HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-08-21 A regular meet ing of the Beard, of Count,y.~Sup~,visers.,of Albemarle C. ounty., Virginia, was held at the Office Building ,of the.~said,~ County~en the 2!St.d~yof August~,. 1~¢0. Present~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. ~ent. r-j, and H. Ashby Harris, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: Mr. C. Purcell-Mc~ue..~ The following Officers were present~ County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. Minutes of the meeting of July 17, 1~$0, were read and approved. Upon motion by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly seconded, it was ordered that a picture of Judge Taylor be made and framed and hung in the Court Room. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. ?. H. Gentry, du!y~sec~nded~_,waS~unanimously adopted~ ~' WHEREAS,. it..has been,brought.~to .the. attention of this Board. that H, ~Lacy Smith,~ Resident Engineer~of the State Department of Highways, will probably be transferred to another county at the end of the current' fiscal year, and Wt~REAS, the said-H. ~.Lacy .Smith ..has very~ efficiently, conducted the- affairs of his office since July 1, 1~?, thereby rendering a service to the.~citizens of this ce.unty..which..has not~.Before been. experienced, WHEBEAS, it is of the-utmost, impor~ance.~to the citizens, of this county that Mr. Smith!s~ services be continued in. this., county in or,let that the Road Improvement Program which has been inaugurated under his adminis- tration may be completed at the earliest possible moment with the funds available, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board. of County Supervisors of Albemarle .~unt~, Virginia, that Mr...H.G.. Shirley, the State Highway CommisSioner, be. and. is hereby requested to re-assign H. Lacy Smith as Resident Engineer of Highways for this county for the year beginning July 1, BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED that..a C.ommit-tee,. consisting of Dr. L. Roberts, H. Ashby Harris, and the County Executive, be and is hereby authorized and. directed to present this request to the Highway Commissioner. An Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE IMPOSiEG COUNTY LICENSE TAXES ON DANCE HALLS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE NONPAYMENT THEREOF" was presented and ordered published once a week for two successive weeks in-the ~cottsville News, a newspaper ink,Albemarle County. Request of Miss. Frances. T. Southall,~. Supe~mtende~$.~:.~f: ~iic~Uel~are., £or a leave of absence for a period.of nine m~nths, was presented. This.~.nequ~wt was granted, provided satis- factory arrangements, c~uld he.made for the operation of the .D.ep~tment~during her absence, The following Reports were presented and ordered filed~ 1. County Executive. 2. University of Virginia HoSPital. ~ o ~ame Warden. A new Contract, which had been prepared by the City Attorney, for the operation of the Joint Health Department, was presented and referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney with in- structions to re-write certain 'portions and bring back to the Beard at the next regular meeting. A communication from Mr. M. J. O'Connell, President of the Virginia Public Service Company, concerning electric rates, was presented. A blue print of the plans showing ~,uprovements propesed~en Route 6~6 was received from the State Department of Hig ~h~ys and the County Executive was instructed to attempt to secure the necessary rights of way. Communication from t~e State Department of Highways, advising that a section of Route 726, beginning at the intersection of Route 20 in $cottsville and running north for five miles, had been transferred ~o the Primary System of Highways, was presented. The matter of a tax map was discussed and the County Executive was instructed to se- cure all information possible and report-back at a later meeting. The following Claims against the Dog Fund were presented and denied due to the fact Mr. H. ~. ~d~ Director of Fi~ce.~ su~itt~.~ a. s~tem~t..of., expe~.~,~ of the- Dep~r~- merit- of F~ca .fe~.~t.~.. mon~. of- J~ul~,. ~.1~40, ~one-thi~d- of. wh~h-to.~ he~borne ..by t~ S~t®. Upon ~tion, _duly ~de and seco~ded,. ~is..~tat.~emt ~e C~ty Execati~e ~s. ~tructed~ ~to~ adv~e ~.. G, Stu~t~ ~, that.-~less_the.-~t~, items .which ~d~ been.c~ged ag~n~-.~.-we~e sat~fac~o~ily ~settled c~ before. September 20,~ 1940, the~ matter.-.~ld.~be-taken, upwith the .Boadi~ ~e ~ter of the-establis~ent cfa fa~.on, wh~h....to..~work..p~oners ~a ~sc~sed ~d referred., to theCo~tyE~.cative with instructions to secure .all a~able data ~d re- po~ back at a later~;~eeting. Claims against the County, ~ounting. to $15,4~0.88,..were presented., ex~ined, allo~d, ~d ordered ce~ified .to the Director of Fibre for ~ent ~d ch~ged against the following fundss General School Dog. Tax. Crozet Fire District Commonwealth of Virginia $ 8,487. ¢ 6,~00o61 288,23 Total. $15,490.88. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. , Chairmam. 365 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors .of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of the Said County on the 18th day of September, 1940. 'Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: None. The follo~nE~Officers were present: County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff, Minutes of the meeting of August 21, 19~0, were read and approved. ReT. 0. S. Good, Mr. John F. Farts, and others appeamdand presented a petition re- questing that the Board adopt an ordinance prohibiting the sale of beer and wine on Sunday. Following a lengthy discussion, action on this request was deferred for further consideratioz The Commonwealth's Attorney suggested that a Resolution be adopted i~terpreting para- graph 12 of the Contract with the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia for the operation of the Joint Health Department and also authorizing:that said Contract be executed by;tbs..proper officials, Npenfmotion, duly mad~ and seconded, the following. ResolUtion was unanimously adopted~ -RESOLVED, that the proper officers.be autherized~to execute, on, behalf ofthe~Board of/County Supervisors of Albemarle County, an agreement dated April 2~th, 19~, between ~his Board, the City of Charlottesville and the University~of. Virginia, provided it is.~un~erstood %hat this~interpretation is placed upon paragraph 12 of said agreement: "I2 is understood and agreed that the amount now contributed monthly by the State of Virginia shall be credited to the proportion which is to be paid monthly by the County,, and that the County Executive be directed to transmit executed copies of said contract to the respective contracting parties with a letter setting forth the above quoted condition and interpretation. The Contract ~eferred to ~n the previous Resolution is as follows~ Agreement for the operation of a Joint BepAr%ment~':~f.Hea!th. betw~n the County of Albemarle, City of Charlottesville and the University of Vir- ginia, ********************** -. ~HEREAS, the County of Albemarle, City of Char!ettesville, and the UniverSity of Virginia, are so' situated with reference to each other that