HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-07-19320 ? ¥ The Commtt%ee-~apl~d a% ihe...-request~, of..t, he Childrem.,sHo~ Boart-%o~,~er ~th a s~ilar ~lit~ee from,t~ C.iiy ~oit, .~h refers.es lo ~ew.~q~r~e. rs-for t~ ~hildren's A petition, ~equesii~; tb...Boa, t ~ pubtish~h.q~r a li~.-..of., the. ~aes of per- sons bn relief ~s presented ~d referred to the Board of ~blic ~elfare for ~eetigation ~d repo~. allowed and ,o~de~-~$ed to ~e .D~r..~ F~ce for pa~t.a~ cha~ed.again~ the following General School- Dog Tax Crozet Fire DiStriCt Virginia Public-Assisiemce~ Road Debts Charle~esville. Di~.~io%, Ivy District Rivanna District Samuel Miller District Scottsville District White ~all District Office Building COns%~Ac~ioR School Building Constr~¢%icn Commonwealth of Virginia Total Upon motion, the' meeting adjourned. $ 8,93?.02 ~,05~,37 131.75 1,00 .1T .07 2,575,19 4,325.25 lO,899.3~ 5,53%65 -$40,304.65. A regular meetiag of the Board of~Oounty Supervisors of Albemarle Cowry, Virgt~ia.~, was held at the Court House of the said County onfthe 19thday of Julys Presents Messrs. J. M. Fray, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. ~rcell Mc0ue, amd Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absents Mr. E. J. Ballard. Minutes of the meeting of June 21, 1939s were read an~ approved. The Committee, appointed to co,for with a Comities from the Chamber of Commerce with reference to Tax on Carnivals, stated that it was not in a position to make a report. There- fore, this matter was continued. It was brought to the attention of the Board that Dr. Wilbur Nelson, a member of the 0ounty School Board, would be absent from the County--for about twelve months. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Dr. Nelson was granted a leave of absence. The following Allotment of Welfare Fundss approved by the State Department off Public Welfare,for the q~arter ending September R0, 1939~ was .apprevedt Old Age ~ Dependent Childre~ Blind General~Relief Total 1,392-~0 495.36 Mr. Frederick E, Nolting, of Richmond, Virginia, presented a proposal for refmuding ~he Literary?~.~d L~ans, provided the State Board of EducatiOn would give the County pemissi~ to purchase ~he~. Upon motion made by Mr. C.-t~r~ell McOue, and seconded by Mr. P. H. Century, the follow- in~ Resolutionwas ~mnimously adopted~ ~HEBEAS, the Sinking Fu~d of Albemarle County has on hand mo?e't~ sufficient funds to take up its outst~di~g BE IT ~~D %~t Mr.. H, A. Hades O~t~ E~cu%ive of ~b~arle Oo~%y, be and. he is instated. ~._file a ~- quest ~th the State Board of~Ed~tion for. pe~ission take up Albemarle Co~ty's ~utst~ding Lite~ ~s, and Mr. H. A. ~den,~ Director ~f. Finance, ~i~ted a stat~ent: of t~ expens~ of De~men2 ~f Fin~ce for themo~th of J~e, 19S9, one-thi~ of w~ch to be bo~e By the State. _ Upon motion, duly ~ds ~d .seconded, this statement was ex~ineO,' verified A Co~i~a~io~ from the S~ato ~e~rtment of Hig~ys, showi~g the .pieces of approved by t~ Highly. Oo~ission as additions, to the Seconda~'$ys~ o2 High~ ~rle Co~$~,- ~s presented .~d crdere~ f~ed. I~ ~s ~rought tc the a~tention ~f t~ B~rd t~t-t~..te~ of offiee .of Mr. ~las Fors~h as a member of the Board of Publi$ ~elfare te~i~ted ~n J~y 1, 1~3~. M~. cell McOue nominated Mr. Fo~h t~ succeed h~se~ as a mem~r of this Board for a period of two years. There being no furor nom~ations~ Mr. Eors~h ~s ~ously elected. The following Repo~s were presented, appr,ved and ordered filed~ 1~ Cowry Executive, 2. Dist~ct Boa~, The follo~g Resolution, offered by Dr. L. ~. Robe~s, duly seconded, ~s ~ously RESOLU~ION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Oounty Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia, that the Salary Scale for County Employees, adopted by Resolution of this Board on Juno 17, 1936, be amended so as to provide for the following classification~ Clerk with ten years* continuous se?vice.......up to $90.00 per month. It wa~'brought to the attention of the Board that there would be some surplus material and equipment incident to the wrecking of the old Clerk's 0£fice.. Upon motions duly made and seconded, the County Executive was authorized and directed to proceed with the sale of such surplus materials and equipment. It ~as brought to the attention of the Board that the office in the Court House now occupied by the County Executive would be available for ~e~%aland could be rented for $2~.00 per month, and that rooms would be available for rental in the new building. Upon motion, duly ma~e and seconded, it was ordered that the 0ounty Executive proceed with the rental of this proper~y. 01aims against the County, amounting to $~3,62%.33, were presented, examined, and lowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and ch~.rged against th~ following f~ds~ School Dog Ta~ Crozet Fire District Road Debt~ Charlottesville District Ivy District RivannaDistrict Scettsville District ·hite Hall District $ 8,313.67 3,890.08 10~.20 22~.00 2,82~.00 1,82~.0O 1,95'0,'00 3,175.00 3?5.00 0~fice Building Construe*leu tion 1~,481.%6 School Bui!dingConstruc- tion 4,601.~4. Commonwealth of Virginia 8~8.28- Total $43,625.33. the meeting adjournod.~ E regular meeting o£ .the Board. of County Supervisors-. of Albemarle Co~un~ ty, Virginia, he~tdba~-~t~ 0~m~-.Bui!~i~;~ $~ the said cowry on the 16th day o~ August,~. 1939. Present: Mesas.. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard., P.~ H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, ~d C. Purcell McCue, ~d Dr. L. G. Robe~s, Absent: None.. Ninutes of the meeting of July 19, 1935, ~e read ~d approved. The Co~ittee, appointed at the regular meeting held on J~e 21, 19~9, to rec~end changes in the Ordinances levying lie-ones tax on carnivals, Public Performances, and ~0ircuses, reported that the conferemce had been held with the Committee from the Chamber of Commerce ~nd .recommended an increase in the license tax on Carnivals to $100,00 per 'day and Public Performances, to $1~.00 per performance, or $~0.00 per week, and Circuses.to $100.00 per day.. ~pon motion, duly made and seconded, the Report of the Committee was adopted and 0rd~nances entitled: 1. ,AN 0BDIN~NOE AMENDi%~G AND RE-ENACTING. ANOBDINANCE ADOP~D ON JD~Y 1~, 1936, IMPOSING COUNTY LICENSE TAXES ON CARNIVALS, ANDPRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR EXHIBITING, &c., ~ITHODTSUCH LICENSE", 2. "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ANDRE-ENACTING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED 0NJLUSYI~, 1936, IMPOSING COUNTY LICENSE TAXES ON THEATRICAL PERFOR~ANCES, OR BENEFITS SINILARTHERET0, &c., AND PRESERIBING PENALTIES FOR THE' OIVI~ OF SUCH PEEFOP~UkNCES WITHOUT SUCH A LICENSE", 3. "AN ORDINANCE A~ENDING AND RE-ENACTING AN 0P~INANCE ADOPTED ON JULY l~, 1936, IMPOSING COUNTY ~LICENSE TAXES ON SHOWS, CIROUSES, AND ~NAGERIES, ETC., AND P~.SCRIBING PENALTI~S t~REXHIBITING, ETC., WITHOUT SUCH A LICENSE", ·ere presented and ordered published'~.once a week for two successive weeks in the Scottsville News, a newspaper published in Albemarle County. Dr. R. D. Hollewell submitted his resignation as Health Officer effective September l, ~939. Upon motion,, dulymade and seconded, Dr. Hollowell's resignation was accepted wi~h regret. The County Executive recommended Dr. Thomas S. Englar for appointment to the position of Health Officer effective September 1, 1939. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Dr. Englarwas appointed. A communication from Dr. Sidney B. Hali, S~pe~tendent of Public Instruction, was ~resented, which stated that this Board's Resolution, requesting permission to retire Literary ~onds had been presented to the Brats Board of Education but that before action could be taken, it was necessary to know'~o what fund the money with which the Board int~ended to re- tire the bonds belonged. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, 'the County Executive and the Com~0nwealth's Attorney were instructed to appear before the State Board of Education at its next meeting and present the matter in person. A communication from Mrs. P. ~. Hiden with reference to binding book at the Clerk's~ ~ffice was presented and Since the B~u~tget did not provide funds for this work, it was ordered that action by delayed. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McOue, seconded by Mr. E 8allard, was unanimously adopted: BESOLUTIONOF ACQ~EPTANCE~ WHEREAS, by resolution of t~is Board, dated August 4, 1~38, Mr. J. M. Fray, Chairman-, was authorized ~nd directed to execute. contract with the Barnes Lumber Corporation, for smd on bebmlf this Board, cove~ing the. erection of ~n office b~ilding, WHEREAS, the Barnes Lumber Corporation has completed con- struction of the 5uilding in accolrdance ~ith the contract; NOW, TF~RE~'0BE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supe~- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the said office building be and the same is hereby accepted as having been~completed in ac- cordance with the terms of the contract~ ~z nn*~n~ from Mr. W. O. Fife~ Commonwealth's Attorney, to the effect that the Board The following reports were preSe~ed, read and ordered filed= 1. County Executive, 2. Game Warden, 3- University of Virginia.Hospital. Mr. H. A. Haden., DirectOr.of Finance, submitted stateme.nt, of expenses-o£ the Department Finance ferthe month.o£ July, 1939, one-third of which to be borneby the State:. Upon motion, dulymade and-seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved.. A communication was received from the Welfare Board advising that it was contrary to 'the regula~iOn~ of the St'ate Bo~rd o~ Public Welfare to publish a list of those receiving public assistance. Therefore, the .petition,,.reqUesting that:such-names ~b~- pub!is?~,~, which a~vise those:$i~ing said petition the reasontheir request ceu~ not:'be-compliedwith. The County Executive was authorized to- employ temporarily a case worker to investigate Work Projects Administl~ation applications .when necessary. Mr. J. M. Eray, Chairman~ was-directed to eEeeutw-in the nameof, andcn behalf of this Board a ~ont. rac~ with R. M. Tarleton, covering the rental of two offices on the second floor of the new0ffice Building. Mr. Jesse B. Wilson, Trial Justice, appeared and requested the Board to make certain changes in the room in the Court House occupied by his Court. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was directed to proceed with the changes suggested. Claims against the County, amounti4g to $~0,43~.3[, were presented, examined, and allowed, and ordered certifie~ to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General School Dog Tax Woolen Mills ~anita~y District Crozet Fire District Office Building Construction School Building Construction Commonwealth of Virginia $ 7,514.68 5,133.20 9o.oo .20 5.00 16,062.76 1,399~86 229.65 Total $3o,~35.35. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors ef Albemarle County, Virginia, wa~ 'held'~ at..%he O~ice.'Butiding~ of the said County on the 2~h day of Septemb~sr, 1~39. Present~. ~essrs. J. M. Fray, E.J..Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris,and MCCue, amd Dr. L. G. Roberts. ABsent I None Minutes of the meeting of August 16, 1939, were read and approved. The following 0rdinance, Offered by Mr. Po H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, was adopted by the following recorded vote~ Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. BalIard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes~ None~ / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENA~TING AN. ORDINANCE AB~PTED ON JULY 15, 1936, IMPOS~G COUNTY LICENSE TAXES ON CARNIVALS, AND PRESERIBING PENALTIES F~R E.XHIBITING, &C., WITHOUT SUCH LIOEN~E. On every carnival, within the boundaries of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, there shall be a license tax of $100.00 per day. For the purpose of this ordinance a carnival shall be such as is defined in Chapter ~8, Acts of Assembly of Virginia of 1936, Section l~3a of the Tax Code, Every person, firm, company, or corporation, who or which ~xhibits or gives in the County of Albemarle a performance or exhibition of any carnival, as defined as aforesaid, without the license required, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($~0.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($~00.00) f,r each offense. The authorities of this county shall not allow any such carni- val to open unti~the license required is exhibited to them. This ordinance, however, shall not be construed to require a license