HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-12-18 A regular meeting of the Board. of..Co~unty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
w~s held at the Office Building of the said County on the 18th..day. of December, 1950.
Presents Messrs. ~. M. Fray,. E. J. Ballard, P. N. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C.
Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. ,G.Roberts.
Absent.: ~ No~e.~
The following Officers were presents County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and
Minutes of the meetings of November 1~1950, and November 20, 1950, were read and
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Firmmce,.su~mitted a statement of expenses of the Depart-
ment of Finance £or the month of November, 1940~ one~third.~of which to be boPne by the
State. Upon molion~ duly made a~d seconded, th~',,s statement was examined, ver~£ied and ap-
Account :of ..the State Foreste. r for forest f. ire conirol, during the months of November
and December, 19~0, amounting to $8,00, was presented~and approved for payment.
The County Executive recommended the appointment of Miss Sue R. Gray as Acting Super-
intendent of Public ~elfare, effective December 26, 1940, at a salary of $12~.00 per month.
Upon .motion,_.duly made ~nd seconded., Miss Gray was unanimously appointed.
The County Executive reported, that Miss ~lenice Naylor, stenographer in the DePar~m. en'
of Public ~elfare,.had submitted her resignation, effective.January 1~, 1951. Upon motion,
duiy made and seconded, the County Executive was instructed to employ someone to fill this
A delegation-of dealers appeared and opposed the adoption of the proposed Ordinance
restricting the sale of Beer smd Wine.
The p~oposed O~dinance prohibiting the sale of Beer and Wine on Sunday was brought
up for consideration after Notice of Intentio~ to propose for passage having been published
according to law. Upon motion by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby Harris,
action on the proposed Ordinance .prohibiting the sale of Beer a~d Wine on Sunday was deferre~
until the next r~gular, ~anuary, 1951, meeting.
Upon motion by Dr. L. ~. Roberts, seconded by Mr. C~Purcell McCue, it was ordered
that Notice of Intention to propose for passage at the regular ~a~uary, 1951, meeting of
a~ 0rdi~ance prohibiting the sale of Wine on Sd~day be published according to law; Mr. E.
Ballard voting
The following Ordinance, whic~ was presented at the ~egular:.~No~Ber, 19~0, meeting
of the Board a~d~ p~blis,hed according te law, was adopted by the fotlowin~ recorded vote~
~cCue~ and Dr. L. ~. Roberts; Noes~ None~
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
COunty~that every person, firm or corporation shall, before commencing the
construction, repair or improvement of any building or structure located
within this County and permanently a~exed to the freehold, if the cost of
such construction, repair or improvement shall exceed the s~m of $~00.00,
obtain from the Director of Finance a permit in writing, signed by said
Director of Finance.. The Director of Finance shall issue such permits
when the same are ~equired, to every person who shall apply therefor and
shall describe, with reasonable certainty, the ki~d and character of the
work to be done. and the estimated costs thereof; and each such permit shall
state the matter so described.
~o foot, shall be charged for any such permit but any ~ person .~ who vio-
lates the 'Provi~ions of this ordinance shall be fined not exceeding $10.00
for a~y such an offense.
This ordinance shall be i~ full force and effect from the 1st day ~f
The Commonwealth:'s Attorney-reported further on the refunding of the Scettsville"~
~is%ri~-~Portion of the Charlottesville~Scottsvil-le Road Bonds due May 1, 1951. Upon mo-
ti,n, duly made a~d seconded, it was ordered that the pla~ which the Commonwealth's Attorney
co~.ctuffed~waS:~.proper be: £ollowed' after further i~%~udy by hiS~:-office,
A request from the-Mt. Zion~ Home. for. the relief of taxes was presented and the
County Executive~ waS. instructed to-advise ~t~, petitioner~ ~that.~ the .propert.~. wo~uld have to be
classified according~ to...law to~b~ relieved of taxes.
The f~ollowing Repor~..~s .were. pre.seated and ordered filedl:
1. County Executive.
2. University of Virginia Hospital..
B. Game Warden.
· The fol!~wing securi%ies were ordered purchased for the sinkin~ funds, upon appr~va!
ef the Judge ef .the..Circait.
$10,000.00Oity of Harrisonburg, .Virginia, ~ 2~ Re£unding Bonds dated January 1,
17%1, ~due..~.~anuar~y~l,~:.l?4~, at a Price of.
$10,000.00City of Harrisonburg, Virginia, 2~ Refunding Bonds dated Jan~ar2 1,
17%1, due January i, 17$8, at a price of. 10~..79.
~$%,000.00Madison County, Virginia, 2~ Refunding Bonds dated January 1,' 1~%1,
due January 1, 1~$?., at a price-ef
$1~.00Madison County, 'Virginia, 2~ Refunding Bonds dated January 1, 15¢1,
d~e January t, ~?$8, at a price of 10~.6~.
The matter of a ~ Map for Albemarle Oounty was discussed and upon motion, duly
made and seconded, a Committee, consisting of Messrs. ¢. Purcell McOue~and P. H.Oentry and
the Oounty Executive, was appointed to investigate the matter and report back.
The County Executive reported that it did not appear advisable to attempt t° provide
a farm for prisoners at this time; ~he~efore, further investigation appeared unnecessary.
Upon motion, duly made.and seconded, the 0ounty Executive's report was accepted.
The County Executive reported that arrangements had been made with Mr, John So Wise
to divide equally the c~st of the services of a stenographer between his office and the
Board of E~ualization and recommended that the Budget for the current year be amended to
provide for the expenses of this Board.
Upon m~%io~, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was adopted by the
following~recorded votel Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Oentry, H. Ashby
Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. 0. Roberts; Nees~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Ocunty,
Virginia, that the Budget for the year ending June BO, 1?¢1, be amended as
~79 U~appropriated Reserve
T~?AL $1,~00.00
100 Compensation of Board Members $1~,12~.00
I~ Compensation of Secretary 180.00
218 Telephone and Telegraph
220 Traveling Expenses 100.00
Sl~ Stationery, Printed Forms, etc. 80..~0Q
Pursuant to instructions, the County Executive presented the following report,
bearing on the collection of delinquent land taxes, which~ report was adopted by the following
recorded votes Ayess Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H-. Oentry, H. Ashby Harris,
and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. 0. Roberts; Noes~ Nones
December 11, 1940
To the Members of the Board of 0ounty Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia.
At your November, 1~40, meeting I was instructed to submit to you
recommendations which would provide for the collection of delinquent real
~.~tst~ 2axes on a systematic basis.
Chapter 31~' of the Acts of Assembly of 194o amends and re-enacts
certain sections of the Code of Virginia which relate to delinquent ~eal
estate. Sec%ion 2~03 (1~ Acts, page 339) p~vides an. additio~l r~edy
for the collection of .these taxes by the sale of the real estate after the
real estate has been s~14~t~ the Oe~onwealth~ f~r a peri~ ef~hree years.
~is section authorizes ~ ~Board ~ C.o~t~ Bupe~isors ~ ~ploy an attor-
ney either on a fee ~r ~1~~ ba~s ~d ~ong other thugs the attorney
when ~pl~yed is required tobring suit which will lead.~t~ t~. collection
~f the t~es~ ~ke ceftin repo~s to-the Board, taEe t~.~necessary steps
to remove fromthe land books ~d which~es not. exist, collect and de- .
posit ~to the Co~ty Treasury such fees as the Court may allow ~d act as
Reference Oo~issioner as well asattorney for t~ Co~t[~.
The Commonwealth"s Attorney has- informed me verbally that he is of
the opinion that the provision which permits the sams ~ individual to represent'
the County to also act as Reference Commissioner is unconstitutional.
believe this is the ra~her general opinion of other attorneys at the bar.
It is~ therefore, recommended that an attorney be employed to devote
a major portion of his time to this work with the understanding that he will
proceed as is provided by Section ,¢03 of the Tax Code cf..Virginia but that
all of the provisions of Section 2503 of the Code of Virginia as Amended
be embodied in an agreement with this ~ttorney, except that the Court in
each ,instance will appoint someone else to act as Reference Co~nissioner;
such agreement to provide for employment during the year 1941, at the end
of whi&period you will be in a better position to determine upon what
terms the work may be continued.
I wish to submit the following recommendations=
That someone be authorized to purchase this property at public sale
when, as, and if it is .necessary to protect the County's interests;
That Mr. Stuart F. Head be employed upon the following terms and
conditions s_
1. He is to devote at least ?5% of his time to this work.
2. He is 'to follow the pr~ cedure provided for by Section
'2~O~:.of.~the C.ode of .Virgimia, as Amended.
He is to collect all fees which the Court allows in each
suit ~and d~posi% .them in the Cou~..,ty T~easury,
The County is to' guarantee him:a, salary.~of ~?~.00 per
month and furnish him with stenographic~assistance~
office supplies, and office space,~ as well as provision
for travel in connection with. his work throughout the
~f-at the end of:the year'~the fees.:~received exceed $~00.00,
he is' to be paid the difference be~ween~the fees received'
(excluSive of fees allowed ~_}i-cases where t~e County is the
purchaser.of.the proper~y) and the guaranteed salary of
$~00~00. If .his compensation amounts to as much as $1,500o00
during the year, then before a final settlement is made, de-
duction is. to be made for any amounts paid to Reference Com-
missioners in cases where the County is the purchaser cf the
property. If his fees exceed $2,000,00 per year, so much of
that excess as may be necessary shall be applied to allowance
which has.been.made for travel.
That the Budget for the year ending JuneS0, 194t~ ~e amended to pro-
vide for the:following estimated expensess
102 ~Compensation of Attorney-
109 .Compensation of ~tenographer
31~ Stationery, Prin~ed Forms, etc.
Respectfully submitted,
County Executive
The Directo-~. of. Fi~, nee reported that. following the. first of-Decemh.er, .1~40:~ the .amoun~
tof securities.deposited ~y-the National Bank and Trust Company a~d the Peoples-National Bank
to secure the. County's deposits was inadequate;therefore, these' banMs had been requested to
ldeposit additional securities, the ~fcllcwing bonds having been deposite~ for this purpose~
~ational Bank. and Tr~_st Com~anT=
$5,000.00 U. S. Treasury Note 1 1/~ of Dec. l~th, 1943,
Number ?464with 6/15/41 and s.c.a.
$5,000..00 U. $. Treasury Bpnd 2 1/~ of 6/15/56, ~umber
,,, 7162B with 6/15/41 and
$10,000.00 Total.
(Continued on Page 378)
:Peoples. Natio~.l Bamk~
$~,000.00 The Rect~-.a~d~isitors 'of ~the .U. of ~Va. Hospital 4~
Bonds ,dated_Jan~ry, 1.193~. due, ~ry.~ 1.~ ~9~3,
NOS. 21/2~ at $1,000.
~,000.~0 The Rector ~.~.~isitors of the U.
Bonds dated Janua~ 1, 19~ d~e ~an~ry
Mos. 26/~0 at $1,000.
~,~0~00 ~a.Rector and~Visi~r~ of the U.:.of
B~nds dated Jan~ry 1, 19~, due ~anu~
Nos. 3~35 a% $1,000. e~ch.
~,~0.~0 ~e Rec~o~ ~an~ .Visi~s of ~ U. of
Bonds ~ted J~ry 1, 193~, due
Nos. 41/~5 at $1,000. each.
~,O00.O0..~e Rector and Visitors of the U. of
Bonds dated. Jan~ry 1, 1~35~, due J~ry 1, 194~,
Nos. 46/~0 at $1,000. e~ch.
~,000.00 ~e Rector ~d .Visitors of ~ U._~of.
Bonds ~ate4 ~an~ 1, 1735, due J~ry 1,
Nos. ~1/~ at $1,000. each. '
$30~000.00 Total.
The following Resolution,~offered~'B~-Dr~L.~G; Roberts, seconded by Mr,'P. H. Gentry,
was unanimously adopted~
BE IT REBOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of.Albemarle
CountY, Virginia, that the action of the Director of Finance in re-
quiring the National Bank and Trust Company and the Peoples National
Bank to deposit additional securities be and is hereby approved.
Suggestion having been made that it would be wise to repeal an Ordinance adopted on
September 20, 1939, which relieves a Ca.rnival of County License when exhibiting in con-
nection with a 0ounty Fair, it was, therefore, ordered that notice of intention to propose
for passage at the regular January, 1941, meeting of this Board an Ordinance which would
repeal said Ordinance adopted on September 20, 1~39, be published according to law.
The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. ~. Roberts, seconded by Mr. H. Ashby
Harris, was unanimously adopted~
V~REAS, the Roads Committee of.' the Chamber of Commerce' has suggested
that in the~even% %heHi~hwa¥ Department has: difficulty in..securing rights-of-
way to improve Route 240 and Route~ 2~0, ~hat 2he $80,000,00. allocated by tho
~ghway Commission ~o maintain a Oonvict~'0Smp on:one of these routes be trans-
fer-red to Route. 230~ and ....
~EREAS, it is.thesense.of this Boa~d. that smch-suggestion is wise,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by.theB~ard o£¢ounty Supervisors of
Albemarle ~ounty, Virginia, that ~he Highway.0ommissi~n be and is hereby
quos%ed to act favo~bly upon the request of the Roads 0ommittee of the Cha~-
te%%e~ville,~n~ Albemarle C_bamber of Commerce.
Claims against the'County, amounting to $109,332.82, were presented, examined, and
allowed and ordered certified to the Director of Fin~ace for payment and charged against the
fOllowing funds ~
General ~
Dog Tax
Crozet Fire District
Road Debt~
Charlottesville District
Ivy District
~S~m~el Miller District
Scottsville District
~Thite Hall District
H, A. Haden, Director of Finance,
Revolving Fund Account
Commonwealth of Virginia
, 100.00
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.