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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Committee, appoimted at the last
regular meeting,, consisting, of Dr. L. G. Roberts and the County Execut~ive,
be and is hereby instructed to present these Resolutions to our Represen-
tatives in the General Assembly.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, $200.0G, or as muchP thereof as may be necessary,
was appropriated for the purpose of purchasing Grain for feeding, birds during, the recent snow,
by the following recorded, vote: Ayes: Messrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris,
and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr..L.G. Roberts; Noes:
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regularmeating.of the. Beard .of..Oount~Supervisers.-of.,.Albema=le_Oounty, Virginia,
was .1950.
Present~ Mes,s~$.. J.,.M,....Fray~ E. ~.. Ballard, P.'.H. Gentry, H. .Ashby Harris, and ¢.
Purcell.. McCue, and.. D~...L..~Go.~ Rabsr~s.
Absent~ Noae.
The following 0fficere were present~
County~Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and
Mimutes of the meetings of January 17, 1940, and January 26, 1940, were read and ap-
Communications from Mrs.. E. R. Kayan and Mr. B. ~. D. Runk, requesting improvement
to Route 6~9 from Preffit to Route 29, were presented and action on same deferred until the
Spring, 1940, Road Meeting.
The County Executive presented informatio~ he had secured with reference to results
which had been obtained by other counties which enacted ordinances prohibiting the sale of
beer and wine on Sunday, in accordance with instructions of this Board following request of
Ministers ~erving Rural 0hutches in Albemarle County that suc~ an.~or~i~mmce be adopted by
this Board, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the matter was ordered table~.
0ommunication from Mr. T. ~oods ~arman, with reference to cow which had been killed
as a resuIt of damage by dogs, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the
County Execmtive was instructed to advise Mr. Jarman that the County could allow only $1~.00,
the assessed value of this cow, and suggested that Mr. ~srm_~u collect the difference between
this amount and the actual value ef the cow from the owners of the dogs.
The Committee, which was appointed at the last regular meeting to confer with our
Representatives in the General Assembly concerning Legislation, reported that a conference
had been held in Richmond on February 19, 1940, at which time certified copies of Resolutions
which were adopted by this Beard mt special meeting held on the 26th day of January, 1950,
were presented to our Representatives. The Representatives informed the Committee that the
B~ard's wishes would be carried out.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded~ the following Resolution was unanimously
WHEPEAS, it is the sense of this Board that the enactment
into law of House Bill No. 240, regulatin, g the use of SchOol
Property, is unnecessary and unwarranted legislation,
NOW,THEPEFOP~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Hon.. John Si Battle,
State Senator, and Hon. L. Gordon ~hite and Hon. E. O. McOue, Jr.,
Members of the House of Delegates, be and are hereby requested to
vigorously oppose House Bill No. 240, which relates to the use of
School Property.
Upon me, ion, ~ulymade and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopts,,=
WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that funds
can safely be invest, ed in obligations of other political
sub-divisio~so£ this. state,
~0~, THEREFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED-..~y the Board of
Supervisors. of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Hon. John
Battle, State Senator, and Hon. L. Gordon~Uait. e and Hon. E. Oo
McOue, Jr,,Nembe~s ef the-House.of Delegates, be and are
hereby requested toiaitiatelegislation which~will authorize
this BOard. to. invest sinking fwads in obligations o£ the United
States of America, the State of Virginia, and the political sub-
divisions of this state.
The. Reportof the.District Forester covering Forest Fir~ Cont.rol~Wcrk in Albemarle
County during the calendar, year 1~39 was. presented-. Uponmo%ion, duly made and seconded,
the following ResolUtionrwas.unanimously adopted.~
WHERE~S~ a Report of,the Forest FireControl Work in.this County:has
has been p~esented by.the Distric~ Forester~.for-the. ca!endar year 19~9, and
WHEREAS, this Report indicates that the work has been prosecuted in a
very efficient msmaer,
NOW, THEREEORE, BE ITRESOLVED by. the Board of. County SuPervisors of
Albemarle. County, Virginia, that the.State. Forester and his assistants be~
and they.are hereby commended for their diligence and efficiency in the
administration ef Forest Fire CentrolWork in this. county.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and he is hereby
authorized:and directed to forward a copy of these Resolutions to Mr. Berlin
Eye, District Forester.:
Communication from the Chairmaa of the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, advis~
that there is no fund for the payment of damages by deer, was presented and ordered
The matter of securities to be deposited by the Citizens Bank and Trust Company to
secure the County's deposits, which was referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for an
opinion as to the class of securities necessary at the regular meeting held on the ~?th day
of January, 1540, was again brought to the attention of the Board.
Communication .from Mr. E. V. Walker, Commonwealth's Attorney, stating that in his
opinion bonds.secured by first lien real estate are proper securities for the deposit of
County Funds if they meet %he requirements of Paragraph 6~Section ~4~1 of the Code of Vir-
ginia, was presented. This requirement is that such securities should be accepted at two=
thirds of their par value.
Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
Count~, Virginia, that the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, of Chmr-
iottesville, Virginia, be and is hereby authorized to make the follow-
ing exchange of securities, deposited with the Peoples National Bank,
of Charlottesville, Virginia,in escrow to secure the County's deposits,
thereby increasing the securities by a sufficient amount to secure the
County's increased deposits~
$1,000.00 Mark and ~osie D. Henderson First Mortgage
Bona aue
$1,000.00 Edward S. Foster First Mortgage 6% Bond due 9/8/44,
1,O00.O0 E. L. Bailey First Mortgage ~ Bond duo ~/2~/44,
1,000eOO Town of A~pomattex ~ewer System Construction
Bonds due 12/1/66,
!~000.0O Town of ~ppomattox Sewer System Construction
Bonds due 12/1/67,
1,000.00 Town of Appo~.~a~tox Sewer System Construction
Bonds due 12/1/68,
1,000.00 LymchburE Theatre Cgrp~ration First Mortgage
Bonds due !2/1/~0,
1,000o00 Lynchburg Theatre Corporation First Mortgage
Bonds due 12/1/40,
1,000.00 Lynchburg Theatre Corporation First Mortgage
Bonds due 12/1/43,
1,000.00 Ly~chburg Theatre COrporation First Mortgage ~%
Bonds due 12/1/43,
2,000.00 Lucy A. Brown First Mortgage 6%Bonds due ?/26/4~2,
1,o0o.oo H. w. uby' R. J mes'6% Bon s due
1,000.00 E. D. and Stella G. Mustard 6% Bonds due 5/1~/4~,
1,000.00 F. C. and Madie M. Thacker 6% Bonds due 4/27/42.
Communication- from Mr., E.. D, Numdley, Jr,,..rejeoti=g-. the, offer. ~f~ ~th£s .Boated of
$6,000..00 for 'thi~ee.n lots in his sub-division adjacent to McIntire School, ~s pres~ied
~d ordered filed,
The matte-=~.of~ pa~t of premi~ on bond. of.tM. Direct, er of Finance fa~.a, four-yeast.
period in ad~ance, ~ich was .o.rde.r.edr. 2%. ~e reg. ula~ mee.t~g ~ld o~. the 20th day .of December,
15~9, provided the Oe~ty~ Executive ~nd the~ Co~enwealih-, s Attorney were satisfied the
Ce~ty'$ interests wemld.~: protecte~ ~s~. again ~re~t t~ ~ atlentien ef the Board.
Board was advi~d ..b~ the Co~ty Executive ~d the OO~onwe~h'$ Attorney t~t in their
opinion the Ce~ty~s .~terests weald be protected.
Mr. H. A. ~, Director of Finite, s~b~tted a state~t~ ef exposes ef the ~De~-
merit ef.F~ce for the m~nth of j~ma~, 1950, one-third of which te be b~rne ~y the State.
Upon motio~, duly ~. and seconded, this ~tate~nt ~s ~ex~ined., ver~ied, ~nd approved,
Oe~i~tion from Mrs. Frederick H~ S~eder, ~rresponding Secrela~, Jack Jouett
C~pter, D. A. R., with reference tea project covering the preSe.r~tion ef Virginia
Records, ~s .presented and action on s~e deferred ~til reply is received te ~unicatien
fr~ the Co~ty~ Executive to .Mrs. Shroeder, req~sting mere particulars.
The ~ollowing.Reports were presented and ordered filed~
1. County E~ecu~ive,
2. ~niversity~,f Virginia Hospital~
~. ~e Warden~
4, ~eg=o Fa~ Ag~t~
Co~nications from the Soil Co~er~iion Service,U. ~. Depa~ment of Agriculture,
with reference to distribution of g~in for feeding birds during the recent snow were
Upon ~tion, duly made and seconded, it ~s ordered t~t the records of the S~riff
be audited at-the t~e the County's records are audited for the fiscal year endi~ J~e 30~
Claim against the County of R. Stua~ Royer, C. E., ~o~ting to $100~00, c~vering
balance due him on aceo~t of services rendered in co~ection with Annexation Proceedings in
19~8, ~s presented. Upon motion~by Mr. C. Purcell NcCue, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard,
this cla~ ~s ordered paid and am appropriation of $100.00 to cover s~e ~s ~de by the
following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. F~y, E. J. Bailard, P. H. Gent~, H. Ashby
~rris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts$ Noest None.
~e Chai~en a~ounced t~t El~n A. M. ~s the t~e designated t0 receive Bids on
$74,000.00, par value, of Cowry and Municipal Bonds o~ed by the Sinking Fund. Thereupon,
Bids were opened from the following Bidders:
4~ Augusta Ce.~ 3/25,
2N City of Danville
[CN City of ~rrisen-
~ City of ~rrison-
4M Charlotte
~M F~irf~ Co.
~ Prince ~Willi~
~ Prince Wilii~ Co,
~ Prince Willi~
~M Dickenson Co. ~,
~ Princess A~e Oo~
~ V/~/~V
W,E.Buford Smith,Bar- C.FoCas- Mason- Scott,Herder R.$.Dickson
& Co. ney & Co. sell & Oo.Hagan,Inc. &iMason,Inco & Co.,Inc,
Ch'rills . Wash.:D,C, Ch'rills ~~ Rich'. Va.
119.5¢' -a- 119.?78° 119.50- n9.29-
lO4.04 lO~.lQo.- lO5.356~ lO5.80. 105.79, lO5.31-
lO6.8o- 106.486. lO6.386, lO?.6o' 104,79, IO6.15-
106.68. lO6.689, lO6.667~ 107.92- 104,87- lO6.73'
120.96' 119 ?/8~ 121.287' 122. 121.19- 119.60'
105.79' 105.5~?' 105.368' I0%.79~ 106.79-
!0~.37~ -o- 105.635' 106.- 106.7~- -~-
10~.~- -o- 106.~83- 106.2~- 106.??. -o-
118.3o~ -o= 117.876' 11~.- 119.29. -o-
Upon. me,.ion duly made--and seconded, the following Bids were accepted for delivery
Monday, Yebruary 26, 1940:
CoFoCassell · Co. Mason~Nagau, Inc..Scott, Homer Re S. Dick-
Charlottesville Richmond & Mason, Inc° son
Lynchburg RicP~o d_
2M Cityof Danville 2 3/4s,
151~ Cit~.of Harris~nburg 3s,
i~M City of H~rrisonburg
4~ Charlotte.Ce.Ss' 7/1/4,5
1SM Augusta Co. ~ 3~$s, 2/1/$~
%MYairfax Ce. Ss, 1/1/45
~ Prince ~illi~O.o.
$6, lQ8 ~66
$16,005.60' $6,108.66'
Upon motion-~y Mr. 0~ Purcell McOue, seconded by Mr. P. H. Gentry, it was ordered that
$60,000.00, maturity value, of United States Savings Bonds be. purchased by the following
District Road. DeBt, Fu~da~
Samuel Ydiller
White Hall
Amou~_ ~
Total $60,000.00.
Mr° Eo N° Waylandand others, appeared.concerning unsatisfactory telephone service in
Albemarle Co~ty. An official ~f the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company present ex~
plained that a survey was being made concerning some of the lines in the county at this
time, which survey would indicate what corrections were necessary to improve the service.
Upon motion by Mr. C° Purcell McOue, duly seconded, the County Executive was instructed to
follow the matter up and ascertai~ what length of time the Company would require to make
the necessary improvements.
Upon motio~ duly made and seconded, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the construction of Route 2~0, Project ~6~-MNBS~ in Albemarle
Coumty, mew overhead crossing at Shadwell~. has made it necessary to abandon
two sections of Secondary Road, add to the Secondary System eno connection
built during construction and close the old wooden overhead crossing with the
O, & 0. Railway,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and is here-
by requested %Ooabandon the following sections of Secondary Read, as shown in
blue on the Plan prepared and submitted by the State Department of Highways:
Section 1 - Secondary Route 731 from new location of Route
2~0, at Station 2710+00, looping northwesterly
to the new connection built and from the new
connection to Route ?29.
Section 2 - Section of Secondary Route ?29 from Route 22,
south 0.107 mi° including old'overhead crossing
to Route 250, thence south 0.008 mi. to Route
731, thence southwest 0.085 mi. to end of con-
nection built. Len~h...O,200 mi~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th~ State Highway Commission be and is
hereby requested to take into the Secondary System of Highways the following
section of read shown as Section 3 in b~,wn on Plan prepared and submitted
by the State Department of Highways~
Section 3 - Connection bmilt-£rom...new Iocationof Route250
at Sta. 2713,23, southwest 0.084 Mi. to Secondary
Rou~,e 729. Length 0°_0.84 ~i.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is
hereby requested.to close the overhead crossing with the C. '& O. Railway
as sho~ in yellow on Plan prepared-and submitted by the State Department
of Highways:
Route 72? - Old woodsn'~overhead bridge at. Rwy. M. P. 176,23
of the C. & O. Railway~ at Shadwell, this crossing
having been eliminated from the Secondary' Highway
Communication from Southwestern Virginia, Imco, was presented. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded,, the following Resolutionwas unanimously adopted:
BE IT.RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that.a communication from Southwestern. Virginia,
Inco?porated, tothis~Board, dated February 5, 1~40, relative to the
distribution ef %he entire Liquor StOrem Profits'to the counties and
towns, excluding the newtax for schools~ is approved in principle;
provided, the.practical effect of same will not be to increase taxes
or cause the State Budget to becomeunbalanced.
Proposed Budget for the fiscal year beginning July I, 1940, was presented~by the
County Executive. Aprill$,l$40, at.$:~0 A. M., was fixed as the time for Public Hearing
on said Budget and a Synopsis of said Budget was ordered published according to law in The
Daily Progress, a newspaper having general circulation in-'the County of Albemarie~ It was
further ordered that the Chairman and Clerk prepare and publish a statement giving Notice
that it is proposed to in~rease the rate of levy for Schools by $.2~ per $100'.00 assessed
value and that a Hearing on this proposed increase will be held at the Court House at
9:30 A. M. on April 17, 1940.
Cla~$ against the County, amountiBg to $85,4??.13, were presented, examined, and
allowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against'
the following funds:
Crozet Fire District
Dog Tax
Road Debt:
Charlottesville District
Ivy District
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
Scot%sville District
White Hall District
Commonwealth of Virginia
$ 6,561.06
To~al $85,49 ? o13 ~-
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of the said County on the 20th day of March, 1940.
Present: Messrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harri~ and C. Purcell McCue,
and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent: Mr. J,~M. Fray.
The following Officers were present:
County Executive and Commonwealth' s Attorney.
Minutes of the meeting of February 21, 1940, were read and approved.
In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Mr. P. H. Gentry, presided.
The Chairman announced that this meeting had been designated as the regular semi-annua
Highway Meeting. Therefore, any interested citizens would now be given an opportunity to make
requests for improvement of and additionsJto the Secondary System of Roads in this county.