HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-10-18Department ~off ~inance-.. for .ths~ m~n%h ~ o£ August,. 1935, o.~hird ~..~ which-~o~
S~a~e, Upon motion, duly made ~d seconde~, ~his sta~emen~ ~s ex~ined, verified and
I~. ~s,b~ou~h~.~to ~e,-a~en~ion ~ of. ~he. ~ard ~ha~ additional S~St e a~ Fede~
wo~. be. ava-i,labte~ ~for l~..~Btind,. if the Oou~y provid~-..ite s~re.
Upon ~ion, ~y. made. and .~.~nded~.~.$~.00 additio~l.was .,appropriated. for the
.Blind ~2o. retch State .~-Federal F~ds ~.for ~the .re~indec~ of~ .the. ~isca.1. year .~ ~e. follo~g ~ecorded
Ayest Mese~s...~. M..- F~y, E. J. B~lard, P. H. Gentry, H.. Ashby Ha~is, ..~d ~, Purcell
The matter-of Police~Protection for. the .village of ~zet ~s :disduSsed. ~e She~ff
~s requested~o proVUe ~ officer ~0r ~Uty at cr°zet be!we~ Noon Sa~day a~
evening of each week~. T~ Oounti Ex~utive .~s authorized and directed to pure.se Onifo~s
for ~. De~ut~ $~r~fs ~i~ pol~.e~ ~y.
~e Co--tM ExeCUtive ~s.-directed..to con,er with the Bus.ess men of Orozet ~d
tempt te arr~ge, for earlier closing hours on Satu~ay night.
~e County Executive ~s autO.zed ~d directed to co. er wi~h t~ Division of
Vehicles wi~h~a view of arrangimg for the local State 0ffficer to ~ke his headquarters at
the office of the Sheriff.
lowed, ~d or~red.-~ified~ to ~he Director of Fin~ce for pa~ent land .~ged. against the
Dog Tax
Orozet Fire District
Woolen .Mills Santta~y District
Road Debt ~- ~ _
Charlottesville Distric~
I~y District'.
Rivanna District.
8amuel~ Miller..Distri.¢t.~
.Scottsville ~ District-.
White Hall-District
Office Building Construction
CommonweAtth.~of Virginia
following fundst
~26 o86
Tof. ml $~'5',96~.86.
Upon motion, th$1 meeting, adjourned..
, Chairman.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia, was
held~atd~he: 0ffid~e~:BUiYdin~ of the said County on the 18th day of October,
FreJent~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. ~en%ry, H. Ashby Harris, and
Purcell M~Oue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts~
Absent s None.
Minutes of-the meeting of September 20, 1939, were read and-approved.
Mr. Jesse B. Wilson, Trial Justice, requested the Board to appoint a Committee to con-
sider the advisability of a Proba~idnOfficer for Albemarle County. Upon motion, duly made
and seconded, the Chairman was authorized to appoint a Committee to consider this matter.
The Chairman announced the appointment of Mr. H. Ashby Harris a~d the County .Executive to
constitute this Committee.
The Chairman announced that this was the regular semi-annual meeting with a represen-
tative of the 'Highway Department for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to the
Highways in the Secondary System of Highways in this county, and that the Board would be: very
glad to hear from any citizens present.
~ewsrs. L.. Gordon ~hite and E. 0. McOue,. Jr., and others appeared in behalf of' petition
requestinE improvement of Route 626 from Howard~vill~ ~a Rm~t~ g. ~ ~i.*+..~.~
eight miles, Mr~ .~ 'L. Sm4%h~ Resi-de~Engineer,. stated that funds had been provided in. the
Budget ~ for the_ owe~rent-.year: t~.-pla.ce .cr~shed stone on this road.
Mr. Will.is .McO.lanahaa...re~mes~ed. ~ha~, :Rotate. 101~ from...:r~, s~.S.pr.m~.to..:Fifth Street,.
S. W., a distance of approximately, one~ha!f mille, he treated to relieve the.,dus~ condition.
~pon:.motion,..dulymade.and..secanded, .action o~ this matter was. deferred .until the regular
Spring road meeting
The matte.ro£.~the Higginson--Road~was again.brought~tc the, attentio~.o~thetBoard, amd
upon motion,~.dul~.made, aad seconded,..actionon..t-his mat~.er..was-de~erred mmtil.-the regular
Spring road meeting in15¢0 and.~r..H.L. Smith,.ResidentEngineer, was nequested to view
the road in the meantime.
Mr. H. L. Smith,. Resident. Engineer, presented~p~ of wo~k accomplished on the Second-
ary Roads for the year. ended June 30.,- 1~3~, aswell as Budget for the year ending
1940, beth of which were ordered filed.
A request to take intothe Secondary System a portion of Hartman's Mill Road beyond the
Limits was presented and action on same was postponed until the Spring ro.adme.e~g in~
Mr. Nelson Beck and Professo~Morse appeared, in. the in~erests of an Airport to be
operated by the University of Virginia near Milton.
The following Resolution, offered-~y Mr. C. Pmrcell NeGus, seconded by Mr. E. ~. Bal-
lard, was unanimously adopted~
~HEREA$, it has been brought to the attentidn of this Board that th~
University e~ Virginia has been selected by the Civil Aeronautics Authority
as an approved inst£%ution to conduct-a unit of the Civilian Pilot Training
Program, and
WHEREAS, the~e is no commercial airport in existence, suitably located
for the conducting of this Program at the University, a~d
WHEREAS, "The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia" has
secured am option to buy a field which,has been approved both by State and
Federal aviation authorities, the same being located on the Rivanna River in
the Scottsviile District approximately six miles from Charlottesville, and
does intend to exercise this option and purchase and develop a suitable air-
port facility, and
WHEREAS, "The Re'$~er and Visitors of the University of Virginia" has
now pending before the State Corporation Commission of Virginia an applica-
tion for permit to establish and conduct an airport or landing field at the
above location, issuance of the same being a ~necessary precedent to the es-
tablishment of an airport, and
WHEREAS, it wouldaappear that the granting of this permit would enable
the students of the University of Virginia to participate in the Civiliaa
Pilot Training Program and, fUrthermore, provide aviation facilities,
lacking, for residents of Albemarle County,
~NOW, THERE~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the aforesaid action of "The Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia" be approved, and that the State
Corporation Commission be hereby respectfully petitioned to grant,he airport
permit applied for by "The Rector and Visitors of~the University of Virginia',.
Mr. H. A. N~den, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of th~ expenses of the De-
mrtment of FinanCe for the month of ~eptember, 1939, one-third of which to be borme by the
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this s~atement was examined, Verified,~and
The following 0rdinamce, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby Harris
was adopted ~y the'following recorded vote~ Aye~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E.
Gentry, H~ Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Robert~; Noes~ None~
On every Merry-Go,Round in operation within the boundaries of the County
o~Albemarle, Virginia, there shall be a license tax of $2.~0 per day,
On every Ferris Wheel in operation withi~ the boundaries of~he County of
Albemarle, Virginia~ there shall be a license tax of $2.~0 per day, and
On every Kiddie Auto Ride in operation within the boundaries of the 0ounty
of Albemarle, Virginia, the~s, shall be a license tax of $1.00 per day.
Every person, firm., or c~rporat,i~n who ,or whi.ch ope.m~.tee, s~ch
Merry-Go. Rou~T,.Fe~,ris- Wheel. and Kiddie Auto Ride- w£thout.,the license
required shall.:~eA.-fined,-no% .less. than $.50,0.0 nor mOre-.tha~ $500,O0 for
each' offense. The authorities of this county shall not allow any such
rides to.be ..~pe-r~ted until, the..li~sa requir~ed- is.-exhibited ..%o them.
The.Board was inf~med .that .the.. Woelen.Mille,.$amita~y District Debt F~nd was in a
po.sition:~.to:..re~ire$.800~00, principal, sum, of its. bonds on..N~vember, l,.1939.
.The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly seconded, was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the. Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $800,00, principal sum, of Woolen Mills Sanitary
District Bonds, Nos. 14.to 21, both inclusive, be and are hereby called
for payment, on November 1, 1939, in accordance with the terms o~ said
The County Executive informed the Board that it would be necessary to purchase approxi~
mately seven ,sewing machines A~ an additional sewing room wer~ to be opened. Upon motion,
duly made and .seconded, an appropriation of $22~.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
was made to cover the purchase of the sewing machines by the following recorded vote~ Ayes~
Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Bal!ard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and
Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noest None.
The following Resolution, offered by Dr.. L. ~, Roberts, duly seconded, was unanimously
~REAS, the Peoples National Bank, of Charlottesville, Virginia,
has deposited with the 0base National Bank, of New York, New York, in es-
crow to secure the County's deposits, bonds of a par value of $71'000.00,
which is greatly in excess of the amount of the County's deposits with said
bank a t this time,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Com~ty Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Chase National Bank be and is here-
By authorized and directed to release the following securities deposited by
the Peoples National Bank in escrow:
$10,000.00, par value, Norfolk C0~nty, Virginia,%Bonds .... :,':
due'May 1, 1940.
A communication was presented with reference to a Historical Records Project of Work
Projects Administration which could be prosecuted in this county upon authorization of ex-
action on
penditure of ~.00 per month per worker. Upon motion, duly made and secondeg,/this matter
was postponed.
The following reports were presented and ordered fileds
1. County Executive,
2, University of Virginia Hospital,
3. Game ~a~n.
The County Executive reported that it was necessary to reach a decision as to the
amo~a~' of .firs~i~su~ance to be placed on the new Office Building.
and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopteds
Upon motion, duly made
~HEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of this Board that the
Mutual Assurance Society, of Richmond, Virginia, is willing to p~ace $10,000.00
of Fire Insurance on the new Albemarle County Office Building,
~W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the BOard of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, virginia, that J. M. Fray, Chairman of this Board, be and
is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of and in the name of
this Board, an Application for $10,000~00 of Fire Insurance %0 the Mutual
Assurance Society, of Richmond,~irginia, on the new Albemarle County Office
The Cov~ty Executive was authorized to place an additional $14,000.00 of Fire Insuranc~
on the new Office Building.
Mrs. Nelson Beck, a member of the Virginia Commission on County Government appeared
and informed the Board that she would be glad to submit to the Commission any changes in the
law authorizing the County E~e~utive Form'of Government.which the Board wished to smggest.
Mr. E..D..Hundley,~ Jr., submitted.~a..proposal.to, sell the..Oounty additional land adjoin-
ing the McIntire School property. Upon..mo%ion,:duly.made and~seconded, a Oommittee, consist-
.ing of Mr. C Purcell Mc~Ue and.Dr.-L...G.: Roberts.. and. the?Caunty.Executive,. ,was~ appointed to
confer withMr. H~ ~un~l-e¥..with ..reference: to ~these lots:.s~d · report ~,Back.
The. County- Executive ~.reported- ~th~t i he..had.~ Pur~suant to instructions,, ~.,.camferred with
Major Bishop~ with ~reference-.to. the 8tate.~fficer :making his headqu~r~ters ,in ~ihs She riff' s
Office. Major Bishop agreed to. investigate.the matterand advise as tc .his. decision promptly.
:- -- It ..was brought to.~the att.ention~of, the. Board that the State Department of Game and In-
land Fisheries had assumed permanently a portion of the temporary allowance made to the ~ame
Warden for travel. It was suggested that the 0ounty ~aseume $5.00 per month of'~this expense.
!:Upon motion By Mr. H. Ashby Harris, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell ~cOue, it was ordered that
$5.00 per month be paid the ~ame ~arden to apply on travel.
The County-Executive recommended the appointment of Mr, J. TayloryMorris as Assessor
for the ~cottsville District effective January 1, 19~0. Upon motion by Dr. L. G. Roberts,
seconded by Mr. H. Ashby Harris, Mr. Morriswas uuanimou$1y appointed.
The assessments for the year 1939 of Public Service Corporations made by the State
Corporation Commission were presented.
Dr. H. C, .6irene, State Veterinarian,.reported.that the~e, appeared to be. a quantity of
non-infectious cattle.tick in.the county and suggested that the County share a portion of the
expense of providing a dipping vat-to'tassist in eradicating these pests. Upon motion By Dr.
L. G. Roberts, seconded By Mr. E. J. Ballard, the following Resolution was adopted by the
following recorded vote: Ayes~ Messrs. J. ~. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H, ~shby
Harris,/C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None:
RE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County ~upervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that one-half the cost off%he construction of a
dipping vat ~d one-half the necessary 2and rental Be Borne by the
County; the ~!~mainder of the cost to ~e assume~ by the Commonwealth of
Virginia, to provide the necessary facility ~or eradication' of cattle
tick in Albemarle County.
Claims against the County, amounting to $38,684.16, were presented, examined and al-
lowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance forTpaym~t?ar~charged against the
following fUnds:
Dog Tax
Crozet Fire District
Woolen Mills Sanitary District
Road Deb~:
Charlottesville District
Samuel Miller District
Scottsville District
~hite Hall
Cash In Hands of Home Economics
Commonwealth of Virginia
1,361, 8
Total $38,68~.16.
Upon motion, the meeting adjoUrned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County .SuPervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, Virgin~,
he~d~atdthe 0ff~.~BuiIdinge of t'he said County on the lffth day of November, 1939.
Present~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. 0entry, H. ~Ashby F~rris, and O.
Purcell McOue, and Dr, L. G. Roberts.
ABsent: None,
Minutes of the meeting of October 18, 1939, were read and approved.
A report showing the allocation of State Highway Funds for the year beginning July 1,
1940, was presented and ordered filed.