HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-15 A regular..meeting..of..th~ 2oar,,d,~,o~..~Ce~.t~, Sup. e~iso~rs-.,,of.,. Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office BUilding of the said. County 'on the.~ihday of January,
Prese~t~, ....... ilessrso.:~.....M,o. Fray,. E.. ~...Ballard~.P. Ho ~en%ry, H. Ashby Harris, and
C. Pur. cel~ ilcCue., .an&Dr. ~Lo,,G. Roberts~ ~'
Absant~ .......Nons.
0ffic~_~$ Present ~ C~mn~y Executive an~..Commonwealth'~ s A~torney.
The._Boa~d,~,~as~.Called-.~o~,~orde~.,-and~,n~mo~ion,--duly ma~e and seconded, Mr. C. Purcell
M c~ua wa s: n~snimo ualy,.., ei~d~i~empo~- O hai~man.
TheTemparary~ C, hairman, taok~ the~,..Chair.and called_for~-.~nomin~%iens., for the.. Chairman of
the Board.. Mr..~-.J. ,M.-Eray. was .nominatad. by Dr'*-L, G,.~ Roberts _and .unanimously elected
Chairman. of the_Board..fo= ,,-tho .year l~41.-
The..Chat~than-oalled.for.aominations..for .Vice .Chairman ..... Mr. P. H, ~sntry was
nominated by. -Mr .. E. ~. :.Ballard- .and...~animously.. elected..,~iCe..C.hairman.~fo.~- the year 19
The Chairman ~hen s~nounced, the . .appointment .:. of . the.following to. compo.se~the ~Finanoe
Committee for the year 1~41~ Messrs. C. Purcell McCue,,-Chairman, a~d P. H. Gentry and Dr.
L. [8. Roberts.
Minutes of the meeting of December 18, 1940~ were read an~. approved.
A group of citizens, favoring ..the- enactment, of~ .an..ardinance., prohibiting the sable of
Beer and Wine on Sunday, appeared, as well as.a.-~roup opposing the adoption of such au Ordi-
nance. Following a lengthy discussi~n of the matter, Mr. E. J. Ballard moved the adoption
of the following Ordinance, which was seconded'~by Mr. P. H. ~entry, and adopted~
BE IT oRDAI~D by the Board 'of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, ~ha~the sale of Beer and wine between the hours of 12 O'clock
pest meridian of each Saturday and $ 0' clock ante-meridian of each Monday
is prohibited and it shall be unlawful for any person holding licenses to
sell wine, beer and beverages, or one or more of such er to per, mi% the
cons~ap%ion of either Wine, beer or beverages upon the premises mentioned
in said license.
Any'person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less
than $10.00 and not more than..$500.O0, or by confinement in Jail not less
than ten days and not more than twelve months, or both,
The provision of. this ordinance shall be in full force and. effect
en and after the 15th day of February, 1941. /
0RIZED BY THE ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1~40, po 2~", after having been published ac-
cording to law, was brought up for further consideration. Mr. J. M. Fray, Chairman, request-
ed the ViCe Chairman to take the Chair. Mr. J. M. Fray moved the adoption of %hfs 0rdinanee
which motion was lost.
A request was received from a Committee of the Grozet Lions Club that the Board take
the necessary steps to cooperate with the State Highway Department in the construction cf a
sidewalk along Route 2~0 frc~ Sandridge's Filling Station at Crozet to a point opposite the
Cro~et Cold Storage. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was
WHEREAS, a ~mmittee~fr~m the Orozet,~.Lioms.,Clubhasrequssted
this Board to cooperate with the State Department of Highways in the
construction of a Sidewalk along Route 2~0 from '
Sandridge s Filling
Station at Crozet ~to a point opposite the Crozet Cold Storage, and
WHEREAS, i~ is the sense of.this Board that this section
highway is very dangerous for the use'of pedestrians, and
WHEREAS, a survey will. be necessary to determine the cost of
rights-of-way, construction, etc.,
~0W, THEREFORE, BE IT I~SOLVED by the Board of County Super-
visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Department of
Highways be an~ i~ hereby ~equcsted to make the necessary survey~and
prepare an appli.~a%ien::fo~'~a'!~,~P~,~A~,:PreJec~oc~Verfng ~thiS w~r,k and
submit same .%o"t-ht.~Board for further eonei~erat~bn.
State. Upon...mo~i~n~ ~ul~ made.and :seconded, this.-statemen% .was.examined,. retried and.apl?
The following..Reports :.were presented end Ordered filed~'
1. County
3- Dis~ric~
U~versi~y of Virginia
De~ent of Fa~ ~d Home Demon~tien (A~I}.
~AS~ there are ~y miles of.'~improved Sec,ada~ 'Roads
~AS, .the Convict C~p which..~a .been .~.~ted ~ .this
~y Co~issio~r,-.-.~ ad is-~reby, ~quested ~. a~ign a Seco.nda~
Highly Convict C~p to ~hi~ Co~ty for ihs year beginn~n~ ~y 1,
no% ~% would Be ~11[~ to assig~ ~1I L~%e~ F~d Notes due on or Before J~uar7 1, 1948,
to the Co~ty of Albe~rle upon ~en% of the-principal.'~ ~te~st to date of
If the reply is in the affi~tive, the Oo~nwealt'h~s Attorney is requested to prepa~
order authorizing the purchase of these ~eeuritias to be submitted to the 0ireuit CouP. A
fall repo~ on the entire ~tter is .to be ~de at the reg~ Februa~, 19~I, meetizg.
~r. E.V. ~alker, 0om0nw~lth's Attorney, reposed ~hat i% ap~ared best. to 'ref~d
that portion of the 0harloitesville-Seottsville Issue of Road Bo~s wlioh is o~d by
Seottsville District on May 1, 1~1. '~.U~n ~iion, duly mdc ~d seconded, the 0o~enwealth's
~%to~ey was i~s~raoted to pre~e the necessary papers %o pro,de for t~s refuting.
0~icat$.ns from the O~pensation Board, sho~ng all~oes for the offioes of
=o~o~eal%h's~ Atio~ey aad the Ddpa~eni of Fi~ce for the o~endar year 1941, were
presented ~d ordered filed.
The Board~ attention ~s called, to the fa=t t~t ai the Dee~ber, 1940, meeting when
m atto~ey-~s employed to collect delinquent l~d t~es, no individ~l ~d been desi~ated
to bid at public s~e to p~teot t~ 0o~ty~s interests. Upoa ~tion, duly~ ~e ~d seconded
~he floury Executive ~s desig~ted ~o bid in suoh ~ner as in his opinion would protect
the 0o~ty~s interes%s at these sales of la~d ~o cotleot ~linquent t~es.
OleOs against the 0o~ty, ~%~g to $~2,2~8~, we~ presented, e~ined, and
~llowed ~d o~ered codified to the Director of Fi~noe for ~ent ~d eh~ged aga~si the
following fuadss
~enex~al :,- :
Bog Tax
Cre. zet Fire District
Rivanna District Road Debt
Deferred Debits and Credits A/C
Oo~ormealth of Virgin~
$52, ~o?.8~.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.