gate. Route ..66? £remBuck Mo. mntain Greek- Patterson's Store, a distance of ap- proximately2~miles. Route 676, from Hydraulic to inter- section with Free Union Road. Route 685- ~en~t_Recommended Surface,-.with crushed stone. Surface-with crushed stone Surface with crushed stone; Surface with cr~shed stone. Treat with~blacktop for such a distance as. the fu~dsare avail-- able; the remainder te be com- pleted at a late~ date. Construct Bridge across Stockton's Creek at Patte~sen'sMiil. Route 6~2 from-abandoned.~idetraek to Nelson County Line, a distance of 1.6 miles. Necessary treatment to keep the traffic~out of the mud. Route 614. Routes 635, 636, and 691, a total dis- tsmee to be improved of approximately 2~miles. Straightem eurvesbetween Mechmms River and White Hall; generally im- prove this r~u%e in Sugar Hollow. Improve in bad spots as outlined to ~asident Engineer, The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Ho Ashby BE IT ~RE-SOL~ED ~ %he-,Be~rS,--;ef-County. Su,pervisers-cf At~rle ~ty~ Virginia~.. t~t the...--S~e.-.High~y. O~ssion be ~d is ~reby requested to take in.-the Seeond~ System of Hig~ys in ~ar!e Co~ty t~ foll~win-g sections Ex%ensiGn ef Roate.~6$8, a dis%anco of approxi- mately one mile-, ~te gate. between the property cf C. W~. Antrim and Sen and Mint Spring emhards OR Extension of Route ?~6,, a distance of approxi- Which of these: piec~ of-roe;d in the opinion of H. L. Smith, Resident Engineer, will best serve the pe~pte:-in~ .~%-.ssS%ion-. The, following Res.~tm%ion, .,of£ere~ ~y Dr. L. G, Roberts, seconded ~by 1Mr. P. H. BE IT RESOLVED by the~Be~rd of Coun%y.$mpervisore-of Albemarle-O~um%y~ Vi~gimia~ t~h~% th~.$~ate be and is hereby requested to ta~e into the Secondary System · o f ,Bigh~ys..in At, ~,.~te.-,-Coum~y. the.-fetle.~'mng .sea%ions, of 01~ Th~e.e ~-Ch~p:.Rea~ from.-~tersectien of Route 6i6 to F!uvann~ .County Line, a .distance of ap- proximately erie ~mi~e. .The-, ~ettewi~g Resotutio~ offered by Mr. ~C. Purcell McOUe, seconded by Mr. E. J, Balla.r.d, ~was-. nn~.usty, Albemarle- Count-y, Vi~gin~ that _the..S%~te- :Hi.ghw~¥-Cemmiss-ie~ be and is hereby requested-to take into the Secondary System of .Highways ~ i~- Atbemarte. C~umty-. the. following · sections- ef That section-e~ rea~. from Red Hill ,High School, northeast to U. S. 2~, a distance of approximately o~e mile, The £oltewing Reset~ion, e~e.red by Mr. H. Ashby'Harris, seconded by Mr, E. J. Battard, ,was unauimeusty.-adop~e~: BE IT. RESGLVED-by .t-he.-Bea~d-.ef~,.Coun-ty Supervisors e.f At--- and is he-reby.,.re~ested :to,~a~ke _.in~o :%he Secc~dary Sys~tem of Highways in Albemarle Coun~y-..%he.,-.£otle. wi~g ,.eeetie~s--e,f 4. A piece' of road from Route 61.$-through a~d near the property of VI. H. Robinson .to the Fl~vanna County Line, a distance of approximately one and e~e-half miles. The-following Resolution, Offered by Mr, H. Ashby Harris, seconded by Dr, L. G. Robe~.s, was unaaimeuety ad~%ed,e BE IT RESOLVED.~y the. BoardofLCou~ty SuperVise.rs. of- Albemarle. Oeu~ty~ Virgiz~ia, that the-State.Hig~hway Oommission be and is hereby requested te take into the Secondary System o.f Highways.in Albemarle-County the fottowingsections of rea~: ~. Road leading f~em intersection of Route 732 to Rose Hill Colored Church, a distance of approxi- mately o~e.mile, See. PaE~.2~ for Two Resolutions recorde~ The fellowi~gResetmtion,~offered ~y Dr. Do G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. P. H. Gentry,.was..unsmimeusly aSep~ede~ ~HEREAS, Route 230, north of Crozet to the Greene County Line, is in a depl,rable..comdit-ien, and WHEREAS, it has-been brought to the attention of this Board that co~siderab!e work has been done on this route in Madison ~md Greene...O~t~es,~ and- WHEP~AS, this route is one of the more important highways in Albemarle County~ NO~, THERE, FORE, BE IT~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State High-~ way Commission be~and ishe~e~y~ reques%edand urged to pro~ide ~funds for the improvement of this route north of Crozet to the Greene County Line at the earliest possib!e.mome~t. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L, G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. P. H.- Gent~y., was ~ously ad~ed-~ WHEREAS, some-yearsage,the-citizens, tiving on and adjacent to Route 6~1~ leading from U. S. Highway No. 29 hear Chapel Church the su-rfacing-ef. '%his road.,~ aRd-~:' ~ ..... WHEBEAS, this Board recommended this improvement at that ~ime, NOW, THEREFOPE~ BE-tT RESOLVED by. the. Board o-f County Supervisors of Atb~m~rle-Co~unty, Virginia, the State Highway Depar~,ment be and is ~hereby urged to treat Route 641 with finer stone ,to make %raveling over same more satisfactory and treat with black top whe~ f~A~s-are av~ilab!e. The fello~ing Resolution, offered by Dr.. L. G. Re'botts, secoaded by Mr. H. Ashby Na,rris, ,was--.~m ~emim..e~sty, adepte~: BE IT RESOLVED by the-Board of Oomn%y Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia~, that-theSta%e-Highway Oommissien- be.amd is,. ~e~eby-.re~mes~ed-to. ~a~. en t~ha% section of Old location'.el Reute~ 2~e from sra, .41 ~ 70, as- shown.on the. plane .of the--above project6,1 .-ems~-an~..- sea%h- east 41~ feet to Sra. 4~ ~. O0. This-section~ru~e-through the Herring, Campbell and Bowen properties, recently ac- ,~mired ~yMr. Ernest P. Gentry. Le~.~%h 41~ ~elet~ Mr. J. Emmett Gleasen requested.that the Beard recommend .improven~t of the Cismont-Oampbe!l~ Road across Mechm~k Creek. This matter was referred, te Mr. H. L. Smith, Resident Engineer, with the request that he investigate same and report back to the Board. Request that the Board recommend that the piece of road~ f~om .Route 1102 to the Riverview Cemetery be taken into the Secondary System of Highv~ys was refused due to the: fact that the ro~d is not in use at this time. The following Resolution, offered by .~r. C. Purcell McCue, duly .seconded, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of county Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia, that the Budget for the operation of the Secondary .System of Highways in this county for the year beginnimg July 1, 1939, as prepared by Mr~ H. L. Smith, Resident Engineer, be and the same is hereby approved. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. P. H. ;entry~ was unanimously adopted~: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board. of Co~ty Supervisors of Albemarle 0ou~ty,. Virginia, that the State High~.~y Co~nission be and is hereby requested to t~ke into the Se¢onda~ System of Highways in Albemarle County the following sections .of read,:- From intersection of U. S. Route 2~ to :~intersection of County Route 606, a dis- t ~emce of .1 mile. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. E.J. Ballard., was ~imously adopted: BE IT?BESG~VED by the Boa-rd of County Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia, that the State HighEy Commission be and is hereby requested~o take into the Secondary System of Highways in Albemarle County the following sections of road: From Intersection of Route 66S to Mr.. Ira C. Fray's Gate, a distance of approximately one mile. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded, was adopted by the. following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry~ H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue~ and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the County Executive be and is hereby am~horizeda=uddirected to receive informal bids on articles of equipment costing lessthan $1,000.00 for Albemarle County Office Building, ~'W. A, DoCk~ No. Va. lO18-F, emd award such contractS to the lowest bidders, subject to the approval of the Regional Office ef the Public Works Administration. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly seconded, was mnanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention n~ thi~ ) )- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -.These two Resolutions should have been recorded on Page No. 2~8. 300 County Office Building, P. W.. A. Docket No. Va. t0i8-F, did not include sufficient ~f~mds for equipment to purchase such equipment as is absolutely necessary to carry out the project as originally pta~ed~, aha ./ WHEREAS, failure to provide equipment essential to the prcj ec~ will materially reduce- the..usefutLnes~, of .the ~project, NOW,~.~THEREFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED by the-Beard ef County 5upe~sors of Albemarle County, Virginia., that. the 'County Executive be and is~hereby authorize~ and directed t~ apply -~c the Reg~e~at-Diameter of the Public Works Admi~ist.r~tien for an ~ increase in the ~ameunt budgeted for equipment which will in his Spinion provide sufficient funds to properly equip the b~lding~ .The following Reselut.ion, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLFED by the Boa, d of COm1~ty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Corporation Com- mission off.Virginia.be .and is. hereby requested, to deny the application o~ Southern Railway Company fo~ authority'2o discontinue passenger ~zins N~s. ?, l~', and 15 between Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Virginia- District of Columbia Line unless said Railway Company be required to furnish passenger and: mail facilities equal to the present. Mr. R. H. Perry, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, appear-ed:and presente~ a check, ~mounting to $111.2~, representing the County's pro rata share of the. unused po ~r~ion of ap- propriation for~ ~efr~a~ng.e~pen. ses of the ~eric~ Legion Convention held~ ~ C~riettes~lle. A ResolUtion, of the A!be~rle M~ical Society, with referen~ iot~ Jolt ~alth De- ~nt, ~s ~p~e~nted ~d ~rdered ~il~. ~e Co~y Executive ~s ~aeted t~ write the C~i~ of ~he Alb~rle Medical Society ~d i~o~m him t~t Alb~rle Co~ty ~11 continue ~o 9pe~a%e ~ adequate ~t. ~e Ce~ty Exec~ive advis~ the~.~rd that Mr. $. L~ Newcemb, President~ of the Univer. sity of Virgini~, had ~fe~ed ~h~ t~t a Resolution, adopted by the Board ef Co~ty Su~rw visors on the 2~rd day of March, 1939, te~ing the cameella~en of a .co~rac~ of ~y 29, i~3~ co~ce~ing the ~i~t~. Heatth DepoSit-, ~s..ob~ectio~B~ to 2~City of C~.rl~t~eew~ille in that the aforesaid Resolution cf March'~, 1939, earriedthe following phraseology "mnless the said Ci~Y Ccumcit 'of the saidCity of CharlottesVille ~shall before tha%~.dateagreeand contract to hereefter~ alSS%H~e~-,~% of theexpense, not ~therwise provided for, .of maintaining the aforesaid...joint~health .department..." Thereupon, the following ResolutionWas unanimously adopted~ ~}EREAS, by a contract approved and a~opted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle. County at a meeting~of said Beard held May 29, 1936, the 0ounty of Albemarle and the City of Charl=ttesvilte entered into a mutual agreement concerning the maintenance of a joint health department to supervise~an~ promote public health in said County and in'~sai~Oity{ and WHEREAS, said contrast co,tailed provisi~ns as to what proport-iom of the expense, not otherv~ise provided, for m~intaining said joint health de- partment should be-horns respectively by .said County and ~said~. Gity$ and WHEREAS, ~i~ce the execution ef said contract, to-wit, on the first day of January, 1~39, a ~ertain area of Albemarle County. ~was annexed~ to the said City of CharlSt~esvilte, which area contained a population %f approxi mately 2,200 persons and contained about 10,2~%, in assessed value of taxa- ble property in said Coumty;~and WHEREAS~ it is the. sense o{ the Board of Oounty~Supervisorms of Albe- marie County that. it is right and proper that the relative proportions of the expense, not othe~r~i~se provided ~for, of maintaining said joint health depart- ment should be-adjUSted accordingly in view of the. increase in population and assessed property value cf said City and the corresponding decrease i~ popu- lation and assessed p~operty value in said NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid ~contract be and the same is hereby revoked and cancelled as of the 1st day'of~July, 1939, Communication f~om the Dep~ent 0~ Highways showing the distribution of Second~sj~y, Funds for the year beginning July i, 1939, was presented and ordered filed.. Claim of Mrs. Gilmer Snead a§ainst the Dog Fund was- approved for paym~%~. Dr. L. G. Roberts nominated Mr. Henr~ Chil~$ to serve as a member of the School Board to succeed Mr. L. L. Clark, resigned. There being no fu~her nominations, Mr. Chiles was © o01 successor had been appointed. The Director of Finance reported that he had had presented to him tax ticket for the 2~,~Ic~i~l '~aid" on De~ember 31, 1932, by G. Stuart .Hsmm, Treasurer of. Albemarle Oom~ty$ c~edi% Lee G. Gol~Nm (Colore~) be given credit, for tax ticket, for 1931 and the amctmt be charged against G. Stuart Namm, former Treasurer. .The following reports, were presented,se~smi~ed~2and ordered filed~ 1. ~cua%y.E~ec~tive, .2. Universityef ¥irgi~iaHespital. A communication from the Rivan~a Dis%.rie%. Pr~pe~ty O.wners.~Asseciatien, re~.me$~i~g that the Boa~d. take the.. n$$eSms~ry action to zoae.$h~ Comm%F~was p~esente~, The..~m~%y E~ecu- tire was instrmcted to gather all available i~ferma%ien en the sm~jec~ amd report back. A commuai.cation from. M. S. Battle~ Chairman of the Fifth V.i~gimia $tatee~i~e.~.Safet¥ Gonference,-~sqme,sting that arrangement .be. 1~.d$ for the expenses .o.f-. the. Commenwealth~'s Attor- ney and the ~Trial Justice .to attend this conference, to~ be ~held. in Richm~mt en_M~y..25ih, 26th and 2?th of this year., was presented. Upon.motion, cutive w~s .~ .-i~s~e%ed to, arrange .for the ex,rises of these two officers. Supplementary Welfare Budget for the current year .for ~ ~to~Depe~t Ohi~=~, %o ~icate withI Messrs. ~$on, Wood ~d the ~log~ity o~ re~di~ these ~onds, Nr.~H. A,~ ~Ha~n, Dir~ec~o~ of Fi~, sm~ii~ ~a stat~t of e~~-~ the Do- me~t of ~in~oe for tho ~month of March, 193~-, on,third of w~ch is to bo home-by the State. ~is ~at~nt ~s e~ned, verifle~ ~d approved. At this t~e the ci~i~as.~re ~givem ~ oppo~i~y to discuss %he Budget f~r ~he ~r ~egi~ni~J~l~ l, The f.ollowing~ge~ for the year be~um~g .~uly 1., 19~9, ~d end~ ~e ~0, 19~, s presented ~d ~n~ously adopted~ A~~ COUNTY, ~I~A ~N~ ~T~TES FOR T~ TITLE OF IT~ ,- ANTICIPATED ~L. US 1933 and Prior i~3¢ i935 i~36 1~37 1~38 L~R~D REDENPT] 0NS Fee s: ¢1 erk Trial Justice Sheriff~ Commonweal~ Transfer Fine s BOARD OF PRI~ 0k~RS State ~ U. S. Govsrnment Other CO~0~ALTH 1/3 ~epart~ Capitati en .~' s Attorney OF VIRGINIA~: ent of Finance Expense Taxew J GENERAL FUND YEAR END]2~G ~ 30. 1940 ~. Ye~r ~nded ' 1yearl~iding Increase Over Decrease Und~ JUne 30,'1938 jUne 30, 1~39 Tentative 'fear Ending Year Ending~ Final ,.....(Act~!,} _. ..... (Estimated) '.Estimate June.~0~.lg~9 _~m,e.~0~ I9~ ._~$timat.e $ 88,8o4.0o $ 85,ooe.oo $ 35,ooo.oo $ -o- oo I 1,542.88 750.00 150.00 -o- 600.00 112.86 500.00 ~gO.O0 -o- 350.00 416.56 750.00 200.00 -o- 550.00 1,341.55 1,000.oo 500.00 -o- 500.00 -o- 2,000.00 ?50.00 -o- 1,250.00 -0- -o- 2,000.00 2,000.00 -0- 11,250.28 10,000.O0 12~000.00 2,000.00 -0- ~,427.03 3,143.15 3,546.27 2,164.92 489.60 2,653.50 9,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,100.00 500.00 1~000.00 8,500.00 3,200.00 3,000.00 2,100.00 400.00 1,500.00 -o- 1,000.00 200.00 -o- -o- 190~00 ~00.00 -o- 4,105.55 118.20 2.90 3,500.00 15o.oo ~0~ 4,000.00 500.00 -o- 150.00 -o- -o- 10o00 10.00 -o- 6,071.47 2,410.18 6,000.00 2,500.00 5,500.00 2,390.00 -o- 500.00 -o- 110.00 RE~NUE ESTIMATES (Cent' d) GENERAL ~UND RENTAL OF CCI INTEREST ~I~NSE: Beer Slot Machiz Shows and ¢ DOG TAX FUND A.B.C. PROFIq V.P.A. FUND C UNCI~SSIFIED TOTAL RE~NU] ~TY PROPERTY ~rnivals PRANSFER DISTRIBUTION VERHF~D ALLOTMENT Year Ended June 30, 1938 'unctio~ Item 2,256.88 1,627.31 YEAR ENDII~G _JUNE ~0_ 1940 .~ ~ Year ~uding Increase Over Decrease Un~r June 30,' 1939 Tentative Year EndinE Year Ending Final (Estima~%mate June 30, 19%9 J~ne ~0- 1Q~ EStima%~ , ~ 11,~00.00' ~ 1,500.00 $ -o- 8 -o- 1,~00.00 1,~00,00 -o- -o- -o- -o- 30.00 12~.00 ~o- -o- 1~0.00 -o- 100.00 2,300.00 -o- 450.00 21,000.00 1,000.00 -o- ~,000.00 2,000.00 -o- -o- BO.00 146.90~ 125.00 629.00 250.00 2,60616~ 2,750.00 21,476,03 20,000.00 1,030,~1 '1,000.00. Delin&Aents on'basis' ~'f i2~ ~_ Levy~._~equired Assested value of ProDert~' Rate f Levy Board of Count~ Special serViCl County~ Executi~ Department of Recording_of Dc Circuit Court Trial Justice Commonwealth A~ Policin~ &_Inve Confinement & Fir~ Preventioz Poor Relief Count~. Assistan Lunacy Commissi Public Health Advancement of Home Economics Elections Maintenance of 26,156,2!. ........ 2 ,'802.46' 28, ~58 · 67 11 ~ 971,760.00 .2~ ~'OTAL GENIAL FUND BOARD OF COUNT Compensation & Cle~k~ _ _ - iasurance Prem~ TraveIingExRez ~OTAL BOARD OF COUNI SPECIALSERVIC Road Viewers Tax Refunds Advertising Auditing Insurance Prom Burglary Rent Safe Depo~ Telephone & Tel Contri-butio~s: Ghamber-~of Co Local State Total Cit~ Library Stationer~ & Pr Miscellaneous Meter Truck Unappropriated :AA. .99A ~00 ~O1 ~13 EXPENDITURE ESTIi~TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3~, 1940 ~OTAL SPEC_AL SERVIC gS OOUNTY EXECUTI Compensation of Compensation of Insurance Prem~ Telephone & Tel. ~YEAR ENDING JUNE30, Increase ~e~aDec~e Under ~' ' ..... "~ ~, -Y~a~:~n~ng ~:~ ~Y~ding Allowed TIT~ n~' ~' ......... ' ..... - · 93,750.00 2,916.3~ 63,600.00 38,~0.00. 600.00 2~ ~ Office 2,925.00 2, 75~.49 2,92~.00 2,92~.00 -o- -o~ inance 16,495.00 ~. 15,~60.28 15,227.50 1~,727.50 150.00 650.00 :~ents 9 ~$~9000~; 8 ~ 881.97 8,~710.00 8 ~ 870.00 220.00 60.00 2 ~416.00 2~3.05.9~ 2,327.09 2 ~.474.51 212.42 65.00 ~u~ 3,145.00 3,082.92 3..,195. O0 3,135.00 -o- 60.00 ~orneys Office 4,110.00 4,04~.96 4~160.00 4 ~!60.00 -o- -o- ~tigation 10~640.00 10~80.20 10~715.00 10~40.00 ~0.00 72~.00 ~re of Prisoners 3,~820.00 2,339.15 3,295.00 3,045.00 -o- 250.00 & Extinction ~00.00 ~41~. 81 300.00 200.00 ,o- 100.00 5,355.00 4,969.79 22,473,70 20,112.20- 2,931.00 5~292.50 =e 8,550.00 6,952.76 7,650,00 6,800.00. ~0.00 ~00.00 m s 700.00 532,85 700. O0 700. O0 -o- 7,500.00 '6,193'.12 7,500.00 7~500.00 -o- -o- ~g~cultmr~ & ~,687.00 3,611.39 5,677,00 3,952.00 300.00 25.00 1,680.00 1,763.21 1 ~8.0.00 1,680.00 300.00 ' -o- ~mildi~g~ & Grounds 4~156.00 5',388.24 56~707.00 5,7?0.00 694.00 51 31:.00 S ~VI S ORS .... -o- -o- -o- ~e~ ....... o- -o- ms-S~reCy. Bonds -o- -~o- -o- 90,00 90.00 -o- ses 2~;00 I~6', 2Z- 2~0,00 2~0,~ =o-. ~ ~5o.oo ~ -o~ ~ ioo.oo ~ ~oo.oo. ~ -o- "- 50. O0 109.32 l~O. O0 150; O0 ~ ,o- -o- 50.00 42.53. . loo.oo 5o.0o- -o- ._ 50.00 _ 500. O0 1,047 · 32 600. O0 500 . O0 ' - o- LO0. O0 ~S-CO~.ensatiOn & 25.00 143.~7 25.00 25.00- -e- Lf BOx I5.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ~ -o ..... ~graph Service 15.00 14.01 25.00 25.00. -o- )0; 00 $3~5.oo 800.00 1,175.00 1,17~.00 ~ ~ ~ 1,~7~ +~9~ 1,175.00 lO0.O0 ~nted Forms lO. O0 6. ~0 10. O0 lO. 00. -o- -o- 1,800.00 36~.50 1,p00.00 1,000.00 - ~o-o- ;00,00 -o- -e- -o- 500.00 500.00 ~eserve ~ ~ -eT ~,000.0Q 3~.000.00 -o- ~ 25,)00.00 County. Executive 1,200.00 .l~.2QO.O0 .!,2~.0~ ... 1,2QO~'0~ ...... . c. oc --o- Bookkeeper 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200,00 -o- -o- ~-S~rety Bond 2~.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 -o- -o- ~graph Semi ce 100. O0 78,23. t00. 00 100. O0 -o- -o- EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 YEAR ~DED JUN~ ~09 i9_~8 ~- YE. AR ENDING _.~JU~krE_30, 1940. Tear--Ending Increase Over Decrease Under ~n Item TIT~ O~ I~ A~'pro~ria~io~ E~e. ndi~ure June 30~ i939 ~mne '30,. '193~ B~ Board tC. D~PAR~NT 0F FINANO~ 102 Co~e~s~tio~f '~ir'gc.t'gr' 3,400-00 3.,.399,% o- -o- 105 Recording Delinquents 400.00 304.60 400.00 400.00 -0- -o- 109 Co~ensation of Assistants R.C. Sours $1500.00 M.K. Johnson 960~00 O.A. Oliver 900.00 ...... J .... 11200.0'0 ~ AsseSsors ~ $~oo. co 25oo. co E~ra Hel~ 600,00. ~71, ~40, O0 7,027,%0 8,260.00 7,660.00 -o- 600.00 200 Advez tisi~g. ~ ............. 200.00 87.30 200,00 '1~0,00 -o- ~0,00 204 BS~k Binding 10,00 6.00 10,O0 10.00 -o- 212 Insurance Premiss-Surety Bonds 1~0~0.00 762.50 T62.50 762.50 -o- -0- 218 TeleAhone A: Telegraph 1~0.00 81.72 1~0.00 1~0.00 -o- -o- 220 Traveling E~gnses 300,0o 387,60 300.0o 300.00 -o- -o- ~9 Stationer~ ~ Printed Fo~s,. Etc. 1,2~0.00 1,708.61 1,2~0.00 1,400.00 1~0.00 -o- 399 ~scellan~ ~us 20.00 -o- 20.00 20.00 -o- -o- 405 Office Eq~ ipment ~ 1,794.49 _' ~75.00 2~5.00 .... -o- ~ ~ -o- ~OTAL OW~aT~r OF_~!N~G$ ........ ~...~ ...... {~6,~?~.O0 ~,~60.28 ~5. ~.227.~0 ~%.7a~.50 ~0~.00 .... ~6~0.'~0 4. ~CORDING 3F DOCU~S lO1 Compensation'of Cle~ 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 -o- lO~ Compensation of Assistants & Deputies ' ~"~ W. Li Maupin $2400.00 A~ie Mays 720.00 ~rgaret Sellers ~ ........... 4,.740.00 4,240.00 3,900.00 3,840.00 -o- 60.00 201 Amditing, Amditor of Public.'Accts -o- 67.7~ 50.00 150.00 lO0.00 -0- 204 Nook Bindi,~g 200.00 143,50 200.00 200.00 -o- -o- 212 Insurance pre~mms-Surety Bond 25,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 -o- 215 -o- -o- Repairs t 25.00 25.00 25.00 218 T~lePhone }& Telegraph Service 60.00 57.30 60.00 60.00 -o- -o- 3~? ~ ae~o}a ~B~s~' ' ' ~ 500.00 52~.8~ ~0.0O 500.00 60.00 -o- ~$A Re;'LIhdex B~oks ...... ~ .... -o- -~-' ~:,6 ..00 .60.00 -o- 3:9.9. ~ Miscellane oas -o- -o- lO.O0 lO. O0 -o- ~4'05 0f~ce E~ipment 100.00 ~ 7.50 'lO0~ ' 100.O0~ ~e~' _ ~ -o- TOT~ ~C0~ING OF O0o~rs , $9,490,Q0 ~ _ $8~8~81.97~. $~8.7~Q, 0~ ~ $8,870.0~ _ $220.00 .. $60.00 SA. C~aO~!T C0~aT ........ 103 Relief Attorney. 50.OR 45.00 50,O0 ~0.00 -o- 120 Go~nsation of Aelie~J~dgp 50,00 20.00 50.00 25.00 -o- 25.00 121 J~rS~a & ~itnesses 800~00 725.70 1,000.00 1.000.O0 -o- -o- 122 J~r~" C°~ission 30.00 30.00 ~0.00 30.00 -o- -o- 218 Telephone &.~ Telegraph Service ~0.00 ~$~ 60.00 60.00 -o- -o- 3_14 Libraries 235.00 244.50 50.00 25.00 -o- 25.00 519 Stationer' ,~ Printed Forms Ftc 15.00 -o- 25.00 lO.O0 -o- 15.0G ~B. T~AL JUS~ 3E C0~T ............ 101 Co~snsatisn of Clerk ~00.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 -o~ .... -o- 102 Co~ensati~n of Justice 2,000..00 2,000,09 2,000.00 2~g89.00 -o- 120 Substitute Justice lO0.00 60.03 100.O0 lO0.O0 -o- -o- 214 Rent of Court Room 60.00 60.00 60.00 -o- -o- 60.00 218 Z Tele~aph Service 5.00 -o- 5.00 5.00 _ -o- 317 ~s 10.O0 1.14 -lO.O0 lO.O0 -o- -o- 319 Statiener~, Printed Forms etc. 50.00 36.61 75,00 75.00 -o- -o- 39~ ~Scellane ~us -o- -o- 5.00 5.00 -o- 5C. CO~0~AL ~H'SATTO~Y'S OFF~ ~ 102 Ce~ensati~n of Co~onwe~lth' s Telegraph SerVice' ~xpen s e s 4,000.00 3,,999.96 4,000,00 4,000.00 -o- 50.00 _ 35.00 50.00 50.00 ~-o-,. 10,00 -o-- 10~00 10..00 -0- 25.00 7.oo 50,00 50.00 -o- 25.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 -o- Attorney ~--'~11 Doctors 218 Telephone i220 ,:iLt3,?9 Traveling Miscelt~ne TOTAL COMMON~EEA TReS ATTOR~IEY'S 0~iGE 94,110.00. ' $4 041_.9.~ ~. $4.160.00 .$4.!60.p0 _~ -o- 6A. POLICING & INV~TIuATIN~ 102 ¢ompensati~n~of~Sheriff 3.,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1-06 Go~emsat. i~n. oZDeputies w. ~'. s~th~ ,l~OO.OO =mOm EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES GENERAL FUND (Cent' d) Item TITLE OF ITEM .... u~ i i Year: Ending June ~O,~ 1939P Proposed riation Inc~ea.se.Oyor~ Y~ar EndinE Te Endi~g Allowed :11 ~12 ~18 ~20 ;00 ~12 ~o5 f99 ?0T~J~ ~OTAL Insurance .... iums-Surety Bonds Telephone &-~leEraPh~.Service Mileage Gasoline, Grease & Oil Statiene~y~ P~'intod F~ms Etc. Miscellaneous Automobile Office EquiP~ nt Police Equip~nt POLIQING & IN~ ESTIGATING CONFINEMENT & CARE OF PRISONERS Compensation f Jailer Com~.ensation f Cook' Doctors TeleRhone & T~legraph Service Food Supplies Fuel Stationery, P~ inted Forms, Etc. Miscellaneous ~0TAL~FIRE PREVENTI~ 218 220 3.19 t25 4o~ 799 ~01 9o2 9o3 904 50.00 125.oo 1,700.00 100.00 ~00~00 50.00 25.00 200.00 10.00 !0o~oo ~o~ ............. -o- 50.00 55.oo --~5.°0 55.00- 105.39 125.oo 125.00 1,513.41 500.00 1,000.00 107.81 200.00 200.00 391.35 ?00.00 600,00 14.02 50.00 50.00 13.63 25.00 25.00 307.90 900.00 300.00 -o- 10.00 10.00 91.69 .. ..50'00.. --O-- 500.00 -o- -o- 100. O0 -O- -o- 600.00 -0-- -0- 25..9o_ · $10,640.00 91o,58o.20 $10,715.0o $10,540.00 $550.00 900. O0 900.00 900 · O0 260.00 260.00 260.00 10~00 -o- 10.00 50 · co 3.6.40 50 · O0 2,500.00 1,136.55 2,000.00 40.00 -o- 40.00 10.oo 1.20 lO. 00 _..~0,00 5.00. _25. O0 900.00 -o- 260.00 -o- 10.00 -o- 50.00 -o- 1,750.00 -o- 40.00 -o- 10.00 -o- CQ?~I~.~E~qT & CARE OF PRISONERS ,$3,820,00 .... 92,3~$_,15 93,295.00 .~3,045.'00 -o- ' "'"' ' ~"',[~"~" "~ .... i, ,;..-' .... ' . ..'.- FI~. P~NTI( N & EXTINCTION ti~ction service ........ ~00.00 ...... 41.81 Forest Fire E: 300.00 200.00 -o- N ~ EXTINCTION ........ $300,O0 .... 8~,81 _ ' $300~001 .. $200.09 .-~- ., ............ . ...... /. ....... . . ,. - ..... . _ . ~ .... . _ ,,, ' ... .... . ~"' ~i, -' POOR Compen~a~ion Board Compensation Compensation Louise A. Anna H. Lev: Alice-$.,-Jo~ Arnita G. Electric Curr~ Freight, Expr~ Insurance~Prez Rent: N.P.A. 0ffi~ EarlMsville Room' North Garde: Area ~are H. Telephone & ~ Mileage of Wo~ Fuel for Sewi~ Stationerx, P~ M~terial fOr $6 Workers or 69 @ 10~ per..y~ LessOontrit Balance for Findings 2O Office Equips, Miscellaneous Old Age Aseis? Aid to Depend, Aid to Blind General Relie~ TOTAL POOR REL!EF 8D. 124 80. COUNTY ASSIST ~01 University.. of 702 Childrens Hem State $10 Local 25 7o3 Child Welfare 704 District Home ~ ~,~= Confederate P msions TOTAL COUNTY ASSIST ~NCE LUNACY CO~IS ;IONS Compensation ,f Members LUNECY C0~II ,IONS DFA~...L &.ii STATE ASSISTANCE' ,,,. Travel of .Members of. f Superintendent 1,800.'00 f Assistants: lliams, Case Worker 1020.00 ...... " " 9.60.00 ng_ " " 900.00 es, " " 900.00 upin, Clerk _~.00.00 1 ~ 560.00 nt ~0 .OO ss & Drayage 150.00 ium-Sure.t~ .!,B~'5~ 5.00 e-' 108.00 Sewing 36.00 " 48.00 :me .4o-,oQ ...... .440.00 TOTAL legraph Service ikers .g. Rooms inted Forms, Etc', 'OWing Rooms: I½:Y, ds per day each 240 16,560 yds fid' equafm 1 ~ 6~6.OO utions 828.00 County . ~ O0 per mo. 240.00 nt anco nt Children ~CE "~ Virginia Hospital ~.00 ~.O0 Association 15o.oo 900.00 100.00 100.00 1,80o.0o 1,546.19 10.45 64.58 5.00 -o- ~ 400.00 400.00 1,800.00 1,80Q...Oq, -o- 33~i84 ' 120.36 803.10 21.09 13_4.60 3,3oo.oo 4,620.00 1,320.00 10.00 10.00 -o- 100.00 100.00 -e- 5.00 5.00 -o- -o- 38.07 100.00 90,~1 204.00 232,00 28.00 125. oo 125.oo -o- 1,32o.oo 1,3.2o-.oo -o- 10.00 100.00 90.00 125.00 200.00 75.00 50:.00 1,068.00 1,018.00 500.00 100,00 -o- 100.00 100.00 -o- 14,82~.70 1,~00,:3{:~ -o- 371.53 3,453.39.. .~.o__0..._'. _ 94.969.79 ,/. _.922.493. ?q _ .$_20.!12.20 92,931.00 i ' 1,5oo.oo 1,5oo.°o' . i,. oo.0° -o-' ............ ~!oo..oo._ '·': -O- -O-- 35Q,oo 35o.oo 35o.oo 550,oo -o- -o- -o- -o- 5o. OP_. 5o.oo 3,50o.oo 2,152.76 3,ooo.oo 2,5oo.oo -o- 3,200.00 · ~. .2,9~0.00 2,800.0.0 .2,400.00 -o- . 400.00 96,8oo.oo "' 5.o6 ........ ! ..... o $?oo. OO $532.851:..;.970o. oo ..... 9 ?oo. oo -o- ..... ' ...... ---' - .':<-~;:.:~::~.i.,:- - "-' ' " ' ' -' ...... -"= boo.co '$5-,_29 2 ..~0 -(1 ...... :.· -0- 400.00 ~0~ 4,892.50 .No....o.f... ~o. :f ..... FunCtion ite:~ TITLE. OF.' ITE~ 9 PUBLIOH~ 138 Regist 229 Joint' 102 Salary 109 Office 111 Doctor 117 InSpec: 12'7 Nurses 218 Teleph, 220 Travel: 316 Medica~ 319 Office 403 FUrnit~ TOTAL pUBLIC ll. ADVA~CEm 109 .Oempen~ ll4 Farm D, T. 0 C. G ll8 Home DE Mrs. ~iss 405 Office 218 Teleph¢ TOTAL ADVANCI 13 ~ELECT~0NS '11~ Electi 214- Rent 222 Vo~ing Printi~ 3!9 Statio~ 399 Miscel~ TOTAL ELECTI 19 · Capital 119 ComPens 207 Electr~ 210 Insurar. 211 Insuraz 215 Repair~ 223_ Water ~ ~01 Beddin ~06 Cle~i 307 Disinf( 311 Fuel 399 ~isc~l~ 403 Furnit~ TOTAL MAINTE~ GROUNDS Commonwealth 'United States County -Miscellaneous TOTAL ASSISTANCE TITLE Ne. of No. Function It em 8G.P00R RELIEF 703. 3O:5 EXP DmT . ~.EAR..E~.DED JUNE 30, 19~8 ............................ _ YEAR E~DING JUNE .30i!940 'Year Ending "Ihcrease Over Decrea~Un~er June 30, 1939 PropOSed __.Year. Ending Y~ar'En~ng Allowed ~LTH 'ar of Vit~IStatistics [ealth Department Appropriation Of Health Officer Assistant s ~ & Dentists ~orS )ne & Telegraph .ng Expenses . SUpplies supplies ire ~ Fixtures .-.~ ........................... 'T OF AGRICULTURE ~ HOME ECONOMICS mtion of Stenographer 480.00 im0nstrators: Scott 1437.00 Greet 60~ .... 1,_797.00 monstrators: Bessie D. Miller 9~0.00 ~ Ruth Burruss ~.00~.~2~0.00 Equipment 3~.00 me & Telegraph Service 1~5-100 MENT OF AGRICULTURE AND 480.00 480.00 480.00 -o- -o- 1,797.00 1,797.00 1,797.00 -o- -o- 1,200.00 1,200.00 39.08 7~.00 .95~31' .. 12~.oo 1,5oo.oo 300.00 -o- 5o.oo -o- 25.00 125. oo -o- -o- .$3,.687.00 ..... $3,~1i.39. $3,677.00 $3,952.00 .~390,00 il )utlay ~00.00 ;ion of Janitor ~76.00 Current 450.00 i]~PremiumFire-Due194! 50.00 ~ Premium-Liabilit~ 30.00 1,000.00 'vice g. Mat~ials '& Supp!ie's Clants ,eous & Fixtures 1,500.00 300.00 -o- 75.00 -o- -o- - o- 53,081 · O0 1,500.00 -o- 576,13 576.00 720.00 144.00 439.53 5o0. GO 6oo ,oo lOCi GO 2~'7.60 -o- -o- -o- -o- 50.00 -o- -o- 3,184.34 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 163.90 300.00 300.00 -e- 100.00 -o- 100. O0 100.00 5oo.oo 233~. 27 4oo.oo ~oo .oo lOO.OO 150.oo 36.75 lOO. co lOO.OO -o- 600.00 494.97 500.00 750 · 00 250.00 50.00 8o.o9 5o.oo lOO.OO 5o.oo ..... 50.00 ...... 30.66 ~ 5o.~o lOO.OO 50.00 ICE OF BUILDING Virginia Year Ending June 3Q~ 1938 R~¥ENUE ESTIMATES ......... FOR THE YEAR ENDING June30, 1940 VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND ............ YEAREND~G'JUNE ~0.~ 194 Ye~r..En-dli. ng Incr~'e 0vet~ Dec'rea:se Under: June 30., 193.9 Tentative Year Ending Year Ending F te June 9,274~59 ?,274'.60 16,~53.,66 7,279.'.06 ,or -o- -o- 15,420.83. 15,4'20.83 -o- 5.~L~4,70 14,824.70 9,93.2,20 -o- 4,892.50 258.50 -o- -o- -o- -o- , 81 oo ,.,. O~ 50.00 ~O~ ~O~ ~O~ %--_ ..,_~15-,.397.79__ _..~ ...... $24:..,..0_99.30 .... ~4!_,.9.06..69 ~22,69.9.89 .. $4,I392.50 EXPENDITURE'"ESTENATES .................. FOR Tm~ Y~A~ E~OI~G JUN~ ~0, 1940 V_I_R~INIA"PUBLIC ASSISTANCEFUND NAL TI_~TS - - .YEAR ~:NDED~o~ JUNE ~0, 1938 _ YEAR ENDING JUN.~ 30,..194G Y~ar"'Ending . In~se. 0ver'~:c~.:~e j~nder - . ~ .... Jun. 30:1939 ~Propos.ed ~ Year ~ding. T~ OF I~M ~~on~tUres Appropriation ~xpenditures June 30, 1939 June. ~939 --Y .,oard . . ~ , ...... ~ General R~lief 7,366.62 7,147.69 11,234.10 9,209.03 -o- EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES (Cent' d) ~R~ZNZA PUBLIC ASSZST~NCS FUND TITLE OF FUNCTION YEAR E~ED~J JU}~ 30, .1938 .... .... ~AR ENDING JUNE. 30, 1940 -Year Ending -'~: 'IncreaSe ~Over De=re~se' O..Of. .No.. Cfm ~ june 30, 1~39 Proposed Year Ending YearEnding Allowed By unO, ion Item TI~ hE OF'iTEM ' .ADDropriation Ex-oendi~ures A~Droo_ri~tion ExpenditUres june 30, 1939 june 30, 1938_ Board ~.POOa ~I~F (CON: ~) '2 02 o0 OTAL POOR RELIEF $1[,139.30 $1.4,734.26 :$34,398.~2 $41,906,69 _ $~,~%,44 $...., .... 5_ ? ....... REVENUE ESTINATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1540 DOG TAX FUND ~t ' YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1.940 ......... Year Ending Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Under --'--~i ...... June. 30, 1938 June 30, t939 Tentative year Ending Year Ending ' · FI ... . . (ic, t~ual? (Estimated) Estimate June 30, 1939 _J. une 30, 1939 ESTi ~I~E ale of Dog 'ORAL SALE .OF DOG.. T~ TITLE OF FUNCTI0} 9f No. of ~s ~5,~25.o0 ..~5,20~,00 .......... ~ff,ooo,oo $ -o- $205.00 EXPENDITURE ESTI~I&TES F0R THE YEAR'ENDINGJUNE 30~ DOG TAX FUND .. ~EAR~D~.JUNE 30, 1938 1940 · ~ear Ending 'unCtio~ Item T] ~LE OF ITEM -APPr°Priation'EXPe~ditures June 30, 1939 .-Proposed .2. PROTEQTION OF L] .16.~ Compensation !24 ~%ReS~°rationof( Record Books'~ StationerY', P~ Miscellaneous Fowl Claims Livestock Cla~ RabiesTreatm~ 1~¢ of Coll~ Transfers t, ~OTAL PROTECTION OF ~OWLS VE 5TOCK & F0~rLS f Game ~arden ~me Tags inted Forms Etc. ns nt ction Due State General Fund STOCK & )ELINOUENT TAXES: 1937 1938 TOTAL P~wV~U~ OTHE~ ANOUNT TO BE DELINQUENTS ON LEXrf REQUISED ASSESSED VALUE RATE OF LEVY TITLE., OF FUNCTIC No. of No. of Function It_em. _ T FIRE PROTECTION 19 Capital Outlay 119 Compensation of 207 Electric Curren 210 Insurance Premi 214 Rental of Hydra 215 Repairs 223 Water Service 300 Automobile'~Tire 311 Fuel 312 Gas, 0~l & Grea TOTAL CROZET FIRE.E -~YEAR,E. NDING JUNE 30, 194£ Increase Over'Decrease Year Ending Year End~ 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 -o- -o- _~50.00 -o- 12~.00 109.~0 ~25.00 12~.00 --o- 3.50 -o- 5.00 100.00 -o- i00.00 10.00 250.00 187.59 300.00 200.00 1~000,00 1,124.49 1,200.00 1~000.00 100.00 -o- i00.00 10.00 760.00 16.24 ?80.00 750.00 -o- -o- 2,000.00 2~qo.o0 -o- 150.0C 5.00 -o- -o- 90.0C -o- i00.0( -o- 200.0( -0- 90.00 -o- 3o.o[ 300. O0 . r 9- der ng Allowed By .tL~...~. Bo~r4 . REVENUE ESTIMATES CROZET FI_RE._~DISTRI¢T. FO~D ..... ' ...... ~ ' 'Year ~Ended ' Year.Ending .... Increase Over ~orease Under ........ June 30, 1938 June 3~ 1939 Tentative Year Ending Year Ending INA~L (Ac%uaI) (Estimated) Estimate J~e 30, 1~39Y June 30, 1~9 ~ TI~E , ;,,, ,'~' ,., ....... . - _ ,-' :...:.- ..... ~_~.~:-. .... :..._ - : ' .~ =~ -~,. . .... ...... ;O- .O- 3~,00 3~.00 --0- -0-- --0-- -0 - -O- AS:S O~ :0~ 85.00 F PROPER~ 83O, 400.00 .10 E~DI~RE ESTATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JU~ 30~ 1~40 CROZET FI~. DIBTRICT.FU~ June 30~ 1939 ~ropos~d . :Yea~ Ending Year Endin~ Allowed ~T~ 0F IT~ AD~ropri.atio~ E~emd~i~Ees~'~P~r9Priat~o~.-~-~dit~re~e 30.,_!939..Jmse~30~ ~!~ ~.D~ Board J~nit or 60.00 25. O0 -o- ~8.oo ~5.~oo -o- 0.00 ~ts - ~96.0o ~ ~2~.oo 33.o0 - - o ~ ~O~ ~, RePairs & Upkeep [STRICT 10.00 50.00 40.00 -o- 25.00 8.00 -o- .0 . 35.00 25;00 -o- lO.O9 ,00 REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 WOOLEN MILLS SANITARY DISTRIC? FUND ~. YEAR ENDING JUNE ~40 Year Ended Year Ending Increase Over ~ecFgase'"j _..June 30, 1938. June 30, 1939 Tentative Year Ending Year Ending FINAL _ ._ (Actual) (EstiUmted) Esti. mate Jun,e 30, ._1.939 June 30, .1939 ESTT~ATE · ~ ......... ' ,,." ...' '.' ~' r.,,', ' -' -~ %h% '7 :~-~',~'~. ' ~ :~L :~:~ '-~ c: ~. "': '-.' ..... .: ~- .~::~-~' DmLIN~UENT TAXES: 1936 1937 1~38 .39,26 , 10~'o6' , :~5.o0 $ -o- , 5.00 -o- 25. O0 15. O0 -o- 10.00 -o- _ ....... =Fo-~ ........ .25,00 ~_ 2_~5,~0 -o- TOTAL REVENUE OTHERTHAN CURRFdIT LEVY ~i~0~ To, ~ m~S~D BY o~m~ ~vY _ 2?0.00 D~L~N~'O~S ON. ~S~S OF'~%' i .............. ~ ., ~ ......... LEVY REQU~D 306.84 ASSESSED VALUE OF PROPERTY 62,208.00 PJATE 0F.i.,LEVT .50 '307 . No.~0f No. ef EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR~HE YEAR ~MDING JUNE 30, 1940 WOOLEN ~ILLS SANItArY DISTRIOT<FUND Year Ending Increase0v~rDe~e~se June ~0,~1939 Propessd Year Ending ~YearEnd ~n of Bonde- ~00.00 on Bonds-53i-% o? NCE OF S~P~AGE o~ R~l'empt~ 803 Interest 1000.00-~ TOTAL MAINTEN SYSTEM 300.00 -o- 500.00 ~ . 7g_,Oo 60.,00 ....... 8~.oo 214.00 -o- 286. 16.00 _. _ 44: ..... ~WLN~ ESTINATES ~0R ~'TH~ YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 C~$_RL. OTTESVILLE DISTRICT R aD n~.~~ _~ Y.~/.R .~OIN~ JUNz 30,-1940 .... Year Ended 'fear Ending ' · ' .................... Incremse: 0war D$~c rpa~.S e ~ H~e~ June 30, 1938 June 30, 1939 Tent~tiV~e Year Ending Year Ending . ~_ ~_-- Act~i Estimated Estimate June~0. 1939 -June 0 ' . ~ .... ~ - - -~. ...... .~ .... ~.. , 3 , 1939 _S O~ei~n~u,~t ].Taxes ., . ¢i,178:68 .... $i,200.00 $i,200.00 ~' Int.reSt ~ Investm;nts ' . $8~o0o ~-% ~.,ooo,oo ._ .~,~0. oo ~o~o.oo -o- ~oo.oo T.AL ~V~E .O~ER THAN CU~NT ...... ' ...... "- ".~,~8"68' : $~45 $3,'250' ',00" '"'~" ANOUNT'TO ~ R~IS~: BY.,CU~e EE~ i5,452,55 DELINQU~TE ON BASIS 0F 10% LEVY ~QUIBED ~ ,-,'~ ~. !7,i~8.38 ASSESSED YJ LUATION 2, O~ 6,980. O0 TITL~ OF"F. No. 'of No. i ~ Function item 31.DEBT SERVI¢E lO0Redempticn of Bonds 03 Inter~t t~9301 Less 2525010i~¥ i2¢,o5i ~OTAL OMARLOT~iBVILLE DEBT sm¥zcs { EXPEN~I~ ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAI ENDING JUNE 3:0, 1940 CHARLOTTESVILLE :~ES~RICT ROAD DEBT FUND NCTION . , END ZN%_ir._jN~ * 0_3fp. t_l.~ 40 ~ Year ~6ing Increase Over Decrease ~nder f = Appro- E~end- J~e. 30, !939_ Proposed . Year Endi~ .Ye~r ' TITL~ 0F IT~ prlation ~ture .... a¢~-o~g~ ~$.~o~dS~u~o'~ ~ ~0~ 1~9 ~13,015.2~ 25,505.22 20,000.00. ~2,500.00 -o- 7,500.00 REVF2C0E ESTheTES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 __~VY~DISTRICT ROAD DEBT F~ND Y~ar-' Ended Year' ~di-r~ June 30, 1938 June 30, 1939 Tentative YEAR JUNE ~40 Year Ending Year Ending` ·ng Allowed By .9~8. Bo.ard I0 De~nqu®nt, ~ii. 78 250.00 500.00 ~oo.oo -0' Interest o~. Invest.-3?,000 ~2½% 1,932.67 _ ~1__~0..00 ~ .i. ro''- _ 1~_~..00 . _ ..... .AM0~T.T0..~E,~ISED BY OU~RNT Ls~' ~' "- ;-/2,-2_. - ' '--..-: ......... :-' .... .?:.' ..... -.-~ ASSESSED VA~UE ~ _ ~ ~_ ~ ~ nn ~ll0~ed By Board FINAL :NAL 'TNATE EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 IVY'DISTRIUT R0~ DEBT FUND .......... Year Ending InCreaSe Ovor No. ~of ' No. of . . ' - .' June 30, 193.9, Proposed ,Year Ending · ~ear..En~ing AlloWed By ~unc~i0n Item TI~E OF ITE~ A~r~riation ~.ExDenditures .Auurouriati. on.E~endi~Bres JUne ~O~l~$~ June 30~' 193~ Board 800 Redemption of Bond'~-~'' $~;'8~60~0~ .......... $7,7~3;~?.' "$~,O00~00'/ $6,0O0.00. $1,000.00 -o- 80~ Interest on B( ads 4,100.00 4,106.02 4,100.00 4,100;00 ~ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $8, , .00 ,O0 -o- FOR THE r~ ENDING ~ 30, 1~40 RIVANNA DISTRICT R0~_ DEBT FUm 'year Ended Year Ending Increase Over .. June ]0, .1938 June 30~ 193~ T~ntative Year Ending Year ~ding FI~ ~ . ._(Actual) _~%ed) Esti~e June 30, 1939 June' 30', 1939 ESTIi~~ ~ISCELL~0US REVE} UE: Delinquent Taxef l)!77;,~'7j .... ..... 1,O00~00 I,~200.00 200.00 Interest on Inw stments- nT,ooo.oo ~ 2~ L4~5.00 2,~0.00 2,~2~.00 ~.00 -o- TOT_AL ~N~ 0THE~ THAN ~J~NT ~ 4,622.~ $],510.00 . ~$~,125.O0 .~ $21%,00 DmLINQUENT~.0N ASIS 0F ~ LE~~ ~QUIRED 20, ~50. oo ASSESSED VALUE F PROP~ ~ ~TE 0F ~VY .85 ~Di~O~ ESTI~TES FOR T~ YE~ ENDING JUNE S0, 1~40 ~V~NA DZSTRICT ROAD D~T FUND No. o~_. No. of .............. , ~ .J~ne. 3~,~.~l~ Expend- Yeah Ending Year ~ding. By Function Item Ti~LE OF I~N.~p~our~t~o~~ditu? _~.~pp~ouriation itures__~ ~n~~'--Jun_ . e.~O~L~ I Board 33~.DSBT SERVICE_ $O0 Re$qmption oi ,80~. Interest on 5 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE June ]O, 1938 Jun~ 3'_0m~ I539. Tentative ..~'~c~.t ual )_ .... ~Es tik~.r~, edl Estimate REVENUE ~;$TiNAT~S FOR T~~ YE~ ENDING JUt\5~ 30 ~ 1940 SAMUEL ~ILLER Di~~,~BT. FJND ..~,, TEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 ~jY'~ar Ending ........ Inc~eas e over ,.i ~e~ea~e .Un~i~~ xea~ Endi~ Year Ending FinAL [SED BY CU~NT'I~VY 23,062.50 BASIS. OF 12% 3,~44.50 26'~207.00 OF PROPERTY 2,613,996.00 1.00 . E.XPENRI~. ESTI'~TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3O, S~EL MILLER DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND YEAR ENDED JU.~ ~3~0.~'1~.'83~_ . . ~ ENDING J~ 30, 1940 ~ June 30, .!~39 Proposed. . yea~ Ending Ye~ Ending. Allowed 12,750.00 12,77!,_~ 12~750.00 t2'000,00 '' 0 ' .............. 9 $23.,69~. 82 _ _ $]?.4s .oo ............. ,-- ~ ........ ;Ill , ill $24,2~0'00 $2~,~00'00 $1,000.00 Delinquent Taxe Interest on Inw ~oo.oo ~ TOTAL REVENUE 0T~ AMOUNT TO BE RJ DELINQUENTS ON LEVY REQUIRED ASSESSED VALUE RATE OF LEVY TITLE OF FUNCTI01 No', of No, of E~ion Item ~: i~i",~i~' ,: ", ..... : 34. DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption 803 Interest on TOTALDEBT SERVICE. BEVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND Year-Ended Year-.Ending .... . '-Increase Over Decrease Under June 30,. 1938 June 30, 1939 Tentative Year E~ding Year Ending FINAL .......... EStheTE (Actual) ~timated) .~sti~t~ Ju~ June B0, 19~? 3O9 MISCELL%NEOUS REVENUE:- Delinquent Taxes Interest on Investments $I,3o4,51 '0~ TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN GU~LRENT .. LEVY ANOUNT TO BE RAISED BY CURRENT...LEVY SSESSED' VA;UE OF PROPE ~.TE OF LEVY TIT~I~ OF Fr~,, 'GTI.0N.~ No. of No. o~ .Function I, tem ]5?~DEBT_ SERVICi ~00~. RedemPtioz 803 Interest ~n Bonds TOTAL DEBT SER' MISCELLA~OUS DelinqUent Interest on 30,000.00 ~ TOTAL REV~4:UE A~0UNT 'T0' i DELINQUENTS LEV'f REQUIK ASSESSED VA RATE OF LEV ___~. LE OF FU~ No. of Ne. o ~t.~on Item 3~. DEBT SERVI 800 Redemptio 803 Interest TOTAL DEBT SER 800. O0 $1,200~ O0 - o- $~00.0'0 ..... -O- ......... -O-- -O' -O-- 20,64¢. 95 3,643.22 24,288.19 2,218,540.00 1.10 EXPENDITUREESTINATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING, JUNE 30, 1940 SO0TTSVILLE $ISTR~CT..RgAD DEBT FUND .................... YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 19.38 ..... "' ...... ~;YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 194q 'Year Ending Increase Over:i~eore. ase ~ June 30, 1939 Proposed Year.Ending .... Year Endi TITLE OF ITEN Appropriation. Expenditure.Appropriation Expenditures June 30, .1939 J~ne 30, i of Bonds ........ $~5,'317~?8 ......$9~55~35,35'$9,00o.oo $9,500.00 $5oo.oo ~, 1~,499'.50 ....... 13.486.73 ,!3,499.50 12,344.9~ ,, -,a~ ...... . 1,15~., 'ICE $38,817.28 $22,54~.'08 .$2.2,499,50 $21,844_,95._ . $50Q. OO FOR TF~ YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 WHITE HALL DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUN~ Yea~Ending June 30, 1938' .(AcSual) .' :axes ...... $,666;% $75o;00 $I5o.oo Investment s- 2~% 1,~o1.~3 ?~o,oo. ?~o.oo )THER THAN C~ENT ~"RAISED ~ 'CU~T ~ ......... Ll',050.O0 ON BASIS OF 10% 1,227.77 ',D 12~277-77 ,~ 0F ~0PER~ 1,450,629 · O0 .85 ICTIO_ N __ TITLE OF - ./i ~ENDING JUNE 30,.1940. Year'Ending" ...... :increase'Over Decr$~s~ under June 30, 1939 Tentative Year Ending Year Ending F (Estimated)' Estimate June 30, 1939 June 30, ~1939 EST EXPENDITURE"'ESTINA~S FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 WHITE'HALL DISTRICTROADDEBT FUND TEAR ENDED .JUNE 30, 1938 .. Year , di June 3,0,,1939 Lder Allowed By ..... Doard ;E ~ of Bonds m BOnds`' rICE SURPLUS _ _ STATE '~UNDS: / General Appropriation Su~e~sio~ Vocational~ducation Special EdMcation S~perinten~en{s Salary NUsic Educa~i'on COUNTY FUNDS:1 Delinquent~taxes Cash Approqriation .00 $5,213.24 $7,812.21 1 ~NAL Under Allowed By ,rd PE RE~ ESTINA~S FOR 'THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 YE~R ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 Year~ Ended Year Ending June 30, 1938 June~30,_ 1939 Tentative Year Ending .~ Year Ending FINAl ESTINA ).00 90,934.23 100,000.00 4,396.67 4,516.67 4,087.97 4,237.80 1,155.00 1,1~5.00 5,978,03 7,500.00 -o- 6,000.00 88,000.00 -o- 12,000.00 92,00 4,110.00 -o- 406.6? 4,11 5,734.oo 1,496.oo -o- 5,73 1,104.00 1,104.00 -O- 1,1~ 1,155.00 -o- -o- 1,15 50.00 50.00 6,000.00 -o- 1,500.00 6,0C -o- -o- -o- lO,OC 3.00 ),00 %.00 $.00 Leo ]. O0 ).00 ).00 ~oO YEARENDING. JUNE: 30, ., Inc~Se..O~6:~!"Decre'ase Proposed ..... Year Ending · . -_o-_ . -o-. 310 'Year En4ed June 30.,_ 1938 June 30., .1939 Tentative (ACtual) .(Estimated) Estimate Dawson Fund Tuition-0ther D: .visions Tmition-Private Sources Sale of Supplie Sale of Real Es' ate Rents, Rebates tscelianeous Gas Tax Refund Sale of Equip~e .t 1937 Taxes ?OTAL .................. AMOUNT TO BE ~ SEO BY CU~ENT ~ DELINQUE~S ON .ASIS OF 10% ~ ~QUIRED ASSESS~ VALUE ~F PROP~ ~TE 0F LE~ _T_I_TLE OF FUNCTI0] ~1o. of No. of F}nction Item TITL~ SUMMARY l?i Schg0i Board I?B Superintenden l?C Instruction l?D Transpor.tatio l?F Housing 19 Capital Outla 20 Debt Service TOTAL SCHOOL FUND. REVENUE ESTIMATES ~ FOR THE YEAR ENDING 'JU~ .30, .1940 SlOHOOL .~UND ,~.~.qnt' d ) ~./-.,.,. ,~,AR..~,ND'rN_~' JU~ 30, 1%O Tear. Ending Increase Over. DecreAse' Under Year E~ding., Year Ending .... June FINAL June 30, 351,49 400.00 14.? .00 -o- 214.45 200'.00 43.00 400..OO 156.27 100,;00 1,146.29 1,100:.00 107.00 $950.00 -o- $35.00 300.00 -o- 100.00 -O- -O- --O- 200.00 -o- -o- 300.00 -o- I00.00 100.00 -o- -o- 1,150.00 50.00 -o- -O- -O-- -Om --O~ -O~ -~- $95o.oo 3oo.o0 ~0o.oo 1OO..OO 1,150,00 ~O~ $_208,~297.71 -$:~24:~0~;9~)109.153.00 $2.'700..20 $~4,141.67 --~32,1,~.00 ~22~8~.92 - ~1,80~.52 13,'651.88 _10,200.84 136,518.80 102,008.36 11,971,760.~00 11,971,960,00 1.14 .85 EXPENDITURE ~STI~L~TES FOR .THE:~EAR.ENDING JUNE 30, 1940 -.SCHOOL FUND .. ~_, _ ~ 'Year Ending _._!0EAR ENDING JUNE. 30, I~.40 Increase 0V~r-Decreas;'~:$nder ~-. . _ June'30,:l~39 P?Q~oSed year. Ending yean.Esding $11owed By OF ITE~ A~Drooriation Exoenditures-AD~roDriat~on'ExPg~diture.~._JUne..30,19291Ju~e. 30, 1939..| Beard' $ 45.'oo ,8o6. o $i,5 .oo $71o.oo ...... 's Office 5,998.00 6,440.75 6,511.00 6,081.00 105.00 535;00 148,380.00 149,778.50 156,792.50 154,663.7~ 4,872.93 ?,001.?1 !3,3~5,7% ~16,912.0! 16,001.00 19,3~0.00 4,114,00 ?25.00 15,934.55 16,637.37 19,468.00 23,!~3.50 3,665.50 -o- 8,100.00 15,423.30 8,100.00 14,56~,50 ~,469.50 3,000.00 15,69I~00 1&,13~,$3 ~!~,4~?,8~ 'i~ ~1~,607.2~ , , . -or ..... %~840.69 t:. ~0~.,119.26 SZZQ.132.2~g .... ~i'24,;'060. 2.019~92 $22.936.93 ~$A SCHOOL BOARD 100 Cqmp~nsation 220 Tr~eling-E~mses 298 Community Activities & Commencement ~osts 29~ Distribution ~f Textbooks 326 School Censu TOTAL~.~CH~OL BOARD i?B.SUPERINTENDE~T' OFFICE 102 Compensation intendent 13~ Compensation ~f Secretary I07 Electric Currmt 214 Rent 215d Fi ~x~res. & Re~airs 218 Telephone & T~legraph 220 Travel of Superintendent "'}1,595.oo 6,081.00 19,390.00 23,133.50 7~,582.oo ~,.?78.00 . $6~440_.?~ _ $6.511.00 $6,08~'.00_ $~0~',00 ..... :' $535;00': 319 Stationery.,~P 405 Office Equipm TOTAL SUPERINTENDEN l?C INSTRUCTION 133~ Principals-~h 133b PrinciPals-I~h 133c Principals-Ne 133d Principals-Ne 134a Teachers-Hig~ ~hit e-Nal e 134b Teachers-Higk ~hite-Female 134c Teachers-Higk Negro 134d Teachers-higk Female-Negro 134e Teac~ers-Ele~ Male 134f Teachers-Elen White-Female 134g. Teachers-Elen Negro-T~ale 134h Teachers-Ele~ Negro-Female 134i Teachsrs-Vocs l~4J T~ach~rs-Vo c~ )f Members 500.00 520.00 500.00 550.00 50.00 -o- 140.00 148.00 140.00 160.00 20.00 -o- -o- 138.50 100.00 140.00 40.00 -o- -o- -o- 1,000.00 125.00 -o- 875.00 -o- -o- -o- 600.00 600.00 -o- , $640.00 $806.50 $1,740.00 $1,57~.00 . $7!0,00 $~ ~ co $3,3oo.o0 $3,3.00.00 $3,300.00 -o- -o- %O.00 940.00 1,020.00 1,O60.00 40.00 -o- -o- 55.00 -o- -o- 55.00 606.00 601.50 486.00 6.00 -o- 480.00 -o- -o- 30.~0 3.0.00 -o- -o- 132.00 107~81 135,00 135.00 -o- -o- 500.00 42.4.03 500.00 500.00 Lo- -o- inting, Postag~ 500.00 946.13 . 900.00 900.00 , -o- -o- nt & Supplies _ZP-' 121,28 '_85,0Q~ ~...I~Q.00 65.00 -o- ~S. OFFICE 13,855.05 '0-- 623.70 824.18 7,528.95 19,312.43 498.96 1,496.88 98O.lO 73;756.78 1,487.97 15,757.34 3,.029.40 1,069.20 --0-- -0-- --0-- 645.98 22.28 8?I.00 66.82 -o- 6,593.40 -o- 935.55 19,152,05 -o- 160.38. 498.96 -o- -o- 1,986.93 490.05 -o- -o- -o- 980.10 71,646,30 -o- 2,110.68 1,487'97 -o- -o- 1~,944.'45 187.11 -o- 4,910.40~ 1,881.00 -o- 1,069.20 -o- -o- $ ,2~3T, 960'~2 ·~ 6,593.4o 18,35o.15 498.96 1,986.93 -O- 71,646.30 1,487.97 15,944.45 4,910.40 1~069.20 to-Male $ -o- $ .to-Female -o- -o- ~ro-Male -o- 607.50 ~ro-Female -o- 832.50 School- ?,491.00 School- -o- t7,538.00 School'Nale -o- 4~4.00 School- -o- 791.00 ~ntary-,White- 132,~75~00 855.00 ~nt~ry- -o- ?1,109.35 ntary- - o- 1,575. O0 ~ary- -o- - 1~,583.50 tional-~ni~e Male-o- 2,930.00 .ional-Negro ~ale-e- 990.00 14,189.18 645.98 891.oo EXPENDIT"JRE ESTINA~S FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, ~1940 "~'~ YEAR ENDING JUNE ~ TIT :I,~? OF FUNOTIO_N ........... yE%? EN_DED_ JqN~ 3_0~..1938 ........ ~ 'fear Ending In se:Un, er No. of NO. of ~ June 30; 1939 Prop0s~e'd Year Ending Year Ending Allowed By F~un~%i0n It em .I TITLE 0~._. ITEM _._ADproD riat_i°-~n ~E~e _ApDr~PPriat~i0n _E~x~ endi~qre .June: 30, ~un~__~e~Q~ %93~.. ~ ~oard ~cl?C. INSTRUCTI~ 1.35a Compens~ 135b Supervi Compens, Supervi 213 Insuran ~ (GONT'D) .tion& Travel- iors-.White ,tion& Travel- ors Negro e Premiums-Workmans .tion -o- ~f Agriculture Teacher ich~ol Supervisors 400.00 [omo Echnomios"mTeachers -O- $5,085.00 $5,085.0o $5,o34,15 $5,o34.15 $ -o- $ -o- $5,o34.15 945.00 945.00 935.55 935,555 -o- -o-' 935.55 4.90 -o- 4.90 _ 4.90 -o- 4.90 588.80 435.00 690.00 255.00 =o- 690.00 -o- 500.00 500,00 -o- -o- 500.00 [ogre-Teacher of ~al Agriculture -o- -o- 50.00 50.00 -o- -o- 50.00 2,650.00 3,168.22 3.,500.00 ~,200.00 -o- ~00.00 3,200°00 ~ Supplies 2,000.00 7~1.14 2,200.00 1,200.00 -o- 1,000.00 1,200.00 'icture Reels -o- -o- 90.00 -o- -o- 90.00 -o- izod Teats -o- -o- 300.00 50.00 -o- 25.0.00 50.00 ,ry Supplies 1,57~.00 947.14 550.00 400.00 -o- 150.00 400.00 Supplies 3,000.00 2,797.14 2,500.00 1,475.00 ~o- 1,02~.00 1,475.00 pplies -o- -o- -o- 150.00 150.00 -o- 150.00 Education Supplies -o- -o- -o- 30.00 300.00 -o- 30.00 ~1 Education Supplies 150.00 262.21 476.66 500.00 23.34 -o- 500.00 'Compens~ 220 Travel & High 220a Travel' 220b Travel-] Vocatio: 221 Tuition 305 Classro ~05a Motionl 305b Standar, 31~ Laborat ~14 Library 3t4a Music S~ 314b Special 322 Vocatio: 311 ~ ' --- 4 '" .......... :- ''~'' ..c. TOTAL INSTRUCTION {148.38o.oo $149.778.5o $156.792.50_ $1~ ,66~.92 . .$~.872.~3 ..~~~~ 3.,~00.00 4,788.00 1,288.00. -o- 1,3'00.00 1,300.00 -o- -o- 75.00 -o- -o- -o- 56.00 56.00 1,110.00 2,646.00 1,536.00 -o- 3,950.00 5,000.00 1,050.00 -o- 13.6 Truck D~iwrs 3,168.00 3,307.50 211 Insurmn~e on Trucks 1,200.00 1,179.42 214 Rent on,Airport -o- -o- 218 Tele ho~e-Repair Shop. -o- -o- 2i9 ~ Gent. actors' 2,106.00 1,903.75 300 Tires, Repairs & Upkeep 3,600.00 · 6,686.75 312 Gas, Oil & Grease 3,321,71 ..3,834~9 TOTkLTRM~S?OR~ATION 1'14.00 I?F HOUSING 119 ~Nages o$ Janitors 123 Repairm~n of Buildings 207 Electrz~ Current 210 InsuranSe on'Buildings 210a Boiler Insurance 215a Repairs &'Upkeep-Buildings & Groun..s 215b Nainten~nce of floors McIntir. , Etc 215d Repairs.Furniture & Fixtures 218 Telepho~e-McIntire 223 t~ater 300 Tires, ~06 Janitor 311 Fuel 312 Gas, Gr 323. Wells .399 Unclass TOTAL HOUSING 19. CAPITAL 123 Playgr O 123a Floors-] 322 Vocatio. 400 Replace'. 400a Repairm 403 Furnitu 6Gl New Land TOTAL CAPITAL 20. DEBT $ERVI 801 Princip 804 Interes TOTAL DEBT SER ubes & Parts ~' Supplies mse & 0il [fied ~LAY md Improvement ~cIntire, etc. ~al Equipment aent of Trucks ~n's Service Truck I dings )UTLAY ~1 Literary Fund Literary Ymnd ICE 3,237.00 3,056.75 3,780.00 3,810~00 30.00 -o- -o- -o- 960.00 960.00 -o- -0- 689.50 1,055.87 1,100.00 1,200.00 100.00 -o- !,515.00 1,307.70 1,900.00 1,900,00 -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- 275.00 275~00 -o- 4,000.00 4,856.62' 3,000.00 5,83?.40 2,839.40 ~o- -o- -o- -o- ¢00.00 400.00 -o- -o- 1,063.~5_ 1,OO0.00 l~000.00 -o- -o- 48.00 49.10 48.00 49.10 1.10 ~80.00 427.42 580.00 600,00 30.00 -o- -o- 100.00 100.00 -o- -o- 900.00 912.38 1,200.00 1,200.00 -o- -o- 4,165.05 3,765.28 4,500.00 4,500.00 -o- -o- -o- -o-- 300.00 300.00 -o- -o- 400.00 127.30 500.00 500.00 -o- -o- -o- 15.00 .... ~00,00_. _. -o- -o- ..... 500.00 .. ----::---_--:: .00 -o- 51.3.6 1,2'09.00' 400.00 -o- 800.00 -o- -o- 500.00 - o- -o- 500.00 -o- -o- -o- 2,344.50 2,344.50 -o- 5,.500.00 12,932.25 5,500.00 4,100.00 -o- 1,400.00 -O- -O- -'O- 52~.~ 525.00 1,800.00 1,104.56 900.00 600.00 -o- 300.00 800.00 1,255.13 -o- 6,000.00 6,000.00 -o- =_.-o--... 80.00 . ,0- _ .......... 600, QO 600oQ0 ............ · ..... '$3.,000,.00 8~.~QQ..00 $15,423.30 $8,100.00 $14.,~69.50 _ $9,469.50. ..... 9,671.00 9,831.18 9,895,86 7,194.13 -o- 2,70i.73 6,000.00. 4,3o_t. 6~ ..... .5...572.03 5.413:g7 .. -o- . ............ ................. : 'Jif .......... ...... ' _~ .... ; ....... -=-- -, ,)n ...... 400.00 1,957.00 4,100.00 525.00 600.00 312 The Board proceeded to lay the 00~.~y-~¥~ for-'~he Y~ar 19~9:'-~-~nd ~rd-e~ed %h~ Director of Fi~ ~ g~-..-~o~$y e~ A~r!e-~ae~~d-~cottee%-o~-att ':~ab!~ real a~d all tax~e!e ,t~gib!e-perse~ ,p~epe~tT, in~¢,tuding:.~¢hin~ry and,.,.toots-~net a~$seSSled mas real e state ,at ~ the- ~g-ener~l-reassesemem% -o.f ~s ~- in tgR~ us,e~-~r ~-.emptoye~~ -&n-e manufacturing or mi~ing bu~imess~,%m~a,bie-By~-t-he-..$%~e, ~,n--Ga~%at; i,metudimg ~tic...se~iee..ce-rpera.tien, pre.perry (e,,~mept %,he--~r~tt&~g.,s~eo~-el -~&t~re~ds-eperated ~-by- steam) ,, ~aeed, -upon-. the-..a~s, sese- men~ fi~ed ~-the.S~a~e-.,,C~rp~ratien.-Cemmiseie~ ~,?eer~!fied b~.. it., ~ the ,Beard of Co~t¥ F~er-'Goriest County -P~r~se~ ~ T~en~y-Five ,Cent s ($. 2~) on .every One Hundred Dollars ..For ,Q~nty .Scheet Pu~p~se~.~ Eighty~Fi~e Cents ($.,8~) en.~ery One H~red Dollars sa~d ~er..-tm~e% ~d~Smnkmn~ ,F~d ~er District. R~d.?~n~s, the:-Direeto~ of Fin~ce .shall levy (t) In' ~e--C~i-~%~itto DiStr~t .Eigh%y-~i~e~:C. en%s ($,~-8~)-on every One Hundred (2) DollarS, ~r~h",ef,,e~d,-,,Frop~'~' the tvy-District-E~gh~y-Five. Ce~ts .($'8~) on ,e~ery O~e Hundred Dollars (3) tn %he-Rivenna Die%~ict Eighty~F, iv~ Cents ($.85) on every~O~e ~H~m~red Dottare In the, eam~et-Nilte-r District One Dollar .~$t.00),o-n-,--every .0~e. ,H~dred Dollars worth~ ef s~id p-reperty ~; (5:). ~n-t~e,, ,Scet%svitte~ Dis%rie~~ One De liar-.an~.-:Tem. Qe~ts ($1.10) on-,every One (6.) tn the,,.. White .-Hall Distr,,c% Eighty-five, .C.e~,~:s.{.} ~Sff)-,~n .m~e~y--One Hundred D~tt~re. worth-- of s~id. property. -. For Z.¢e~ee%. ,,e~d .-. ticking---Fan&. ~. :Qpe~%~ .. Pu~pe~ee-- is..: %he:.-~ee ten-..Mitts:-Sanitary District, Fifty Cents ($,.5G) on-,,every O~,H~d,~e~.,Delta~rs, wo~rth of said,.'2~ope, r%y. Fe~ $~ra%i~g Ex~s in --the-. Crezet-.Fire Di strict, -Ten 0ents ~($. 10):. ~on..every 0~e Hundred Dollars worth .of .said, property. Claims, against the- ~ou~ty~ ~mmting te,.$4~-,632.29, we~e~.~p~esented~, e~ami.ned, verified, ~d,.a~reved-,, ,~d..~,rdered .certifi~l-%e the Di, ecter ~cf Fi~ for paint ~d charged aga, i~st..the.-fell~wing funds: General School Dog Ts~x Crozet Fire District Woolen Mill.s.-. Sanitary Dis%riot Road Debt: Ohar, iottesville District Scott svitte District White Hall District Office B~t~ing Const,ruction School Building Construction Oommonwealth,.ef ,,Virginia 21,146.03 235.65' 48.23 27.4.8 90? .53 1,367.47 6,f1~.86 3,6~9 · 28 ~1.779.83 Total $43 ,.632.29 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. 6/~~~ Chai~an.