HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-12-2033O ./ The Boar~ ~as informed ,~hat a. slight, ad~ustmeat had .been.authorized Lby_ ~ion Bo~d in a!ic~~ 2or ~e Depa~tme~.~ of~.F~nce 2or ~he year 1939. wh~c.h adjust~nt in no ~y affected the total..~lo~nce, subject ~o the appro~l of this Board. Upon motion, duly .made ~d seconded, ~the adjustment authorized by th~ Compensation 3card ~s approved. Mr. Jesse B. Wi!scm, Trial. Justice, ~peared and request-~t ~e Bo~&~::aut~rize tha m extension from the Sheriff,s telephone be placed Ln his office. -Upon-motion, duly made ~d secoaded~ this telephone, extension ~sauthorized.. Mr.' Jo~ M. Mau~, Jr., Assis~nt Co~onwealth..,-s Att0~eY~ informed the.Board that it ~as~ neeessary.to~ b~g a. witness to ~this. County~in co~ection with the murder :case to ~e heard by the ~ircuit Oou~ on t~ fi~t week of Deco, er, t~9, ~d~ requested~ t.~t ~ apn~p- riation be ~de to cover, the cost.of .ret~g. this witness. Upon.motion, duly ~de ~d say :ended, an appropriation of $2~.00, or as much thereof as ~y be necessary, .~s_~de ~e of t~ Oo~onwealth?.s..Atto~ey~in ret~ning withes to the Circuit Cou~t~ dur~g the week sf December 2,~ 19~9, bythe fo~owing recorded vot.e~ .Ayes~ Messrs. J. M..FraM, E. J. Ballard ?. H. gentry~/H.-Ashb~ ~rris, andDr. L. G. Roberts; Noes~ The following Re~-!ution, offered by Dr.L.' ~. Roberts, was un~ously adopted~ RE SOLUTION. ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count2 Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia,-that the unexpended portion of the:amoUnt .of $4,000.00 proVided~'in Function 5c,cbmmsnwealth?s Att'OrneY's Office', Item 102-COmpensation o'f wealth's Attorney, of the Budget for the Year ending June BO, 1940, be reSerVed for such exPensSS.aS may be incurred by the County in providing SUch facilities and employing such persons as may' be necessary for the performance of the ~duties imposed by the Board and the General Law upon the Attorney for the Commonwealth fQr Albemarle County, Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. , Chairman. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Comity, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of the said Countyen the 20th day of December, 19B9. Present: MesSrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: None. Minutes of the meetings of November 15, 19B9, and Ne~ember 29, 19B9, were read a~d approve~. A Committee, representing the County Ministers, appeared to request the Board to ad~pt~an ordinance prohibiting the sale of beer and wine on Sunday. Since there was not suf- ficient information available~on the subject, the Committee requested that action be deferred until a later date. Mr. E. Bo Hundley, Jr.~ who had submitted a proposal to sell additional land for the use of Mc~mtire Schoo~was advised that in the opinion of the Board the property was not needed. Claim, against the Dog Tax Fund, shhmitted by Mrs. Mary E. Davis, amounting to $3.50, for two geese killed By dogs, was approved for payment. The Couuty Executive recommended the appointment of Miss Violet S. Rea, employee in tl Department of Farm and Home Demonstration, at a salary of $25.00per month, and the~elimina- tion ef the salary formerly paid Mrs. Virginia S. Marshall cf $25.00 per month since Mrs. Marshall's salary is being paid from other funds. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, *~he recon~endations.ef the County Executive were approved. The_follo~ing Resolution, offered.by Dr. L. ~. Roberts, seconded.by. Mr. C. Purcell McCue, was. u~an~oualy.adopteds RESOLU~'ION. WHEREAS, ~the.re are many mil~S ~ o$~oad~ i~.' .~the,~Seoo~tary System of liighways in Albemarle County which become very difficult to travel at cer~m./~ seaso~s.~of... ~he...year.. - . due .to ~ the -lack :. of .any,;-$~rfa~e.and I~HEREAS,,, it is.- the sense of .this Board the~. this..condition can be substantially improved by the continued use of Convict Camp during N0W~, THEREFORE, BE IT RE~01,VED by theBoard of Ocu~ty ~upervis~rs ~ of Albemarle-County, Virginia~-. . that. .the. '. State .Highway Commissioner be and is hereby requested to allocate a Convict Camp for use on the Secondary Roads. in thia~.-couat.ydaring the year ,beginning ~ly 1, The -following Resolution, offered by Mr. Ho Ashby Harris, duly seconded, was unanimous ly adoptsd-~ RESOLUTI0~. WHEREAS, it has'been brought to the attention of this Board that the: University of Virginia has purchased, a site f~r an:Airport 2ear Shadwell, WHEBEAS, the operation of this lirport will increase travel from Route. 2~0, NOW, THEREFORE ,.... BE IT RESOLVED by. the ,B~ard-of County Supervisors .of Albemarle-Coun%y,.-~irginia, that~,Mr,~H, L. smith, Resident Engineer, State De.per,merit .of: Highways.,~ be and is-hereby, requested .to improve that s$¢%ion of road from U. S. Route 2~0 to the property of the University of- Virginia..as. soon as.. funds arg...available for such. . work. An app~oprialion-of $~$.00 to.. cover the cost-of-Sc.~eens for the-Office. Building was made by the..followin~:, reoor, dsd votes Ayess. lies.ars, J;' 1I. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H,_ Oentry, H. Ashby Herr. is, and-C,. Parc. ell McCue, and.Dr. Lo O. Roberis; Noes~ None,- The.. County. Executive recommended that'.an..iacre ass ..be...made~. in the- salarT.-of..U, ~.. D~is- ooll, Jr., an employes in .the. Depai~men%-of.. Finance~ .of $10.00. per month,., .effective Jan.uary 1 1940.- Upon motion, duly .made. and .seconded, the recommendation of the COunty Executive was unanimously approved, The County Executive Peport ed that., following- conferencee,, ~,.%h~o.f~ioia. ts.~. o ~. the Divisio~ use an office in the ground floor of the Office Building for conducting examinations. The Board's attention was called to .the fact that premi~n on the bond of the Director of Finance-would. be sabjec% to a discount o.f 1~. for. the second, third, and'fourth years provided, the four-year period, was paid for in advance... Upon-mOtion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered, that the bond- be. secured, for a period of four years, provided the County Exe- cutive and the Commonwealth's Atto~eywe.~ satisfied that the County's interests would be protected. Mr. Jesse B. Wilson, who has.agreed to rent an office in the Court House, appeared and requested that the floors in these rooms be re-finished. Upon motion, duly m~de and seconded the request was denied. The following Reports were presented, examined, and ordered filed~ 1. County Executive, 2. ~ame Warden, 3. University of Virginia Hospital. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director' o.f Finance, submitted a statement of expgnses of the Depart- ment 6£?Fihanoe for the month of November, 1~39, one-third of which to be borne by the Upon motion,, duly made .and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. Comarunioa%ion f. rom the ~ommonwealth's Attorney, giving his opinion regarding the authority of the Board ii .regulating the storage of gasoline in the county, was presented and ordered filed. The following Budget for the Department. of Pablio..~Wslfaro for the quarter ending March:31.,.. 19$O,ha~iag been approved by the Starts Oommiss~ioner of Public .Welfare and the Executive Secretary of the Virginia Commission for the Blind, was presented and approved~ 331 O,l $. Dependent~ Childr, en 1,8~'6,00 Blind 675. 6 General. Rel~f ~. ~T°tal Claims against ~:~the County, amounting to $?1.,88~,8~,. were^,.,pre.se.nted,...examined and. al- lowed and. orals=ed, ~cer~,~ified..1.~%o :~he Director of Finance..£or payment and.charged against the following fun~$.s. General · School. Dog Tax ? Crc. net ,.Fire~ Dis~r.,ic~ .... Road.. Debt ~ Charlo~te:aville:Distric~ -~-Ivy Distri~ ~ Ri=anna Distain% ...... ;,,Samuel Miller Dist=i¢%- $=o~% sville District,. i..~hite Hall District Deferred Debits. and.O.redit, s Cash..In Han~s. of-..$uperin- $.6,391.35 2 , 48.8 148.9 32.00. tendent of Schools ~.-- ~ ._8.03 C ommonwealth.,~of- ~ir. ginia ~ To l $?1,886 89. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned, · , 0~ir~an. Pursuant to call., theBoard of ~ounty Supervisorsof Albemarle Count~, Virgini~,_me% in Sp.e~ial ~es$ion atthe Office Building of the said county on the 5th day of Janus,, 1940, for the purpose of Certificates ~f M~so:~.Ev~,~Maupi~:~:Clerk of the Circuit Court, showing that the fol- lowing had been elected members ef the Board of County ~upervisors and qualified for said office, were presen%ed~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. ~entry, H, Ashby Harris, an, C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. O, Roberts. Present~ Messrs. ~o M. Fray, E. ~. Ballard, P. H. ~entry, ~_~d H. Ashby Harris, and Dr. L. ~. Roberts. Abssnt~ Mr~::.C'. Purcell McCue. The meeting was called to order and,upon motion, ~uly made and seconded, Mr. J; M, Fray was u~a~imously elected Chairsmm. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. P. H. Gentry~was..u~a~im~usiy elected Vice Chairm~u. ~argaret T. Woodward was desig~ted to act as Clerk of the Board, The Chairms~ announced She ap. poi_~me~t; of ~essrs,'Co-.Purcell:McC~e land Dr.L. ~o Roberts to serve as members ef the Finance Committee.. Mr. H. A. Haden was u~anim~usly elected County Executive and Director of Finance. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. P. H. ~entry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, was::una~imously adopted~ ~$OLUTION. BE ~ RESOL~]~DB~ ~B~rd of County Supervisors of Albemarle ;Ceu~%y, Virginia, that theseveral departments now existing, in relation te the government of the County and the administration o~. its affairs and the duty of its officers ~nd employees~sbe and the same are hereby The-~follo~i~...appoi~me~ts.~were.made~.upon-..the.recommendation o.f the County Executive Miss Fra~ces-~...~outb~li,. Zu~arintendentof Public-Welfare, Dr. R.~.T....Eaglar, ..... ,._Heal~hO£ficer., Mr. T. 0.. Sco~t, Coun%yAgen%, Mrs. Bezeie Dun~Miller, Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Ruth B~rruss Huff, Assistant-;Home Demonstration Agent, C. G. Greet, Negro Farm Agent. -j