HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-04-16I first meeting of said.,.Board~ held after, the 23rd day ef February, 1941, to appoim% mot less !~.~ha~. %hree~.aor more .thanfive.~ Viewe~a .to. ~iaw .said ~ead, aad. r. ep~,~e~,~he. ~ said. Board::i~ writing whether, in .~their opinion, any and if any~,, wha%-~ i~convenience will ~esul% if said . r~adr is[ closed~-an~discon%inued.; .and. it appea~ing that., all..- eth~.r_ previsioned, of Section 2039 .(9) of. the, Cedis of..:.Virginia .have been complied.with,, it~ is~, ..therefore,, ordered that MesSrs. N. Vo Nereld, Jo B. Kegley~ O. N. Garnett, P. C. Minor, and Cammann Duke be and are.hereby appointed Viewers to~ ~i.ew the r. oad in. question and.. report~ in(writing iv~eth~ in their.-opini~on,..amy,,, and,~ i£..an~, what inconvenience will result from.discontinuing said road a ~ the.~ Apral~ lOa~, mee~tm~g of the. The.-road.in~ question, is.~a.por~ion.of, the eld. Hydraulic Read, and N. G.. Shirley,.~ State.Highway Commiosione~,. ~hall be made a party to these proceedings a~d notified thereof and of all further action taken herein, The Ce~ut~l.lEXecutiwe reported that .he had had a further conference with Mr. G. Stuart Harem, fomer Treasurer, and. he had agreed te submit a<.report to the Board at an early date showi~g the per, ion. of the claims.against hi~ fo_r which-he considered himself liable. There- fore, no further action had been taken, The action of the County Executive was approved. Mr. E. H. Copenhaver, representing the Izaak Walton League, requested the Beard to appr~p~iate $~00.00 to assist in defraying the salar~ and expenses of an additional Game Warde~ .for Albemarle Count~. Upon mo$ion,, dUly .made and seconded, the following Resolution was adopted by the following~recerded votes Ayes~ Messrs., J. Mo Fray, E. J. Belie'rd, P. H, Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes~ None: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board-of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $~00.00, or'as much thereof.as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated to assist.'.in defraying salary ~nd expenses of an additim~al Game Warden for Albemarle County, provided, the City Council and State Game Commission sa'ch provide'an equal amount. It was brought te the attention of the Board that two Case Workers in the Nelfare De- p~rtment had t~nde~red their resignations. The County Executive was instructed to attempt to locate two qualified persons for these positions. Claims against the County, amounting to $~2,34~,08, were presented, examined, and al- !ewed and ordered certified to the DireCtor of Finance for payment ~and charged to the follow- i~ f~ds~ General School Dog Tax Cro~e% Fire District Road Debt~ Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanna District Samuel Miller District $cottsville District White Hall District Commonwealth of Virginia Total 8,~99.18 21,123,?? 62.60 6.00 513.58 226.4? F.27 5.06 4Ol.69 ??2.46 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ,, , Chairman, ./ was held at- the ..O~£fice Building of_ ~he said_ County on.~the 16%h. day...of_ April., 1941, Presen%~-.Messrs. ~.. M. Fray, E. J..Ballard, P. Ho Gentry, PurCell McC. ue~ - Minutes of the meeting ~f Ma~h 19, 1941, were read ~d approved. A c~unica%i~ .from Mr. Lewis Bre~.e~n., Att~ey, stating t~t ~he b~l~ing .on 2~ Acres of land st~ng inthe ~e of K. K. Kirby ~.Edna ~=by burned..en Septe~er 28, 1931, but the assessed ~lue ef the~ prope~y was n~% reduee~ ~iil 194!~ ~d requesting re- lief ef %he ~o~t of t~es assessed on the ~p~v~ents from 19~2 %e 1~40, ~th inclusive, ~s presente~. Upon motion, duly ~de and secon~d, it was ordered t~t K. K. ~.rby and Edna Kirby be given the relief requested provided that in the opini~m of the Co~onwealth's A~orney this Board has the authority ~o g~t such relief. ~e following Resolution, ~ffered by Mr. C. Purcell MeOue, seconded by Mr. P. H. ~ent~, was un~imously ado~ed~ ~AS, it has been brought to the attention of t~s Bo~d neither the State G~e C~ission ~r the City of 0harlettesville '~ agreed te provide ~ additi~l $500.00 each per ann~ f~r an additio~l G~e Warden ~n5 Albemarle County, ~, ~~, ~ IT ~$OL~D by the Boa~ of County Super~sors .of Alb~rle County, Virginia, t~t the action of this Bo~*d'~.at the March, 1941, meeting, appropriating $500.00 for t~s pu~ose, be ~d hereby rescinded. It ~s brought to the attention of t~ Board. that the Scottsville Distric~ R~ad Debt F~d would be ~ble to ~y $45,000.00 of its b~nds which mature on May 1, 1941. It was, therefore, ~erdered that these b~nds~ be taken up by the funds in, cared bel~w ~d held ~til such time as the Sce~sville Di~c% Road ~bt F~d' is in a position ~o pay the principal s~; the ~terest rate on said Bonds te be reduce~:~fr~ ~ %e Ivy District Road Debt Fund RiVan~.:.~ ? District Road Debt Fund Whi%e~ Hal!~District Road Debt Fund General Fund Total $15,000.00 1,000.00 ~"4,000.00 $45,000.00. A request was received from Miss Frances T. Southall for extension of leave of ab- sence until August 1, 1941. The County Executive was authorized to gramt the extension of leave requested provided satisfactory arrangements could be made for the operation of the Depa~tm. ent of Public l~elfare until that time. The following Reports were presented,~approVe~ amd'~o~.ered filed~ 1. CoUnty Executive. 2. ~ame Warden. 3. Board of Equ. alization. 4. University of Virginia Hospital. ~. Berlin Eye,District Forester. A communication from Mr. L. W. 'Wood, American Legion 0ommittee, offering to transfer title to the Austrian Gun on the northeast corner of the Court Square to the County, was Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the followim~ Resolution was unanimously presented. adopted: W~EBEAS, the Charlottesville and Albemarle Post No. 74 of the American Legion has offered to transfer title of the Aus%ri~r~ ~un lo~ated on the no'h- east corner of the Court ~quare to the Oounty, provided the County would make NO~, TBEREF. OEE~ BE~IT.,RESOLVED by,the.,,Boar, d.~,of..Co,u~*~y ,S,upervis~rs of Albemarle 0ount~ Vir. gini~,, t~t. the ownership of ..this .~n. be accepted RE IT..FURTHER .RESOLVED, that. t. he .County Executlve..be. aatho.rized and directed .ts ..~aka.the necessary ~tepa .to repair %ha.same~ Mr. E.,,A.-.H~den.,,.I~irecto. r.o~,., Fi~anc~ ,submit~ed a, s~.tement cf..~expenses o£ ,.~-he mont. of Finance. for the month of..I/ar.ch.,. 19¢1; one-third of. which, to be borne by the State, Upon sot;on, duly made.and seconded, this..stateme, nt was..sxaminad.,, verified,..and approved. A communication from Mr. Morga~ P. Robinson, Secretary, Join% . Committee te'Cv~tail the Transmigration of Virginia Source Materials., requesti~g.~the Board to. appoint a member to serve on this Committee, was ~res~ented a~d referred to ~he County Executive with tions to i~vestig~te and report back at the next regular meeting. It was brought to the attention of the Board that in some cases where a suit is being instituted~for..~the collection of land taxes the services of the Commonwealth's Attorney would be desirable, particularly where a principle is involved. Upon motion, d~ly made and seconded, the following Resolution was ~animously adopted~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Mr. E. V. ~alker, Oommonwealth's Attorney for Albemarle County, be and is hereby requested to assist any attorney ployed to collect land taxes where, i~ the opinion of the County Exec~- rive, it appears that his services are neesssaryo 1~ TP~ MATTER OF ESTABLISHIN~ A P~BLIO ROAD from State Highway Ro~te 669 to State Ki~'ghway Ro~te 641~ Application having~b~en made to the Board of 0ounty Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, by James W. Rodgers, Luther Mort;z, and others to establish a P~blic Road from State Highway Route ~$9 to State Highway Route 641, through the lands of James Rodgers, Luther Morris, and James Weaver, IT IS ORDERED that H-o V. Herold, J. B. Kegley, C. M. ~arnet%, P. C. Minor, and Cammann Duke, resident freeholderz of this County, any three of whom may act, be and they are hereby appointed Viewers, whose duty it Shall-be to examine such Road .and report upon ..the expediency ef establishing the same; they shall as early as practicable af-ter receiving this.order, proceed to make the view, and may exam/~e ~ther routes and location~ than the one.proposed, a~d if of opinion that there is a necessity for estabiishi.~ng a public read, they shall locate the same, return a map or diagram thereof, with a report to. %he Boar~ stating their reasons for preferring the l~cation made~ the p~.~e~ble cost of establishing the location of such road, the convenience and i~co~venience that will result as well to individ.~als as to the public, whether the said road will be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened, established and kep~ in order by the pe~s~ or persons for whose convenience it is desire~, whethe~ any yard, garden or orchard will have to be taken~ the names of the land owners on such ro~te, which of such land owners require compensation, what will be a just compensation to the lend owners requiring compensation for the land so taken, and for the damages to the residue of the tract, if any, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue, from the road to be established; and all other facts and circumstances in their opinion use- ful in e~abling the Board to determine the expediency of establishir~ the read; and they ~hail f£1e s~h report with the Clerk of the Board; In the even% that some of the la~doewners do not require compensation, a~d they will execute written consent, giving the ~ight-of-way in question, the said Viewerw shall ~btain such co~sent and return it with their report; Provided, however, that the Chairman of the High~ay 0emro;ss;on, sometime called the State Highway Commissioner, shall forthwith be notified of at, made a party to these proceed- 407 408 Board to view a road from Dairy Road to the Hydraulic Road at Michie's gate, was presenteds VIEWERS' REPORT TO THE HONORABLE BOAP~ 0F COUNTY SUPERVISOR$.0F ALBEM~F. COUNTY, VIRGINIA: We, the undersigned Viewers,. appointed at.a meeting of your Board held on thelg~h_dayo£ March, 1941,-to ~iew~aroad...whichr~$.from~Dairy Road to the Hyd~aulicRoad at Michie's.Gate.between the lands of Karl R. and Dorothy P, Wallace and H~rdy C.~ Dillard and J. M. Rimel, Jr., and Mrs. R. Maude Gentry amd report in writing whether or not in our opinion any and, if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuing the same, Beg leave to report-as followsl We me~.a2'the officeof the C~erk ef the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, on April 1~, 1~¢1. After being duly swor~, we proceeded to view the road proposed to be closed a~d carefully inspected the same. In our opinion, if this road. is close~ in accord- ance with the petition, it will inconvenience Mrs. R. Maude Gentry to the extent of Closing the only practical outlet to a portion of her land. Therefore, it is recommended that the Road Be not closed. (Bigned) (Signed) (Signed) (Signed)~ Respectfully submitted,. C.. M.._.. GARNETT P~,...c. ~O,R ', ...... ~.~ v. HEROLD .... J.... B. KELLEY , CAI~ANN C: DUKE Upon motion., duly made ~nd seconded~ the Report of the Viewers was accepted and their ~ecommendations confirmed by~thefollowing~recorded voto~ Ayes-: Messr~.~. M.--Fray, E. J~ ~.N~a , ~ot Voting: Mr. P. H. Gentry. ~allar~, H. Ashby Harris, and G. PurceI1McOu~; Noe~'~ ~. ~- Claims against the County, amom~ting to $50,250.5~, were preseate~, examined, and al' lowed, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charge~ against the following fun~s: General School Dog Tax Croset Fire District Road Debts Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivamma District S~auel Miller District Sc~ttsville District White Hall District C~mmonwealth of Virginia Total $ 9,872.81 21.910.06 3o~.~8 6.00 1,184.63 1¢,832.6o 1.29 1,21 400.41 $50,2~0.~. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ~ ~/ / _, Chairman.