HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-19A .regUlar meeting of, .the~.Board of County ,~uperviscrs.~o£.,,Alh~narle: C~unty,. Virginia, was.-, held..at~ tha~,affAce...Buildin~. ,of~..,the, said, . County on the l~th day ef February, - l~tl. Presentt Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J.. Ballard,'P...H..G. entry,..H.A.shbyHarri$, and .C'. PUrcell McOue. Absents D~.~ L.~,.~ Robe~%s' Officers present:. County E.x~cutive~.and.Commonwealth!s At~orn~yj Minutes of the.meeting Qf ~anuary 15.,19~41,~-were r.~eadand.aPproved. Mr. JohnG, Yancey, Justice.~. the Peace,.,appe~ed.and presanted.-cl~im foradditional fees' in compaction withlLunacy Commissions, This matter was referred to thelOommonw~alth's A%torneywith the 'request 'that he provide the Board with his opinion as to the proper fees to_ be paid. A communication from the Child Welfare Associa~ion, reque-sting increase' in appropria- tiontothis organization, from.$5~,O0 %o..$100.00, was.presanted. Up~n.motioa, duly made and..seoonded, thefollo~ing resolution~.was.ad~pt~d,.by t~he.,fo.ll~wing..necordedvote~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J.. Baltard, P.. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C, Purcell McCue; Noe$~ Nonet BE IT RESOLVED by the Boar~ of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Budget far ihs year end- ing ~une 30, 19~1, be amended so as to provide rotan approp- riation o~ $100,o00 ~.the Child.~elfare Association. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McOue, duly seconded, was unani- mously adopteds wHEREAS, there stands upon the delinquent lists of Albe- marle ~oun~y a tract of land containing 2 5/Sacres in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District, standing in the name of E. D. Bcaz Estate, the taxes on?saidland being delinquent fQr'the year 1~18; and WHEREAS,,By deed dated June 24, 1~18, admitted to record August 12, 1918, in t~he Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, R. A. ~atson, Special Commissioner, conveyed the Said property to trustees of the'.Covesville Presbyteri~u Church; and W~EREAS, the Covesville Presbyterian.Church desires to pay :the ,~axes cha~geable' against it aforesaid an~ has cause to be for- warded to the Clerk of the Circuit ~eurt of Albemarle County a check in the amount ef $?~'which amount'is one half the total taxes~'in- cluding interest, penalties, and-~h~ges returned delinquent as afore- said; and WHE~AS, the Board of County Supervisors ef Albemarle Oo~u~ty desires to release the lien against said land and exonerate it f~m taxation so long as it is used for purposes of a religious society, NOW, ~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Super- visors of Albemarle County that in consideration of the payment 2~ the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Albemarle CountY by the Covesville Presbyterian Church of $?.5~, the lien for taxes including interest, penalties,and charges assessed against a tract of land containing 2 5/8 acres of land standing in the name of E. D. Boaz~Estate for the year l$18is..hereby released. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed~ 1. County Executive. 2. University of Virginia Hospital. ~. 'Game~arden. The Committee, appointed at the previous meeting to con~ider the advisability of pre- paring a Tax Map of Albemarle County, reported that after a thorough inve~tigatio~ of the matter, it was of the opinion that the work should be done and recommended that same be authorized. Upo~ motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was adopted by ~he following recorded vo~e~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. Jo Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris,: and.:'C. Purcell McCue; Noes~ None~ ~AS, the locatin~ of property shown on. the tax books of Albemarle CoUnty is extre~iy difficult in many cases and impossible in others with the available records, and ~AS, it appears that the preparation of a Tax Map WOuld be ~e of great value to those responsible for the enforcement of the NOW, TBERF~.-FORE,...BE.~ IT RESOLVED.. by ,the_Board. of. CoUn%y~ Super~iSors.c~l~-Albemarle Go.u~t¥.,. Virginia, ~hat-. the County Executive ,ha_and-£s..-her~by. autho.rized and. directed ~o make,an application to the ~ork Projects Administration for .a project covering theL~preparatior~, o£-.a. Tax -,Map . for Albemarle County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an appropria~tion of $4,058..00, or as much thereof as may be nece'ssary~, be and is hereby made for t~his, pu~po se, Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement, of expenses o~f the Depart- sent of Finance for .the month-of January% 1941,. one--third, of which to-.be.borne by-the State Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this. statement was examined, verified, and approved. The County Executive reported that .he had con~unicated with. the State.Board:, of Educa- tion concerning the assignment Of.r.nOtes held.~by .the Literary .F.und. to the County f.c~. 2he bene- fit of the several debt. fu~ds-.-upen~ payment _of the principal and interest and had been advised that the State Bea~ of Education could~ not~ assign the notes, Claims against the Dog, ~und of Mrs. J. F. Tuel far turkeys killed ,by dogs were ap- proved for payment. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded, was unani- mously adopted~ WHEREAS, the following Report .of. Stuart F.'Head, Delinquent Tax Attorney, Albemarle.Ooun~y.,.has_.thisda~ been presented, to,his B.oard~ I hereby certify t~t the. following .tracts.of land standing on the land books of Albemarle COUnty as delinquent for the years indicated below are emneously returned delinquent for the reasons hereafter stated; 1. A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SCOTTSVILLE ~AGISTERIAL DISTRICT CONTAINING 159 ACRES STANDING IN T~E NA~E OF WILLIAM H~. ALEXANDER., RETURNED DELINQUEI~T FOR William H. Alexander was not assessed with any such tract in-1915, W.H. Amiss whose name immediately preceded Alexanders on the land books was assessed with a 159 acre tract. This error was obviously made through a contra~tion of the two names. 2. A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 2 AGREe SITUATED IN THE SAk~EL MILLER MAGIS- TERIAL DISTRICT-STANDING IN THE NAME OF RICHARD BEVERLY 1)EEINQUENT FOR THE TEAR 192~-1924-192~. This error was caused by an erroneous transfe~ in 1923, E. S. BaberBOught 2 acres of landin the Samuel'Miller Magisterial District and when the trans- for was made the land appeared in the name of Richard Beverly instead of Baber. Three years later this error was corrected amd the land books now show. the true facts. 3- A TRACT OF LAND IN THE RIVANNA ~A~ISTERIAL DISTRICT CONTAINING 100 ACRES STANDING IN THE NAME OF FRANK M. BOSTON DELINQUENT FOR THE YEARS 1919-1920. BoSton purchased this land February 1918 from George Walker, Commissioner, and resold it February 20, 1918 to the Georgia Industrial Realty Oo~pa~.y. The land appeared iz the'name of the Georgia Industrial Realty Company on the land books of Albemarle County for the.year 1919 and also appeared in the name of FranMBoston until 1920. This is an erroneous double assessment, 4. A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 50 ACRES SITUATED IN THE WHITE HALL MAGISTERIAL D~TRICT STANDI~D IN TBE NAME OF N. BARKSDALEESTATE DELINQUENT FOR THE YEARS 191~-I$2g INCLUSIVE. This land obviously does not exist. Nelson Barksdale's Estate was settled during the years immediately preceding 1872. He owned a number of tracts of land-and after his death his executor sold all the land he had, There was never a conveyance from his estate of a single tract containing ~0 acres,~ although, there was on the land books such a single tract, In 1871 this ~0 acres appeared on the land books with the marginal notation made by the assessor that this land could not be found. This same notation was made in 18?2~with the further remark that the land was being carried over fr~m the land books for the preceding years. This land subsequently appeared on the land books of Albemarle County until 192~ at which time it was dropped alto- gether. Because of the vague description in some of these deeds which are very old I have had difficulty in attempting to determine whether or not the ~0 acres had been sold. As a last resort I added the estimated acreage ~f all the tracts which were conueyed off after Nelson Barksdale's death and com- pared this total with the total acreage in Bark~dale's name before he died. The difference between these two figures was, 20 acres. It is negligible when compared with the total which was 4,14~.88 acres. This difference could have easily been made in'the estimates of any one or all of the deeds above re- ferred to.. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND THIS 4TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1941- (Signed)_ STUART F~ HEP~ Tax Attorney ~HEREAS, .it. is....the.~ e~pinion..of this..Boa~d..that...-the. Re~ort. is...corr, ec%, NOW, T~~, BE IT ~.L~D ~y the Board of C,~unty Supervisors of Albe~le County, Virginia, ~t.-the Cl~k of .this Bo~d b.e. and is hereby authorized ~d. directed to f~nish. ~ Clerk of ~the~Circuit .Court-~d the Director of Fi~ce a certified copy of ~his Resolution and each of these off~s be ~dis hereb[ directed to co~rec~ his records accordingly. Co~ication from Horace O. Miller, Secretary, Co~ty Advisory Bo~d, ~s p~sented ~and o~ered filed. A cla~ ~s sub, fred by S. O. Day, Jr., Assistant ~omptroller of the State of Vir- g~ia, ~o~ti~g to $257.33, covering cr~i~l costs erroneously c~rged to ~d~.paid by the Co~0nwe~!th during the calen~r year 1938, as ~dicated by the Auditor cf Public Accounts in his repo~ te the ~ove~or of V~rgi~ie, dated Janua~ 15, copy of which ~s fo~rded to the Sheriff and the Clerk of the Board of Co~ty:Supervisors, was presented and ~ordered A copy of the Order of the~ Circuit Cc~ of~J~ry 2~,-19~1, appointing m~bers of the Board of Eq~lizat~n,~s presented ~d ordered filed. Co~i~ti~ from Mr. H..~..~hirley, Hi,way ~o~issioner,. acknowledging receipt of the Board's request for assig~ent, of Convict C~p in this co~ty for the year beginni~ July 1, 1~1, ~s presented ~d ordered filed. The report of Mr. L. McCa~hy Do~s, Auditor o~ Public Acco~ts, on the ex~ination of the accounts end records of the Sheriff's office for the calendar year 1~38 wes presented and ordered filed. ~e ~tter of cla~ against. Mr. ~.S2ua~ H~, flower Treas~er, ~s ag~n brought to the attention of the Board. The 'County Executive was a~horized ~d directed to advise Mr. ~ that unless the matter ~s sa$isfactorily settled would be necessary to refer the matter to the Bond~g Company or to the C°~onwealth's After. ~eye I% ~s o~ered that the ~te of interest on the Seottsville District Bonds ~o be re- T~ded as of M~y 1, 19~1, and sold to the other road debt f~ds be f~ed at 1~ per a~. ~e Co~ty Executive submitted a ProposedBudget for the year beginning July 1, 19~1. It.~s ordered that a ~y~opsis of t~is Pr~poeedBudget be published according to 1aw and that March 19, 1941, at 9~30 A. N., be fixed as the date for Pwblic Hearing on s~e. Mr. 0. H. Page, Chief of the Charlottesville Volunteer Fire Company, requested that th Bo~d adopts-5 an 0rdin~ce which wo~ld prevent the storage, sale, ~d use of fire works at any point in Albemarle County. Mr. E. L. Jones also appears, that the size be regulated. This n~ and oppose~ the prohibition of fire works, but s.uggested .tter w~s taken under advisement. Communication from Mr. W. W. Head, concerning the Ordinance prohibiting the sale of Beer and Wine on Sunda~was presented and ordered filed. It was brought to the a%tenti meeting concerning the Budget for t~ authorized and directed to arrange on of th~s Board that the School Board.desired a joint e year beginning July 1, 1941, The County Executive was or this meeting and notify th~ members of the date de- cided upon. A request was received-from the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, of Charlottesville, Virginia, reexchange some of the securities which said Bank had deposite~ in Escrow to pro- tact the 0ounty's deposits. Uponmotion, duiymade and s~conded, the following Resolution was Unanimously adopted, BE IT RESOLVED by the County, Virgiaia, that the 0~ lottesville, Virginia, be ani ing exchange of securities dE Charlottesville, Virginia, i~ Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle ~izens Bank and Trust Company, of Char- is hereby authorized to make the follow- ~posited with the Peoples National Bank, of Escrow to protect the County's deposits in the 0iti~ns~Bank amd Trust Company~ $1,000.00-H. ~,..smd Ruby R.-.James 6% Bonds due 8/18/43. $!,000.00 !iBermard A. '.Ooles 1st Mtge. 6% Bend dated 1/21/$1, 4,00,0.00 ,~i=o~ CO.~-Va,.., Sam~ Dist~...~.o. ~ ~ter Works, series "A" 2.2~ Bonds maturing, on 11/1/~9. ~,000.00 KO,bridge, Va., Water ~d Sewer ~ Bonds due 3/1/5~. ' ' It was 'brought to the attention of. the Board that the Peoples National Bank, a County Depository, .~s- deposited_with the~ Chase .National. Bank, of. New York, New. York, in Escrow securities to...prot, ect~ihe-County's dope.sits in. the. said Peoples National Bank. However, the law requires that the E~crow..Bamk~be located within..the Commonwealth of Virginia. Uponmotion~ duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Peoples National Bank, of Charlottesville, Virginia, has previously boca-selected by .this Boar~ as .a Depository for CoUnty Funds, and WHEREAS, thePeop!es Natio.nalBaak hassuhmitted-tothisBoard a list of securities which it is willing to deposit with the National Bank and Trust Company, of Charlottesville, Virginia, in Escrow to protect the County's posits with.%he_saidPeoplesNational.Bank,. NOW, THE~EFORE, BE IT BESOLVED by the Boardof County Supervisors of Albemarle Co~ty, Virginia, that the following Securities be accepted and de- posited in Escrow with the ~ational Beak and Trust Company, of Charlottesville, Virginia: $10,OG0~ Co~z~ty of Nottoway, Town of Burkeville, Va., Water Bond $1,000 due ~/1/$2 beingbond No. 6 1,000 due ~1/4~ being Bond No. ? 1,000 due ~1/44 being bond No. 8 1,000 due ~/1/~ being bond No. 9 1,O00 due 5~l/46-being bond~.No. 10 ~00 due ~l/46. b~ing bond No. 11 1,000 due. 5/~'/4? being.bond No. 12 500 due.5~l/4? being Bond No. 13 1,000 due 5~1./48 being Bond No. 14 500 due 5~!/48 being bond No. 15 1,000 due 5~!/¢$ being Bond No. 16 500 'due 5/1/45 being Bond No. 17, all with 5/1/41 and subsequent coupons attached, together with legal opinion. ~,000 BrunswiCk ~°untY, .Va. Road Bond .'5~ due ?/1/42 being Bonds Nos, ~2,'&'95 for$1,O00 each with 7/1741 and subsequent coupons attached, together with legal opinion. 1,000 County of Brunswick, Va. Totaro Magisterial District Road Bond 5% due 9/1/45 being Bond No. 48, with 3/1/41 and subsequent coupons at- tached, together with.legal opinion. 1,000 County of Brunswick,. Va. Powellton Magisterial DiStrict Road Bond ~% due 9/1/45 being Bo~d No. 83, with 3/1/41 and subsequent coupons at- tached, together with legal opinion. 1,000 County of Brunswick, Va. Powellton Magisterial District Road Bond5% due 9/1/46 being Bond No. 84, with 3/1/41 & subsequent coupons at- tached. 1,000 BrunswiCk'County; Va. Road Bond 5~% due ?/1/43 being Bond No. 101, ~ith 7/1/41 and subsequent coupons attached, together with legal opinion. 1,000 Brunswick County, Va. Meher~in Magisterial ~istrict Road Bond ~% due 1/1/46 being Bond No. 61, with 7/1/41 and subsequent coupons at- tached, together with legal opinion. 2,000 Brunswick County, Va. Meherrin Magisterial District Road Bonds 5% due 1/1/48 with 7/1/41 & subsequent coupons attached, being Bonds Nos. 68 & 69 for $1,000 each, together with legal opinion. 1,000 Town of Chatham, Va. Water Bond 5½% due 1/1/54-44, being Bond No. 33 with ?/1/41 & subsequent coupons attached, together with legal opin- ion. 5,000 Lee County, Va. 1926 Rocky Station District Road Bonds 5~-% due 8/1/41 being bonds Nos. 64, 67, 68, 69 & ?0 for $1,000 each with 8/1/$1 cou- pons attached, together with legal opinion. 1,000 County of Chesterfield, Bermuda School District School Building Bond %~ due 4/1/44 BeinE Bond No. 29 with ~/1/4! & subsequent coupons~ at- tached, together with legal opinion. 2,000 County of Lee, Va. ~% due 1/~/SB~ $1,000 Road Improvement Bond Rose Hill Magisterial District being Bond No. 46. $1,000 Road Improvement Bond Rocky Station Magisterial District being bond No. 29, both with ?/1/%1 & subsequent coupoms attached, together with legal opinion. 1,O~0 ~ounty of Lee, Va. White ShoalS Magisterial District, Road & Bridge Bond 6% due 9/1/42, being Bond No. 9, with B/1/SL & subsequent cou- pons attached, ~ogether with legal opinion. 2,000 County of Lee, Va. White Shoals Magisterial District Road & Brid~e 6% Bonds, $1,000 due 2/1/42 being Bond No. 9 & $1,O00 due 2/1/43 being Bond No. 10, both with 8/1/41 & subsequent ooupons attached, gerber with legal opinion. 1,000 Lee County, Va. 1927 Yokum Station District Road Bond 6% due ?/1/42, being Bond No. 14, with ?/1/41 & subsequent coupons attached, to- gether with legal opinion. 3,000- Lee County, Va. 1922 Yokum StationDistrict Road Bonds 53/4% dme $ ,000 - 5Z1 42 being Bond No. 2?; $1,000 - 5/1/43 bein Bond No. 28 ~1,000 ' 5/1/43 being Bond No. 29, all with 5/1/41.&..subsequent cou- pons attached, together with legal opinion. 1,000 City of Norfolk, Va. 4~% Appropriation Bond Issue No..Il? due 5/1/45 being Bond No~ 82, With 5/1/41 & subsequent..coupons attached, to- gether with legal opinion. 2,000 TOwn of Sou%hBoston, Va. Improvement & Funding 5~ Bonds due 2/1/42 being Bonds Nos~ 16 & 17 for $1,000 each, with 8/2/41 & Subsequent coupons attached, together withlegal opinion. 2,000 Town of Warrenton, Va. Water Bonds 5~ due 8/1/51, being Bonds Nos. 29 & 30 for $1,000 each, 'with 8/1/41 & subsequent coupons attached, togetherwith legal opinion. 4,000 Town of Warrenton, Va. Sewer Bonds 5% due 60 - 63 inclusive for $1,000 each, with 6/1/%1 & subseq~e~$ coupons attached,~ together with legal opinion. 3,000 The Recto~ & Visitors ortho University of Virginia, Library Revenue Bonds 3~/4% due 8/1/49, being Bonds Nos. 161, 162, & 163 for $1,000 each~ wl%hS/1/41 a subsequent coupons attached, together with legal epiniGn.. 2,000 University of Virginia First Mortgage 4%Bonds due 11~1/46~, being Bonds Nos. 4, 5, 328 & 286 for $50G.00 each, with 5/1/41 a subsequent coupons a~tached. BE IT FURTH~t RESOLVED that. the Chairman of this Board be and is hereby authorized and directed te execute an Escrow Agreement between the Director of Finance of Albemarle County, ~he Peoples National Bank, the Depository, the National Bank and Trust Company, the Escrow Bank, and this Board, cover- ing the deposit of the above listed securities. The following ResolUtion was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, an Agreement has been executed by and between the Director of Finance of Albemarle County, the Peoples National Bank:, of Charlottesville, Virginia, the Depository, and the National Bank and Trust Company,-of Char- l~ttesville, Virginia, the Escrow Bank, and this Board covering the deposit of securities to protect the County's deposits in the said Peoples National Bank, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County:, Virginia, that the Agreement previously executed with-the Chase National Bank of New York, New York, as Escrow Bank be and the same is hereby cancelled. The foll~wing Resolution was unanimously adopted~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County ~Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia, that the State Highway 0ommission be and is hereby requested to take into the Secondary System of Highways the following section of road formerly a part of Rou~e 250, which is shown in RED on Map of this Route prepared by the Locating and Planning Division of the State Highway Depa~t- me~t dated December 10, 1940, in Albemarle County, Virginia: Sect~o~ 1 - Old location from the new location at Station 176+50 northwest 1.32 miles to the Nelson County line, as shown on the plans of the above project. TOTAL OF~ SECTION ,TO BE. TAKEN INTO THE SEOONDARY SYS ~TEM: The ~ollowing Resolution was unanimously adopted: 1.42 Milgs, BE IT RESOLVED bY the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby reqUested to abandon the following sections of Romte 230, all of which sections are shown in YELLOW OhM ap of this route prepared by the ~cating and Planning Division of the State Highway Department dated December 17, !$40, in Albemarle County, Virginia: Section ~ - Old location of Rte. 230 from new location at Station 107+40 looping northwesterly 0.03 mi. to Station 108+90, as shown em the plans of the above project. LenEth'0.02. mi. Section2 - From Station ll0elO looping northwesterly 0.14 mi. to Station 116+55. Len~h_O.14 mi~ From Station 119+90 looping northwesterly 0.05 mi. to Station 122+45. Section 4 - From Station 123+50 looping northwesterly 0.30 mi. to Station 137+15. Length 0.30 mi. From Station 138+40 looping southerly 0.04 mi. to Station 140+2~. ~en th 0.04 Section__ 6 - From Station 171+85 looping northwesterly 0.12 mi. to Station 176+50. L~th_O.12 mi. TOTAL O._F_ ALL SECT,IONS TO BE ~ABANDOR~_D, ........... 0._68 Mi.~ The County Executive called the Board' s attention-, to~ the fact that. an.-ir~ate of the District Home from this County, Thomas Edward. Smith, was~ the_owner of .a piece ,of property in the Scottsville Distric2.. Upon.. motion, duly made ~nd. seconded.,--the..County Executive was instructed to secure a deed to this property andoffer it fo~sale.~ the best adv~utage. Claims against the County,. amounting ~to 964,?86,55, were presented, examined, 'and al- lowed and ordered certified to the Director of Financefor payment and charged against the following fund.ss General School Crozet Fire District Dog Tax Road Debt~ Charlottesville District Ivy Commonwealth ~of Virginia 9 7,626-`63 20,785,40 8~.73 21,14-8.75 5,829.67 Total 964,786.55. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ~/~.~~--~~/2--, Chairman. Pursuant to call~ the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met in special session at the Office Building of the said County on the llthday of March, P~esent~ Messrs. J. M..Fray, E, J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent~ None. Officers Presents"'County'Execu~ive and Commoawealth's Attorney. Claim for duma[es to automobile, amounting to 9~0.80, caused by d~livering patient to the State Colony at Lynchburgwhile off duty was prSsented by Mrs. Anne H~ Loving, ~ Case · orker in the ~elfare Department. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this 'claim was ap- proved for payment. The County Executive recommended Miss Vernel!e Morris as'an employee Sf the Department of Finance at a salary of 950.00 per month, effective March 1, 1941. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Miss Morris was appointed. Request was presented for appropriation to assist in securing Uniforms and Equipment for the local Company of the Virginia Protective Force. The following Resolution was ado,pted by the following recorded vote: Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, Po H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, ~ud Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Comuty, Virginia, that 9500.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of assisting in the put- chase of Uniforms and Equipment for the local Company of the Virginia Protective Force. The following ~e.qu~st'.was received fr~m the School Board of Albemarle County and upon motion, duly made and seconded, wae~by:unanimous'action~ granted~ WHEREAS ~hs School Board of Albemarle County has for several years tried to fix the salary of all teachers in the public schools of said County in accordance With a salary schedule adopted by the Board of County Supervisors for Albemarle County, ~HEREAS said schedule due to changing economic~conditionS as well as personnel and other considerations has become obsolete in many particulars, AND WHEREAS said schedule is based entirely upon certificate qualifications and length of service and fails to take into con- sideration~ 1o~ The type of duties and services to be performed 2. The operation of economic laws in fixing compensation 3- The peculiar aptitudes of individual teachers