HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-01-05332
Old .Age $ .6,28?°04
Dependent. Ohildrea 1,856,00
Geae~al. Relief ~.
Total $11,192.27,
Claims against':the County, :amounting to $?l, 886,89-,- were~..,presented,., examined and. al-
lowed_and ordered-~e~%ified. ,%o,:ihe Dire.c~.or .of Einmtce.for pa-yacht, and~..charged.against the
following .f~nds~
Dog .Tax :~: '-
Crc.se%, Fire: District
Road...D~ -
C~r~tesv~e D!.s~ic~.
Ivy. Dis~riC~.~
Scott svills Dist~ic~.~ ~
~ite ~ll District
Deferred ~ Dehi~ s
~enden~ of Schools
0~o~weal~h.,:of-. ~irg~.~
$ 6,371.35.
: 4,3 5.89
1, 200, 28
·otal $?1,886:;89.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
Purmaant to call, theBoard ofOounty Supervisorsof Albemarle Count¥,.Virginia~.met
in Special Session at the. 0f£ice Building of the said county on the 5th day of January, 1~40,
for the pU~l-~se of. orga~i,z~tion-~
~ertifioa~e~ ~f Mr$o".Eva.--W.'Maupin~Clerk of the Circuit Court, showing that the fei-
lowing had been elected members of the Board of County Supervisors and qualified for said
office, were presenteds Messrs. ~. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, an,
C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Presenti Messrs. ~o M. Fray, E. ~. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, and H. Ashby Harris, and
Dr. L. G. Robert~.
Absent~ Mr~C'. Purcell McOue.
The meeting was called to order and,upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. J; M.
Fray was upmmimously elected Chairms~.
Upon motion, duly made~ and seconded, Mr. P. H. Gentry~was:.u~a~imously elected Vice
~argaret T. Woodward was desig~ted to act as Clerk ~f the Board.
The Chairme~ ar~o~ced ~e ~ppoi~me~!ofNessr~,:G.:.,Pure,ell'.:McO~e and"P°' H. Gentr~
smd Dr._L, G.'Roberts to serve as members of the Finance Committee.
Mr. H. A. Hadenwas ~smim~[usly elected County Executive and Director of Finance°
The following Resolution, offered by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard,
was.~animously adepted~
BE ITRESGLVED By ~H~,.B~ard of County Supervisors of Albemarle
;C~m~, Virginia,~ that the several departments now exi. s%ing, in relation
to the. govermme~t of the County and the a~mi~istration ~ its-affairs
and the duty of its officers and employees~be and the same are hereby
The followi~..&pt~intme~t.s-~we~eomade-~upon-.-the..recommendation of theOounty Executive
Miss-. Frsmces*..~.,~ ~omt~i.i,: Superintendent of Publi~. Welfare,
Dr..R.,.. T..,,E~lar~ ...... ,,~ Heat~hO£ficer,
Mr. T. 0., Scot%., Cou~%~.Agent,,
Mrs. BesSie ~annMiller, Home Dembns%ratien Agent,
Mrs. Rath Burr~ss Huff, Aseista~tHeme Demonstration Agent,
C. G. Greet, Negro Farm Agent.
Upon... ree~emmer~at.ion of the-Oou~%y E~ecu.tive, Mr. Hugh F. Simms was designated to per-
~fo.rm. the. duties .~_Ce~t¥. Su~eyo.r,
, The~f~olle~i~ .were.~ele.cte~.~.School Trast.eess Mesars-. C...R~ Dor~ier, B. C. Baker,
Mr. H. A. ~~.~.de~mi~ted~.2o. repres~t the Co~2y,~om..the Jo.iai B~rd of.. B~l~
Upo~_~ien, duly ~ ~d.~ sec~d~, ~t-J~ .ordered-~t t.~ ..other presezt ~ployees
of the Oount~ be continued at the s~e salaries now exist~g.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
,, /~.~*"/,,/~-~'~7 ..... , Chairman.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the O£fice Building of the said County on the l?th day of January~ i940.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and O.
Purcell. McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent: None.
The followLng Officers were present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorne~ and
Minutes of the meetings of December 20, 1939, and January ~, 1940, were read and ap-
The matter Of securities to be deposited by the Citizens Bank and Trust Company to
secure the County's deposits was considered and referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for
an-opinion as to the' class of securities necessary.
The Committee, appointed to consider the advisability of a Probation Officer for this
county, reported that it was thought inadvisable to take any action on the matter at this
time since such a measure is before the Legislature. This'report Was accepted.
Claim,amounting to $~1.17, in connection with Insulation in the County Office Build-
ing, Was presented by the Dirum Manufacturing Company, of Lynchburg, Virginia. After dis-
cussion of the matter, the claim was denied.
Communication from the Albemarle Agricultural Planning Board, concerning Public Assist-
ance Gr~mts to rural people, w~s presented and referred te the Board of Public Welfare with
the request that the matter be handled the best it could under the circumstances.
Claim, amounting to $~.00, against the Dog Fund for sheep killed, was presented by
Mr. T. L. Anderson and approved for. payment.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was authorized to offer Mr.
E. D. Hundley, Jr., $6,000.00 for thirteen lots in his sub-divisibn adjacent to McIntire
Communicationfrom Mrs. Frederick H. Schroeder, ~orresponding Secretary of the Jack
Jouett Chapter, D. A. R., requesting that the flag be raised on the Court House flag pole
each morning and taken down each e~ening, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded
the County Executive was instructed to cause this flag to be raised daily in compliance mith
this request~and to report this action to Mrs. 6brooder.
An appropriation of $~06.62 to match $~11.04 of State Funds for General Relief for
the remainder of this current year was made by the following recorded votes Ayes: Messrs.
J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris and C. Purcell McOu~, and Dr. L. G.
Roberts; Noes: None.
Claim of A. L. Cook against the Dog Fund for the loss of a dog killed by other dogs
was presented and denied.
The following Reports were presented and ordered filed: