HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-11-20 A Special Meeting. of the Board of Count~ Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the. Office Building o,f the .said County on the 1st. day.of No,ember, _1540~ at 2~30 P.M.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Bat!ard, P. H. Gentry~ H. Ashby Harris, and
C.. Purcell M¢Oue, .and Dr. L. G.Robei~hs.
Officers present~ County Executive, Assistant 0ommonwealth's Attorney., and Sheriff.
The members of the City Count.il met Jointly with this:Board for the purpose of con-
sidering the advisability of prohibiting the sale of Beer and Wine on .S.unday .in both the
County-and City.
Following a full discussionof the matter, a motion was made by Dr. L..G. Roberts,
duly seconded, that an Ordinance be adopted prohibiting the sale of Beer and Wine on Sunday,
effective .for a period of one year, Provided the City CounCil would do likewise.
The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts,. duly seconded, was umanimousiy
WHEBEAS, Route 230 is a very important highway to the citizens
of Albemarle and Greene Go.unties, and
WHEREAS, this route is greatly in need of improvement from the
end of the pavement approximately two miles north of ~rozet to the
Madison County Line,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Highway Commission be and is here-
by requested to allocate sufficient funds to improve~Route 230 from a
point approximately two miles north of Crozet to the Madison County Line
during the year beginning July 1, 1541.
A request from the Isaac Walton ~eague for an appropriation of $12~.00 to assist in
paying the salary of a Special Game Warden was denied.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board. o~ County. Zupervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
held at the Office Building o~ the said County on the 20th~day of November, 1540.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C.
Purcell McOue,and Dr. L. G.Roberts.
Absent~ None.
The following Officers were present~ County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and
Minutes of the meetings o'f October 1~, 1540, and November 1~ 1540, were read and ap-
T~e following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly seconded, was adopted
H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts, Noes. None~-~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $200.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
be appropriated for the purpose of paying private guards for witnesses
for the Commonwealth in criminal cases involving the commission of felonies
in this county, from the date of indictment for such offenses until the
date of trial.
Suggestion having been made that this Bo~*d has been authorized to prohibit the sale
of Beer and Wine on Sunday by Acts of the General Assembly of 1940, page 25, and a draft of
an Ordinance under the provisions Of State statutes upon the, subjeet having been submitted
to this meeting, it' is ordered that Notice of intention to propose same for passage at the
December, 1540, meeting of this Board be published mcr squired ~y law.'
Suggestion.s- ha.~inE .,been~.~mad, e:-.~hat., this Bcard~_ has.~- been. autho razed to re.quire Pe.~mits
for ~.the. construction o.£.,B~ldings, by. Acls~ of.. ~ha General. Assembly~ o£ ..1940~., paga-~92..and a
~raft. ~Of.~ an~ Ordina~:¢~,,under-, -ihe~,provisbn~. o£~,State.,, ttatu%$a-~up~n~the subject. ~.vin~ been-
submit~t~ to.,, ~his..m~ti~.~,.it..,~,.o~e;~ed-~ that..~.N~i~, c~, Int~iion. ~tc. pr~pos~.~.~e fo r pa~a~e
at the Deo~ber, 1940, Meeting of this Board,-be publis~d as required by law.
T~ ~1~ Ord~ whi.ch-~s.~pres~ted~ at the ~Qcteber, 1~ meeting cf ~
Board amd puhlish~-~acco~ing-.~tc ~wv.~.a~pted.~by-~e[fo~e~g~.~eccrded:~vc~e~. Ayes:
Messrs. J. M.. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gent~,~H. Ashby ~rris, end C.. ~rcell McOue,
and Dr. ~. ~. Robe~ts; Noess Nene~
On ever~y~ carnival, within-the.boundaries of. the-,Ccu~ty,-.of Albemarle,
Virginia., there, shall, ben license~.taxo£.$2~OoO0.-per daY.. For. the purpose
of this ordinance a carnival shall be such as is defined in Chapter 48, of the
Acts of Assembly of Virginia of 19~6, Section l~a of the Tax Code.
Every person, firm, company or corPoration.who, e~'whichexhibits or
gives in the-County o~,~Albemarle a performance, or exhi%itien of any carnival.,
as de~,inefl as~-~--a£e~i~,?wi%h~m~.t~e~ tieem~e--~requ~red~..ehatl.~e-~i,ned not
~es.s,.t-han ~i~%ydo-l'le~s ($~0.00r) .nor, mere%han,.'£i~ehunflreddotta~s ($~00.00)
for each offense, The authorities of this county shall not allow any such
carnivat..lo opemuntit-%he license~equiredisexhi~iied to them.
The matter of repealing an Ordinance adopted September 20, 193~, which relieves a car-
naval of a County License Tax when exhibiting in connection with a County Fair was considered
and the County~xecutive was instructed to advise the officials of the Albemarle Agricultural
and IndUstrial Fair~ I~c., that such an ordinance would be further considered at the December,
1940, meeting,~at which time they woul~ be heard on the subject if they so desired.
The matter of claim which the County has against G. Stuart Hamm, former Treasurer,
was again discussed and the Chairman was authorized to appoint a Committee to confer with
Mr. Hamm on this subject wi2h;p0we~ to'act. The Chairman appointed Dr. L. G. Roberts, Mr.
H. Ashby Harris, and the County Executiye to serve as members of this Comnittee.
Mr.H.A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of the expenses of the De-
partment of Finance for the month of OctOber, 1~40, one-third of which is to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made smd seconded, this statement was examined, v~ified and ap-
The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. 0. Roberts, duly seconded, was unanimously
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors.of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, of Charlottesville, Vir-
ginia, be and is hereby authorized to make the following exchange of securities
deposited irith the Peoples National Bank, of Charlottesville, Virginia, in es-
crow to protect the County's deposits with the ~itizens Bank and Trust Company~
$6,000.00 U. S. Treas. ~'Bonds of '¢~"~3-
$6,000.00 Henrico County, Virginia, Sanitary District No. 5,
~ater ~orks, Series "A" 2.20%Bonds maturing on
November'l, 1996.
The following Resolutions, offered by Mr. H. Ashby Harris, dul~ seconded, were
unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED bY the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that
the State Highway Commission be and is hereby requested to abandon the following sections of
Route 642, all of which sections are shown in RED on Map of this r~ute prepared by the Locat-
ing and Planning Division of the State Highway Department-dated October 2~, 15¢0, in Albe-
marle County,.Virginias
Section 1 - Old location of Rte. 642 from Sta. 4+10 looping generally south' east 0.08 mi., as shown on the plans of the above project, to
Sta. 7+40, , ~ ~Len~th 0.08 mi.
Section 2 - From Sra. 8+55 looping southeasterly 0.07 mi. to Sra. 1t+~5. ~
Section t - From Sra. 12+50 loo~in~ southeasterly 0.3? mi. to ~ta.28+4~. Lenmth 0.3? mi.
(Continued from Fags 37~)
From Sra.. 36-301ooping~ soa%heas%erly. 0.24 mt. fo..Sra. 48*45.
From Sra. 51-50 looping southeasterly 0.23 mi. to Sra. 62,80.
Section_ 6-.- From Sra. 64+45 looping southeasterly O.14. mi. to
Section ? - From Sra. '90*ff~ looping southeasterly 0.12 mi. to sra. 95,~0.
Length O. __ ._23. mi~
Len~t~ . p. 1~_. mi._
Length 0.12 mi..
Sec!ion 8.1- From.S~A'~~ 106+60. looping southeasterly 0,16 mi, to
Section 9 - From Sra. 26046~ looping southeasterly 0,8~ mi. to 8ta.262+90.
Sec}ion 1~ - FromSta. 264~30 looping southeasterly.O.32mi, to Sta.2?8,?O. Len-~h 0.~2 mi..
Section 1! - From Sta. 29?+20 looping southeasterly 0°03 mi. to $ta.298,20. Ler~th O.O~ mi.;
TOTA~..OF AI~ SECTIONS TO BE ..AB. ANDONEDm ...... leS1 mi.!
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following sections be added to the Sl¢ondary System of
Highways, wh?h sections are shown in ~REEN on Map of Route 642 prepared byLocating smd
Planning Divmsion of the State Highway Department dated October 23, 1940, in Albemarle Coumty
~t~- New location, From Sta. 4+10 southeast 0.06 mi. to Sta~ ?+40. ben~th .0.06 mi~
~ - From Sra. 8*55 southeast 0.06 mi. to Sra. 11+~. Length 0.06mi.
~ - From Sra. 12+~0 southeast 0.30 mi. to Sra. 28+45. Len~th_/:'O.~O mi~
~ - From Sra. 36+30 southeast 0.22 mi. to Sra. 48+45o Length. 0.22 mi!
Section 16 - From ~ta. ~1~0 southeast 0.21 mi. to Sfac ~2,80. Lenm}~ 0.2~ mil:
~ - From Sra. 6~+4~ southeast 0;13 mi. to Sra. 71+4~. Length 0.1~ mi.
-~ - From Sra. 90+~ southeast 0.0~ mi. to Sra. 9~+~0o ~e~th., 0.0~ mi.'
~_~ - From sra. 106+~0 southeast 0.16 mi, to ~tao 11~,2~. Length 0.~4 mi.
~.~ - From Sra. 260+6% southeast 0.04 mi. to Sra. 262,~0. Length _0~0~ mi_
Section 21 - From Sra. 26~+30 southeast .0.2? mi. to Sra. 2?8+?0. Len~th 0.27. ~i.
Section 22 - From Sta. 297+20 southeast 0.02 mi. to Sra. 298,20. Lenmth _0.02 mi.
Mr. E. V, ~alker, Commonwealth's Attorney,'presented a written report on the matter of
refunding $cottsvi!le District,s portion of the Charlottesville-Scottsville Road Bond~ Issue
dated May 1, 1921,and due May 1, 1941. This report was ordered filed. The Commonwealth's
Attorney was instructed 'to confer with Judge Smith concerning the proposed plan of re-issuing
these bonds and the entire issue being purchased by the other districts' sinking funds a~d
report further at the December, 1940, meeting.
The Commo~ea!th's Attorney submitted a repor~ on the powers of the Supervisors to
appoint a Board of Equalization, which report stated that he was of the opinion that this
was a judicial function-and that the Board should, therefore, be appointed by the Judge of
CirCuit Court.
The following ResolutiOns, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, Seconded by Mr.
~entry, were unanimouslyadopteds
WI~E~EAS, it is the opinionof this Board that there are in!qualities
in the assessed values of l~ad in Albemarle County,
WHEREAS, these inequalities ~an be corrected only by a Board of
I BE IT RESOLVED the Board of of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Judge of the Circuit Court be and is
hereby requested to appoint a Board of Equalization to consist of three mem-
bers to serve for the year
BE IT FURT~RRE, SOLVED that the Board of Equ~.lization be authorized
to sit-for one hundred twenty-five.days'and that the members thereof re-
ceive compensatio~ at the rate of six dollars per,day, plus an additiona~
allowance 0f'ffi~e"cents. per mile for travel in connection-with.their.official
The County Executive. was instructed to complete arrangements with Mr. John $. ~ise
for the division of'time of a Clerk between his office and that of theBOerd of Equalization
and repo~ back at the December, 1940, meeting.
The ¢o.umty Exe.cu~i~a~ ca!led~ the. Board, s attem~i~...tc.,,~th~ -.faci~-~that a. ~w~. ~A~t,- ~.. Been.
pa ssed. hy~ t~, 1~$0. S~es~,on,~. ~f. ~e...General-. As s~ly. w~,ch ~p~i~ed~a~i~ional-
the-~Dec~h~, .1~40, mee~i~.of this~.~B~.....rece~ea~iozs for
T~ f~Xlo~ag. ~.~,s..were p~es~ted ~d .o.~ered filed~
2. District ~me
~. University of Virgi~i~
Audit of the .Co~ty's re~s ~fo~ t.he ~ear e~ded. Ju~ ~0, 1~40, by~ T. Cole~_~ Andrews and
Comply,. was.. pres~t~ ~d ordered
Co~unicatie~ from t~ ~State DeD~ment ef High~ys, showing Final
Hig~y ~nds ~de By the 2omission for ~the year beg~niag ~uly 1,. 1541, was presented ~d
ordered, filed. -
~e.follo~ C~im agai~..~e Dog F~d were approved f~r
1. J. T, Henley,. Sheep killed by Dogs.
2. Mrs. Virginia Hicks~ T~rkeys killed.By D~gs,
. ~e Co~ttee. ati~d~ 2~: D~nve~ti~.~ef~the~L~gue ~ Virginia ~o.~ties at 01d Poi~
Com~o~.~onNo~ember 8thud 9th, ~r:epo~ed ~hat a ve~ inSt~etive meet~g ~s held.
The County Executive reperte~ that ar~ngements had been ~e to coordinate the ef-
fo~s of the Fa~ ~d Home Demonst~tien Depa~n~, which he felt ~uld work satisfactorily.
The County Executive ~fo~ed ~the Board t~t Mrs. Mabel D. McOraw, who has bee~ Case
Worker In Charge of the Depa~ment e~ Public Welfare, since Sept~ber, 1~$0, ~d submitted
~her resignation effective December 2~, 1~. Upo~ motion, duly ~de ~d seconded, the
County Executive ~s inst~cted to employ someone to se~e during the r~ainder of Miss
Sout~il's leave of absence.
01a~s agai~s~ the 0o~ty, ~o~t~g to $~6,6~8,~6, were .presented, ex~ined, ~d
allgwed and ordered certifie~ to the Director ef Finance for pa~ent and charged to the
8 ehool
Dog Tax
0rozat Fire District
Road Debt s
Charlcttesville District
Ivy Di.s~rict
Rivanna District
Samuel Miller District
Scottsville District
~hite Hall District
Commonwealth of Virginia
following f~ds:
Upon motion, the m~e~ing adjourned,
8~ .oo