HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-09-20 The following reports were presented, read and ordered filed: 1. 0curtSy Executive, 2- Game Warden, B- Universi%y of Virginia. Hospital. Mr. H. A. Haden, Direetor~of Finance, s~bmitted stateme~n% ef expenses-of the Departmen~ of Finance for the month-of July, 19-39, one-third of which to be borne by the state. Upon motion, duly made .and-seconded, this statement was examined, verified and. approved. A communication was received from the Welfare Board advising that it was contrary to 'the regulaSienm o~f the Sta%e Board of ~blic Welfare to publish a list of those receiving public assistance. Therefore, She .petition's.reqUesting Shut,such ~es,,'be~ pub!ished,~.which a~d~ise ~t-hos~ ~i'l_ing ~aid petition the reason their request could nos be complied with. The 0eunty Executive was authorized to employ temporarily a case worker to investigate Work Projects Administration applications when necessary. Mr. J. M. Fray, Chairmsm~, was~direct,ed to exec~ein the name of and en behalf of this Board a ~ont~act .with R. M. Tarleton, covering the rental of two offices on the second floor of the new Office Building. Mr. Jesse B. Wilson, Trial Justice, appeared and requested the Board to make certain changes in the room in the Court House occupied by his Court. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was directed to proceed with the changes suggested. Olaims~ against the County, amounti4g to SBo,~B~.B%, were presented, examined and allowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the Gene ral School Dog Tax Woolen Mills ~anitar~y Distric~ Crozet Fire District Office Building Construction School Building Construction Co~onwea!th of Virginia following funds: $ ?,~14.68 ~,133.20 ?0.00 .20 ~.00 16,062.76 1,~9~86 229.65 Total $3o,~3~.3~. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman. A regular moo%lng of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was hold'at.the O/~ice'-Buil~ing~ ,f the said County on the 2~th ~ay of Sa~.%emb~sr, 1~39o Presents Messrs. J. M. Fray, E.J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris,and McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. A~se~: None Minutes of the meeting of August 1~, 1939, we=e read and approved. The following Ordinance, Offered by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, ~as adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING -AND RE-ENACTING AN ORDINANCE AD~PTED ON JULY i~, IMPOSING GOUNTYLIOENSE TAXES ON GARNIVALS, AND PRESERIBING PENALTIES FOR EXHIBITING, &c., WITHOUT SUOH LICENSE. On every carnival, within the boundaries of the Oounty of Albemarle, Virginia, there shall be a license ts~x of $100'.00 per day. For the purpose of this ordinance a carnival shall be such as is defined in Chapter ~8, Acts of Assembly of Virginia of 1~6, Section 15Sa of the Tax ¢ode. Every person, firm, company or corporation~ who or which exhibits or gives i~ the County of Albemarle a performance or exhibition of any carnival, as defined as aforesaid, without the license required, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($~0.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($~00.00) for each offense. The authorities of this county shall net allow any such carni- val to open untitthe license required is exhibited to them. This ordinance, however, shall' not be construed to require a license of any a~ricultural fair. or any sh~w ~x~b~ w/~h~ ~ m~m~,~ a* ~,,mh The. ~c~l~w/~g. O~.dinance,~ .oFfered. by M~. P:, i'H. ~ent~, secand~d.~,by Mr.~ ~. J, Bal.~d~ ~adop~ed.~y,~:he.~fel~w~ rec~.~ded.vot~ Ayes:. ~essrs, J,M, Fray, E,~J,~.Bal~rd, P, H. Gentry, H. Ash~ Harris, ~d O. Purcell McOue, and ~r' L. G. Robe~s~ Noes~ None: ~ O~IN~ ~I~ ~ ~-ENACTING ~ 0RD~ ~0P~D ON, J~Y 1~, 1~6, ~S~G O0~YiLIC~SE T~$ON ~ATRIGAL ~O~I~S, OR ~FITS S~I~R T~, &c., ~ ~SOR!BING ~N~T~S ~R ~ GIVING 0F SUCH ~~AN~S On every theatrical performance .or any performance similar %hereto, given in the County of Albemarle, Virginia, except for benevolent or chari- table or educational purposes, there shall be paid a license tax of $15.00 for each performance, or $~0.00 for each week of continued performance. Every person, firm., company or co~p~ration giving such performances as specified hereinabove without the license required shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than...$500.OO for each. offense. The a~thorities of this County shall .not permit such performances-as above specified t-o -be given until the license herein required, has been exhiBited...%o them. Thid:O~dinance?was ordered published accor~g %o law.. ~ The fellewi~g Ordinan~e, offered by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, was adopted by the following recorded veto8 Ayes:~Nessrs. J. N. Fray, E1. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. ~shby Harris, and ~. Purcell MoOue, and Dr. L. G. Reberts$ Noes: None: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED ON ~ULY l~, 1536, IMPOSING COUNTY LICENSE TAXES ON SI~)WS, ClRCUSES~ AND MENAGERIES, ETC.~ ,AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR EXHIBITING, ETC., WITHOUT SUCH A LICENSE. On every person, firm, company, or corporation Who or which exhibits in ~lbemarle County, performances in a side show, dog and pony (or either) show, trained animal show, circus, menagerie, or any other show, exhibition, or p~rformance similar thereto., there shall be a license tax of $100.00 per day. Every persom, firm, com~any~ or corporation who or which exhibits or gives a performance or exhibition of any of the shows, circuses, menageries, or exhibitions, above described in this section without the license required, shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor mere than $~00o00 for each offense. · The.a~ho~ities of this county shall not allow any such perfe~m~ce to open until the license required is exhibited to them. This Ordinamcewas. e=d~ed~pm~lishedaccor/ing to law. A~ Ordinance entitled "AN 0RD~CE IMPO3ING. 00~¥ LICENSE T&XES10N. MERRY.G0~ROUNDS, FERRIS WHEELS., AND kIDDIE AUTO[ RIDF~.m~s p~esented and..ard~rad/~pub!ished once .a week for two successive weeks in the S6ot%s~ille News, a newspaper in Albemarle County. approved by the State Department ofPublic ~elfare, The. foll~wing~Budgmetj£O% ~elfarePurposes for the quarter ending December 31, 19~9, was presented and.approved8 C~l~s~of Ass_i-$~an_ce.~- Old A~e Dependen~,~-~hildren.- Blind Amoun~ $ 6,287.04 1,392.00 495.36 Tot $10,548.27. The County Exec,~ive reported that pursuant to instructions, he had met with the Crate Board of Education with reference to retiring Literary Loans now outstanding, but was informed by the State Board t.hat this could not be permitted unless funds were on hand with which to retire these bonds and c~ancel them. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the travel allowance of $1~.00 per month for the Game Wardea be continued for the month of September, 1~3~. ~his Board that It was brought to the attention of/the B~a~ Board of Public 'Welfare would not permit %he use of public Assistance fmnds for~the purchase of school books for indigen~ Upon motien, duly made and seconded, a~:-~appropria~ion of $~00.00 was made for the ~urchase of school books for indigent pupils~by the following recorded vote: Ayes~ Messrs. and Dr'. L, 9. Rober~s$ J. M. F~y, E. J. Ballard~, P. H. Gentry, H. AShby Harris, and C. Purcell McCu~~ Noes: None. The following Reports were presented a~d ordered filed~. 1. County Executive, 2. Distric~ Board, S. University cf.'Virginia Hospital, 4. Game Warden. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of the expenses of the Depar%m'$m%.-:of E~g. or.. ~he. mon2h, o£ Augue2, 1939-,-one~third.o£ ..~ich.,~...he..b~.by the ~tate, Upon motion, duly mad® ~d seconded, this statement ~s ex~ined~ verified and I% ~s..b~oug~..%o. ~...~%en%io~ ~of ,%he, ~a~d ~at additional State a~ Federal F~s wo.~r be ava-it~ble,-for %~..,,Bt.i~. if %h~ Oo.~ty provided-its. Upon. ~ion., ~ly..m~eaad ae~n~ed..r.$l~.00 additional.~s appropriated, for ~e B.lind..%o ~t~. ~ate .~dFederal. ~d.s. for ~.~e..re~i~de~ .of.. %he-. fis.~l year .b~ .%he. follow~g ~ote: Ayes~ Me.ss~s...J....~.. F~y, E. J..B~l~d, P. H. Gentry, H.. Ashby H~ris, ..~d C, Purcel: ~e ~tter~ of Police. Protection. for. t~..~illage of Cromer ~s :disCussed. The She~ff was. req~s~d.:to provide ~ officer for ~uty at Crozet~he~ween .N~n ~a~y. ~ evening of eaeh we.~. T~ C~ty Exec~ive ~-s ~horized and directed to pure,se Unifo~s for ~...De~uty. S~riffs. ~.ing pol~e, d~y. ~e Co~ty. Executive ~e directed.to co,er with the bus,ess men of Orozet ~d tempt 2o arr~ge for earlier closing hours on Saturday nigh%. ~e County Executive was authorized-~d directed t.o .co, er with. %he Division of Motor Vehicles with'a view of arraying for the local ~tate Offficer to make his headquarters the office of the Sherifff. lo~d, ~d o-~re~.-~'ifie~ to ~he Direc%or of Fiance for pa~eA% .and .~ged. Against the General School - Dog Tax Orozet Fire District Woolen Mille-~an~a~y District Road Debt :~: _ Charlottesville- District .- I~ District Riv~a Diarist.. ~el~. ~ill~. Dis~ict. ~.hit e. ~all ~-D istri ~t 0ffi~e ~uil~i~g 0omstruetio~ Co~onwe~h.. of Virginia following fu~ds~. $30,784,85 21,912.87 123~60 ?.00 4.53 226.86 6.65 6.39 4o2.13 $55,965.86. Upon motion, the meeting, adjourned. : , 0hairman. A regular meeting of the Board of 0ounty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, wa held!~a%.~%he' Of£id:~:BuiIdin~ of the said County on the 18th day of October, 1939. Present~ Messrs. ~. M. Fray, E. ~, Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell M~Cue, a~d Dr. L. G. Robertsl Absent~ None. Minutes of the meeting o£ September 20, 1939, were read and approved. Mr. ~esse B. Wilson, Trial Justice, ~equested the Board to appoint a Committee %o con- sider the advisability of a ProBa%ien0fficer for Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Chairman was authorized to appoint, a Committee %o consider this matter. The Chairman announced the appointment of Mr. H. Ashby Harris a~d the County.Executive'to constitute this Committee. The Chairman ~nnounced that this was the regular sem~-annual meeting with a represen- tative of the'Highway Department for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to the Nighways im the Secc~dary System of Highways in this coup%y, and that the Boar~ would be very glad to hear from any citizens present. Me~s.L..Gordon ~hite and E. 0. McCue, Jr., and others.appeared in behalf o~pe%[tion. ~corded