HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-03-2000NNECTION TO BE ADDED TO THE~S~E_CONDAR¥ Section-3 - Connection bmil%.from..-new location of Route .250 at Sta. 2713,23, eouthwest 0.084 Mi. to Secondary Route ~T~ CO~CTIONS ~ BE ~DED ~ ~ SEC0~Dmy SYS~ _ 0.08~ ~I. ~ BE IT F~T~R ~$0L'~D %hat the S~te Highway Oo~ission be ~d is hereby requested to ol~se the overhead oresst~g with th~ 0. ~ O. Rail~y as shoe in yellow ~n PI~ prepared and submitted by the Stats Department of High, ye ~ OVERHEAD CROSSING .TOBE CLOSED__~ Route 729 - Old wooden?:~verhead bridge at. Rwy. M. P. 176,23 of the C. & O. Railway, at Shadwell, this crossing having been eliminated from the Secondary' Highway System. Communication from Southwestern Virginia, Inc., was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: BE. IT. RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,. Virginia, that a communication from Southwestern Virginia, Incorporated, to this_Board, dated February 5, 1940, relative to the distribution of the entire Liquor Store Profits to the counties and towns, excluding the new-taX for schools, is approved in principle; provided, the practical effect of same will net be to increase taxes or cause the State Budget to become unbalanced. Proposed Bud§et for the fiscal year beginning July I, 1940, was presented by the County Executive. April 15~1940, at 9:30 A. M., was. fixed as the time fo.r Public Hearing on said Budget and a Synopsis of said Budget was ordered published according to law in The Daily Progress, a newspaper having general circulation in-the County of Albemarle, It was further ordered that the Chairman a~d Clerk prepare and publisha statement giving Notice that it is proposed to ink,ease the rate of levy for Schools by $.25 per $100.00 assessed value and that a Hearing on this proposed i~crease will be held at the Court House at 9:30 A. M. on April 17, 1940. Claims against the County, amounting to $85,497.13, were presented, examined, and allowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following f~nds: General School Crozet Fire District Dog Tax Road Debt: Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanna District Samuel ~iller District Scottsville District ~Tnite Hall District Commonwealth ~f Virginia $ 6,561.06 20,'102.51 24.~3 82.25 7,500.44 7,500.0,0 8,724.87 7,500.00 7 5oo.oo 11,225.00 To{al $85,4~9 ?.t3 ~. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. (/'f/ quChairman. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, ~as held at the Office Building of the said County on the 20th day of March, Present: Messrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell NcCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: Mr. J. ~. Fray. The following Officers were present: County Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of February 21, 1940, were read and approved. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Mr. P. H. Gentry, presided. The Chairman announced that this meeting had been designated as the regular semi-annual Highway Ne,ting. Therefore, any interested citizens would now be given an opportunity to make requests for improvement of and additionS~to the Secondary System of Roads in this county. 341 The following Resolution, offered by Dr, Lo G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. P. H. Gentry, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby requested to take into the Secondary System of Highways the following sections of road: 1. Road, leading from Route 615 south to Colored Cemetery, a distance of approximately .82 of a mile. Road, adjacent to property of j. M. Higginson to property of J. A. and E. H. Mawyer, from New Route 29 to Old Route 29, a distance of approximately ~.=ile'.~ 3- Road, leading from Route 631 to entrance to p~operty of R. F. Wayland, a distance of approximately .¢ mile. 4. Road, leading west from Route No. 613 to entrance te property of Mr. Deans, a distanceof approximately .4 mile. 5. Jefferson Street Extended, from the Corporate Limits of the City of Charlottesville to Riverview Cemetery, a distance of approximately ~ mile. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. H. Ashby Harris, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is here-~ by requested to make provision for the improvements indicated on the following Secon~ary~Highways in this county~ 1. Route 677: 2. Route $68: Route 680: Route $14: Route 674: 6. Route 626: 7- Route 613: 8. Route 649: 9- Routes 631 and 1013: 10. Route 672: 11. Route 729: 12. Route 642: 13. Route 14. Route Surface with stone or gravel. Surface with 0rushed Stone for a distance of approxi- mately l~-$iles. From Route 23'0 to Route 250, surface with crushed stone and eliminate steep approach to Bridge over Parrott's Creek. From White Hall to City Water Supply Dam, a distance of approximately 5 miles, surface with crushed stone and improve.~ From Route ~71 ts Route 614, a distance of approxi- mately 3 miles, construct two small bridges and sur- face with crushed stone. Improve when funds are available. Widen. curves when funds are available. From Stony Point to 01dRo~e 2~, surface with crushed stone. Surface with crushed stone. From Doyiesville to Mrs. Redes Via's property, ~ dis- tance of approximately 1½miles, surface with crushed sto~e. From Route 250 to University of Virginia Airport, sur- face with crushed stone and construct small bridge. From Simeon to Buck Island Creek, a distance of approxi- mately 4 miles, surface with crushed stone. Surface with crushed stone a distance of approximately ~00 yards, and construct small bridge. From Route 614 to entr~uce to Lake Albemarle, widen, re- locate where necessary and surface with crushed stone. The matter of widening Route 656 from Route 654 to Route ?43 was presented and re- ferred to a Committee, consisting of the County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney and the Resident Engineer of the State Highway Department, to investigate and report back at the next regular meeting. Request of Mr. Nimmo to take into the Secondary System of Highways a piece of road known as the Hartman's Mill Road was presented and request denied due to the lack of demand for such a road, Mr. Wallace, representing the. Children's Home Society of Virginia, addressed the Board, requesting an increased appropriation forthat organization for %he year beginning J~ly l, 1940. Upon motion by Mr. C.. Purcell McCue; seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, it was ordered that $200.00 be included in the Budget for the year beginning July 1~ 1940, for the Children's Home Society of Virginia. Mrs. L. F. Norford appeared and requested improvement of road leading to her property. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgini% that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to surface with crushed stone Route 64~ from Route 613 to the property of Mrs. V -Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finauce, submitted a statement ef expenses of the Depart- ment of Finance for the month of February, 1940, one-third of which to be borne by the Statej Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. The County Executive reported that he had been in contact with an official of the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company, concerning telephone service i~ Albemarle County, and had the assurance that there would be improvements and suggested that the matter be con- tinued, which was ordered. Request was received from the City Council for a Committee to confer with a similar Committee from the City, concerning the operation of the Joint.Health Department.. Upon mo- tion, duly made and seconded, the Chairman was authorized to appoint a Committee of three. The Chairman announced the appointment of the following to serve on this Committee: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue and Mr. H. Ashby Harris and the County Executive. A communication from Mr. Joh~ F. Faris, Chairman of the Local Chapter of the American Red Cross, expressing the Chapter's appreciation to the Board for the loan of certain rooms in the new Office Building for war service work, was presented and ordered filed. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed~ 1. County Executive, 2. Game ~arden, 3. District Beard, 4. University of Virginia Hospital. The County Executive recommended for appointment Miss Glenice Naylor as stenographer in the ~elfare Department, effective February 22, 1940, at a salary of $60.00 per month. UPon motion, duly made and seconded, Miss Naylor was appointed. Upon~motion, duly made and seconded, the following finan~ial~institutions were approve~ as depositories of County funds: Peoples National Bank, Crozet Branch, Crezet, Virginias National Bank and Trust Company, Scottsville Branch, Scottsviile, Virginia. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County ExecUtive was instructed to proceed with the sale 0£ property secured from Lizzie Coles at Eastham, Virginia. A Resolution of the County School Board, concerning the 1~40-¢1~ School Budget~ was presented and ordered filed. Mr. W. R. Duke~ Jr., Clerk of the Trial Justice's Court, appeared and ~equested an in- creas~ in salary to $100.00 per month. Action on this request was postponed until the next regular meeting. Upon motion, duly ,made and seconded, the Chairman was authorized to appoint a Committe, to review the operation of each Department of the County a~d report back to the Board as to its efficiency. The Chairman announced the appointment of Dr. L. G. Roberts and Mr. H. Ashb Harris to constitute this Committee. . The Board's attention was called to the fact that the Budget for the current year provided a sufficient amount to cover the premium on Bond of the Director of Finance for one year only and since the Board had authorized the payment of the premium for a four-year period, it was ~necessary to appropriate an additional $1,039.07. Upon motion, duly made ahd seconded, an appropriation of $1,039~07 was made to cover the premimm on Bond of the Director of Finance for the period ending December ~l, 1943, by the following recorded vote: Ayes: ~essrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L.' G. Roberts; Noes: None. ClaLms against the County, amounting~',to $3~,8~4o36, were presented, examined, and al- lowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for' payment and charged against the following funds: General School DoE Tax Crozet Fire District Road Debt~ Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanna District SamuelMiller District Scottsviile District Nhite Hall District Commonwealth of Virginia 8,728.09 19,603.!2 313.80 10.00 5,1¢8.70 227o?~ 659.I6 6.47 6.21 415.09 Total $35,83 4.3 6 , Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ~~ , Chairman, / A regmtar meeting.,of .the Beard of Comn%y Smpervisers of. Albemarle Goun~y-,- Virgimia, was held at ~he-OffAee~,,B~llddag of,~he said-.¢o~%y on the .17th--~ay of-April., 19.40. Present: ~essrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell Mc~Ue~ a~'~. L.-G.~'Re~'s~.' Absent: ~. J. M. The following Officers were ~resen%: County Exeemtive~ Com~onwealth'~ At%o~ey, Sheriff. ~innte~ of .~he .nee~f~g..of Narch20, 19~0.., were read and a~preved. In the..abse~ee of the Chairman, the Vice Chairmem, Nr. ?. N. Gentry, ~resided. ~r. Bernard P. Ch~mberlain a~eared coneer~ing the eo~mo~tdatio~ of Voting ~rectncts in the Charlottesville District ~i~ee Annexation. This matter was referred to the County Exe~ttve'a~d Cemmo~wealth~e Attorney~with in~tr~etio~e to inVestfga~e a~ re~Ort back at ~he next relg~tar-.mee~i~. Nr. W. C. ~haekelford amd others appeared to request the Beard to $1,000o~ to cover one-half the cost of~a~arya~Ex~en~of a~As~i~%ant C~ty Agent for the year be~i~ing Jmly ~, 19~O. ~on motion by ~r. ~. G. Robert~, ~eeonded by~r. ¢. ~cO~e, th~matter was referred ~o the County Executive with in~tructione ~o review the work ef the Department of-Farm and Home Demonstrationwith-power to act ,on thisreq~es~o. Nr. Eo N. Co~e~haver a~d others appeared and requested an appro~riatio~ of for the p~r~o~e of re-stocking Quai1 in thio comity. ~on motion, duly made a~d 19~O,,by %he~.,~e~ew~E reeor~ed~vo~e~ Ayes:'Messrs. E.-J.,BatIard~ P...E. Gentry, Harris, a~d O...~.ee~l~cOme, a~d~Dr~ Lo Go.Rober-t~;. Noes: ~r. Webb ~tdyet~e,~:S~e~l~i~g.Game,.Wa~den,,-&ppeared.em~,,sug~es~ed. thatthe Board e~a~t a~ 0rd~ce which would ~rohibtt D~ge ru~mi~g at. large thr~ghout the year a~ a~%hor- i~ed by ~eetion 68a of the Game, Inland Fish and Dog Cede of Virginia. This matter wa~ re~ ferred to the-Cou~tyExee~we~em~,Commo~wea~t~,,.~.~ttor~e~..w~%h in~tr~etion~ ~o investigate The..m~e~-,f..~e~ fer..am ~m. orea~e-i~.%he ,eala~y of the Cle~ el. the tiee'~ Court wa~ agai~ brought to the mttent~on of the Board. ~o~ motion, ~ly ma~e ~eeonde~, '$1~o00 was ordered' incIuded in the Bmdge% for the year beginning ~y for ~hi~ ~r~o~e by the followi~g recorded vote: Ayes: Nessrs. E. J. Ballard, ?o N. Gentry, N. AShBy Narris, and C. Purcell NcOme, a~d Dr. L._G. Roberts: Noes: None. The Director of Fi~a~e ~aIIed the Board~ attention to two tax bills--eno for the year 19~0 against the proDer~ynow ow~edByFrederiek W. Scet~ and formerly ow~edbyH. fBowe~ and the other against the ~o~erty of N. E. ~rr~y for'the year 19~2, ~oth of which are ~how~ as deIi~me~t bm~ there i~ evidence ~fbothhaving been ~aid. The Director of Fi~auee 343