HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-06-21318 Upon motion, the meetin~ adjourned. ~~ , Ohairmea. A re.ar meetinE, e.f the Board .of COunty, tmpervisors~..of Alb~te. Oo=u%y, Virg~ia, was held a~ the ~U~ Hou~ of- ~, ~id., Oo~y--~ ~, 21's~-~y.~ .J~e~ 1939. Presen~ Messrs. J...M-. F~y,E,. :J. Baltard, P. H. Gent~ PurcellNcOue, ~d Dr. L, G. Roberts. Absent ~ Nin~es of the mee~g ef May 17, 1939, were re.~ ~ app~v~. ~e felle~ng Reseluti~, offered by Mr. H. Ashby ~rris, sounded by Mr. C. P~cell BE ~ ~L~D by the Board of Oo~ty ~uper~eors of Albe~rle Co~ty, Virginia, that it is the sense of t~s Board that State Route 20, leading f~m Dil~n to Scottsville, shoed be extended to C~rlottes- rills ~by ~y cf- Ash. ~ ~d~ Monticello, ~d u~ that the Cohesion ~o make study cf Pr~ry ~d Secondary ~gh~ys of Vi~i~a this section from Scottsville to C~rlottesville be put into the Pr~ry System.. · ~e follo~g Repo~ of the F~ce Co~ittee ~s presented ~d approved~ J~e 21, 1939 T~ the Members of the Board of County Supervisors of the 0ounty of Albemarle, Virginia: Your Committee wishes to report that it has been a practice in the past to transfer the .interest due the several funds on the first day of each calendar year. However, for bookkeeping purposes, it' appears more satisfac- tory~to transfer this interest at .the close of each fiSCal year. Therefore, we recommend that the Director of Finance be authorized and directed to make the following transfers covering interest~ to June 30, 1939, inc.~ FROM~ TO: Samuel Miller Dietrict..........~..o....$1,050.00. Ivy District..~.........................$ 175.00.* Riv~una District.......... .... .,.......~. ~ ** Total.........,.. ..... '.........., .~.~, ..~. ,..$1,050 ~00. *Int. for ? mo. on $6,000.00 S.M~Dist. Is due (Purchased by Ivy_ on 2/21~, by Ck. No. 1323~~ Int. paid by Ivy~o 2/24/39'2---Int. due Ivy by B.M. from 12/1,/38 to 6/30/39, Inc.--? mo.) **In%. for 6-mo. on $35~000.00 S.M.Dist. 5~' due 1/1/48. Sco%tsville District.......... General Fu~d.................. Ivy District.................. Rivanna Distri ct.... .........$1,625.00.' eot 6 mo. on $a2,ooo.oo Sc.mst. 5s for 6 mo. on $12,000.00 Sc.Dist. 5s due for 6 mo. on $31,0~.~O Sc.Dist. 5s due 1/15/47. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) O._O_~Pur~cell. Mo~ue (Si ed) __ O0~T~ were approved~ FROM$ TOe ~e~era! Fu~ad Croze% Fire District Fund Samuel Miller Distric~ Road Debt Fd. Scottsville District Road Debt Fund To%al $4,100.00. 400.00, 600.00, 100'O0. Upon mo%ion by Mr'. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell McOue, the following Loans The. following Reports.~were...pres.en%~ed, examine~., and ordered filed~ 1o ~e~ty Executive, 2e University cf Virgi~a Hospital. Mr. H. A. ~d~-~ .Direc~r~:.of ..~e~ su~t~e~ a sta~e~ ef e~ses of the Depa~- merit of Finite-for.the. mozth~of.~y., t~, one-third.-of~ w~ch. to ~e ~e by ~he ~tate. Upon motion, duly ~de and seconded, this stat~ent ~s e~ined, ve~ied ~d approved. from the C~ber of Co~erce A Co, tree/ consisting of Messrs. C. T, 0 'Neill, E. ~. Lee, ~d Nat B~niey, appearei ~d requested the Board to inc~ase She Li~nse. T~..on-Oa~i~s. ~.r conside~.ble dis- cussion of ~he ~tter, a Comittee, consisting of Messrs. E. J. Bal~rd and H. Ashby ~is~ ~d the Co~ty Executive, ~s appointed ~o co~fer with the C~ber of ~erce Comittee ~d repo~ ~ack to the Board at a later meeting. C~ of Mr. Ca~ N. Noon against ~he Dog Tax F~d, ~o~ting to $11.~0, ~s again presented ~d upon ad~itie~l ~fo~ation, was appro~d for pa~ent. Mr. H. L. Smith, Resident Engineer, State ~pa~ent off High~ys, appeared ~d that there ~s a ~I1 piece of ~ad near U. S. Route 250 w~ch should be dropped f~m She Secondary The following Resolution, offered by Mr. P. H. 6ent~, d~y seconded,~s adopted~ BE IT ~L~D by the Board of Co~y Supe~sers of Alb~erie cowry, Virginia, ~t~ the ~tate Hig~y Co~ission be ~d is requested to drop f~m~the Zecondary Zy~em of Highways t~ section cf Route 690 from the Intersection of Route 250' to the Intersection of Route $~2, a distance of approx~tely .3 off a ~le. Mr. L. Gordon ~ite ~d others appeared ~d Pr~ent~ a petition, req~s~g t~ a road from ~sv$1te ~e S'c~sv~tte-.Be,~ ~p~ved-, T~s'. Ce~it~ee ~s ~o~d, e~!2~s~.er. ~uid ~ve:.to. be..de~yed ~til the.. ~d mactag-this f~l. A Resolution of.the Albemrle 0~$[ ScB~ot Board, requesting t~s Bo~d to arr~ge a joi~t.:mee~img of officials fr~m. Alb~arle., Buckin~ ~.d Fluor Counties for the pu~ose of discussing the advisability of ope~tizg a joi~t high school ~ the viciaity of Scottsvilt, ~s prese~ed. Upon me, ion, duly nde ~d seconded, it ~s ordered t~t the Albe~rle School Board be authorized ~d directed to p~ceed with the ar~g~e~~ cf the ~e Boa~ reeeived notice of. the semi-~l meet~g' of the ~ague of Virg~ia Co,tie: at Blacksburg, Virginia, on tuly ?th and ~h. Upon mo~ion, duly nde ~d seconded, it was or- dered that as ~y ~mbers of the ~ard ./as: ~uld~ a~ge to d. so~ '? .attend this as-well as-~he. Co~onweat~h's At~o~ey-amd ~he..Oo~y E~ive.. Upon motion, duly ~de and seconded, the cowry Exec~ive's recommendation ~s app~ve~ Mr. S. Mason ~th, ~he~fff,. appeared ~d requested t~t the sala~ of ~s dopey,- Mr. P. M. Ellio~t, be i~cre~sed ~o $.85.00 ~r month. Upon motion, duly made ~d seconded, it ~s ~ously o~ored that ~he sal~ of Mr. P. M. Elliott ~ fixed at $85.00 per month, effective ~uly 1, [ ' Mr. T. O. Scott, Co~%y Agent, req~sted t~t %ho follow~g sala~ chutes be ~de ~he Dec,men2 of Fam ~d ~ome Demo~st~tion~ Mrs..Virg~a S. Mars~ll's,.~a~ry'red~ced $2~.~ per month ~o $10.~ per,m~th ~d Miss Bessie ~ones' s~ fixed a~ $I5.~ per mo~th. Upo~ motion, du~y mde ~d sec0~ded, ~he c~ges were o~ered. A copy of a co~unic~tion addressed to t~ State Oo~Poratio~ Comissio~' fr°m the ~a District P~~ 0,nora Association ~th reference to the e~ablis~ent of ~ near Ee~ck ~s presented. Since the Board ~s of the opinion t~t t~s ~tter ~s out of 0 The Comm~t%ee..~ppe--~ed ~-he~req~t~.of.the..: O~reA.,s.,'~omeBo~d.,~o.~c~nf. er with a similar Committee~ from,~the~ City, Council,..with. referenee.-to .new quarters, for the Children's Home, reported, Upon~ m~tion.,-~uly~ma~e,.~..: seconder,s- this. matter-was tabled. A petition, r~questinE the. Boa, d to p~bttsh~each.quarter a lis~..of, the names of per- sons ~on relief was presented and referred to the Board of Public Welfare for investigation and report. his.disc-re%ton..-a-~t~...-fu~%her..~nvestiga~ion~o .allowed and ~~ ~:~ce~t-&f:ied to ~t-he.Dir~ector. of. Finance .for. ~a~ment ...and .chal~ed.against the foll~wing fm~ds: General School Dog Tax Orezet Fire District Virginia Public-- Assista~ce- Road Debts Oha.rie~.e s~ille~I Di~i~% Ivy District Rivanna District ~amuel Miller District Scottsville District ·hite Hall Distric~ Office Building Construction School Building Construction Commonwealth of Virginia $ 8,937.02 5',052;37 39. 8 1.00 .17 2,515.19 ~,3~.2~ .24 975.08 lo,899.36 5,537.65 Total $40,304,6~, Upon motion, the' meeting adjourned. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervismrs of Albemarle County, Virgia~i~, was held at the Court Mouse of the said 0ou~ty on'the 19th. day of July, 193~. Presentt Messrs. J. M. Fray, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and O. Purcell McOue, amd Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent~ Mr. E. J. Ballard. Minutes of the meeting of J~e 21, 1939, were read and approved. The Committee, appointed to confer with a Committee frcm the Chamber of Commerce With reference to Tax on Carnivals, stated that it was not in a position to make a report.' There- fore, this matter was continued. It was brought to the attention of the Board that Dr. Wilbur Nelson, a member of the County School Board, would be absent from the 0ounty--for about twelve months, Upon m~tion, duly made and seconded, Dr. Nelson was granted a leave of absence. The followimg Allotment of Welfare Funds, approved by the State Department of Public Welfare, for the quarter ending September 30, 1939, was ~appreved~ Clasps' of Assistance 01~ Age / DePendent Children Blind General Relief 1,392.00 495.36 Total $10,558.27. Mr. Frederick E. Nolting, of Richmond, virginia, presented a proposal for refunding ~he Literary ?~ L~ans, provided the State Board of Educati~~ would give the 0ounty permissi~ to purchase Upon motion made by Mr. O..Pur~ell McOue, and seconded by Mr. P. H. Gent~y, the follow-I [rig Resolution was unanimously adepted~