HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-01-26expected, to be .received by. himduring, the year. There£o.re, upon .motion d~ly mede .and seconde,
the bend of the Director of Finance for the year 1940 was fixed at $125,000.00.
At the request. ~f .~he.. 0o~ty School Board, a Joint Meetin~ ~f the t~ Boar~s was ar-
r~ged f~. 2:30 P. M. en.Jam~ry 26,
A Comities, consisting of Dr. L. G. Ro~.~s and the Oo~ty Executive, ~s appointed
to confer with o~ representatives in the General Ass~bly conce~g Legislation.
Upon motion by Mr. C. Purce~ NcOue, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, the Co~ty Execu-
tive ~s authorized ~d directed to ask for bids on $~4,000.00, principal s~, of Cowry and
M~icipal Bonds o~ed by the S~king Fund.
0ta~s against the Co~ty, totalling $94,333.~8, were presented, examined, and allows.
and ordered certified to the Director of Fiance for pa~ent and ch~ged against the follow-
ing funds!
Dog Tax
Cro zet Fire District
Road Debt:
Charlottesville District
Ivy District
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
Scottsville District
~Ehite Hall District
Oommonwealth of Virginia
$ 8,737.48
Total $94,333.78-
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
.... ,,. 0halrman ·
Pursuant to call, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met
in special session at the Office Building of the said County on the 26th day of January, 1940
Present: Messrs. E. J. Baltard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and O. Purcell McOUe,
and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent: Mr. J. M. Fray.
After considerable-discussion of the matter, the following Resolution was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
C6unty, Virginia, that this Board is in accord with the County School
'Board of Albemarle County that a Plan for a School Improvement Program
should be developed and that the School Board be and is hereby requested
to determine the cost of such a Program' with the aid of the County Execu-
tive and that the matter ben'further considered at a Joint Meeting of the
two Boards to be held at a later date.
Upon~0tion,'duly~db~.and seconded, the following Resolutions were unanimously
tadopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginim~ that Hon. Joh~ S. Battle, State Senator, and Hon.
L. Gordon White and Hon. E. 0. McCue, Members of-the House of Delegates,
be and they are hereby requested to initiate the following legislation
at the current session of the General Assembly:
An Act to authorize the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County to establish a Permanent Board of Land
Assessors; the Board of County Supervisors to appoint the
members of said Board; fix their pay and their terms of
2. An Act to permit the-bringing of a suit leading to the sale
of delinquent lands whereby more than one defendant may be
included in the same suit.
BE IT FURTRERRESOLVED that Senator Battle and Delegates White and
McCue be and are hereby requested to oppose legislation requiring drivers
of school buses to be twenty-~ne years of age, and to oppose legislation
whioh would change the m~thod of distribution of proceeds of DoE License
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat the Committee, appointed, at. the last
regular meeting, consisting, of Dr. L. G. Roberts and the County Executive,
be and is hereby instructed to present these Resolutions to our Represen-
tatives in the General Assembly.
Upon motion, duly madeand seconded, $.200.00., or as much .thereof as may be necessary
was appropriated for the purpose of purchasing Grain for feeding birds during~the recent snow
by the following recordedvete: Ayes.~ Messrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris,
and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular.meeting.~f.the~B~eard.~e£ Ceu~t.y..~Su~ervisors~.o.f. Albema~le ~Cou~ty, Virginia,
was held.atthe~O~fice~.B~~..~t~..~id~l~ty~n.~t~_21stday-~..Fe~a~, 1940.
Preset: .Mesa=,s+. J~.~M,..~i.F~y~ Ee J..~lard, P.~ H. Gentry, H. Ashby~rris, and C.
AbSent~ No~e.
~e f~llewing Officers were present~
County,Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and
Minutes of the meetings of January 17, 1940, and January 26, 1940, were read and ap-
Communications from Mrs., E. R. Kayan and Mr. B. F. D. Runk, requesting improvement
to Route 645 from Proffit to Route 29, were presented and action on same deferred until the
Spring, 1940, Road Meeting.
The County Executive presented information he h~d secured with reference to results
which had been obtained by other counties which enacted ordinances prohibiting the sale of
beer and wine on Sunday, in accordance with instructions of this Board following request of
Minis%ers serving Rural Churches in Albemarle County that suc~ an<erdi~a~ee be adopted by
this Board. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the matter was ordered tabled.
0ommunication from Mr. T. Woods Jarman, with reference to cow which had been killed
as a result of damage by dogs, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the
County Executive was instructed to advise Mr. Jarman that the County could allow only $15.00,
the assessed value of this cow, and suggested that Mr. Jsrma~ collect the difference between
this amount and the actual value ef the cow from the owners of the dogs.
The Committee, which was appointed at the last regular meeting to confer with our
Representative~ in the General Assembly concerning Legislation, reported that a conference
had been held in Richmond on February 19, 1940, at which time certified copies of Resolutions
which were adopted by this Board at special meeting held on the 26th day of January, 1940,
were presented to our Representatives. The Representatives informed the Committee that the
Board's wishes would be carried out.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded~ the following Resolution was u~animously
WHEPEAS, it is the sense ef this Board that the enactment
into law of House Bill No. 240, regulating the use of SchOol
Property, is unnecessary and unwarranted legislation,
N0W,THEPEFOP~, BE IT RESOLVEDbythe Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Hon. ~ehn Si Battle,
State Senator, and Hon. L. Gordon ~hite and Hon. E. 0. McCue, Jr.,
Members of the House of Delegates, be and are hereby requested to
vigorously oppose House Bill No. 240, which relates to the use of
School Property.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopts, ~