HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-05-17313 Minutes of the meeting of April 19, 1939, were read and approved. The-foltow&ng,Reeot,~.io~s-,~ff-,ered by Mr, E. J, Ballard, seconded, by~M~,. ~P, H. Gentry~ was unanimously IIE,50L ..I~-tON., Depar-tmen~ ~hae~.~.been.~e~eeute~..by~..~the.Ciiy,.of ..C~h~rl~ttes~itte-amd ~the Univer- Albemarle C~u~ty,-..~irEinia,~ thai .the. Ohai.rmam ~nd ~the..~lerk. of .this. Baard be and are hereby aUthorized-and directed to exeau-te the following Contract in the name of and on behalf of ibis Boards A~REEMENT for the operation of a Joint ~el~ment of Health between the County of Albemarle, Oity ~f Charlottesville and the University of Vir- ginia. v WHEREAS, the .C~m~y of Albemarle, City-of 0harlottesville, and the University of Virginia., are so .situated with reference ~.:~each other that public health in said county, .City and. U~ivereity can best be promoted by the establishment, amd maintenance of a single Health Department with trol of these %hr~.. populations,' and-~ · Vfl~EBEA$, .one-Health Department for the t4=ee .communities can be more economically and successfully operated, and such department will best pro- tect the health of the.-~ntire neighborhood$~ and I~ItEREAS, ~he l$32Acis of. the. General Assembly of Vir. ginia,-.Chapter ~68, Page ?~, pro,des for the-organization-of a County.Beetth Depar. tmen% · and BoaFd, and. gives to-the Board of County Supervisors certain discretionary powers as regards the choice of a health Offioer.,"the pramulgatien of~sa~i%ary ordinances, and their enforcement-and similar duties;~and 17~E~EAS, under the City Charter (Acts of the Assembly 1922, po 704) broad powers are granted to the-City Commissioners to provide for general health of the. inhabitants, to make regulations to secure same and provide for the appointment smd organization of a Board of Health or other Board te have the powers of the Board. O£ .Heal%h~ .and WHE~, the University has created a Department of P.ubiio Healih and Hygiene.in the Medical School to promote knowledge of, interest .in, and appli- cation of the principles of preventive medicine, NOW, THEREFORE-, THIS AGREEMENT, ~made-this the.24th day.of April,..1~39, between the said Board-of Gomaty Supervisors o~ the County. cf..Albemarle, hereinafter called ~the. ~unty-, of the firs% part.; said-Commissi0ners of the City of Charlottesville, hereinafter called the City, ef the second part~ and the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, hereinafter called the University, of .the. i~hird .part, 1. That in consideration of the premises and the mui~ml benefits .which. will accrue to the.par-ties there,, .said .County,. City an~ University agree to form a Joint Health Department', said Department to operate under the direction of a Joint Health Board as hereinafter provide~, 2, That ~he Joini Health Bea~t~.shall consist of three members, one representing the Coamty, one representing the City, and one representing the University. 3- That the -Board of~-Oount.y Supervisors shall s611~.,~15. me~ber of said Joint Health,Board who shall s~r~e fo~ ,such .~em as..s~d ,Co~y, visors s~ll .d~emine. ~t ~.~id .~r s~ll..act, for the .Co~i~ pr~pt ~d e~fioie~ a~is~.ion o~ t~ ,~fa~s...of:,.t~ ~oint ~th. ~- er-~~-. ~ ~. ~tk~i~r, or ~..the p~lgation of- ~ic: .~al~ ~he Oo~ty for the operation of the ~oin~ Health Depa~ent~ He~th B~ard o~ reco~end or ~is~, but ~eir a~tion shall 4. That the Oity. Oommissioners .shall. choose one member of the Joint-, Healih Board~. who shall serve for such period-as sad. ~ommi.ssione~s--may de%er- mine, The said member shall act for the City in the prompt and officio_n% administration of the Joint Health Department, provided that in all matters pertaining io the appo.!ntme~,:.resiEnati~n,..or removal of fha the s~d' ,Joint Health Board e~ reco~end or advise, bu~ their action shall ~. That the. University .hereby..de.s$~ates.,the. Profeasor..o£ Hygiene and.. Public Health.-.of .~he ~e~al-.~ool as its iber en the. J~in~ hlih... Board with full.powers ~..~t for the~ University,.. p~v~d-.that. ~.-.~ile.rs pe~ing ~ %~. ~1 appropriation cf..the Unive~i%~ for tha ~rati~ of the Join%..~Ith .~~ent, the said Joint Healih.B~rd.c~. reco~end but must be ~ided by the official actio~ of. %he Board of Visitors of the University. 6, That~he Joint Health. Board,,. the Joi~t Health-Office~, -an~.all othe~ ~ploYees s~ll ~fo~..o~ out ~d-exe~._~l d~ies no, or :her~ ~er prescribed by the City o~~a,.-Ca~.H~lih Dep~tm~t, regula- tions ~d State ~ws~ pe~ai~to Public~alih ~d S~aiion, ~d ~id Dep~ent ~d its officers ~d employees shall ~ve all ~ers now or here- ~er conferred by the ~oremention~. o~d~es, re~lations ~ ~ laws. ?. The Joint Health Board shall hold regular meetings at least four times each year on the second Tuesday-of June, September, December.and Feb~ ~rNo Special meetings may be called at any time in case of urgent business upon the request of the Chairman of the Board .of O~u~y Supervisors or the Mayor of the City. It shall elect a chairman who shall hold office for one year, ~aless reelected. The Health Officer ex-officio shall act as secretary but shall net have a vote° 8. The said Joint-Board of Health sb~ll act in an ad~sory capacity i~t it is ~derste~-~ agreed t~ the ~si~.ion of Health 0triter ~11 be filled only by a persom app~ved by,he ~BtaieL~a~-~ De~ent ~d the ~a~ ~ ~he. ~-.of,. offiee,-.e~ ~e,~cin~./.He~h Ofticer~ the.Jo~t Health B~d $~li ~v, i~-.~r to.-.,gr~t tei~-o~...abse~e .i~.-.~e~s of-24 hours, to ~he Joint Health Officer, .~t ~.a gene~.~y ~o .Out,ne ~he ~rfo~ce 10o Tb~t it is ~mder~Sood and agreed .that the Health Officer shall otherwise have full direction and responsibility for the administration of the Joint Health Departmen%o He shall have the power to appoint all employees, fix %he duties and hours of work, regulate the leave of absence, and remove for cause ~he employees of the Joint.. Health Department, subject to the approVal of the Joint Health Board. He shall make regular reports of the work of the Joint Health ~epartmen% at the regular meetings of the Joint Health Board held quarterly and shall make special reports to said Board whenever .requested by its Chairman, and shall keep the Board of CoUnty Supervisors and the City Commissioners informed .of the'activities of the Joint Health Department, 11. That the contr~.ctim'g.par~ie~ further agree that the facilities of the Joint Health Department may be utilized for the teaohing of medical students or nurses and for researe~ by collaboration between the Joint Health Officer and the Department of Dablio Health and Hygiene of the Medical School so far as this may be practical without in.~rfering with the administrative efficiency of the O~ganization, has been approved as budget to be made by in above proportions a revolving fu~d for ment of each month. 12. That the work of the Joint. Health Department..shall be.financed by funds contributed annually by the contracting parties in-the following-pro- portions, that is to say, the.said-Co~ty .of Albemarle will contribute of said funds, the City of Charlottesville ~%..of said f~u~s, and-the Unver- sity of Virginia $1,~00 per ~n~-, ~ud from such other .agencies as may from time to time ~rlsh to participate' in the promotion of the public health in this districts Shat a tentative budget shall be prepared by the Joi~iBoard of Health and sabmitted to the eo~raeting pa~ties to tbXs agreement for their approval prior to March ist in each year, and said parties shall contribute such for the operation of said Department as may be set ~p in said budget after aforesaid, provided, thet ~the contributions set up in -said the County and City shall be made by monthly disbursements from each of the aforesaid parties sufficient to create the use of said Department of $-2,000.00 at the commence- The City further agrees to f~mish for the ~se of ~the Joint Health Department such office space and Janitor service as are now used by ~aid Department. The University further ag-r~es to conduct in-the'.-labor~tories of. Medical School such. labora%ory.examiaati~nS..asl-may.be ne~aasa~y in oo~nectio~ with She public ..he~th .interest in-the~City a~. ,County, tnd .in consideration of an annual appropriation by the City So the University .Hospitals sai~ University agrees., that. ~i~ts. Hospilal will give preference.to.the oar,.and treatment cf~ all indigen% pat'ien~s ~£rom..said City-which the Health O :;Slicer may certify ~to be a .menace to public health, and im consideration of .an a.nnaati~appropriation ,of ~ndetermi~ed amount by the County .-~6 She University Hospital, said University. agreea tha~t.its Hospital- will give pze~ere~.e to the care and treatment of all indigent patients from said County,-which the Health 0~fioer may-.,eerti~fy, to. be a .menace.. to .public health, 1~.~,. That %he.money. appr~pr~.ted for the. operation, o£-.theJoin%HealSh Depar%menl s~l ~ b~geted to. one.accel%.. Sa,id. aceo~t- s~t be ~:~- by ~he City Audito~ .~ t~ Ci~y ~ be.-at~-.$t~,~. ~ ~th- for .s,~h- se~oeo. ~id auditor s~l ~ish the coni~ct'ing pa~ies ~o i~s .agree- ment such re~s-~ fi~c~ s~ate~nis as ~hey may req~. 14, That within the limits imposed by the appropriating bodies the Health 0ffi~er, ~der s~pervision of the Joint Health Board, shall have the amd. econem~, in. ~the admini~stra~ien,.of. ~his Depar%men%~. but.. : the -. bud§s~ar~ exp®nse es~i~es ~1i no~ be e~ee~d, wi%hout app~l~from.-bo~h %he~ Bo~d of Supe~sors ~d. the ~it~.Co~cil. Disbur~me~ts-e~ll be ~de upoa ~uohers si~ed by ~he ~alth. Officer. F~ci~ stat~nts s~ll be ~de q~erty %o the City Busizess M~ger, the Co~%y Executive-of Alb~Ie Co~t~d the ~r ~f ~ U~i~ersi~y, F~he~re, ~y .properly.a~ri~do~fioe~ f~om. ~y o~e of the ~ .~nt~ct~g ~ies .s~ll at ..~y t~ ~ve access %~ ~he ~ks of the. said- J~i~ .~al~h-De~ent. ~e H~t~--Offi~.-~ for the proper e~endi%ure of these f~ds ~d t~ Jolt Health B~rd s~ll be diligent in -~ei-~. ~t ~is. resp~sibility-i~ properly l~-e That upon %he appr~valof this-agreement.by-.-the. Board. of Supe~s~rs, ~e, City Co~issioners ~ t~ Rec%o~ ~ ~i.s~ors of ~he Univsr- sift, the ~rty of the first ~ ~d the ~y of the seoo~. i~edia~e!y ~proce~ to ~es~e their re~ective m~rs of the~ Joint Health B~ard ~d ~e $~ll be convened ~ executive session %~ perfe=t ~ org~iza- 16. This agreement shall become effective July 1,1939, and may be termi~ hated as of Jmiy ls~ in amy year of its d~ratien, provided any one of the con- tracti~g par~ies shall gave the other par~ies notice in writing 90 days prior to the aforesaid 'termination date. IN TEtTIMONrf I~tEREOF., the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County has caused its nmme to be signed, hereto by its Chairman, and attested by its Clerk, and the City. of Oharlottesville has caused, its name to be signed by its Mayor, and attested by its Clerk; and the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia has caused its name %e be signed by its Rector amd attested by its Secretary. ATTEST.: BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS'~0F 'ALB~ COUNT~ Nar~aM~... T, W~od~ard (si~ed) Clerk By . J~ M. FraF (Sizned) .. Chairman ATTEtT~ CITY. OF CHARLOTTESVILLE Jas. Et Bewe~. ,' Jr, (Stone,d) ~ Clerk ATTEST~ E, I. Card,hers . Secretary By , ~o.T- Huff (Siz~ed) _ · ... May~r RECTOR AND VISITORS OF T~E UNIVERSITY OF VIRGIEIA By Rector The following Resolution, offered by Dr.' L. G. Roberts, ~uly se=ended, was unanimous1. adopted~ RESO~ION. i~EREAS, by Reso~u~i~n of thi~ Beard adopte~ on April 1~, ~S9, the Ce~unty Executive.wa~s authorized ~d directed t, r~=eive bids on e~i~ent, ~osting less t~ $1~0~.~, neoessa~ for the ~be- ~rle Oo~%yOffiee Building, P. W. A. Do~ke~ Ne. Va. IO18'F, and the contract for s~e to the le~s% bidder, '~W, .~~, BE iT ~$OL~D BY %h~ Board of Co~ty Su~r~s~rs ef ~~ie~Co~%y, Vigginia, that %h~:~ Actmen of the' Co~%y. Exec~ive ~ a~rding' the fellew~g Contacts be ~d the s~e is ~reby~Ap.p~ved: Le~s~. ~mdde~ A~icte ~w~st Bid Flowers School Equi~nt Cem~ny~~ Rip,end., Virg~ia Audi%ori~ C~rs ville, Virg~ia ~ood Fu~it~e~ ~0.55. Reming%o2 R~d, Inc., ~ Charlottesville,~ Virg~ia Visible Index 564. 7. ~e-fe~ie~ng Resol~ion, offend by Dr. L. G. RoBe~s, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby ~is, ~s ~ously adored: ~~, at the regular April~ 1~35, meet~g of this B~, Resolu- %iens were adopted, request~g the State Hig~ay Co~ission' to %~e int~ · he ~cenda~ Syst~ of ~g~ays ce~ain pieces of r~d ~ t~s co~ty, ~AS, ~hese pieces of road ~ve now been ~asu~d ~d the correct~ dis~e ~ each insilco is a~ilable, NOW, T~FO~, ~ IT ~SOL~ by the Bo~ of Oo~%y Supe~sers Albe~rle cowry, Virg~, %~t the State Hi~y Co~ssion be ~d is here- By ~quested %0 take into the Seeonda~ System of H~ys ~ ~b~le Co~$y the follo~ng sections of read~ 1. Fr~tIn%. R~. 668 ~o 0.70 ~. west %o gate be%~en C. W. ~ ~d Son, ~d M~t Spri~s Orchard, a die,ce of 0.?0 mile. 2. Old Three Chop Road, f~m In%~. Rt. ~16 %e Flu~a 315 316 Into Rt. 29 to In~. Rte '/lO at. Red Hill School, a di~a~ce -.~t. R2; 622 t~ .1.~7 ~. southeast. 2o~rds Flu~ Cowry ~nt. Rt. ~2 ~o Rose Hill Colored Church, a ~st~ce of ]~t. Rt. 663 a2 Earlysville ~o I. ~. ~ray's gate, a diet,ce F~ ]~t. R~. 63? near Cri~zer's Shop to Colored School, a ~t. R~. 602 to Nelson Co~ty ~,~a_~s~ce.~ 0,9~ mile. Budget for ~he Joint He~th Dep~ment ~s presented ~ approved~ JOINT HEALTH DEPARTME}IT BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1~39-40 BUDGET RECOMMENDED ... BUDGET I'NCt:~EASE OR ESTIMATE DECREASE 19~9-40 Albemarle Oo~mt7 Charlottesville University- State Miscellaneous $ 7,5o0.00 "$750.oo- $ 6,750.oo ~,500.00 ;$750.00+ 8,2~0.00 1,~00.00 1~00.00 ~,~o0.oo ~,500.oo 500.00 ..... ... 500.00 $22.500,00 EXPENDITURES ~ Health Officer, Salary $ 4,200.00 Health Officer, Travel' 600.00 $200.00- Nurse No. 1, Salary 1,800.00 ~FNurse 'No. 1, Travel 600.00 ' 50°00- Nurse No. 2, Salary 1,620.00 Nurse Ne. 2, Travel 600.00 50.00- Nurse No. 3, Salary 1,620o00 NUrse No. 3, Travel ~00.00 50*00- Nurse No. 4, Salary 1,560.00 Nurse No. 4, Travel 600.00 50.00- Sanitation Officer NO. 1, Salary Ssaita%ion Officer No. 1~ Travel Sanitation Officer No. 2.s Salary 1,620.00 Sanitation Officer Ne. 2, Travel ~0.00 50.00- 1,050.0O 180-00 500.00 ~ 500.00 $20,?10.00 Clerk Auditor City School Dental County School Dental SOB~TOTAL Contingent Fu~d~ Office SUpp!ies' Biolcgic~ 500.00 Postage ~ 1OO.O0 Telephone and Telegraph $~ e00 Prating 100.00 Medical Supplies Ex%r~ 0flies-~lp ~eO0 S~lie Stud.s ~iscell~eous $5oo.oo- $ 4,200.00 400°00 1,~00,00 550.00 1,620.00 55o.oo ls620.00 55o.o0 1,56o.oo 550.eo 1,860.00 1,620.O0 55o.oo 1,050.00 180.00 500.00 5oo.o0 $2o,2io 100.00, 85.00 '/5.00 125.00 5o.oo J 72o.0o 1.790.00 ~'00,00+ '~85.00 2.290.00- TOTAL The following Reports were presented, examined a~d ordered filed~ 1. County Executive, 2. District Board, 3e University cf Virginia Hospital. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, presented statement of expenses of the Depart- ment of Finance for the month of April, 1939, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved. 01dimmer 0aryN. Noo~'Lagains% ~he~ D~g2Fu~di amoUnting ~. to $11~,40, was presented. Since there was no evidence that the damage ~a~ been done by dogs, the claim was denied. ~l~m-ffotlowing Resolution) offered by Mr. E. J. B~llard, seconded by Mr. P. H; Oentry, IN.~E$ SHORTAGE..SBg~N~ IN A~IT.- F~RT~E.~ YEAR .ENDING.- JU~E- 30, 1938, WBEREA~, it appears from a~ audit for the year ending ~une 30, 1~38. %hat there-is ma apparen% shortage.'-Of $646.89 i~ the Dep~men% of. Fin~ce, and ~- ~d. ia~ly upon- t~.,re~-:of-:2.~s ~Or~ge."~ .e~usti=e-~i~stigation ~s la~d i~.,~ offo~ %0, a~ce~.a~ w~%her ~hore ~ght. ~e .cr~na! or ci~l responsibility a~tac~ng ~o ~y person, or perso~s, ~ployed ~ %he Depa~ of AND VfltEREAS, d~ma~d~ w~s,-~de-~rpen ,the bonding comfy for pa~t, yet, s~ety comfy .decl~ed $o ~e g~od ~he sho~age ~less ~he person or perse~s res~ns~bte~ theref~r ~ould be AND WHEEEA~, the maSte~- .was- refor~ei-to the-Oo~ealth' s Atto~ey for ~-..Co~t~, ~d. ~ vi~. ~. t~- fact-t~t ~y .cr~ prosecution ~ve to be .~d .~ the-City of C~lottesville, it ~s in tu~. re.fe~d by ~s for both.2~ Co~%y ~d the City ~ve indicated by ~ters on file .~he--Cle~k.of ~$.Board, as well as b~ conferences-~th the .Bo~d, the~ opiAion:~nc cr~l res~nsibil~tF o~ be es~:~!i~d ~n-the meager evince obtained, ~ Both ~ve ~dicated .t~t, in ~ir ~p~ion, ~less furor eFi~ee c~ ~e obt~d it is useless ~o ~de~ake ~ ~vest~ation A~D WHE~, the entire subject has been laid before the J~dge of the Circuit Cour~ of Albemarle Co~ty, who .~has himself made an'independent investi- ga~io~ and has indicated, by letter .to the Boar~ that he approves of the con- clusions reached by the COmmonwealth,s Attorneys. for the County end for City, and that in his opinion this Board is authorized to make such disposi- tioa ef any technical legal claim against the Director of Finance as the Board may consider proper. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County $~pervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that, i~ their opinion, after mature consideration, the item in question should be charged to the general fund of the County. A..Ccmmiiiee, representing the.Children's Hom~., .appeared .and requested the Board to appoint a Committee to confer with a similar Committee £rom the. City Council and the official of the Children's HOme to consider the appropriation of funds to purchase a building %o house ~his institution. Upon motion, duly made and .seconded, the following Committee was appointed~ Mr. C. Purcell McOue, Dr. L. G. Roberts, and the'County Executive. The County Executive reported that he had made an unsuccessful attempt to contact the Chairman of the State Planning Board with reference to Zoning. This matter was continued until a. later meeting, lo~%esvitle-~,a~d.,,.~equest~ paymen2 of',.$.6}.~O..d~e.,~,on-s~,lary of the .Oir.ouit. CouP. Judge for the The Coua%y~ Exe~ive,~:.rec~ded-' .it~.~ .-p~o~s~o~.,be.m~de, for...a-. :,colored dent.ist in the schools,- during~-.t-he,-nex~-,~session..,'.at-,~.~si-~ot~,::io :exceed $~.~O~-` .Upon motion, duly made and soconded~ %heCou~ty Execu~iv~'.s redammendation.~was adopted. The County Executive recommended Miss Jane Bruce, of Scottsville, Virginia, as a Case Worker in the Welfare Department, effective July~l, 1739, at a salary of $80.00 per month. Upon motion ~ Dr. L. O. Roberts, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby Harris, Miss Bruce was appointed. Claims agains~ the County, ~mounting 2o $~0,1$8.88, were presen%.~d, examined, and al- lowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General School VirEiniaPublic Assistance Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Office Building Construction School Building ~o~s%ru.c%ion RoadDebt~ Charlottesville District I~yDistrict. Rivanna. Distric2 samuel Miller District $oeitsville District White Hall District Deferred Debit Commonwealth of Virginia. $ 20,c)5~o48 13. 0 144.80 18.86 11,3f3.67 7,834.2~ .53 25'o.6o 650.78 .75 27.89 1,193,1___6_6 318 Upon motion, the meeting adJour~edo ~ A re.ar meeting of 2he Boerd.cf County S~per~iso~s. of Albemarle-. Coup%y. V~g~ia. ~s held- at. %~. C~. Hour.: of ~-~. $~id. O~%~.--on~ %~. ~1s% ~y.-~ J~e, 1939, P.resen%~ ~Mes~rs. J..M. Fra~, E.J. B~iard~ P. H. 9ent~-H. Ashby Harris, ~d C. Purcell McOue, ~d Absent ~ N~ne. N~utes of'%he meeting ~f ~y 1~, 19~9, were re~ ~ approved. ~e following Rese!ution, offered by Mr. H. Ashby ~is, sounded by Mr. C. Purcell NeGuS, ~$ BE ~ ~L~D by the ~ard of-Oe~ty-~upe~sors of Albe~rle Co~ty, Virginia,~ t~t it is the sense of t~s Board that State Ro~e 20, l~ding f~m Dil~ to Scettsville, sho~d be extended to C~rl~ttes- viile~by ~y of Ash ~.. ~dMonticelle, ~d 'u~es.that the Co~ssion %o ~ke study of Pr~ry ~d Seconda~ ~gh~ of Vi~i~a ~co~d tha~ ~his se~ion from Scottsville to C~rlottesville be put into the Pr~rY Syst~. ~ folle~ng Repo~ of the F~ce Cedi%tee was presented ~d approved~ J~e 21, 1939 T0 the Members of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, Your 'Committee wishes to report that it has been a practice in the past to transfer the interest duo the several funds on the first day Of each calendar year. However, for bookkeeping purposes, it appears more satisfac- tory~to transfer this interest at .the close of each fiSCal year. Therefore, we recommend that the DireCtor of Finance be authorized and directed to make the following transfers covering interest to June 30, 1939, inc., FROM* Samuel Miller District...-.......~.......$1,050.00. Ivy District...... ..... · · · · · · ·. · · · · · · · · .$ 175.00 Riv~na District......... .... ........... ** Total *In% for ? mo. on $6,000.00-S.M.Dis%, 5s due (Purchased by Ivy. on ~/2!/~39, by Ck. No. 132359' Int. paid by Ivy %9 2/24/39--Int.. due Ivy ..by 'S~/. from 12/1/38 %0 6/30/39, Inc.--? mo.) **In%. for 6mo. on $35,000.00 8J/.Dist..5~ due 1/1/48. Scot%sville District.......... Ivy District.,............... Rivan~m Dis%riot............ Totalo.ooo..................~ · ......,..$ 550.00 * · ......... 300.00 ** *Int. for 6 mo. on $22,000.00 Sc.Dist. 5s due **Int. for 6 mo. on $12,000.00 Sc.Dis%. 5s due ~Int. for 6 mo. on $31,000,00 Sc.DiSt. 5s due Respectfully submitted, (Signed) O Purcell McOue (Signed) P- Upon mo%ion by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. O. Purcell McOue, the following Loans were approved, FROM, ~ ~.~nera! Ftmd $¢.,100.00. Croze% Fire District Fund Samuel Miller Distric~ Road Debt Fd. ScOttsville Dis%rio%Road Debt Fund To%al $ 400.00, 1,600.00, 2~100,00, $4,100'00.