HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-05-15 (2.) .... In the Ivy ~District Sixty Cents ($.60) on every-One.Hundred Dollars -worth
(3)- Inthe Rivanna_District Sixty Cents ($.60) on everyOne Hundred Dollars
~ o,f. said property..
(4~) In the Samuel. Miller District Seventy-Five Cents ($.75) .on every One Hundred
Dollars.-wo r~th.~ o£..said.
(5) In theScot~sville District~Eighty-Five Cents-($.8~) on every One H~dred
Dollar. s worth o f. said p~o.perly
(6) In the ~ite Hall District Sixty Cents ($.60) on every One Hundr~ Dollars
worth of.~'~id proper~y~
For Interest~ and Sinking E~d a~-Operating~ ~rposes ~in the Woolen .Mills Sanitary
District,~ Fifty Cents .($..~0) on ~every One-Hundred Dollars wo~h of said p~operty.
For 0pe~ting. Expehses.in the Cr~zet'Fire. ~District, Ten Cents ($.10) on every One
Hundred Dollars worth of said prope~y.
~. H. L. Smi~, Resident ~gineer of the State De~rtment ef Highways, ~esented
~dget for the Secondly System of Hi~w~s f~r the year begi~ing J~ly 1, 1940.
The foll~ing Res,lution~ offered by ~ L. G~ Roberts, seconded by ~. C. ~rce~
McOue, was mn~im~S!y adopted:~
BE IT RESOL~ by ~e Bo~d ef C~ty ~pe~sers of Al~m~le
Co~ty, Virginia, ~at B~dget for the Secondly System of Highways in
t~s ee~ty, presented te this B~d by ~. H. L. S~th, Resident ~gi=
neet, be ~d the s~e is here~ approved.
C~$~ a~ins%:~th~C~ty, ~o~ting te
~lewed and ordered certified t~ the Director Of F~ance for pa~emt and charged against the
following funds
Orezet Fire District
Dog Tax
Road Debt:?
Charlottesville District
Ivy District
Rivanna District
Sammel Miller District
Scottsville District
~hi%e Mall District
Commonwealth of Virginia
~,368.13 '
Total $44,674.68.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
.., Ohairman.
A regular meeting of the Board of 0ounty Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of the said County on the l~th day of May, 1~40.
Present: N~ssrs. J'. M. Fray, Eo J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C.
Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Robei~s.
Absent: NOne.
The following Officers were present~ Oounty Executive, ~ommonwealth's A%to~ney~ and
MinUtes of the meeting of April ~?, 19~0, were read and approved.
A c~mmunication from Mr. G. Stuart N_am~m, former Treasurer, regarding certaLu tax
receipts presented at a previo~s, meeting, stating that Mr..~ Hamm .would be in Charlottesville
on May l$th or 2~th to discuss the .matter further,, was presented. Upon motion, duly made
and seconded, action on this matter was deferred until after Mr. Nature's visit.
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, sul~nitted a statement of the expenses of the
Department of Finance for the month of April, 1550, one-third of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, ~this statement was examined, verified and ap-
Mr. E. V. Walker, Commonwealth's Attorney, reported for the C6mmittee appointed on
Voting Precincts and stated that upon investigation it appears that it is am administrative
to make any changes in Voting Precincts,
function of the Judge/and therefore, recommended that no action be taken. The report of the
Committee was Unanimously adopted.
The Committee, appointed to investigate the desirability of making Section 68a of the
Virginia Game, Inland Fish and Dog Laws applicable in this county, reported and recommended
that a resolUtion be adopted putting into effect the provisions of this section in this
The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McOue, seconded by Mr. E.J,
Ballard, was adopted by the following recorded vete~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J.
Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris and C. Purcell McOue; Noes~ Mr. L. G. Roberts:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
(Chap. 123,Acts~ 1934, p. 167)
County, Virginia, that Section 6.Sa/of the Virginia Game, Inland Fish and Dog
Laws be 'and ~s hereby .made effec$ive in this county for ~%welve months in
each yeare
The County Executive reported that upon investigation he found it very desirable that
provision be made for an Assistant County Agent.
The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, sedonded by Mr. H. Ashby
Harris, was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. ~.
Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G.Roberts; Noes~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors.of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the Budget for the year beginning July 1,'1740,
be and is hereby amended to provide $1,000.00 to cover one-half the
salary and espense of an Assistant CountyAgent for that year.
The County Executive was instructed to continue his efforts to secure complete co-
operation between the Department of Farm and Home Demonstration and the Department of Educa-
The County Executive was authorized and directed to arrange with either the Auditor
of Public Accounts or T. Coleman Andrews and Company for auditing the County records, in-
cluding the office of the Sheriff, for the year ending June 30, 1~40.
The following Reports were presented and ordered filed:
1 County Executive.
2. University of Virginia Hospitalo
3- District Board.
~. Game ~arden.
The matter of compensation of the Game Warden was brought to ~he gttention of the
Board. Upon motion-by Dr.L.G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby N~rris, the following
Resolution was adopted b~ the following recorded vote: Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J.
Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. AShby Harris and c. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G.Roberts; Noes~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Bupervisors.of Albemarle
0ity Co~l regarding. Oa.~ni~s~ ~e....C~i~n..was~aut~mized-.to.~..appoint-a.O~ttee,~
The 0hai~n ~o, un~:~h~.,.~poin%men~f ~he .~ollo~ng %o se~e :as m~Bers-of. ~s
~e fo~wi~g Resolution, o~f~fered, bF Mr.. ~. Pu~l M~u~ sm~ded by ~r. H. Ashby
~. IT RESOLED h~ ~, .Bcard~ of, ~ty S~erviso~AS.. ,of
Co~%y, Vi~gin~, that. compression, of. $-5.00 .e~h-.,~er .all. Deputy S~riffs.~
Be ~d.is-..her~y ~orized- for .ex~_ so,ices:, in connection with
BE..IT..~.F~R..~$0L~D .~ an .. appropviat ion of $2~.00 be and ~
hereb~ made. for ~is-pu~ose..
T~ Oo~ittee, appointed ara previous mee~ to view.Route 6~6 and repo~ as to the
advisability of securing additional rights-of~y ~d widening s~e, reco~ended that this
be done.
~e fe!lo~ng Resolution, offered by Mr. 0. Purcell Mc0ue, se~onded by Mr. P. H.
~ent~, ~s u~ously adopted~
~AS, it appears necessa~ ~d advisable to straighten ~d
widen Route 6~ ~d
~AS, it appea~s that some ~rtions of the l~d necessary
for such ~dening ~uld have to be conde~ed,
N0~, T~FO~, ~:. IT ~L~D. By. the B~rd of .Oo~ty Supervisors
of Alb~arle. Co~Z2, V~ginia,. %~t ~ the .. State Department of Hig~ays be
~d.~is ~hereby =equested to make. a sudsy ~f this ~ute to show w~t ad-
ditio~l rights,of~y are necessa~.
Mr. Frederick E; Nolting appeared before the Board concern~g the retirement of Liters
Lo~s. After considerable discussion, %~s ~tter ~s referred to the Co~onwealth's Attor-
ney with the request t~t he discuss:' the matter ~%h Mr. H. W.Walsh, Atto~ey, ~d repo~
back at a later meeting, -.. - -
~e Co~%y Executive re~ed that i% appears necessary to employ an additional ~rker
in the De~rtment ~f ~blic Welfare.
Upon motion by .,Mr. O. Purcell Mc0ue, seconded by Mr. P. H. 8ent~, this ~tter ~s re-
ferred to the Co~ty Executive with power to act.
Notice ~s received f~m the Sta%~: C~o?Ati~n:',6o~ission t~t a Hearing ~11 behheld
before the State Oo~oration Oo~ission on June 5, 19~, in re Application of Southern Rail-
~y Comp~y($~r authority ~o discontinue agency station a% Proffit. Upon motion, d~y
and ~econded, this matter ~s referred to the 0o~%y Executive with inst~ctions to take
whatever action appears necessa~.
The Oo~%y Executive ~s authorized and directed %0 prepare and audit to .the Federal
Authorities p~oject pmposal covering ~epai? work at the Co~y Jail.
C~s against the Co~ty, ~o~ting to $31,613.22, were presented, ex~ined, ~d al-
lowed and ordered certified %o the Director of Finance for pa~ent ~d charged against the
following funds~
Dog Tax
Croze% Fire.DisC.riot
Road ~ 'Deb~
Rivanna:. Distrioi..
Samuel Miller DiStrict
Commonwealth o£ Virginia.
183. ?
Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned.
., Chairman.
A regular meeting of the Board..of 0ounty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia.,
was held at the .O~.iee. Building of the. said County on the 19~h day .of June., 1940,
Present~ Messrs. J.. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and 0.
Purcell. McOue, and..Dr. L..G. Roberts.
The following 0ffi~ers were presents
0ounty Executive, Commonwealth' s Attorney, and
Minutes of the meeting of May 15, 1940, were.read and approved.
The following Report of the Finance 0ommi%tee was presente~ and appreved~
JUne 17,
To the Members of the Boar~ of 0ounty Supervisors
of the County of Albemarle~ Virginias
YoUr 0ommi~t.ee Wishes to report that the..foll~wing TranSfers of In-
tare'st-are'duethe several fundsas of June S0, 19~0. Therefore, we
re'con, end that the Director of Finance be authorized and directed to make
the following Transfers~
FROM~ Samuel Miller .District., ........... . ...... · ....... .....$2,300.00.
Ivy Dis%rict,**,,~,*~..*,~L,**.*~ '300,00*~
Rivanim-Dis%riCti,,;*ii~i.iii .... ..... 1.750.00'**
Total. ' $2,300 O0
*Int. for 6 Mo. on $10,000.00 S. M. Dis~. 5s due
1/1/48~ (Purchased by Charlottesville on 4/1/$0
b~ Ok. No. 15630.)
**Int. for 1 Yr. on $6,000,00 S. M. Dist. ~s due
***Int. for 1 Yr. on $3~,000.00 S. M. Dist. 5s due
Scott sville District.. .... ...... .................. .'....$~, 254'16.
General Fund..,.....,,.,...,.....,.,...$2,058,33'
CharlotteSville District..........,.... 45,83**
Ivy District....... ....... , ...... ...... 600.00***
Rivantm District....... · ·...... · ·.. · .., · !.5_~q?o0****
Total.. ·,, ... .... i .......... · .......... ,..... .... .,,., ,$4,254,16, -
.*Int. for I Yr. on $22,000.00 Sc. Dist. 5s due
1/15/47 and Int.. for 11½ Months on $20,000.00
$c. Dist. 5s due 1/15/47 (purchased by the
8choral Fund on September 15, 1939, by Ok. No.
14.302. )
**Int. for 5'~ Mo. on $2,000.00 Sc. Dist. 5s due
, 1/15/47. (Purchased by Charlottesville Dist.
on 3/30/40 Ck. No. 1 626.)
***Int. for 1 Yr. on $12,000.00 Sc. Dist. 5s due
****Int. for 1 Yr. on $31,000.00 Sc. Dist. 5s due
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) O., PUR~ELLMcO%~, .... I F~ANOE
(Signed) P. H%.G~NTRY 'I CO~9~ITTEE
(Signed) L,.G.' ~ROBERTS .... )