HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-01-17 Upon..rec~m~en&~%io.n ef the- County Ezecu~ive, Mr. Hugh F. Simms was' designated to per-
~orm. 2he.. duties~ .of. ~C~u~t~. S.u~veyoro
· The .followimg were..~el®cte~..School Trustees:~ Mesers, R.. Perrier, B. C. Baker,
Henry ~ Chiles.,. R.
Mr. Ho Ac Haden~.waa,...desi~nated~ ~-. ~epresent %he..Co,u~%y. en.-.the Joint.Beard ~f~.Health,
~pon motion, duly made ~d-. seconded, it .iwas ~.rdered- %hat .the-.other present employees
of the County Be con%i~ued.a% 2he same salaries now exizting.
Upon motion, the meetiag adjourned.
~ , Chairman.
A regular meeting of the. Board of County Supervisors of AlBemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the 0ft~e Building of the said County on the l?th day of January, 19~0.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C.
Purce!lMcCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent: None.
The following Officers were present: Cou~nty Executive, COmmonwealth's Attorne~and
Minutes of the meetings of December 20, 1939, and January ~, 17~0, were read and ap-
The matter Of securities to be deposited by the Citizens Bank e~d Trust Company to
secure the County's deposits was considered and referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for
an-opinion as t, the class of securities necessary. ' .... '. --
The Committee, appointed to consider the adVisability of a Probation Officer for this
county, reported that it was thought inadvisable to take any action on the matter at this
time since such a measure is before the Legislature. This'report Was accepted.
Claim,amounting to $51.17, in connection with Insulation in the Comnty Office Build-
ing, was presented by the DirumManufacturing Company, of Lynchburg, Virginia. After dis-
cussion of the matter, the claim was denied.
Communication from the Albemarle Agricultural Planning Board, concerning'Public. Assist-
ance Grants to rural p~ople, was presented and referred to the Board of Public Welfare wi%h
the request that the matter be handled the best it could under the circumstances.
Claim, amounting to $~.00, against the Dog Fund for sheep killed, was presented by
Mr. T. L. Anderson and approved for payment.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was authorized to offer Mr.
E. D. Hundley, Jr., $6,000.00 for thirteen lots in his sub-divisiSn adjacent to Mcintire
Communication from Mrs. Frederick H. Schroeder, CorresPonding Secretary of the Jack
Jouett Chapter, D. A. R., requesting that the flag be raised on the Court House flag pole
each morning and taken down each evening, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded
the County Executive was instructed to cause this flag to be raised daily in compliance with
this request~and to report this action to Mrs. Shroeder.
An appropriation of $B06.62 to match $~11.0$ of State Funds for General Relief for
the remainder ofthis, currentyearwas made by the following recorded vote~ Aye.s~ .Messrs.
J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. ~entry, H. Ashby Harris and C. Purcell McCue., and Dr. L. G.
Roberts; Noes: None.
Claim of A. L. Cook against the Dog Fund for the loss of a dog killed by other dogs
was presented and denied.
The following Reports were presented and ordered filed:
1. County Executive,
2. District- Board,
B. University of Virginia Hospital,
4`. Game I~arden,
~. Charlottesville-Public Library.
Mr. H. A. Haden submitted, a.statemeht of expens.,es of. the Department~ of'Finance for the
month of December, 1939, one-third of which to'be borne by the State,
made amd seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved.
The following Resolutions, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr, H. Ashby
Harris, were unanimously adopted:.
~HEREAS, the relocation,smd constr~uctiono~Route 231, Project
734-A inAlbemarle County has made it necessary to abandon nine sec-
tions of the old location and add to the Secondary System one section
built during construction,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and.
is hereby requested to abandon the following sections of eld Route 231,
as shown in blue on Plan prepared by the Locating and Planning Division
of the State Department of Highways dated November 14`, 1939:
Section 1 ' From Station 99+40, looping southwest 0.07 mi. to
Station l03+2~. Length 0.0~ mile.
Section 2 - From Station 108,60, westerly 0.0~ mile to Rte.
608. Length 0.0~ mile,
Section 4 - From Station 14`5+95, looping.westerly 0.14` mile's:to
Station.15~e20o ~en~th 0.14`.mile~
Section ~ - From 'Station 169,80, looping westerly 0.18 mile to
Station 178.90. ~ength 0..18 mile.~
Section S - From Station 188,O0, looping southwesterly 0.10
mile ~o~$tation 193,4`0. Length 0.10 mile.
Section 7 - From Station 201690, looping southwesterly 0.09
mile to Station 206+~0. Length 0.09 mile. m.
Section $ - From Station 241+20, looping southwesterly 0~06 mile
to Station~244+!0. Length 0.06 mile.
Section $ - From Station 4`6~$60, looping southwesterly O.08mile,
including old bridge, to Station 473+80.
Length 0.08 mile,
Sedtion 10- From Station 477+?~, looping southwesterly 0.07 mile
to Station 481+40. ~ength 0.07 mile~
o.84, mile.
BE IT FURTHER RE~0LVED that the Highway gommiSsion~be and is hereby
requested to take into the Secondary System of Highways the following piece
of road shown as Section ~ in brown on Plan prepared by the Locating and
Planning Division of the State Department of Highways dated November 14, 193~
~ection 3 - From Intersection of Route 608 southeast 0.01 mile to new !eoation of Route 231. Length 0.01 ~ile.
Notices from the Compensation Board that an allowance of $~,000.00 for salary and ex-
penses of the Commonwealth's Attorney and $18,987.~0 for salaries and expenses of the Depart-
ment of Finance for the calendar year' begimning J~nuary 1, 1940, had been approved by that
Board werepresented and ordered filed.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that the roofing and guttering at the
Jail would require work to cost $201.00. Upon motion By Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded %7 Mr.
H. Ashby Harris, the County Executive was inst~mcted to proceed with'this work and an approp-
riation' of $201.O0, mr am much thereof as may be necessary, was made to cover'same by the
following recorded vote~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby
Harris, and C. Purcell Mc0ue, and Dr. L. O. Roberts; Noes~ None.
Mr. E. V. Walker, Commonwealth's Attorney, advised that in his opinion the Director
of FinanCe should f~rnish bond feran amount equal to one-fifth of the total amount of money
expected to h~ received by. him during the year. There£o~re, upon,motion duly.made, and ,seconded,
the bond of the Director of Finance for the year 1940was fixed at $125,000.00.
At the request of t~he..Oounty School Board, a Joint Meeting of the two Boards was ar-
ranged fo~.2:30 P. M. em.~Ja~u~ry 26, 1940.
A Committee~ consisting of Dr. 'L. G. Roberts and the County Executive~ was appointed
Itc confer with our representatives in the General Assembly concerning Legislation.
Upon motion by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, the County Execu-
tire was authorized and directed to ask for bids on $?4,000.00, principal sum, of County and
M~nicipal Bonds owned by the Sinking Fund.
-Claims against the. County, totalling $94,333.78, were presented, examined, and allowe,,
and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow-
ing funds!
Dog Tax
Crozet Fire District
Road Debt:
Charlottesville District
Ivy District
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
Scottsville District
White Hall District
Commonwealth of Virginia
Total $94,333.78.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
6~ / , C~airman.
Pursuant to call, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met
in special session at the Office Building of the said County on the 26th day of January, 1940
Present: Messrs. E, J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue,
and Dr. L. G. Roberts.'
Absent: Mr. J. M. Fray.
After considerable discussion of the matter, the following Resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
O~un%y, Virginia, that this Board is in accord with the County School
Board of Albemarle County that a Plan for a School Improvement Program
should be developed and that the School Board be and is hereby requested
to determine the cost of such a Program with the aid of the County Execu-
tive and that the matter be~urther considered at a Joint Meeting of the
two Boards to be held at a later date.
Upon~m0tion,'d~lymadb~-and seconded, the following Resolutions were unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that Hon. John S. Battle, State Senator, and Hon.
Lo Gordon White and Hon. E. O. McCue, Members of'the House of Delegates,
be and they are hereby requested to initiate the following legislation
at the current session of the General Assembly:
An Act to authorize the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County to establish a Permanent Beard of Land
Assessors; the Board of County Supervisors to appoint the
members .of said Board; fix their pay and their terms of
An Act to permit the bringing of a suit leading to the sale
of delinquent lands whereby more than one defendant may be
included in the same suit;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Senator Battle and Delegates White and
~oCue be and are hereby requested to oppose legislation requiring drivers
of school buses to be twenty-~ne years of age, and to oppose legislation
which would change the method of distribution of proceeds of DoE License
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