HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-06-19General
Dog Tax
Croze% Fire District
Rivanna, District..
Samuel Miller District
Commonwealth ,of Virginia-
$ ?,~01.41
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of %he Board.of 0oun%y 'Supervisors-of Albema~le0ounty, Virginia,
was held at the O£~iOe Building of the ·said County on the 19~h day of June.,-1940.
Presents Messrs.. J. M. Fray, E. J.. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and 0.
PurcelLMc~ue, and. Dr. L..O. Roberts.
Absentt None.
The fo!lowina 0ffi~ers were presents
County Executive, CommonWealth's Attorney, and
Minutes of the meeting of May 1~, 1940, were read and approved.
The following Report of the Finance Committee was presented and aPProved.s
June 17, 1940
To the Members-of the Board of County Supervisors
of the County of Albemarle, Virginia:
YoUr 0ommittee wishes to report that. the-following T~anSfers of In-'
~erest-aredue the several funds.as of June 30, 1940. Therefore, we
recommend that the Director of Finance be authorized and directed to make
the following Transferss
FROM: Samuel Miller District.. ......... ..... ............ ....,$2,300.00.
Ivy Distric%~...~;;;,,~;;~,;,;;;...... '300,00'*
Rim Dis%rict,,,,.;i;...,il;;........
Total.,...... ......... . ..... ....,,.., .... ; ........... ...$2,300,00.
*Int. for 6 Mo. on $10,000.00 S. M. Dist. 5s due
1/1/48~. (Purchased by Charlottesville on 4/1/¢0
by Ck. No, 15630.)
**In't. for 1 Yr. on $6,000.00 S. ~t. Dist. ~s due
***Int. for 1 Yr. on $~,000.00 S. M. Dist. 5s due
S¢ottsville District..........,.,.. ..... ...,...........$4,25~'16.
General Fund,.,.....,,..,,..,....,..,...$2,058,33*
' · 83**
0harlo%tesviile District.....,.......,,
Ivy District..,..., ............ .., ..... 600.00***
Total....,... ............... . ........... ,.... ...... ,.,,$4,2~4,16,-
*Int. for I Yr. on $22,000.00 Sc. Dist. ~s due
and nt. for ll½ Months on $20,O0O.OO
SC. Dist. 5s due 1/1~/47 (purchased by the
General Fund on September i~, 1939, by Ok. No.
1¢ o2.)
**Int. for~Me, on $2,000.00 Sc. Dist. ~s due
1/15~$?. (Purchased by Charlottesville Dist.
on 3/30/40 by Ck. No:. 1~626.)
***Int. for 1 Yr. on $i2,000.00 Sc. Dist. 5s due
****Int. for 1 Yr. on $31,000.00 Sc. Dist. ~s due
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) P. H~.GENTRY
(Signed) L, G. ~OBERTS
The following Resolution, offered by Mr, Ho Ashby..Harris, was~ unanimously adoptedl
BE IT.. RE. SOL.VED. i by ,.the...Bo~rd. of., O.o.un~y Supervise, rs- o.f-. Albemarle
County, Virginia.,~ .that .it' iS. the ..sense of this Board. that. State. Route
20, leading .fr~m.. Dilw!rn. to. Scot.tsvilla,. should be..extended.~to -Cb.~rlottes-
villa by way of ASh Law~ and Monticello, and urges the ~tate Highway
Commission to take this section of road into the Pr!_m_n_ry System of High-
ways o
The fo.llowing. Resolu~io~.of, fered by Dr. L. g. B. obe~ts.,, w~$ adopted'~ ~
BE .IT..RESOLVED. by the Board of County.. Supervisors. of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that Honorable J~mes H. PriCe, ~overnor of Virginia,
be and is hereby requested to appoint Mr. Seth Burnley a Member of the
State Highway.~Oommis sion..
Claim a~ainst.the Dog Tax. Fund, amounting to $1~50, presented by Sidney Fields, was
approved for payment.
Mr. H. Ac H~de~, ~irector 'of Finance, su~mitied.a statement, of expenses of the Depart-
ment of Finance for the month .of-..M~y,- 1'~'~0.,-one-third of which to be bor~.e by the S~ate°
Upon motion, duly. made and se.conded~ this statement., was..examined, verified-and., approved.
The County ExeCUtive was authorized, and directed to advertise the. fact that Section
68a of the Virginia~ame, Inland Fish and Dog Laws had been made effective in this county
for twelve months-, in the year.
The following Reports were preSented~and ordered filedl
1. Co~ty Exeou~ive,
2. University of Virginia-Hospital.
3 ° Game ~ard.en.
The County Executive reported, that.he ~had investigated the situation at Proffit and
could not see that there-~as any justification for oppesimg t~e Railway Company's petition
for discontinuing the agency at that station.
communication from the State Corporation Commission, advising that a hearing weald be
held in its Oourt Room in Richmond on ~Monday, ~ly 8, 1~40~ at 10 Ac M., upon the petition
of the So~thern Railway Oompany for authori%Y t~ dismantle its spur track at Hickory Hili~
was presented. This matter ~as referred to the Oounty Executive with instructions to investi~
gate and oppose the petition if he found the conditions justified such action°
COmmunication from the Peoples National Ba~k, requesting permission te withdraw
$40~000.00 of bonds deposite~ with the ~hase National Bank, ef ~ew Y~rk, in escrow to protect
the County's depesite~ was presen%ed~
The following Resolution, offered~by~Mro ¢. Purcell McCue, was unanimously adopted~
BE IT RESOLVE~ by the Board of County ~upervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Peoples National Ba~k, ~f Charlottesville, Vir~inia~ be
and is hereby authorized to take down the following Securities d~posite~ ~ith
the Chase Natio~a! Bank of New York i~ escrow to protect the County's ~eposits~
$ 1,000.00 Madison County, Virginia, %s, ?/1/61~
~,000.00 Norfolk Getty, Virginia, Road and Bridge, ~s, 4/1/42o
~,000.00 UU. of Va° Special Obligation, Hospit~i, 4s, due
~,000.00 Uo of Va. Special Obligation, Hospital, ~s, due
~,O00.00 U. of Va. Special Obligation, Hospital, 4s, due
~,O00.00 U. of Va. Hospital, ~s~ ~due 1/I/4~.
5,000.00 Uo of Va. Hospital, Cs~ d~e
~,000o00 U. of Va. Hospital, 4s,
The Board's attention was called to the fact that Dr. L. G° Ro~ert~ term as a member
~f the Board of P~ubl~e ~elfare weu!d expire on June 30, 1940o Mr° C. Purcell McCue
nominated Dr. L. Go Roberts as a member of the Beard of Public ~elfare for a ter~ of two
years from July 1,1~40. There being mo further nominations, Dr. Roberts was unanimously
The Director of Finance presented receipts of E. Ho Copenhave~,Attorn~ey, showing the
payment of taxes for the year 1~0 assessed aga~nzt H. ~oore Bowe~, which had been reported
~elinquent by Mr. G. Stuart Harem, former Treasurer° Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it
was ordered that these taxes be stricken from the records and that the amount involved of
$~1.8~ be charged against ~. Stuar~ Harem, former Treasurer.
The County Executive advised the Board that ~ site '~tentativeiy selected for a
appropriation of.-$25Oo00~ be-made.. Upo~ motion, duly made .an~-.seconded,, the.. following. Resolu-
tion. was adopted by ~th~..,following., reoor~ed-~.~otes Ayes.s Messrs... J,. M,. Fray, E.. J, Ballard,
Po H, Gentry, H,, As,hby Ha~is,. a~i.C,, Purcell ,McC.ue., aaC~Dr..l~.G. Roberts.;. Nos. ss Nones
BE IT_RESOL~IED_by._the,.Boar~.af._C.o~nty.Super.visors o~.Albemarls
Caunty,. Virginia, that.. $250.00,, or as much thereof as may be ne~ssary,
be and the same is hereby appropriated to cover the cost of site for
4-H ClUb Camp in this 0ounty.
The.C~u~ty..~e~tive ,. info treed, the.Board, that ..two.. automobile~ .had-Beam. pre~iously pro-
vided for the.use o.f four officers in the Sheriff's Office, which.plan :h~d not.worked satis-
factorily and recomme~ded-..tha%, two additional .,.ca~s.-. be p~ovided, in-order-t.h~t, each.officer
may be provided, with an..automobile. Upon motion,, duly made a~d.seconded, an appropriation of
$1,000,00, or as much..thereof as may be necessary, to cover the purchase of two additional
automobiles was.made by the following recorded, vole.~ Aye.s.~ Mesarao.lo. M. Fray, E. J,
Ballard, P. Ho Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L, ~,.Roberts; Noes~
The Cou~t.y Executive recommended~ the .appointment of Miss ~abel A.. Davis., of San~ston~
· Virginia~ as a Case Worker in the. Department of Publio..~elfa~e. at. a- salary of.$100,O0 per
month, 'effective .J~ly 15, 1940.. Upon motion by Mr. P. H. Gentry, duly seconded, Miss Mabel
A. Davis. was unanimously appointed.
Report. of Mr,. E, V, ~alker, Commonwealth '.s Attorney, concerning refunding 'bonds for
retiring LiterarY Fund Loans, was presented and ordered filed.
The following, Resolution, offered by Mr. Eo J. Ballard, was unanimously adopteds.
'BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County .Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the following amounts be loaned by the General
Fund to the funds indicated temporarily without interests
White Hall District Road Debt Fund
Crozet Fire District Fund
Total $4,700,00.
ClaiTM against the County, amounting to $23,110,~0, were presented, examined, and al-
lowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
following fundss
Crozet Fire District
Dog Tax
Road Debts
Charlottesville District
Ivy Dis%riot
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
$oottsville District
· hite Hall District
Commonwealth of Virginia
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.