HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-11-15 Mr. E. D.~Hundley, Jr., submit%ed~apr~posal~to sell . %he .. Oounty additional land adjoin- ing the McIn~i.re-School p~cperty. Up~moti~.,.-duly ~de an~seconde~, a Oolitic, consist- ing of Mr. C Pu~c~l Mc0~and.. Dr..L..~. Ro~e~s..and~ the?Co~ty Execu~i~,.. ~s..appo~tod to confer ~th Mr, H~ey. ~h-reference to ~these ,lots_-~d -~epo~..back. The Oo~ty~ E.xecutive~ :~neP~e.d ..that. he..~d-~ p~s~t ~. ~st~ctions~ ~erred Maj o r Bishep. ~th~ reference..~e-the State ~ Officer ~ing ~s ~ headq~ers Office. Major Bishop agreed te investigate ~the mattsrand advise as to .~s decision pre~t!y It .~_ brought-~o.the attention~.of the B~rd~ %~t the Sta~ land Fisheries ~d ass~ed pe~anently a portion of the t~porary allow~ce mdc to the ~e Warden for travel. It ~s suggested 'that the ~o~ty ass~e $~.00 per month of this expense. Upon motion by Mr. H. A~hby ~rris, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell McOue, it was ordered that $~.00 per mo~h be paid the ~e Warden to apply on t~vel. The County .Executive recovered the appointment of Mr. J. Tayl~r~erris as Assessor for the Scottsville District effective J~ry 1, 1~. Upon motion by Dr. L. G. Roberts, ~conded By Mr. H. Ashy ~rris, Mr. Morris ~s u~o.~ly appoin~d. The asses~ents for the year 19S~ of Public Semite 0o~m~ns ~de By the State Oo~oration Co~is Sien were presented. Dr. H. C.-Givens, State VeteriEi~, re~ed .that t~e .appeared to be a quantity ef non-i~ectious cattle ~tick~ in the co~2y and s~gested 2~t the Oo~y s~re a potion of ~he expense of p~viding a dipping va~ te~:.assist in eradicating these pests. Upon motion By Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded By Mr. E. J. Ballard, the following Resolution ~s adopted -by the follo~ag recorded vote~ Aye.s~ Messrs. J. M. F~y, E. J. Ballar~, P. H. and Harris,/C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes~ None~ ~SOLEON, BE IT ~SOL~D by the BOard of County Supervisors of Al~r!e Co~ty, Virginia, t~t one-~lf the cost of~the const~ction of a dipping ~t ~ eno-half the necessary l~d rental be be~e by the cowry; the :~/~mainder of the cost 'to Be~ass~ by the Oo~onwealth of Virginia, to provide the necessa~ facility ~or eradication of cattle tick ia Albemarle Co~ty. 01aims a~inst the 0o~y, ~ounti~g to $S8,684.16, were presented, ex~ined and lowed ~d e~e~d codified to the Director of Fiance fer~ pa~e~t-~c~ged against General School Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Woolen Mills Sanitary District Road ~b%: Charlottesville District Samuel Miller Dist~.ict Scottsville District ~hite Hall Cash In Hands of Home Economics TeaChers Commonwealth of Virginia following funds ~ $ 21,031.84 267 10.00 30.34- 907.~2 1,206.18 1,367.¢8 7,790.17 123.17 Total $38,684.16. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. .:~'~'. ~ ~~,, , Chairman. A regular meeting of the Board of County .Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, way hel~.:~a~th% 0ff~.~Buil~ing~ of the said County on the 15th day of November, 1939. Present~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P.-H. ~entry~ H. Ashby Harris, and C. PurcellM~Cue, and Dr. L' ~. Roberts. Absent: None. Minutes of the meeting of OCtober 18, 1939, were read and approved. A report showing the allocation of State Highway Funds for the year beginning July 1, 19~0, was presented and ordered filed. Mr-. H,. A. Hadea, Direc%or. of .Finance~ submi,tted:~statement of expenses of the Depart- meat of Financ~.,for.-~he moa.th ,of 0c.~ober, .1~3~, o~h/rd, of ~hich.,~o be,bo~e by ~he Co. un,ca, ion fro~ Ur. L. UcCarth~ Do~s... Auditor of P~I~ Accoun~.~,., approv~g ~e ~opo~. o$ T, CoZen ~drews, & Comply. on. Aud~ off Cou~y. Ac~s ~d ~eco~$ for ~he year The-foll~i~, :Re~s, .were. presen~d .~d owdered filedl 2. District Board, 3- U~ve~rs~ty of V~ginia Hospital. C Cliff. The County Executive was directed to re-model the office of the Judge of the CirCuit The County Executive was authorized to.~purchase the follow/rig equipment for the new Office~Buildingl 1. Directory, 2. Benches for Front Porch, 3- Full-size Screens for Windows. Supplemental Budget for Aid to the Blind for the Quarter Ending December 31, which provides for $180.00, as well as Supplemental Budget for Aid to the Blind for the Year e~ding ~June 30, 1940, which provides for $540,00, were presented .and approved. Report on audit of the records and accounts of the Velfare Department by L. McCarthy Downs, Auditor of Public Accounts, was presented and ordered filed. An application was received from $outhern~tates Cooperative for permission to erect a plant for the bulk storage of Gasoline on the Rio Road near U. S. Route 29. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this matter, was referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for his opinion as to the Board,s rights and duty in the matter. The matter of. delegates to the meeting of the League of Virginia Counties to be held in Danville on December 6th and ?th wasdiscussed. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was-orderedth~t asmanymembers of,%he Board as could arrange to ~ttendWoutd be author- izod' representatives of the county. Claims against the Cemnty, amounting to $57,522.52, were presented, examined amd al- lowed and ordered certified to the Director of Fiz~nce for payment and charged against the following fundss ~eneral School Dog:,Tax., Crozet Fire District R~ad:.:De~ tTM Rivanna District Samuel Miller District Office Building Construction Deferred-Credits Commonwealth of Virginia $ 9,343,67 3~;.91o.8~; 6.0o 250.oo 625.00 2,334,4~ 168 Total $57,522.52. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. --~ 6/~' Chairman. Pursuant to call, a ~pecial Ues%i~g:.of %h~ Boardof'0~.~y tup$~v~o~ of-Albem~rlp...~ Cou~ty,~Virginia, was held in the Office Building of the said County on the 29th day'of November, 1939. and Present~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry,/H. Ashby Harris, and Dr. .L.G. Roberts. Absen%m Mr. C. Puroell McOue. SupplemsntaryWelfare Budget for the quarter ending December 31,1939, for Aid to Dc- m pendent Children, amounting to $322.00, was presented and approved. 329