HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-09-18that the poultry, had.not been. assessed-for %axation: Elmo 6arland,
P~ace, $4,00, T~.Oo~7 Execu~ ~s ~ns~ct.ed ~o advise Mrs, B~ce t~t s~ should presen~
her c~.~m~ ~ 2~..o~.of the dog.
Mr. H. ~, ~e~ Director. of Fi~. submi.~ed a..s~at~ent, of..ex~s~, of the Dep~t~
ment-o~-F~ f~.. the. month of.. J. ul~, 1~4~ one-third of w~-~-.~.., he_.-bo.~ne, b~ ~ State.
Upon..motion, duiM made and. seconded,
~e ~o~ty .ExeCUtive. was. ~s~cted~ t~.
that. ~s~..~t~.-~tax-items.which-~d be~ ~ged.
or before. September 20,.. 1940., the. matter.-~uld- be taken .up. with the. ~Bo~ing C.om~y,
~e~ ~tter of the~ .establis~ent ~ of-a .fan-.on. w~ch.-~. ~.~rk ~.~soners was ~sc~.sed
~d referre~to_ theCo~tMExecutive with. instructions ~o secure .all a~able data ~d re-
po~ back at a later~meeting.
Cla~s against the County, ~o~ting to-$1~,4~0,88,-were presented, ex,ned, ~d
a~owed, ~d ordered codified .to the Director of Fin~ce for pa~ent ~d charged against
the following fu~ds~
~Dog Tax
Crozet Fire District
Commonwealth of. Virginia
$ 8,4.87.94
Total. $15,490o88.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Building of the said County on the 18th day of September, 1940.
:Present: Messrs. Jo Me Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and
O, Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent~ None.
The:fot!oWi~g~Officers were present~ County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and
Minutes of the meeting of August 21, 1940, were read and approved.
ReT, O. S. Good, Mr. John F. Faris, and others' appeamdand presented a petition
questing that the Board adopt an ordinance prohibiting the sale of beer and wi~e on Sunday.
Following a lengthy discussion, action cn this request was deferred for further consideratior
The Commonwealth's Attorney suggested that a Resolution be adopted interpreting para-
graph 12 of the Contract with the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia
for the operation of the Joint Health Department and also authorizing that said Contract be
executed by'the.proper officials,
~ponffmotion, duly mad~ a~d seconded, the following':ResolUtion was unanimously adopted~
-RESOLVED, that the p~oper officers be authorized-re execute .on~ behalf
of the~Board of'County Supervisors of-Albemarle County, an agreement dated
April 24th, 1~, between this Board, the City of Charlottesville and the
Universityof. Virginia, provided it is.~Understood ~that this~interpretation
is placed upon paragraph 12 of said agreement~ "I2 is understood and agreed
that the amount now contributed monthly by the State of Virginia shall be
credited to the proPOrtion which is to be paid monthly by the County," and
that the County Executive be directed to transmit executed copies of said
contract to the respective contracting parties with a letter setting forth
the above quoted condition a~d interpretation.
The Contract [eferred toin the previous Resolution is as follows~
Agreement for the operation of a Joint DepA~ment~.ef HeaI%h~et~een
the County of Albemarle, City of Charlottesville and the University of Vir-
W~EREAS, the Oo~ty of Albemarle, 0ity of Charlottesville, and the
UniverSity of Virginia, are so situated with reference to each'other that
WHE~S,~ Qne. P.,realth..Deparf~ment for the three communit, ies can be more
economically and successfully operated, a~d such department will best protect
the health of. the .entire neighborhood; smd
WHEREAS, the 1932- AcKs .of the. General Assembly. of~ Virginia, C-hapter
368, Page ~3 $~ '1 pro.~ides.., for the .organization o~-~ a. Ccunt.y Health. Department
and. Board, and.gives, tc the.B~d of~.Connty Supervisors certa£n.discretionary
powers as regards the choice of a ~ealth Officer, the promulgation of sanitary
ordinances, and their e~forcement and similar duties-: and
WHEREAS., u~der the. City Charter (Acts...of the Assembly of 1922, p. :?04)
broad powers are granted to- the City Commissionerw to. provide, fo.r general
health of the..inhabitants., to make regulations to secure same and- provide for
the appointment and organization of a Board of Health or other Board to have
the powers of .the .Board. of~ .Health.; and..
WHEREAS, theUniverSityhas, created a Department of. Public Health amd
Hygiene in the Medical School to promote knowledge of, interest in, and applica-
tion of the principles, of preventi~emedicine;
NOW, T'~REFORE, ,THIS A~REEMENT, made this the 242h day. Qf April, 1939,
Between the said Board.of County Supervi§ors ~f the County. of Albemarle,
hereinafter called.~the Cou~t~ of the. first part; said.Commissioners of the
City of Chartotte.suille, hereinafter called the City, of the second part; and
the Rectorand Visitors of the U~versity of Virginia, hereinafter called the
University, ef the third...part,
1. That in consideration af the premises and the mutual benefits which
will accrue to the parties thereto, said County, City and University agree to
form a Joi~t Health Department, said Department to operate uader the direction
of a Joint Health Board as hereinafter provided.
2. That the Joint Health Board shall consist of three members, one
representing the County, one representing the City, and one representing
the University°
~. That the Board of C'ounty Supervisors shall select one member of said
Joint Health Board who shall serve for such term as said County Supervisors
ghall determine~ That said member shall act for/the County in the prompt and
efficient administration of the affairs of'the Joint Health Department, pro-
vided that in all matters pertaining to the appointment, resignation, or re-
moval of the Health Officers, or in the promulgation of public health and sani-
tary laws and reEulations, er pertaining to the annual appropriation of the
County for the operation ef the Joint~Health Department, the said Joint Health
Board can recommend or advise, ~ut their action shall be subject to the approval
of the Beard of County ~upervisors.
4~ ,~That'the City Commissioners. shall choose one memberof~he.~Joint
HealthBoard, who shall servefor such.period as said Commissioners may deter-
.mine. The said member shall act-for the City in the prompt.and efficient
ministration of the Joint Health Department, provided that in all matters per-
taining~to the appointment, resignation, or removal of the Health ~fiCer, or
in the promulgation of ssmitary laws and regulations, or to the annual.approp-
riati~nof the City for the operation of the Joint'Health Department, the.Said
Joint Health Board can recommend or advise, but their action shall be subject
t8 the approval of the City Commissioners.
g. That the University hereby designates the Professor of Hygiene and
Public 'Health of the Medical School,<as its member c~ the Joint Health Board
with full powers to act for the'University, Provided that~in matters pertain-
ing to the annual appropriation of the University for the operation of the
Joint Health Department, the said Joint Health Board can recommend but must be
guided by the official ac{ion of the Board of Visitors of the University.
6. That the Joint Health Board, the Joint Health Officer, and all other
employees shall perform, carry out and execute all duties newer hereafter
prescribed by the City ~rd/~nsmces, Couaty Health Department, regulations and
State Laws, pertaining to Public Health and Sanitation, and said Department
and its officers and employees shall have all powers now ~z hereafter co,farted
by the aforementioned ordinances, regulations and state laws.
?. The Joint Health Board shall hold regular meetings at least four
times each year on the second Tuesday of June, September, Decanter and Feb-
rusty. Special meetings may be called at any ~ime in oase of urgent business
upon~the request of the Chairman of the Board of COunty Supervisors or the
Mayor of the City. It shall elect a ~hairmanwho shall held office for one
year, unless reelected. The Health Officer ex-cfficic Shall~ act as secretary
but shall not have a vote.
8. The said Joint Health Board shall act in an advisory, capacity in
the appointment, resignation'or removal of the Health Officer, provided that
it is understood and agreed that the position of Health Officer sB~ll be
filled only by a person approved by the State Health Depar~men~ and the con-
tracting parties to this agreement.
9, The parties ~e this agreement shall have the power to fix the
salary and the term of office of the JOint Health Officer; the Joint Health
Board shall have the power to grant leave of absence in excess ~f 2~ hours,
to the Joint Health Officer,and in a general way to outline the performance
ofhis duties and supervise his activities.
1~. That it is understood and agreed that the Health Officer shall
otherwise have ffuI1 direction and responsibility for the administration of
the Joint Health Department. He shall have the power to appoint.all em-
ployees, fix the' duties and .hOurs of work, regulate the leave of absence,
and remo~e, for cause., the.~emplo~ess..o£ 2he ~oin%. ~ealth Department,. sub, s.ct,
hoover, %o %he 'app~va!'of,%he~Joint Health Bo~. He s~ll~ke regular
repo~s ~f the ~.rk of the Joint Heath Dep~men~ at the ra~r
of the Joint Health Board held qua~er!y and s~ll ~e special repo~s to
said-Bo~d whenever requested by its C~i~an, ~d s~ll keep t~ Board of
Oo~ty Supe~isors ~d City C~ssioners i~omed of the activities of the
Joint Health Depa~ent.
11o That...the ~contracting parties, further agree, that.., the. facilities of
the Joint ..Health. Department. may Be..utilized .for. the teaching of-..medical stu-
dents, or .nurses .and ..for. research b~ co.llaB~ation between ..the .Joint Healt~h
Officer and. the. Depart.Sent of Public Health and Hygiene of the lledical School
so far as this may Be practical without interfering with the administrative
efficiency of. the_ Organization.
12. That. the work of the Join% Health Department shall Be financed by
funds contributed annuall'y by the contracting partie~ in the following pro.
portions, that is to say, the said Couut.y of A1bemarle~will contribute 60~-..~
of Said funds, the City of Charlottesville 39-~, to create a fund of
$2Q,~O(L per annum, and the .University cf Virginia $1,~O0. per annum, a~d
from such other agencies as may from time to time wish to par~'xeit~te in the
promotion, ef the public health in this district; that. a tenta~tive budget
shall be prepared by the Joint Board of Health and submitted to the contract-
lng parties to this agreement for their, approval prior to March let ia each
year, and said parties shall contribute ~uch amounts for the operation off said
Department as may be set up in said badger after it..has Been approved as
aforesaid, provided that the contributions set up in .said budget to be m~de
by the County and City shall Be made by monthly disbursements in above pro-
portions from each of the aforesaid parties sufficient to create a revolving
fund for the use of said Department of $2,000.00 at the commencement of each
month. The City further agrees to furnish for the use of the Joint Health
Department such office space and janitor service as are now used by said De-
partment, for the sum of $2~.00 per month,one,half of said sum to be paid by
City a~d one-half By County.
The University further agrees to conduct in the laboratories of the
medical School such laboratory examinations as may be necessary im connec-
tion with the public health interest in the City and County, and incconsider~-
tion off an annual ~ppropriation by the City to the Uni.versity Hospital, said
University agrees that its Hospital will give preference to the care and
treatment of all indigent patients from said City which the Health Officer
may certify to be a menace to public health, and in consideration of .an
annual appropriation of dndetermined amount by the County to the University
Hospital, said University agrees that its Hospital will give preference to
the care and treatment of all indigent patients from said County, which the
Health Officer may certify to be a menace to public health.
13. That the money appropriated for the operation of the Joint Health
Department shall be budgeted to one account. Said account shall be kept by
the City/Auditor .and the City shall be allowed $15.00 per month for such
services. Sai~ auditor shall furnish ~he contracting parties, to this agree-
ment~ such reports and. financial statements as they may require.
15.' That With[u..the limits, imposed by the appropriatin~ bodies 'the
Health Officer., under supervision of the Joint Health'Board, Shall have the
power-to bu.dget, this account in such a way as to seCUre a maximum efficiency
and economy in the administration of his Department, but the budgetary ex-,
pense estimates "shall not be exceeded without approval frOm'both the Board
of CoUnty SUpervisOrs and. the City Cotmcil; Disbursements shall be made
upon VOuchers signed by the Health'Officer.' Financial statements shall be
made quarterly' to the City Business Manager, the COunty ExeCutive Of Albe-
marle CoUnty and the Bursar. Of the University. Furthermore, any properly
authorized officer from any one of 'the three contracting parties shall at
any time 'have access to the books of the said Joint Health Department. The
Health Officer shall Be responsible for the proper 'expenditUre of these funds
and the Joint Health BOard shall be diligent in seeing that this responsibility
is properly discharged.
1~. That upon the approval of this agreement by the Board of County
Supervisors the City Commissioners and the Rector and Visitors of the Univer-
sity, the party of the first part and the party 'of the second part-shall im-
mediately proceed to designate their respective members of the Joint He~Ith
Board and same shall be convened in executive session to perfect an organiza-
16. Thlsagreement shall become effective July 1, 1~$0, and may Be
terminated as of July 1st in any-year of its duration, provided an~ one of
the contracting parties shall give the other parties notice in writing 90
days pri~r to the aforesaid termination date.
IN T~STIMONY WHEREOF, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County has caused its name to be signed hereto By its Chairman, and attested
by its Clerk, and the City of Charlottesville has caused, its z~me to be
sig~ed by its Mayor, and attested by its Clerk; and the Rector .and Visitors
of the University of Virginia has caused its name to be signed by its RectSr
and attested by its. Secretary.
By J.M; Fray
Jas. E. Bow~n_,; __Jr. ( Si~ne.d. )_
Tha~following Reeetu%i~n-~.offered~ By Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard,
BE IT RESOLFED by ~%he Board~ of County. Supe~isor_s-af .Albemarle County,
Virginia, ~t~,-G~.%~c% - .da%e~,~Se~%em~e,r 2,3, 19~.,: ..co~ering the Board of
Fe~l Prison~s.~c~nf~.~.i~ the',C~ua~yl;Jail for ~a~ peried-.of~ ~h~. years
at ~he~:~-~e cf ~i~y deats~perday, be:appro~d.by the.O~an of this
Assessments against l~blic Serwice Corporations for the year 1940 made by the State
~o.rporation Commission were presented. It was noted that the assessed values of .the Southern
Railway Company had been '~educed by $58,403.00~as compared to the 1935 values. The County
Executive was authorized and directdd to ask %he State Corporation Commission the reason for
this reduction.
The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L, G.Roberts, duly seconded, was unanimously
~tEREAS, the Citizens Bank amd T~ast Company, of Charlottesville,
Virginia, has requested permission to take down a $!,000.00 Real Estate
Bond which has. been pledged to secure the County's..deposi%s, and
~N~REAS, the remaining securities will be sufficient to secure the
County's deposits with this institution,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the'Board,of 'County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Peoples National Bank, of Char-
lot~esvflle~ Virginia, be and is hereby authorized to release the following
secm~i~es deposited with it to .secure the County's deposits with the
Citizens Bank amd Trust Company~
$1,000.00 E~ L. Bailey First Mortgage ~!:(Bond due August
23, 1944.
The Commonwealth's A%tor~eywas requested to supply the Board with his opinion as 2o
whose duty i% was to appoint an Equalization Board for this county.
The Committee appointed 20 confer with Mr. N. G. Shirley, State Highway Co~mis$ioner,
~oncerning the re-assignment of Mr. H. Lacy Smith, Resident Engineer, to this county for the
rear beginning July I, 1940, re,or, ed that ~a~ conference had been held with Mr. Shirley and
;hat the matter had been taken under advisement.
The following Ordinance, offered by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell
NcOue, was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard,
P. H. Gentry, H. Aahby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue$ and Dr.~L. G. Roberts; Noes~ None:
On every dance hall, as defined by Chapter 207 of the Acts of Assembly of
Virginia for 1540, within the County of Albemarle, Virginia, there shall be a
license tax of $5.00 per an~mm. This license shall expire on December 31s% of
each year, and shali~ not be transferred not'shall said tax be pro rated.
EveFy person, firm or corporation who or which operates or maintains with-
in said County any such dance hall without paying said license tax shall be
guilty ef misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a ,fine
of not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00.
The County Executive reporte~ that since Miss Frances T. Sou%hall had been granted a
leave of absence for a period Of nine months, it was necessary %e appoint someone to act in
her absence and recommended that Mrs. Mabel D. McOraw be appointed Case Uorker In Charge of
the Welfare Department for this period at a salary of $125.00 per month. Upon motion, duly
made and seconded, Mrs. Mabel D. McCraw was appointed Case Worker In Charge of the Welfare
Depar~men~ for a period of nine months beginning 0ctobe~ 1, 1540, at a salary of $125.00 per
The County Execmtive was authorized to-employ a Case Norker to serve temporarily during
~he period of time in which Mrs. McCraw will be in charge of the Welfare Department.
The County Executive.was authorized to rent a vacant room on the second floor of the
~our% House.
The. following_Reports were presented and approved~
1~ Bounty EXecutive.
2° Distric~ Boa.~d.
3- Game Warden.
4o University .. of virginia Ho.spi.~al~
A report of L. McCarthy Downs., Auditor of Public Accounts, on-the, audit .of the
accounts ~.:a~ .recorflsof:."the:Olerk: of_f the Circuit. Court from July 1,1938
1939-,. was pres.ent.ed..and~.ordered..file~.
~he.Board's attention-~s, called to the fact that .. the~e w~u!d be.$~699.00 of Scotts-
ville.Disirict Road Debt Bents due on May i, 1~41, ~d t~t ii wo~d be necessa~ to refund
these., bon~ at. t~t t~e,.
Upon-motion, duly ~e-~d sounded, this ~tter ~s re~erred to the 0o~nwealth's
Atto. r~y with t~"::~_equesi t~t he advise the Board as to the proper ~g~ p~ce~ure
funding these.bonds.-
Mr. H. A.Haden, .Dire=t.or of Fin~e, submitted a sta~ment~.of .~he-e~aes of
Depa~t of Fi~noe-.fo.r. the_ ~nth...of Au~st,-. 1940, one-third of whi~.~o..be borne by the
State. Upo~ motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was ex,in.d, verified ~d ap-
A =o~ication .from Mr. E~er E. Bur~ss, Archite~t, concerning crack in corridor
ef ~e Oe~ty 0ffioe Building, ~s presented ~d ordered ~iled.
A ~e~uni~tien fr~m Mr. G. Stuart ~, advisi~ his inability to be present at
this .meeti~, ~s presented and the 0o~ty Executive ~s ~st~e.ted to advise Mr. ~ that
the t~e of settle.hr of his accost wo~d be deferred ~tit the next regular meeting,
October 16, 1940,
-- Ola~s aga~st the ~ounty, ~o~t.ing to $31,026.6t, were pr, so,teds, ex~ined,-
allowed-.-an~ ordered eert~ied ta .the Director of Fin~oe for p~;nt and charged against
Sehoo 1
Dog T~x
Crozet Fire District
Road .Debt~
Charlottesville District
Ivy District
Rivanna District
3smuel Miller District
Scottsville District
~hite Hall District
Commonwealth of Virginia
the followin~ fur,.ss
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned,