HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-04-17General School Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Road Debt: Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanna District Samuel ~iller District~ Soo ttsville District White Hall District Commonwealth of Virginia 8,728,O9 19,603.12 313,8O 10.00 ~,1¢8.?0 659 .i6 6.4? 6.21 Total $35,83 4.3 6 · Upon motion, the meeting adjourned, / A regular meeting .of the-Board of County-Supervisors of Albemarle Oount~y-,- Virginia., was held at .the Off-ice. Building of,the-said,County, on the ..17th..-da~ of April-, 19-40. Present: Messrs.. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and 0. Purcell McOue, Absent: ~. J. M;.. F~ay. The following Officers were present: Cematy Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, Sheriff. Minutes of ..the meeting of Ilarchl 20, 1940-, were read and approved. In the-.abseace of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Mr. 'P. H. Gentry, presided. Mr. Bernard P. Chamberlain appeared concerning the consolidation of Voting Precincts in the Charlottesville District sin~e Annexation. This matter was referred to the County Executive a~d Commonwealth's Attorney <with instructions to investigate and report back at the next regular meeting. Mr. W. ¢. Sha~kelford aud .others appeared to request the Board to appropriate $1,000.00 to cover one-half the cost of Salary and Expenses of an Assistant County Agent for the year beginning July 1, 1940. Upon motion by ~r. r~. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. C. Parco3 McOue, thls matter was referred to the County Executive with instructions to review the work of the Department of ~Farm and Home Demonstration with power to act on this. request. Mr. E. H. Copenhaver and others appeared and requested an appropriation of for the purpose ef re-stocking Quail im this county. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was- ordered ..t~a% th~s~ amount .be.'-includ~ ~in-.~%he, ~Bu~ge%-. for~ -the ~2ear~,' begimuing Jmly 1, 19~O, ~y %he~ fetlowi~g-lreCerded~ vo~e: Ayes: Messrs, E, J.. Ballard, P,. H,,. Gentry~ H. Ashby Harris, andO..P~rcell McOue, and~Dr~ L. G..Roberts; Noes:~ Mr. Webb Mtdyette,~Supervi~$ing-Game.Warden, appeared 1.aud..suggested~ that .the Board enact $_~ Ordinance which would prohibit Dogs running at large throughout the year. as anther- izod by Section 68a of the 8amc, Inland Fish an~ Dog Code of Virginia. This matter was re- ferred to the County Exee~ti, ve.~,.and.Oommemweal%hte.Atterney-.-wt¢A~ instructions to investigate and report baek,:-~t~:~,the-ne~ regular, meeting, The.ma%~ter.~.e~,.~e~uest ferrari increase. ~in..~the ..eats-fy of the Clerk of.the Trial..J~e- rice' s Court was again brought to the attention of the Board. Upon motion, duly made seoonde~, $1,000.00 was ordered' included in the Budget for the year beginning JulY 1, for this purpose by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. E. J. Ballard, Po H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and O. Purcell McOue, aud Dr. L. _G. Roberts: Noes: None. The Director of Finance called the Board's attention to two tax bills--one for the year 1930 against the property now owned by Frederick W. Scott and formerly owned by Ho M~re Bowen and the other against the property of N. E. Murray for' the year 1932, both of which are shown as delinquent but there is evidence ,f both having been paid, The Director of Finance ~ oppo~ty to e~ress his opi~n in the ~tter ~d bring the ~t%~ b~ck to ~e Bo~d at the ~e~ re~l~ meetS. ~e fe~g Resolution, offered ~ ~. L. G. R~berts, see,n~e~ ~ ~. H~AshbY ~ris, was ~imeusly ad~pted~ re~este~ ~'~ t~e ~te the Seventy $~stem 'of ~g~s f~r the mainten~ee ~f Seeen~ System ~f Highw~s for the ye~ beaning Ju~: I, ~s ~esented~ ~d o~ered filed. ~. C. ~cell Me~e, Chai~, reported that the Co, tree ~d had a e~ereaee with a s~!~ C~i~ee free the City C~cil reg~ding a new een~ae% covering-the ~e Joint He~th DepoSit for the ye~ begi~g July 1, 1940, ~d reeo~ended that this ~ contract pro, de for cont~butions fr~m ~e city ~d O~ty te b~ based ~Pen the results ~f a ~rvey now ~i~g .connoted by ~e University of Vir~nia to deter~ne the ~t ser~ces rendered ~a~ ~t$ this Su~ey covering yea~ end~g June 30, Upon motion, ~ ~de ~d seconded, ~e report of the C~.ttee was adopted. The matter o~ ~ea~emt of trees on ~e C~t HSuse ~ds was ag~n ~ght'to the att~tiem ef ~e B~d ~d mpon motiem~ duly ~de ~d Seconded, t~tter was ~stponed for ~oth~ ye~. 5~st~cted ~ ce~er ~ the G~e W~den reg~ding +~e feasibility ef ~~ his ~sper~ie~-~d'lr~' ba~ te ~e Be~d a% the ne~- re~!~ meeti~. The ~tter ef wi~e~ng R~mte 6~ was ag~n bright mp ~d ~scussed ~d referred tea C~ttee, eon~st~ ef ~e Vice C~~ ~d Mr. E. J. B~I~d, to ~vestigate ~d ~ at ~e ne~ re~l~ meeting.- The feHew~ Reports were presented ~d ordered filed: 1.- Ce~ty ~e~tive. 2. University of Virgi~a Hospit~. < 3. G~e'Warden. The cowry ~e~tive recovered ~ increase in the s~y ~f Miss Gleniee N~ler per month, effective April 1, 1940. ~ t s recommendation was approved.. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, of Finance for the month of March, 1940, Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County submitted a statement of expenses 'of the Depar$~ one-third of which to .be borne by the State. motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. The County Executive read a new proposal from Mr. E. ~. NU~dl~y~m~onc~rning' the sal~ lots adJacemt to MoImtire'~S~ool. Upon.~motien, .alu ~.~ made and ~oon~l, ~his..~c~sal was eote~o Communication from professor Frederick T. Morse, inviting the members of the Board to a~ttend Dedicatory Exercises at the N~i~er$ity of Virginia Airport on Sunday, April 28, 1940, at 3:30 P. M., was presented. The Board's attention~was called to the fact that' the Sixth Amuual Safe. fy Comference would be h~ld in Reauoke in the near Future. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Trial Justice and the Commonwealth's Attormey were authorized to attend this-C~nference with an allowance to cover the actual expenses. Bpon motion by Dr. L. G. RobertS, seconded by Mr. ¢. Purcell-McOue, the C~uty Execu- tive was instructed %~ write a letter t~ Mr. W. O. Fife, former Commonwealth's Attorney, ex- pressing the regret of the members of the Board %o learn of his. illness and .hepe for his rapid recovery. The followLug Budget for the Joint Health Department for the year beginning July 1, 1940, recommended By the Joint Board .cf Health, was presented and approved: ESTIMATED B~DGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1940-1941 R~DE~ BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE OR E~TIMATE RECEIPTS_ : Albemarle. Ce~aty Charlottesville U~iversity State Miscellaneous $ 6,750.00) s,250. ) 1,500.~0~ $300.00 + $15,3o0o00 Health Officer, Salary $ Health Officer, Travel ~anitation Officer, No..1, Salary Sani~atien Officer, Ne. 1, Travel Sanitation OffiCer, Ne. 2, 'Salary Sanitaticn Officer, No. 2, Travel Nmr~e 'NO. 1, Salary Nurse Ne. l, Travel ,Nurse No. 2, Salary ' Nurse No. 2, Travel ~e No'. 3, Salary N,~rse,N~o 3, Travel N~rse ~o. 4, Salary ~rse.-No. 4,~'--Travel. ~lerk Auditor City Sc~eel'. Dental Oou~ty ScAool Dental ~offi:ce -SuPplies ~iOlogios Equipment~ ~ew and/or Replacement~- Postage Priating Medical S~zpplies E~tra Office Help Laboratory (Dr. Bray,-. Syphilis .StudAes) Office Rent Misceile~eous 4,200.00 $0.00 i, o.oO 550.00 1,620..00 550.00 1,800.00 550.00 1,620o00 550.00 ' 1,620.00 550.00 1,560.0~ 550.00 180.00 500.00 100.00 85,00 125.00 50.00 720..00 $300.~;- $ 3,900.00 1,8~0.00 - 5~0.00 1,80o.00 550.00 30,.00 +. 1,080.00 500,00 125.00 + 125.00 20.00. 120.00 25~0 + 100.00 25.00 + 1~0.00 720.00 300.00 + 300.00 The following Budget for the Department of Publie~Welfare .for the quarter ending June 30, 1940, having been approved By the State Commissioner of Public Welfare and the Executive Secretary of the Virginia Commission for the Blind, was presented and approved: Cl___ass of Assistance Amount Old Age Dependent Ohildrem Blind General Relief $ 6,287.0/+ ~2,358.O0 675.36. ~he following Budget for the year ending June 30, 1941, for the Department of Pub- ii¢ ~elfa,~e-was... presented and approved.- ANNUAL - - REVEXUE ESTINATES - - S~arees"ofFun~s Description ...... Fedg~_al . State. County ,Total Old Age Assistance Aid to Dependent O~hitdren Aid to the Blind General Relief Administration T~,a! . , $10,339.77 $ 6,-462.36 $ 3,877.41 $20,679.5. 5,868.00 3)667.50 2,200,50 1,223.64 ?64. 78 458. 86 2,~47.. 2~ -c~ 5,918.75 3,551.25 $19,17~5~ $19,6~.49 $16,~.V8 ANTICIPATED SUB. PLY Delinquent TS 1937 and Pr 1938 1939 LAND REDE}~IONS Fees: Clerk T~ial Jus.t i Sheriff Commonwealtl Transfer Fines- BO~3~D OF PRISOneRS State U.' S. Gover Other C0~0NY~AETH OF VII 1/3 Expense Capitation ' RENTAL OF COUNTY PI INTERE ST~ LICENSE: Slot ~ Machine s Shows ~ Carni' DOG TAX FUND TRANS~ A.B.C PROFF~TS V.P.A.FUND ~ STATE Stat~ Federal CEDAR ERADICATION UNCLA~SSIFIED T~TAL ~VENUE OTP~ Amount to be r~ Delinquents on Levy required Assessed value Rate of Levy TITLE OF FUNCTION ~o, -o£ No. of Function Item iAi.'" BOARD 6F ~O0 Comp~nsatio 109. Compensatio 212 Insurance P 220 Traveling E FOTAL BOARD OF COUN5 1AA. SPEC iAL SERVICES 199 Road Viewer A N N U A L (.Centimaed) ~ESTIMATE~ GE EX~~~ Otd Age Assistance- Aid %e De~%,~Chil4ren~ Aid. to the B~ind General Relief tI,.?S6,~ 2,4&~.28 9,470.~0 At t~4~2me-~he~'~tz~· were-given am:epportunit~ to discuss the Budget for the The following Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1940, smd .en~g J-ame30, 'I9~, ms presented and unamdmeus~ adopted~ es .or · Year Ended June 30, 1939 (A~tual) $ ~9,668,?? ._.ALBE~tARLE..-COUNTY,_..MIRGINIA- ~ REVENUE ESTINATES FOR THE YEAH ENDING JUNE 30, 1941 GE}~ERAL FU~] Ygar-Ending ~. Jun~ 30, 1940 Tentative (E~timated) Estimate ~' s Attorn?y ,3f4000A.00 $ SO,000,O0 61~.26 1~750..00 500.~00 !,536.90 2,000.00 500.00 334.17 2,000..00 1,500..00 12,017.27 12~000.00 12,000.00 8,702.~9 2,816.7f 2,695.86 2,123.67 472.50 4,533 J5 ~ent 240.60 25.70 .GINIA .Dept. of'Finance 5,316.86 'axes 2,227.00 OPE~TY 1,500.00 3,020~61 170.00 als 1,07.4,,00 ER 2,345.50 ~23,830.91 FEDERAL AID THg~ CURPENT 976.17 621.05 ~1..~82.66 ised by Current Levy basis of 12% of Property IncrSase-.O.~er. Year Ending June ~0, 1940 YEAR EN]iED J~ 30, FITLE OF ITEM_ ~ ~UPERVISORS of Members of Clerk ~iums-Surety Bonds SUPERVISORS $:: 15,000 ~00 8;5oo, oo 8,foo.oo 3,200.00- 3,200.00 3,000,00 3,000~00 2~10o.00 2,.100~00 .400.00 400~00 1,500.00- !?~500.00 -O- De~r~&lS Year En June 30 1~[00o0~ 500~0¢ ,.~Under ling Final 1940 Estimate 4,000.O0 4,000.O0 ~150.00 3100.00 ~ 10.00 50.00 ~500.00 6,300.00 2,390.00 2,300.00 1,500.00 3,13 2.00 1,500.00 2,O00.00 ~125.00. 125.00 lSO, O¢ oo.oo 2,300;'00 2,500.00 21,000.00 23,00-0.00 150.00 -o- 40.00 ~o- 800.00 ~o- -o- 90.0( 1,632.00 -o- 500.00 -o- 350.00 ~o- .200.00 -0- 2,000.00 -o- 3,000.00 18,83 T.48 15,83 7.~8 -o- -o- .16,939.98 t6,939.98 -o-i -o- 150.00 150.00 ' -o- ~_~ 0~0 ~,_00 -o- 1,000 .-0 , $1t6,07;5.00. - - -' ' 1',$1~6~~9_~ .',a. 6. - $'4,33o.,od $: 26,799~80 3,654.50 30,454.30 12,168,575.00 .25 EXPENDI:TURE E STI:~:A~ S FOR THE YEAR ENDING JU~- 30~ 19~1 GEk~RAL FUND YEAR ENDING JUNE Appropriation Expenditure Year Ending June 30,~1940 Increase S 16,813.39 17,431.41 $163,8o1.8o 2,000.00 $1,999.92 $2,000.00 -o- -o- 120.00 -o- 15.003 90.00 250.00 22~5.89 25'0.00 $ 2 2__~0 ~2,240.81 $2,460.00 LO _33 41 --0- 90.00 oo 90.00 $2,ooo.oo -o- 12o.oo -o- 250.00 _ ~- ~ $ 100.00 $ 12.00 $ 100.00 $ 5'0.00 -6- EXPENDITUBE:: ESTIMATES FOR TP~ YEAR JUNE 30,. 1941... GEneRAL. FUND. ITLE OF No. of h',o. of yEAR ENDED ~t~ ~ Appropriation Expenditures. Year Ending Increase0Ve June 30, 1940 Proposed Year Ending ........... ~_.at'_lD~_.Exp~ndit.ure~ .Jun~ ~0~ lq~ ~ 'YE~~ [G J~U~' 30; 1941 Decrease 'Year Ending Allowe( June 30, by Boa: ~ ]940 .......... 1AA. SPECIAL SEkVICES (Con't) 200 Ad,ertl 201 Auditin 213 Insuran Burglar 214 Rent ~a 218 Telepho 219 C~ntr'i~ Chamh~r Local, State City Li 319 Station 399 Miscell 400 Motor T 601 4 H Club Camp 999 Unap ro~riated Remser~e TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES lng !O0 ~00 6oo.oo Premiums-Compensation & ~e Deposit Box ne & Telegraph Service utions of Commerce: ~-2OQ. O0.. 75.o0 $275.00 )rary 800.00 ery & Printed Forms ~eous ~uck- COUNTY EXECUTIVES 102 Compen~ 109 Compen~ 212 Insuraz 72~8 Teleph¢ 220 Travel~ 319 8tatio~ Office 2~.00 if.oo 25' .00 ~3',i2 '50.00 -50.00 -o- -o- 5oo,~o ~oo.00 5oo~00 -o- -0- 1.42 25.00. 75.00 50.00 -o- 15.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 -0- 7.41 25.00 25.00 -o- -o- 4,225.00 4,225.'00 1,175.00 1,075.00 -o- 10.00 22.35 10.00 25.00 15.00 1,500.00 1,534.59 1,.000~0 !~000~00 -o- -o- --o- 500.00 500.00 ~o- -o- -o- -o- 1,000.00 1,000.00 60,000-00 - $~00 . $6,4f5.73 $38~550.00 LO0.O0 ~0~ -o- $ 1,200.' -o,--, ' 47,8!,~, .OFFICE ~tion of County Executive? 1~200.00 ~tion of Bookkeeper 1,200.00 ce Premium-Surety Bond 25.00 ne.& Telegraph Service 100.00 ng Expenses 50.00 ery, Printed Forms etc. 150.00 Equipment~ 200.00 1,500.O0 1,020.00 960.00 75o.oo. 2,500.00 !,000.00 ce Premiums-Surety Bonds' ne & Telegraph Service ng Expenses ery, Printed Forms etc. s~neous TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVES OFFICE lC DEPART~=~NT' OF. F~N.~JCE~ ~'h 102 Compen~ation'of'-Director ! .103 Specia~ Attorneys Eees t 105 R;'cord~ng of .D.liouents I 10~ Co~o~.at~on of l~s~s%ants I R.¢~ Scur. s . ' E.K.- Jchnson 0.A. O]iver 5Assessors Extra ~elp 200Advertising 204Book Binding. 206Dues & SubsCiiptions 212 Insura~ 218 Telephc 220 Traveli 319 Statioz 399 Miscel~ $~ 0f fice:,Equipmant TOTAL DEP~RTI~NT 0! F. INANCE 4 P~CORDING OF DOCI ~J{NTS ation of Clerk ation of Assistants aupin 2,.!00.00 ays 780.00 ,t Sellers 780~88 ~g ~ding e PremiUm-Surety Bond 101- Compen,, 109; COmpem W. Annie ~argar 201 /~ Auditi~ 204 Book Bi~ 212 Insuran~ 215 Repairsl 218 Telephone & TeleEraph 317 Record ~ooks' 317A Re-Inde~ Bo6ks ' 319 Station~ry, Printed Forms 399 Miscellaneous ' 1,200.00 ~1,200.00 .~1,200..00 -0- 1,250.00 1,200.00 1,200,00 -o-"' ~-'~ 25,00 25.00 25.00 -o- 117.08 100.00 100.OO -o- -o- 80.83 50.00 50,00 -o- -o- 61.80 150,00 150~00 'o' -o- 91.7~ .. 200,00 200.00. _ ~o- .__ $2,925.00 *.2,826.50 600.00 13o.39 333.10 $3,600.oo ~O~ 400.00 6,658.08 83-.38 3.oo ~0~ ?12.5o 112.87 260.14 1,574.47 '1.75 8,260.00 200~00 10.00 --0~ ~762.%o. 15o.oo 300.00 1,2~0.oo 20.00 $.~3~789.76 $ 3,600.00 $2,925.00 $2,925.00 L2_~.oo ~227.5'0 3,600.00 --O- fO'.O0 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 -o- 25'0.00 250.00 400.00 350.00 7,660.00 7,730.00 70~00 -o- 150.00 150.00 ~c- -o- 10.00 10..00 ~o- -o- -o- 20.00 20.i)0 -o- ? 62.50 2,231.25 1 ~ 468~75~ -0- 150.00 150.00 -o- -o- 300..00 300.00 -o- -o- 1,400.00 1,400.00 -o- -o- 20.00 2.0.00 -o- -o- $3,800.¢ 405 Office quipment TOTAL RECORDING OF DOCUL~NTS ~A. CIRCUIT C0U .T ' 10'2 Compens tion cf Judge 103 Relief ,tto~neys 120 Compens tion.of Relief Judge 121 Jurors ~Vfitnes-ses 122 Jury Co~mission 218 Telephone & Telegraph Service Libraries ~8,71q.00 27~.0_0 //~-00 * 14~ ~.2_~.a~_~ $16,986,25. ~$ 3,600.00 $ 3,600.00 15o.o -0- "0 "' ,900..00 .3,660.00 3,840.,,00 3,960. 00 120.00 ~0 .O0 153 .:~3 150.00 15e~ eo ~o- 200.00 13,05 200. O0 400. O0 200. O0 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 -o- 25.00 -o- 25,.00 25.00 60.00 74.25 60.00 100,00 40.00 440.00 992.59 500.00 500.00 -0- 60..00 -o- 60,00 60.00 -o. 240.00 666.,44 300.00 ,400.00 100.00 10.00 . 1~ ~ o - ' '-,t0.00 - I0. O0 -o- lOO.OO ~, lf.z~,~ lOO. oo ' ~ ~o. oo ,?.~2!.~.71. ,8,8"/0.00 ,9~~~.oo. $1,274.51 $1,274.51' $1,207.01 -o- 4~oo 5o.oo 5o.o0 -o- 25.00 -o- -0- 534.80 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0- 30.00 30.00 30.00 -o- 55.85 60.00 60.00 -o- 25.00 25.00 -o- $1,062.09 50.00 5,O.OO 1,000.00 3o.oo 60.00 5o.oo 67.50 25';O0 -0- ..... ~ G_E_ ~RAL FUND lB. TRIAL jUsTICE 'CI 101 Compensat 102 Compensat 120 Subs%itut~ 218 Telephone 317 Record Bo~ 319 Stationer~ 399 Miscellan~ 405 Office Eqt TOTAL TRIAL JUST!C~ ~C. C0~!0~ALTH'S 102 Compensat~ Co~%onweal 111 Doctors F~ 218 Telephone 220 Travellin~ 399 Miscellan~ TOTAL COM~0N~E ALTH 6A. POLICING & INV; 102 Compensat~ 106 OompenSatf Thcs. W. C.S. Huft W.S. Coo] Extra He 211 Insuranc 212 Insuranc~ 218 Telephon~ 220 ~Ni~eage 3oo 312 319 399 4OO ~0~ Office E~ 497 Police E~ TOTAL POLICING & I! 6G. CONFIN~.L[MNT 102 Compensa~ 106 Compensa: 111 Doctors 218 T~lephom 310 Food Sup] 3'11 Fu~l Year Ending Increase 0Ye June 30, 1940 Proposed .on of Clerk $ 900.00 ~ 907.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 -o~ .on of Justice ~.~ 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 ,JustiCe ' 100.00 60.03 lO0.00 100.00 & Telegraph Service 5.00 -o- 5.00 12.00 ?..00 ks 10.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 ,, Printed Form Etc. ~5.00 ~?.06 ?5°00 75.00 -o- ous ..... ~.~QO ......... ~1.98 ~00 5,00 -o- '] ipment COU~T TTOR}~¥S OFFICE on & Expense~ of th's Attorney &~T~legraph Service Expenses ous S ATTORNEYS OFFICE STIGATING on of Sheriff' on 0f Deputies h · olfe 1,020.00 man 1,020.00 1,020.00 p 200.OO Premiums-LiabilitY Premiums-Surety Bonds & Telegraph Service Auto~obi~ Tires, Tubes & Repairs Gas~line~ Grease & 0il Stationery, Printed Forms, etc. Uniforms~ Miscelta~eous Automobile Uipment uipment VESTIGATIN~ P IoO S ion of Jailor ion of Cook & Telegraph Service lies 319 statione~F, Printed Forms Etc 399 Miscellaneous TOTAL CONFINE~NT ~ C.&ME OF PRISONERS 7 · FIRE 'P~E-VENTION~ ~ EXTINUTION 208 ~ores~,~F~e,~t~nc%i~n:~$e~vib T~TAL FIREoPREVENT[ ON & EXTINCTION 8P PUBLIC ASSIST.~NC~ 100 Compensa~ of Board 102 Compensa~ 109 Compensa~ Louise Intake Anne H. Case Jane Br~ Case Wo~ 207 32O 209 212 214 ion & Travel of Members Gl,nice ElectriC! Current TeXtBooks for Indigent Children Frem~ht E · 'o ~l xpress & Drayage Insdran~le Premiums-Surety Bond ent I! lOa.O0 E~rlysv~lle Sewing Room 36.00 North G~rden " " 48.00 Area Warehouse ' 40.00 $4,000.00 $3,999.96 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 5o.oo' -o- 5o.oo 5o~oo 10.00 4.10 10.00 10.00 .ff~..09 __ ~o~o ~o.oo 50.00 10.00 $3, ooo,oo $3, ooo.oo $3, ooo,oo $3 ,ooo.oo 5,100.00 4,965.00 5,100.00 4,760.00 -o- -o- 49.3~ 50.00 50.00 -o- 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 -o- 125.00 83.88 125.00 125.00 -o- 500.00 946.10 1,000.00 1,000.00 -o-. 200.00 182.40 .200.00 .200.00 -o- ?00.00 ~80.!7 600.00 600.00 -o- 50.00 88.10 ~0.00 50.00 -o- -o- -o- -o- 150.00 ,150.00 25.00- 48.50 25.00 25.00 -o- 900.00 592.00 300.00 400.00 100,00 10.00 -o- 10.00 10.00 --O- --O- ~40.00 ~O- ~O- 100.00 69.20 100.00 100.00 -o- 5.oo ~.oo 5.oo 5.oo -o- .Om ion of Sap&~iniemdent 1,800.00 ion of Assistants . Williams 1,020.00 lerk Loving~ 900.00 kef ce- !,080.00 ker r--C.W.S.Worker 900.00 L. Naylor 60~3,300.00 10'.00 20.~.OO .: 252 ~03 23 2.00 ;' 2~2.00 -o- ~ P~;_nn . 8~.88 125.00 125.00 -o- --O- ~o.oo -o- $ 4oo.oo $ 4oo.oo $ -o- $ ,o- 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 -o- -o- 2,561.45 4,620~ 4,860.00: 240.00 -o- 10.00 -o- -o- -O- 10.00 --O- 300.00 $' 900.00 $, 90Q.00 $ 1,,020.00 260.oo 260.00 260.00 260.00 10.00 .75 10.00 10.00 50.00 39.95 50.00 50.00 2,000.00 1.278.54 1,750.00 1,500.00 40.OQ -o. ....... 40.00. 4Q.O.O 10.00 3.46 lO.O0 10.00 ~ ._SQ._qQ _,!~.o_z_._ ~ ~ .oo ~ozq~Roo 25..oo- -o- , TITLE 0F FUNC~ ~o-.~ o£~ ..~ No. C BB, PUBLIC ASS: 319- Stat-~ 3 25' Mate: 405 Offi~ 799 Misc~ 901 Old 902' Aid 903 Aid 904 Gene~ TOTAL PUBLIC A[ 8C. C01~TY ASS': ~?01 Uniw 70lA Stat~ PAti~ 702 Chil( Stat~ Loca~ 703 Chil~ 704 Dist~ 705 Conf~ TOTAL COIR 8D. LUNACY CO~ TOTAL LUNACY C. 9- PUBLIC HEA 111 Negro 138 Regis 229 Appro Dept. TOTAL PUBLIC H ll. ~DVANCE~ ECONOMICS 109 Comp 114 Farm T.0 C.~ ll8 Home Mrs Mrs 218 Tele 405 0ffi TOTAL ADVANCEM Decrease .... Allow~ ~I0N ....... . .... Year Ending Inczmase 0~er Unde~/eYear by ~ June 30, 1940 Proposed~. Year Ending Ending B6ard :STANCE (CONTINUED) - .onery, Printed For~:s ETc · ial for Sewing Rooms :e Equipment ;llane0u.s .ge Assistance o Dependent Ohildren i0 Blind 'al Relief ;SISTANCE ~rsity of Va. ~ospi%al ~Smni%orium-Indigen% ,nt s ~r$~s Ho~e ~oo.oo. 25o.oo Welfare Association 'ict Home ,derate Pensions [~ ASSIST~CE 125.00 .263.11 200.00 200~00 -0- -o- ~0.00 463.09 ~,068.00 .L, O00~00 -o- 68~00- 500.00 47%.40 100,00 150.00 ~9;90 -o- 100.00 ~?,87 100.00 100.00 -o- -o- -o- 25,148.16 25,000.00 -o-~ 148~ -o- -o- 5,568.00 6,000.00 432.00 -o- -1,736.( -o- -o- 1,981.50 1,800.00 -o- 181.50 2,447,: .- -o- -o-. 9,209.03 t0,000.00 ~790~.~ -o- 9,470,( [ISSIONS 6&~ISSIONS Dentist mar of Vital Statistic~ ~riation to Joint Health t~,5oo.oo ~1,~oo.oo ,1~,5oo.oo ~1,5oo.oo , -o- $ -o- -o- -o- -b- 1,080.00 1,080.~0D -o- 350.00 3fo.oo 3~0.00 350.00 -o- -o- 450.~ .... o-- -o- 50.00 50.00 -o- -o- ;!OPO~..O 0 2,088.64 2,500. O0 2,500. O0 -o- -o- q2,;800.00 _' . .2, ~O0.QO ' ~,,400. O0 ~ . -o,~., , 200. O0 . 3oo.oo 114.25 7',~200-c00 - - : ALTH IT AGRICULTUPE & ..~L~0o:oo _' j_~86.5o ' $7.7~q.oo ...... ~7.150.00 250.00 250.00 -o- -o- 150'I~ 150.00 -o- -o- 7,350.00 6,750.00 -o- 600.00 ?,000 $~q0~007,.402 _..,_,.,..~ 480.00 ~ 480.00 1,597.00 1,797.00 1,79~80 -o, 1,199.69 1,500.00 1,500.00 -o' 96.?3 125.00 12~.00 -o . ~63.%0 .~ %~.00 12,~.00 -~ ...... $3.6%6.?2 msati0n of Stenographer $ 480.00 Demonstratorsz Scott 1,437.00 Greet 360.00 1,797.00 Demonstrators: BesSie D.~iller 9~0.00 . Ruth B. Huff' 550.00 1,200.00 ohone & Telegraph Service 125.00 ~e Equipment ~_ ~5.00 ~NT AGRICULTURE & HOME $1,500.00~ $1,500.00 -o' 75.oo 75.00 -o. ECONOIGCS 13 ELECTIONS. ll2'"'!iEiec ion-Officials ' $1,200.00 $1,469.32 114 Rent ~222 Voting List-Preparing, Printing 75.O0 74.00 & Po~ting 15.00 172.99 15.oo ~3[9 S~at[onery, Printed Fo~ms e~.c. 75.00 107,25 75.00 TOTAL EL~C.T[ON57! J 15.00 -o 200.00 125.0~ ~ -~-.. ~, 1~.o9 ~!~.oo -o -0- -0-- '0' -0- -O- MAINTEN~Ci 19 Capi 119 Comp 20? Elec 210 Insu 2!~ Repa 223 Ware 301 Bedd 306 Clea OF BUILDINGS ~ GROU~S Sa! Outlay ~nsation of Janitor 5rio' Current rance Premium~Fire ~rs r Service lng ~ing Materials & Supplies ~56,08i,00 5?6,00 500,:~eO 1,000.00 300.00 100.00 400.00 ~55,~,'8,~ f~: ~.joo~.oo ~ ~.~oo.oo Sz,eoo.o ~&'6..ID ~20,,00 1, o00.00 ~80.00 -o- 6o3,~3 6oe~ so 1, G~9,00 ~,~ .0 -o- -o- -o- 225.00 225.0 -o' 523.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 -o- -o- 207.49 300.00 300.00 -0- 191.95 100.00 100,00 -o- 139 · 93 5oo. 00' 600. oo lO0 307 311 Fuel 399 Misc 403 Furn TOTAL MAINTEN~ 8G. POOR RELIE 703 Gene 1Old Disihfectants 100.00 47.09 100.00 100.00 -o- 500.00 513.o9 750.00 ?50.00 ~llaneous 50.00 105.37 100.00 100.O0 -o- Lture & Fixtures -~_ 0.00 _ = 120.2~_ !Q0.O0 ..... ~Q~oo .... 4oo.Q ~CE OF BUILDINGS & GROUN~S$~9,657,00 $58,477,3~ ___._~,~_ ~38,1_~,00 _. ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITUP~ ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAH ENDING JUNE 30, 1941 ¥IR~INIA PUBLIC ASSISTANC~ FUND 'al Relief .ge Assistance s Blind 9,086.00 $ 8,323.26 $ 9,209.03 ?,99.8.85 7,636.80 25,148.16 $10,000.00 25,000.00 790.97 9,470,( 'IT~ OF FUNCTI0ff NoJJ of YEAR ENDED~___1939 _ Year Enaing ' "." ' Increase 0ve{r Under · June 30, 19~0 FP~o~es~d. Year g Year Ending ,G. POO'R RELT~,F 706 Aid to Depe adent Children TOTAL POOR RELIC: omm6nwealth i of. Vir~ [nia 'nited States of &me .~ica ounty of Albemarle '0TAL VIRGINIA PUBLI ASSISTANCE FUND o. of_. 'unction Item . .2. PROTECTION~0F L3 116 Compensatioz 224 P~e storation 317 Rec~ord Book~, J~]~9 Statione- y, 399 Miscellanem 501 ~owl Claims ~02 Livestock C~ ~03 Rabies Trea~ Transfer to '0TAL PH0~CTION 0F ;A~ 0F DOG TAGS ~0TAL S~ OF DOG T~ ~:;, o~' No,o'~ ~unction l~m ~0. ?I~ PR0~OT~0N 19 Oaptial 0utl 119 Compensation 207 Electric Cur 210 Insurance Pr 21~ Rental of Hy . Year Ending Year:Ending Tentative June 30, 1939 June ~0, 1940 Estimate -o- $16,f53.66 $16,625.00 YEAR ENDING JUNE Increase Over Dec~ease Under Year Ending YearEnding F~J June 30, 1940 June 30, 1940 EST 71.34 -o- 816,8 ~L IMATE L3.39 ...,o- !~,42o.83 15,900.oo 479.17 -o- 17,4~1.41 _o_ . -o- o,o 8.o ..... . .. =0- ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITUBE EST~fATES ENDED J _UNE~ FOR T~ YEAR END~.NC- ~ 3P.,..!9_41 DOG TAX KUND YEAR ENDING Year Ending June'30, 19~0 Proposed 'Increase Over D PITLE OF IU~~mon Ex-Lendi_t_ure_ . Ap~r~priation~ ExDenditure Year End%ng Y ~: ~__ June ~0, 1~40 'J 645.00 $ 660.00 8, 600.00 . . ~ 6.60.00 ~ 60.00 -o 150.00 92.68 150.00 150.00 -o- -o~ 125.00 104,59 125.00 125.00 -o - -o -o- -o- 75.00 5.00 -o- -o 100.00 -o- 10.00 ~' 10.00 -o= -o 300~00 268.41 200.00 250.00 50.00 -o 1,200~00 87~.46 1,000.00 1,000.00 -o- -o 100. O0 ? · 49 10. O0 10. O0 -o - -o 780.00 792.64 75o.oo 790.00 40.00 -o 2__4_Q~00%00 __ _2~0~¢~_ ._2 ~00.00 _2~op.oo __~oo.oq -o ~4oo:oo - - ~146..'7..7. , $~,1f0..oo ¢SJoo.op _.__i2~o.oo ~ESTOCK & FO~S of Game Warden. of Game & Tags Printed Forms etc. s ~ims ment ;tions due State ;eneral Fund ~IVESTOCK & FOWLS 'U de ~crease n r E.n.d. ing Board $ 250.00 -ok ~ ALBE}~ARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Revenue Estimates FOR .THE YEAR ENDING JU~. 30, 1941 DOG TAX FUND Year Ended June .30, 1939 Yes~r ,Ending June 30, 1940 Tentative YE~ ENDING Increase ~Ver Decrease Und Year Ending Year Ending ~r FINAL Allowed June0~_~ · ~LBEMARLE COUNTY,'~. VIRGINIA '~.XPENDtTURE E STTNATES - FOR _~. ~.AR ENDING J~ 30, 1941 TEAR ENDED JU~E ~ ~) ~_ ~STIMATE Board YEAR ENDING. JU~. 3C 1941 Year Ending Increase OveF Decrease Uhder Allowed June 30, 1940 Proposed Year Ending Year Endin ~, by Appr~pri~.~ Exnendi~,r- J,une ~0. 1940 June~0_~l ~0 . Board ~y $ 125.00 $ of Janitor 60.00 40.00 ~ent 18,00 14.44 )mium-Fire 25.00 2.50 trants 396.00 396.00 225.00 $ 13~,00 -o- $ 90.00 25.00 60.00 35.00 -o- 15.00 15.00 -o- lO.O0 5.00 -o- 429.00 396.00 -o- ................... ~YE ~' 7~ - -'5 TITLE 0F~FUNCTION____ ..... Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Under N6. Of~ No. o~ ~ ¥~n~d~'i0h Item i ....... v~-~ ~ iation June ~0, 1940 Proposed yea. r1 Ending Year Ending ~ mI__' ~ '~ ~ Tl'l'~g'iS~ ' ao'croor Exoen&i~dre. Aooroor.iatio~ J~e ~0. 1940 June ~0~ 1940 ~0. FI~ PR0~CTION BOO AutOmobile Tires, Repairs ~ / Upkeep $ 2~.00 87.97 8.00 50.00 42.00 ~ ll Fuel ~ ~ ~.DO B · 75 2~.00 2%. 00 ~12 Gas, 0il ~ Grease ~~ ~.81 ~ ~ 20.00 10.0~ ALBEI~ARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITUK ESTI~v~A~ S FO~. T~HE. YEAR ENDING J ~U~E_ _ 30, !~4! .... C R0 ZET~FFI_RE__D~ I _STR I CT FU~,D All~wed by Bg.~ra ~ Delinquent Taxes: 1938 1939 REVENUE E ST~JATE; $ ~Y~ AR. ENDING ~.U~f 30~, 1941 CROZET FIP~ D!STRI.CT FUND Yesr Ended June 30, 19~9 (Actual) Year Ending Increase Over DecreaseUnder June 30, 1940 Tentative Year Ending ~Year Ending FINAL (Es$%~ed~ .~ '~_ate ~ e ~_ ~0 June ~0~_~4Q. ES.T~ATE. TOTALRE~.NUE.0THER~THANTCURBENT LEVY' Amount to be~raised by current levy Delinquent~on Bas~ of~12% Levy Required Assessed va~Ue of Property Rate of Levy ~o - 15~ 00 10.00 ~2 ....... _2~o lO.O_ o ....... ._¢!o._oo ..... -o- ~.00 729.00 828.38 830,603.00 .lO ..................... YE.AR ENDED~ JUkrE30, 1~ TITLE OF FUNCT] ON . NO. 0~i NO'. o Fun__~ction- Item_ -. 30, MAINTENANC] 215 Repair 800 Redemp' 80~ Intere TOTAL ~AINTEN~ SYSTEM Delinquent Tax, 1938 1939 TOTAL REVENUE ~ount~ to be Delinquents on Levy Required ~sSessed value Rate of Levy Year Ending Increase Over Decreas~ June 30, 1940 Proposed Year Ending yearEn( TITLE OF I~TE~o~.tion Expenditure A~Dropriation Expenditure June ~0, 1940 June__30i OF SEWER SYSTEM $ 40.00 $ 28,56 $ 85.00 ion Of Bonds 500.00 800.00 ~214.00 ~t on Bonds .... 60.00 60.00 16.00 ~CE OF SEWERAGE ~~_ $888.56 $31~.00 90.00 $ 5,00 $ -o. 186,00 -o- 28.( 6,00 -o- 10.( ¢282.00 ':~_ ~,0_0~ ALB~ARLE COU]f~Y, VIRGINIA REVENUE. EST!MATE S FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1941 WOOLEN MILLS SANITARY D_STR_CT FUND Year. Ended Year Ending June ~0, 19B9 June 30, 1940 (Actual.) _ (E st i~ted) )THER THAN CURRE~ ~,224.34 ~aised by Current Levy basis of 12% of Property YEAR ENDING JU}~E %( I~crease Over Decrease Tentative Year Ending Year Endi: Estiz~ate June %0. 1940 J.u.ne 30, 3.51 $ 35.00 , 10.00 $ -o- $ 25,0 20.83 .___.____.~.00 ~.00 -o- 1o.o 257.oo 292.05 58,803.00 .50 Under Allowed ing by 194~. Board . ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE EST~IATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1941 CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND · !941, rider ~g FINAL 94Q~ ESTIMATE TI-~T~ OF FUNCTI No. of No. o ....Y~AR ENDED. BTJNE 30. 1939 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1 41 )N ' Year Ending Increase Over Dec'ease Under Allowe, F .... June 30, 1940 Proposed Year Ending Yea~ Ending by 800 Redemp ion of Bonds $20,000.00 *20,432.16 · $i2,.500.O0~ $77,500.00 -o- $5,'p00.00 $;'8,800.0( 803 Interest: Outstanding $159,301.00 Less City ~, 250..00 TOTAL CH~TESVZS~ D!S~ICT DEBT F~D ~28,865.05 . $28,511.~ $18,7o2,55 *1~,702.55 P~N~ EST~A~ S FOR T~ ~AR ENDING J~ 30, CHAR~T~SVIL~ DISEICT ROAD DEBT ~AR ENDING Year~.Ende_d ~= June 30, 1939 . ."~_ ~ (Actual) ~isce~i. aneous. Revenue'.. ~ con 'z ~'r~m Interest on Inves%ments ~Ent to be raised b~ current lev~ ~elinquent-on basis of 12% gevy Required ~sse'ssed valuation ~ate of ~vy ~'ITLE OF FUNOTI0N t2. DEBT -SERVICE 800 Redemption 803 Interest ~0TAL DEBT SERVICE ~isceltaneous: DelinqUent Taxes Interest on Inve~ POTAL REVENUE OTHER .~m0unt to be-raised Delinquents on basL, ~evy Required ~ssessed Value Rate of levy tITLE OF .FUNCTION ~q;. of No, of uncti, on Item .... T~_~ DEBT 'SERVICE 800 Redemption .803 Interest ~0TAL DEBT SERVICE ~iscellaheous: Delinquent Taxes! Interest on Inve~ ~0TALREEN~THER Amount to 'be raised Delinquents on basi Levy Required Assessed value of p Rate of levy REVENUE ESTnfATE$ '(eON'T) CH~R.~.LOTTESVILLE DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND Year Ending ...... '~. ....... ~ .YE~ ENDING'JUNE $0~ 1~41 June 30, 1940 -.. ~ Increase 0~er Dec,ease 0~er (Esti~a~e.d)~ Tenative Year Ending Year Ending, ~ ~..~FINAL ~ Estimate. June %0~ 1940 June %0. 1940 ESTIMA'IE' ~ 1,200.00 ...... ~' 1,200.00' ~ -o'- $ -o- ~00 -o- .55 1,432.16. ~: 11,9~4.7t $13,411.98 2,24~064.00 .~. .6o ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA~ EXPENDITUBE ESTI~'ATE ~ 'FO.R..T~.~. ~. ~ .YE~..~.~D~!N..Q ~J.~ .39,~ DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND. - Year Ending ~- Increase Over DeC.reas~, .Uhder Allowed June 30, 1940 Proposed Year Ending 'ITLE 0F ITEM Approp~i.~p~tion Expenditure ~~~ion Expenditure June 30, 1940 f Bonds .$5,000.00 ~3,f97,34 ~6,000.OO ~2,500,O0 ~o.oo _ 4_1oo._ q~ ,4~,A~po--qop_~ 4-lOO.qO -o- Year En~ June 30', $3,500.00 ~0~ ling by 1940 Board ...... $3,6.0o.o0 REVENUE E STIMA~_~ S FoR ~ _T~E~ ~. E~ND!~G.' ~J~ ~, 49¢! ~VY DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND Year Ended YeRr Ending June 30~ 149 June 30, 1940 Ten..tat~ve ( Actual_).. (Estimated[ Est Mnate tments ITHAN CURRENT ~ 5~o,oo $ fcc.co .~_~,0o ..... ~~o~ $1,425.00 ~1,600.00 YE&RENDING JUNE 30~-'194) In~r'ease OVer Decrease U~d~r '~ . year Ending Year Ending ~ ~INAL j_un~ 30, 17~0 June 30,1_~.~0 1~.~,O0 ~- -_-_ 17~o00 -o- ~y Current Le~y of 124 681.81 1,169,277.oo ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE .ESTimATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1941 RIVANNA DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND YEAR ENDED JUNE ~ LE~_0_~F.:.I~__M ~-:_ro,rl~ation Expenditure f Bonds $11,400.00 $ 8,505;44 $12,O00.00 $11,000.00 ~o.oo ~o_0~82~.% ,., 10,8oo.oo ~o~g.~8Oo~oo ~ YEAR ENDING J__UNE~._~ Year Ending Increase Over Decrea~ June 30, 1940 Proposed Year Ending Year Ez A r~~t'~n . Ex~_e_nditu~ ~J_~e~O~O June 3.~ -o- $1,000.O0 -o- _$1_, 000._00_ Year Ended June 30, 1939 ,, A~al~ __~E stimated~ $6,100.00 $6,931,81 .6o e Under Allowed ding by x l~9~q~ Board $ 5,500.00 REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JU~ 30, 1941 RIVANNA DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND . ARENDING o. 941 Year Ending Increase Over ~e~a~e-Under June 30, 1940 Tentative Year Ending Year Ending Estimate Jun_e~_~Q,_!940 June 30,14~ FINAL ESTIMATE $1't ~20.74 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 bments 6,02ff.~00 .... . _ ~2~12J[,O_.0 2,300.00__ THAN CURPENT '_ 7.~4;.~. ?'~__~___.~_,4,A2~F.90_~_________.,~.~O0.OO oy Current Levy of 124 )petty 18, ~00.00 20,795.4ff 2,439,524.'00 .8~ -o- 62~.00 -o- $625.00 $12,800.00..[~~1_~~ .60 TiT!~ C.F Fb'f!OT~ON ~. Year Ending -No. ~ .......N~0~'-~ ...... June ~o~ 1940 Proposed Year Ending Function !tee ..... TIT~ 0F~I~M A re riation Ex enditure A ro~ti~_._E~R~nditures June 34. ~T S~V!O~ ........ ~90~ ~edemD%io~ of Bonds ~!1,500.00 ~79,5~6.10 ~12,500.00 ~12,500.00 -~ 803 Interest on Bonds 12.750.00 ~qO.O0 ~00.00 12tO00.O0 TOT&L DEBT ~RVlOE ~ 7~2~_~OO:00 353- Increase OVer -Dec.ease Under Allow~ Year Ending by $ 6,500.C YEAR ENDING JUNE ~41 Increase Over Decrease Est~ate June 0 1 40 June 0 19~ _ ESTI~?A~ ~0 June %0~ -~ __~=~ ..... ~ ...... ,, .Year Ended Year Ending June .3.0,.. !93~9~ June 30, 1940 ' ~i~~~Revenue.:. ~A_c_t~u_al~__, ~ ~ (E sti~..ated) Delinquent Taxes $,.!..,_83 4 · 23 ......~1,200.00 ~1,200.00 -o- -o- Interest on Investment ~55.00 2%7.50 -o- -o- 2%7.50 TOTAL. PE~N~-0~R THAN CD~EE~ '~~~-' -o- ~ ...... . _ .;23.,399..0P.~. $ l ? ,30o.o0 2- 0 2,612~535.00 i.oi .75 Amount to be-raised by Current Levy Delinquents o~ basis of 12% Levy Required Assessed value of Property Rate of Levy Miscellaneous Delinquent Interest o~ TOTAL 'REVENUE 0 Amount to be rs Delinquents on Levy Required Assessed value Rate of levy ALBEMARLE COL~fY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR..T~, .~.~ .E.ND~N~_ ~.~. ,3Q,~ 1941 SCpT_~SOfI~_~D~_SYR~qT R0~ DEBT END TITTLE: 0F_FUNCT~ION . ,- Year Ending Increase 0~er De N~';'~ P.f'._'L No'~ ..................... - ..... '~... i ..... ' ............. June 30, 1940, Proposed Year Ending Ye Functio~n~tem TITLE OF ITEM ~prr~iali~ w.~p~*+]t~a~ 800 Redemption of Bonds ~ 9,O00.O0 . ~ 6,786..17 803. Inter¢% on Bonds 13,499.ff0 14~484.~ 12,344.95 12,3~4.9ff . -o- 10 ~N~ ESTIWA~S Year Ended Year EndinS Increase Over Decrease Under J. una 3.0,-1935 Ju-~. 3.0.,- ig&O _ Tentative .Year Ending .... Year Endin6 . Rove hue: Taxes $!,38_!.._68 ........... _$.!,.200.0P_ $i, 2_0.o_.00 -~o.- -o- Investment s -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- THER THAN CURRENT ' ' -o- ~o- .sod by Current Levy ~asis of 15% property :Tease under All0we ~r Ending by ,e_30~,..!ga0 .Bcm. r.d ~- .00 YEAR ENDED JUEE 30, igjj_ 2i,134.95 2,2~6,130.00 1,10 ALBEMARLE cOU~TY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE~YE~ARENDING JUNE 30, 1941 WHITE HALL ~tSTRiCT R._ _ _0_~A~.~_DEBT F~ $16,3.34.95 .2,882.63 $i9,2i?.p8 YEAR ENDING~JUNE~,~ 41 ..... ~In-~rease Over Year Ending ~TLE OF FUNCTI0~ o'f Function Item I TITLE .OF !TEN A~ro~riation 800 Redempti 803 Intenest TOTAL DEBT tERMI ,n of Bonds on Bonds ]E Year Ending June 30, 1940 Proposed Exoenditure~~tion ExDendit~re _~une 30. 1940 June3 Decrease Under Year E~ding Allowed b: ), 1940. ~oard REVENUE ESTI~ATES FOR THE EAR ENDING JU~E SO, 194~ VFMITE HALL DISTR_ __ !0T ROAD ~DEBT FUN~ _~,__~ARENDING JUNE~_ Year Ending Increase Over Decrease Undo 'June30, 1940 Tentative Year Ending~ Year Ending (F~ _~-¢.-.~-_ ' . ; ~.,-~.-- ~ _'. . : ~_~ Year Ended June 30, 1939 $ 750.00 -o- -o- ~. 00 -o - -o - 7~65o.oo 8,693.10 t~iscellaneous ~evenue:. ' DelinqUent T,~xe s Interest on TOTAL PJ~VENUE Amount to be ~ised by current levy Delinquents on basis of 12%~ Levy required Assessed value of prooe~v $ ?fo.oo [nye stment s .~I 06 0~_Q~~ )THER THAN CURRENT ~_. i~ $1,~00,00 FINAL SCHOOL FUND STATE. FUND S: General Appropriation Supervision Vocational Educa~tion Special Educatio~ Superintendent' ~i Salary Music Education 9o,087.71 3,99o.oo 6,?84.%8 1,165.33 1,155.00 Year Ended -Year Ending .Jnne.' 30, 19.~9 June 30, 1940 Tentative YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, [194_~ Increase 0~er Decrease under Year Ending year Ending FINAL .Tune ~0. lq40 June ~ 19~0 ESTT~ATE · ~92,ooo.oo $ 85,ooo.oo $ -o-o.- $ 7,oooo0o ~,110.00 4,076.00 -o-~ 3~.00 5,734~00 6,923.66 1,189.66 -o- 1,1~.00 1,124.00 20.00 -o- 1,155.00 1,134.20 -o- 20.80 50.00 50~00 -o- -o-, 93,500.00 COUNTY FUNDS: Delinquent Taxe~ Cash Appropriat~ OTHER FUNDS: Dawson Fun~ .- Tuition-Other D~ Tuit ion-P rivat e Sale of supplie, Sale of Real Es~ Rents, Rebates, Gasoline Tax-Re~ Sale of Equipme~ Tuition-Other S~ SURPLUS: Damage to COUNTY TAXES: TOTAL REVENUE OTHEI A3,~0UNT TO BE RAISE] DELINQUENTS ON BAS LEVY REQUIRED ASSESSED VALUATION RATE OF LEVY TITLE 0F.FUN~TIqN : No.'of No. of Function-._ ,~tem-__= !?A. SCHOOL BOARD. 100 ComPensa~io! 206 Dues andLSul 220 Traveling 298 Co~nunity Commencement 299 Distribut.~o~ 326 School Csns~ TOTAL SCHOOL BOARD I?B. SUPERINTENDEN~ 102 Compensatio~ 135 Secretary 207 Electric Cu~ 214 Rent 215d Fixtures an~ 218 Telephone & 220 Travel of S~ 319 Stationery, 405 Office Equil TOTAL SUPERIN~NDE] l?C. INSTRUCTION 133a Principals~ 133b 1332 133d 134b 134c 13 4d 13~e 134f 134h 134i 13 ~h 134k 135a 135b 213 220 220a 220b 221 Principals. Principals, Principals~ Teache Teachers-Hi Teachers-E] Teachers-E~ Teachers-E] Teachers-E] Teachers-~ Teachers-~( Teachers-S Compensati CoEpensati~ ~u~nc~'] High Schoo; Travel-Hom~ Travel-Nog: Tuition 3n 6,358.60 6,000.00 6,000.00 -o- -o- 10,000.00 -o- -o- 10,000.00 6~00.00 visions ~ources .ts ~iscellaneous und- t UrGeS-- ~clntire School from City THAN CURRENT SOURCES BY CUP. BENT LEVY S oF 12% ~TIT_~LE OF-. ITEM of Members scriptions penses tivities & Costs of textbooks 998.?5 lf4.oo 588.50 46.50 576.oo 275.57 1,131.14 105.00 5,856.22 9,000.00. 950.00 975.00 25.00 -o- 300.00 300.00 -o- -o- -O-- -O-- -O- -O-- 200.00 100.00 -o- 100.0p 300.00 300.00 -o- - o; ~- 100.00 100.00 -o- -o- 1,150.00 1,150.00. -o~ -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- 79,000.00 -o- -o- 9,000.( ] ~ 100.46 .o2 .7o $~32,351.72 150 ;399.68 12,168,575.00 1.24 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE-YEAR_ ENDING JUNE .3.0,. 1.941 SCHOOL YEAR ENDED J~ _ YEAR ENDING J~~!~ ... Year Ending " Increase Over June 30, 19~0 Prpposed Year Ending $ ~00.oo $4o~.00 $ 55o.oo $ 550.oo 2 -o- $ to- -o- -o- -o- 6.'00 6.00 -o- 140~00 112.00 160.00 160.00 -o- -o- S OFFICE' of Superintendent rent Repairs Telegraph perintendent Printing, Pos~a. ge melt and Supplies TS OFFICE 16,070.68 $133,922.40. 1.10 100.00 72.35 1~0.00 140.00 -o- -o I~OOQ.O0 9,310.30 _125.00 . 125.00 -o- -o, -o- -o- ' 600.00 ro-Male ro-Female School-White-Male gh School-White-Female gh School-Nale~Negro Eh School-Female-Negro ementary-~ite-Male ementary-~hite-Female ementary-Negro-Male smentary-Negro-Fem~le ea%i~t-~hite-~ale cational-Negro-Male ecial Education n & Travel Supervisors ~hite n & Travel Supervisors Negro ~e~fu~k~erEman~e~om~ensation g~iC~l~r~eachers. & Supervisors Economics ~eachers Teacher of Vocational Agri. $3,3o0.00 $3,300.0o $3,300.00 $3,600.00 8300.00 1,o2o.00 984.00 1,o6o.00 1~060.00 -o- ~5.00 29.13 -o- -e~~ -o- 486.00 484.50 6.00 6.00 -o- 30.00 27.9? 30.00 30.00 -o- 135.00 124.83 135.00 135.00 -o- 500.00 423.95 500.00 500.00 -o- 900.00 1,017.85 900.00 900.00 -o-. 6 t~. 00 ~.,.~?ff.!~ $6.081.~420.00 Boar( O0 $13,855.o5514,o10.84 $14,189.18 $15,346,62 $1,157.44 'O- --O- -O- -O- -0- 623.70 6~3.70 645.98 668.25 22.2? 824.18 824.18 89~100 957~87 66,8? 7,528.95 8~5~4.10 6,593.40 77,252.74 6~9.3~ 19,312.43 18.,225.69 18,350.15 18,871..38 521.23 $98.96 498.96 498.96 -o- -o- 1,496.88 1,496.88 1,986.93 2,9~8.i2 971.19 980~10 -o- -e~~ 817.72 817.72 73,756.98 74,936.0? 71,646.30 75,?56.69 ¢,110.39 1,487.97 1,487.97 1,487.97 97L1~ -o- 15,757.34 15,490.19 15,944.45 17,218.58 1,274.13 3,029.~0 ~,978.00 4,910,$0 6,573.60 1,663.20 1.1,069.20 1,071.00 1,069.20 1,069.20 -o- 772.20 1,158.30 .1,247.40 89.10 5,034.15 5,034.15 5,034.15 5,034.15 -o- 935,55 935.55 935.55 935.~5 -o- -o- 5.00 4.90 6.00 ~.~0 435.00 829.00 690.00 995.00 305.00 500~00 210.00 500.00 675.00 175.00 50~00 -o- 50.00 50.00 -o- 3,500~00 3,381,~ 3,200.00 3,100.00 -o- EXPENDITURE E 8TIMATES ' ( Con' t) . Y0R THE TEAR END%NC, SC O0 F _ _ TtT~ OF F~CTION Ye~r Ending ~ - ...... I.nc~ease O~er Dec~ease Under June ~0,. t~40 Proposed Year Ending Year Ending FUnction Item T!TIR ,OF I~u - · ,, ....~., .....,, Allo~ 313 Labor~tory Supplies - ~ ~0.006'. :~8.06 $[.:$00f;~00 $:500100,~'$ lO0.O0 ~ ~$~,": -o~ ' ~ ~:' 'by 314 Libravy Supplies 2,~00.00 ~%99.93 1,47~.00 1,475.00 -o- -o- Boar ~ 14a Music~Supplie s . -o- ~4,00 l~O .00 200.00 ~0.00 ~o- 314b Special Educ~tion Supplies -o- -o- ~00.00 300.00 -o- -o- ~4%.66 / I 6.1 322 Vocational Education Supplies . .~ _ ~ ~ y ~ ~ _ ~ ~ .... ~ .... TOTAL INS~UCT~0N ..... 3~~4,938.1! '1 861.82 164 1 .06 12 168. 8 1 1~%.74 t~D ~SPORTATIoN ~ ~ -~ 123 Salar~ ~ Repai~an a~ Helper $1,560.00 ~1,598~ $1,800.00 $1,800.00 136 Drive' 's-County ~0,~ed Trucks 3,%00.00 3,438.25 4,788.00 5,418,00 630.00 211 Insur~.nce on Trucks 218 TeleptLone-Repair Shop 219 Contn.ctors 300 Tires Repairs & Upkeep 312 Gas, (,il and Grease TOTAL TRANSPOR~. ~ATION 17F HOUSING 105 Re~or~ing of Documents 119 Wageslof Janitors 123 RePairman of BuildinsS 207 210 2!0a 215a 215d 218 22-3 300 306 3!1 312 '32~ 399 1,300.00 56.oo 1,I10.0o 3.,~950~.00 o -0- 3, ?80.00 - 96o.0o ElectriC Current 1,100.00 Insurance on Buildings ' 1,900.00 Boile~ Insurance -- -o- Repairs~ and Upkeep-Buildings & Grounds ~,000.00 Maint&nance of. Floors -o- ~s-Furniture &Fixtures 1,000.00 ~one-k~clntire 48,00 Service 580.00 Tubes & Parts-Repair~an's Truck lO0.O0 )r's supplies . ~ 1,200.00 '4,500.00 ~re~e and Oil 300.00 500.00 sifted .... ~00.00 ~AY ~em~nt of Grounds 1~00;00 Lonal Equipment -o- Repail Telep] ~ater Tires Janit, Fuel Gas, B~ells Uncla TOTAL HOUS~N.~ 19. CAPITAL OUT 123 Impro' 322 Vocat~ 1,084.52 1,~00.00 1,300.00 -o- -o- 50.00 56.00 56.00 -o- -o- 1,511.75 2,646.00 2,448.00 -o- ~98.00 5,.1!~.~63~. 5.,~OQ,QQ .... ~.,20Q..OO ~ 200.00 . i .o. 2.00 -o- 6.00 6.00 -o- 3,742-B~8 3,810.00 3,810.OO -o- -o- 800.00 960.00 960.00 -o- -o- 992.~2 1,200~00 1,200.00 -o- ~o- 2,141,13 1,900.00 2,000.00 100.00 -o- 275.00 -o- -o- 275.00 2,687.50 '~/~'~69. ~0 3,000.00 -o- 2;~69.40 479.3 8 400.00 500.O0 100.00 -o- 948.90 1,000.00 1,100,00 100.00 48.22 49.10 49.10 -o- 447~30 600.00 600.00 -o- -o- 23.63 100.00 100.00 ' -o- 914.~0 1,200.00 1,200.00 -o- -o- 5,927.33 4,500.00 5,000.00 500.00 -o- .o8 300.00 200.00 -o-~ 100.00 266.93 500.00- ,700. O0 200.00 42.50. 500.00 .500.00 -o- . -o- -~-t9--,-~64-.:10. ~22,863.50 $20,925,10 $1,006.00 $~ ~..4.0 .. 400.00 400.00 -o- "1,957.00 745.00 -o- 1 1,379.73 212.00 4~ Repla.:ement of Trucks ~,500.00 5,317.20 4,100.00 ~$oOa Repai~nan~s Service Truck ..... -o- -o- 525.00 403 Furniture 900.00 .... 509,1~ 600.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ,UTLAY ~Y~-~O~O0--.~-7,~206~08'..~$?,~2,00. 20. DEBT SERVI~ '- 801 Principal-Literary Fund J$9,895.86 ~$9,664.51 $7,194.13 804 Inter~st-Litermry Fund TOTAL DEBT SER'~ICE GRAND TOTAL 10,000.00 5,900.00 ,fro- -o- -o- 5z5.00 1~000.00 400.00 -o- 7,944,66 $ 750.53 $ .~5',55~.0'% 444.~13.07 5,950.76 537.69 i~~80 $12.607.20. _ _~ _ _~.1__~__.~ $__1~288.2.2 $~T~9--~2~.006223,960.52 ~239,58~.~ {2~,2~~ The Boardproceeded:~.~tay the..Co,unty Levi.es.for the Year1940 and Orderedthat the Director of Fi~ance~f~`the~"C~un~.y.~f~A~bema~e`~as~ess`andc~e`c%.".~n~a~.~axab~e~real~estate~ and all taxable.:~tangmible~.personal~p~o~e~ty~ includin~...machine~y...and...%o.ol~,.mo%.assassed..as real estate at the-gene~al, reassassmani~of lands...in .1925,- used...o~employ.ed.~inamanufactu~, ing or mining bus.iness~axa~le..b~.~he.S~ate.-on._Capital.;., including publicservice-co~poration property (except..the-.rolling.st~ck~of railroads..oPeraiedbysteam),, based.-.upon.,the~assess~. merit fixed by.the~ Staie~.Ccu~p~za,tion.Commission~and~.,certified by itio.thaBoard of.County Supervisors beth as..t~-location andvaluatiom. For ~eneral County Pur~ose~,..Twenty,Five Cents ($.,25)on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said propert.~. For Operation of School Purposes, One Dollar ($1,O0) on every One Hundred .Dollars worth of said,,p=o2e~y, For the Put. pose. of..Int.ere.si and Retirament of Count~.SchoOlIndehtedness Ten Cents ($.10) on-ever~Dne Hundred Dollars-wo.rth o~.said property., For Interes% an& Sinking Eund fo~-.District.,Road Bonds~.the Direct6r~o£ Finance shall levy and colleat on..all,of .said propertM as.follo~s to~i~:~. ~ (1) In the CharlottesvilleDistric%Sixty Cents ($.60) on every One H~udred Dollars worth of said property. i mO~ (.2.) In. the IvyDistric~ Sixty Cents ($.60) on every.One Hundred Dollars_worth 'In the.Ri~anna_.District Sixty Cents ($.60) on everyone Hundred Dollars worth o£ .said property. In the S~muelNille. r District Seventy-Five Cents ($.?~) on every One Hundred Dollars..~o~%h~o£_sa£d (~) In the Scotts~ille District. Eighty-Five Cents-($.8~) on every One Hundred Dollar. sworth of said.~p~Gperi~.. (6) In the Whi%e Ha31 District 'Sixty Cents ($.60) on every One Hundred Dollars worth For Interesi. and. Sinking Fund. and.-Gpe~a%ing~P~rpesesinthe Woolen Mills Sanitary District,.. Fifty Gents .(~.~0) sn every. One_Hundred Do.liars worth, of said property. For Operating. Expehses.in the C.r~ze~ Fire District, Ten Cents (~.lO) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. Mr. H. L. Smith, Resident Engineer of the State Department of Highways, presented Budget for the Secondary System of Highways f~r the year beginning July 1, 1940.. The following Resolution, Offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. C. ~arcell MeO~e, was mna~imous.!y adopted:~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty~ Virginia, that Badger for the Seo~ndary. System of Highways this c~ty, presented to this B~ardbyMr. H. L. Smith, Resident Engi- neer, be a~d the same is hereby approved. Ctaims~ against:-,the~¢~un%y, amounting to $44,6?4.68, were presented, examined, and allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for Payment and charged against the following fund~ General ' School Crezet Fire District Dog Tax Road Debt:? Charlottesville District Ivy Dis~ric$ Rivanr~ District Samuel Miller District Scottsville District ~hite Hall District Commonwealth of Virginia $ 13,314.76. .1~ .52 .69 ~,368.13: 400.22- Total $44,6?¢.68, Upon m~tion, the meeting adjOurned. A regular meeting of the Board of 0ounty Supervisors Qf Albemarle Oounty, Virginia, was held at the Office Building ef the said County on the l~th day of May, 1~0. Present~ M~ssrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gemtry, H. Ashby Harris, and ~. Purcell NcOue, amd Dr. L. G. Rebe~ts. Absent: NOne, The following Officers were presents County Executive, Qemmenwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. MinUtes of the meetimg of April 17, 19¢0, were read and approved,