HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-07-17 A-re~u!a~-,mea%~ .img~.~,..~Jae .B~ard:~ of~C~un~y-.~upe~i~ors..of Albemarle. Co~mt~.. ~ Virginia, was, held at,,the 0~fi~e ~Buildi~g ~f. the :said:~tym(~e 17~h d~y of ~ly,....l~4O .... Presents.. Messy--s+. Jo~M...Fray., Eo..~. Ballard, P. H. ~entry, H. Ashby Ha.rris, and C. Purcell. McOue, and. Dr+.L..~-.~.Robe~ts. Absen2$~_~.None~. . The following Officers. were present~ Cou~%y~ ,Executive1, Commonwealih, s .Attorney, and Sheriff. .Minutes of the mee%ing.-of '~u~e 1~:, l$$O,.we-re read andapproved,. Communicatioa:,/~was received from the Citizens Bank and Trust.Company,..requanting. ~ .per- mission to exchange securi%ies which this bank has de.p~siled in escrow to secure the County's deposits. The following Resolution, offered byDr. L. G. Reberts, du~yseconded, was unanimously ~dopted;~ BE IT RESOLV~D, bythe..Board,o~..C~unt~ ~uper~is.o~s.,of. Alh~mrle. County, Virginia.~ th~t_the..C~izen~.Bank..and..~us~ Oompa~y~ of.Char-. lottesville,. Vir~inia~ be..~n~,isheraby autho.rized:.~o, make. the follow-- ing exchan~e.of-secu~i.tiae~..de~asited.with..the. Peoples National Bank, of Charlottesville, Virginia, in escrow to protect the CoUmty's deposits with the Citizens. Bank and Trast Company~ TAKE DO~N~ $1~:000,~Lynchbu~ Theatre Corp. First. Mortgage Bonds due 12/1/40. 1~000.~0 Lynchburg Theatre CO ]~1 ' F ~ S~I` Mortgage Bonds due 12/1/40. · 1~000.00 Ly~chburg Theatre Corp. First Mortgage Bonds due 12/1/43. 1,~00.00 Lynchburg Theatre Corp. FirSt Mortgage Bonds due 12/1/43. P~ UPs $1,000,00 ~. Troy Sensibaughand Wife 6%R. E. Bo~d dated March ~, 1950, due March ~, 3,~00.00 C. E. Thacker and ~ife 5% R. E. Bonds dated April 24, 1~0, due.April 2~, 1,000.00 Florence W. Coles 6%. R. E. Bonds dated July 6, 1940, due July 6, 1~43. The County Executive recommended Mr. W. W. Reynolds as the Assistant County Agent. Upon motion by Dr. L. ~. Roberts, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard~ Mr. W. W. Reynolds was ap- pointed Assistant County Agent at a salary of $1,000.00 per year, effective Augus% 1,-1~¢0. Communication from Mr. Sidney B. Hall, Superintendent of Public Instruction, advising ;hat the school population of Albemarle County in 1940 was 6s940, was presented and ordered filed. Mr. Berlin Eye, DiStrict Forester, appeared before the Board concerning making.~££eoti~ in this county Chapter No. ~) of the Acts of the ~eneral Assembly of 1940. Upon motion, lulymade and seconded, action was deferred ~a%il a later meeting. Mr. H. A. Haden, Directo~ of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the Depart- aent of Finance for the m~mth of June, 1940,. one-third of which to be borne by tb~ State. ~pon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified a~d approved. Dr. T. S. Englar, Health 0ffioer, appeared concerning an ordinance requir~g 'dogs suspected of rabies to be confined. After considerable discussion, Dr. Englar was req~e22~d to attempt to obtain the desired results by the use of the laws now in effect. The County Executive reported that Mr. E.V.Walker, Commonwealthes Attorney, had ap- )eared before the State Corporation Commission on July 18, 1940,and ~pposed the remoVal of he spur track at'Hickory Hill. The following comm~-~ication from Mr. C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, State Department Highways, was presented and ordered spreads 3 i;3 DEPARtmENT OF HIGHWAYS Richmond ALB~ARLE COUNTYt Sacondary June 29, 1~40 -Albemarle County Beard of Supervisors, Charlottesville,... Virginia. Gentlemen~. I am authorized to advise, you that yoUr requests for additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County have been acted on as follows -Effective July 1, 1940 Addi-i. ion~ ApP.rwe. e~ Intersection Route 614,.South..~._ Length 0+82 Mile~. Route' 29, East to Old Lynchburg Road.. Length 0..15 Mile Intersection Route 631, South toward R. F. ~aylands~ Extension.~Route 1102, East, ECL Charlottesville (Jefferson Street) to Intersection Route 1101. Length 0.20 Mile ResolBtion Board o~f. S.upervis~rs. 3-20-40 3-20-40 MiB Copy to Mr. A. H. Pettigrew Mr. A. Ho Bell Mr. J. J. Forrer Mr. R. I. Mount Length... 0.50..mi. - Length. 0.O5 Mile 3-20-40 3-20-$0 Yours very truly, (si ed) c.s. M =N Chierf Engineer. Report of L. McCarthy Downs., Auditor of Public Accounts, on audit of accounts and records of Jesse B. Wilson, Trial Justice, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1939, was presented and ordered filed. The following Reports were presented and ordered-fileds 1. County Executive. University of Virginia Hospital. 3- District Home Board. 4, Game Warde~. The Board's attention was called to'the fact that the citizens of Crozet were in- forested in having a piec~ of road' in the village placed in the Secondary System of Highways. Upon-motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was instructed to contact the citizens and advise them that the Board is willing to co-operate to the fullest extent. The County Executive was instructed to communicate with the officials of the Virginia Public Service Company and attempt to secure the same rate for electric energy consumed by the County ~as is paid by other governmental agencies in this vicinity. Claims against the County, amounting to $33,350.49, were presented, examined, and al- lowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following fundsa General School Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Road Debts Charlottesville Diet,itt Ivy Dis%riot Rivanna District Scottsville District White Hall District Commonwealth of Virginia $ 7,668.07 10,827.17 19.77 4,912,87 1,825.00 1,950.00 2,625.00 1,549.37 To$al $33,3~0-~9. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.