HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-11 The County Executive cal!ed.theBoard's atten%ion.~to the fact. that an-i~mate of~ the
District Home from this County,~ Thomas Edward Smith, waa. tha._owner of a piece of property
in the Scottsville District.- Upoa~motien, duly made and-seconded, the-Count~ Executive was
instructed to secure a deed to this property and.. elf er it for sale .Ge the ~est advantage.
Claims against the County, amounting .to. $64,?86,55, were presented, examined, 'and al-
lowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
Crozet Fire District
Dog Tax
Road Debt:
Ghar!ettes~ille District
Commonwealth. of Virginia
following f~ds:
Total $64,186.55.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
Pursuant to call, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, met
in special session atthe Office Building of the said County on the llthday of Mar~h, 1~41.
~P~esent: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Bs~lard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C.
Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G..~Rober%s.
Absent: None.
Officers Present~-' County'Executive and Commonwealth's Attorney.
Claim for damages to automobile, amounting to $40.80, caused by d~livering patient to
the State Colony at Lynchburg while off duty was pr6sented by Mrs. ~mne H~ Loving, a Case
Worker in the Welfare Department. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this claim was ap-
proved for payment.
The County Executive reco~mnended Miss Vernelle Morris as'an employee Sf the Department
of Finance at a salary of $50.00 per month, effective March 1, 1~4i. Upon motion, duly made
and seconded, Miss Morris was appointed.
Request was presented for appropriation to assist in securing Uniforms and Equipment
for the local Company of the Virginia Protective Force. The following Resolution was
adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayess Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H.
~entry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that $500.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
be and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of assisting in the pur-
chase of Uniforms and Equipment for the local Company of the Virginia
Protective Force.
The following ~equ~st-was received from the School Board of Albemarle County and
upon motion, duly made and seconded, Wae~by~.:unanimous:.acti0n.~ granted~ ~
WHEREAS ~he School Board of Albemarle County has for several
years tried to fix the salary of all teachers in the public schools
of said County in accordance With a salary schedule adopted b~ the
Board of County Supervisors for. Albemarle County,
WHEREAS said schedule due to changing economic;~Conditions as
well as personnel and other considerations has become obsolete in
many particulars,
AND WHEREAS said schedule is based entirely upon certificate
qualifications and length of service and fails to take into con-
1.~ The type of duties and services to be performed
2. The operation of economic laws in fixing compensation ,
3- The peculiaraptitudes of individual teachers
~. Personality of the individual:~ teachers
(Continued from Page 386)'
The scope and quality of academic, professional and
related training
The varietyand~value of previous experience as
evidence of competence in the teaching art
The many sided usefulness of a teacher in sharing in
the management of a school.
The. ability to contribute to. associatedactivities
AND WHEREAS the failure of said schedule to take into con-
sideration the aforementioned qualifications for the purpose of
fixing the individual salary of saidteachers is_unfair ~o the~
individual teacher, the entire teaching staff, the pupils and
patrons of said schools as well as the taxpayer whose maney is
being used for the operation of said schools and the same hasnot
been. conducive to the development of a fine i~egrated teaching
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of
Albemarle Oounty that the Board of County Supervisors for Albemarle
County be and-they, hereby, are requested to abandon t~he salary
schedule adopted by said BOard on the Thirteenth day of April,
Nineteen Hundred and ThirtyT$ix, so that the School Boardl and
the Division Superintendent may be unhampered and unrestricted in
fixing the salary of the public school teachers in Albemarle County
in ~ccordanee with the foregoing qualifications and conditions
which have not heretofore been considered.
The Board proceeded to discuss the Budget for the Department of Education for the
year beginning July I, 1941, with the members of the School Board. Upon motion, du!ymade
and seconded, it was.ordered that the Budget for the Department of Education show an item
of $1,500.00 as an appropriation from the General Fund, such an amount to be transferred
to the School Fund when, as, and if it may be necessary to prevent a deficit.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting.of theBoard..of-flou~t~.Supervisorsof Albemarle Oounty, Virginia,
was held at theOffice.Building of the. saidCounty on the 15th day of March, 1941.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry~ Ho Ashby Harris~ and
Purcell Mc0ue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent~ None.
Officers present: County Executive and Zheriff.
Minutes. of the meetings of February I~, 1941, and March ll, 1541, were read and
tproved. .
A% this time the citizens were given an opportunity to dissuss the Budget for the year
~egi~ni~g ~uly i, 1741.
The following Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1541-, and ending June ~0,
was presented and unamimousiy adopted:
.... GE'~. ~ ......
Year Ended
June 30, 1940
(iot I)
Delinquen$ Taxes.
1938 asd Prior
Trial ~ustice
Common~ealth' s Attorney
Year Ending
June 30, 1941 Tentative
(Estimated) Estimate
Increase Over-.: DeCrease
Year Ending Year Endin~ Final
June 30...17~1 'I~ 30, 1!
$60, O00.00 $10,000,00 -0-
2,438.36 500.00 1,750.00
366.47 500.00 400.00
1,365.23 1,500.00 1,500.00
11,540.37 12,000.00 15,000,00
8,418.64 8,500.00 8,500.00
2,438.05 3,200..00 2,500.00
2,659.29 3,O00.00 3,000.00
2,149.92 2,100,00 2,100.00
491.40 400.00 450.00
1,362.60 1,500,00 1,500.00
1,250.00 -0-
-0- -0-
-0- 700.00
-0- -0-
-0- -0-
50.OO -0-
-0- -0-,
~ Sst, ira. ate