HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-11-29 Mr, H.A. Haden, Director. of Finance,.. submi%ted.st-atemen%, of expenses of the Dep~-
ment of ~i~-~e,.-for...~hemo:n~h.of 0c~.ober, 1.~, o~e~ird, of which to be ,bo~e ~y the State.
Upon moji, om, duly ~de ~d seconded, this statement was ex~ined, verified and approved.
0o~unication.from Mr. L. Mc.O~y Do~s,.-Auditor of Publi~ .Account.~,...ap~ov~ the
Re~ of T. Oole~ ~drews-~Gom~y on. Audit ef 0e~ty..Ac~ts.~d Reco~s for the year
~e. fell~wing~,Repe~ts,-were..presea~d ~d ordered filed=
1.. Coum~y~-Execu~i~e,,
2. District Board,
~, Un[~e.~s.i~y ~f Vi.rg~ia Hospital,
The County Executive was directed to re-model the office of the Judge of the CircUit
The County Executive was authorized to.~urchase the following equipment for the new
1. Directory,
2. Benches for Front Porch,
3- Full-sizo Screens for Windows.
Supplemental Budge% for Aid to the Blind for the Quarter Ending December 31, I93~,
which provides for $180.00, as well as Supplemental Budget for Aid to the Blind for the Year
e~ding June 30, 1940, which provides for $540,00, were presented and approved,
Report on audit of the records and accounts of the Welfare Department by L. McCarthy
Downs, Auditor of Public Accounts, was presented and ordered filed.
An application was received from Southern States Cooperative for permission to erect
ta plant for the bulk storage of Gasoline on the Rio Road near U. S. Route 29, Upon mdtion,
duly made and seconded, this matter was referred to tho Commonwealth's Attorney for his
opinion as to the Board's rights and duty in tho matter,
The matter cf..delegates to the meeting of the League of Virginia Counties to be held
in Danville on December 6th a~d ?th was discussed. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,
iit was-eraered that asmanymembers of the Board as could arrange to ~tte~wou!d be author-
izod representatives of the county.
Claims against the County, amounting to $~?,ff22.~2~ were presented, examined smd al-
lowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
following fundst
Orozet Fire District
R~d:.~DeBt ~ :-~
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
Office Building Construction
Commonwealth of Virginia
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
~ , Chairman.
Pursuant to call, a ~peoial M0e~i~g~.of ~heBoardofOo~y Super~vg~o~* of.-Albe~!~..~
ICounty,~Virginia, was held in the Office Building of the said County on the 29th day'of
liNovember, 1939 · ' .
! . and
'1 Present~ Messrs. J. ~. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry,/H. Ashby Harris, and Dr.
iL. G. Roberts.
Absent~ Mr. C. Purcell McOue.
Supplementary Welfare Budget for the quarter ending December B1,1939, for Aid to De-
pendent Children, amounting to $322.00, was presented and approved,
The Boar~as.. i~ormed, th~% a slight, adjustment ~d beenauthorized by ~he 0ompensa-
~ion Board in .s~Ilo~ces for %he Department- .cf.. Finance .for the.year 1939, which ~djustmen%
~-n no v~¥ affected the total allowance, subject to the approval of this Board.
Upon motion., dulymade: .and seconded,-the adjustment authorized by the Compensation
~oard was~ approve~.
Mr. Jesse B. ~ilsen~, Trial Justice, appeared and requested that the Boa~authorize the
an extension from the Sheriff's telephone be placed in his office. ~Upon motion, duly made
and se.conded~.this telenhone extension was..authorize~.
Mr. John M. Maury, ~. ,~ Assistant Gommonweal~h*s Attorney, info_rued the B~ard that. it.
· as' necessary to. b~ing, a witness to this~count~y.~in connection with the.murder case to. be
heard by the Circuit Oourt on the first~eek of December, t937, and reques~ted that an. apnrop-
iation be made to cover, the cost.o£..returni~g this wit~ess. ~pon~.mot.ion, duly made:.and .se,-
Ilconced, an approp~iat&~_of $25.00, or as much thereof as may_ be necessary, ..~s_made.-f?r
'~se of the Commonwealth's At~orney,~n returning witness to the .Circuit Cou.r~t~ during the. ~esk
~f December 2~' 1939, by the £ollowing recorded vote~ ~ Ayes.~ Messrs.. J. M. Fray,
....... 'and
?. H. Gentry~/H. Ashby HarFis., and. Dr. L. G.. Roberts; Noes~
The following Resolution, offered by Dr.L.' ~, Roberts, was unanimously adopted~
' BE IT RESOLVED' by the Board of County SuperViSOrs'Of Albemarle County,
virginia,-that- the unexpended portion of the.amoUnt Of $4,000;00 provided~'-in
Functlo~ ~C;00mmO~wealth?s Attbrney's 0ffilce, Itcm 102-Compe~satio~ Of CommOn'
wealth's Attorney, of the Budget for the year ending June ']0, 1940,. be reserved
for such expenseS, .as maY be incurred by the County in proViding Such facilities
and employing such persons as may' be necessary for the performance of the 'duties
imposed by the Board and the General Law upon the Attorney for the Commonwealth
£~r Albemarle County.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of Oounty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of the said Gounty on the 20th day of December,
_Present~ Messrs. ~. M. Fra~, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and
Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent~ None,
Minutes of ~he meetings of November 15, 1939, and November 29, 1939, were read and
A Committee, representing the County Ministers, appeared to request the Board to
ad0pt~an ordinance prohibiting the sale of beer smd wine on Sunday. Since there was not suf-
ficient information available~on the subject, the Committee requested that action be deferred
until a later date.
Mr. E. D. Hundle¥, Jr.~ who had submitted a proposal to sell additional land for the
use of Mc~ntire Schoo~was adwised that in the opinion cf the Board the property was not
Claim, again~ the Dog Tax Fund, dUhmitted by Mrs, Mary E. Da%is, amounting to
for two geese killed ~y dogs, was approved for payment.
The County Executive recommended the appointmen~ of Hiss Violet S. Rea, employee in th
Department ef Farm a~dHome Demonstration, at a salary of $2~..00per month, and the~elimina-
tiaa of the salary formerly paid Mrs. Virginia S. Marshall of $2~.00 per month since Mrs.
Harshall's salary is being paid from other f~ds.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, ~he reco~nendations-of the County Executive were