HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-05-21 A. regula~_leeli~g,.of,.,th~J~oard-~f 2oun~¥. ,$uper~viso,~a,.~o,~Alhema~le=.,Couat,~,: Virginia, was held_ at .t~ Off~ .B~~, a~.,~e..s~d., ~o~y~,on~.~ ,.,21s~..,~,~f, ,~y.~,, ' ~ ell ~c0.ue Minutes of the. ~eti~g-of April 1~.,~,1~41, were read_an~,app~ved. The. f~l~w~g. Rep~ ~ of ,.the,, View~ appointed , Be taken for a p~blic road f~ 8tats R~ute No. 66~ ~ State Route view the land pre.sod to VIEWERS' REPORT April 29, 19¢1 To the Honorable Board of 0ounty Supervisors of the County of Albemarle. We, the undersigned Viewers, appointed by your order made on the l~th day of April, 19~1, teepee%fully report that we went upon the land proposed to be taken for a public road from State Route 669 to State Route $¢1 on the 2~th day of April, 1~4! and report therein, as follows = The petitioners now have access to a public road t'hrough the ~roperty of Durrett and Lockhar~.%o Route $41, a distance of approximately two miles, which is the opinion of the undersigners, provides ample out- let without the necessity of opening a new road. ~e Stony Point School is equally assessable to the children of the petitioners as the Barboursville ~choo~Which' they have formerly tendede (Signed) _ J. B. KE~LE_ .. Y ....... (signed) . P. O_._ MINOR_.._ Upon motion, duly made and. seconded, action, of this Report was deferred until the regular~mly, 1941, meeting of this Board. ~r. C. Armonde Paxson appeared and requested the Board to appoint a Committee to in- vestigate the effect of the 0rdinanoe prohibiting the sale of Beer and Wine on Sunday. Upon motion,duly made and seconded, the Chainaan was authorized 3o appoint this Com- mittee, which is to report it~ findings at a later meeting of this Board. The Chai~an a~- nounced the appointment of Dr. L. OoRoberts and Mr. H. Ashby Harris .to serve as members of this Committee. The County Executive called the Board's attention to the fact that the Equalization Board had served 87 days since its appointment and thai the eri~inal resolution requesting.: !the appointment of this Board fixed the number of. days at 12~ Upon motion, duly,made and iseoonded,it ordered that in the number of days be made. ~hange The followin~ Reports were presented and approved and ordered filed~ 1, County Executive. 2. District Home Board. ]. University of Virginia Hospital. 4. Equalization Board. ~. Game Warden. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the Depart- ~ment of Finance for the month of April, 1941, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly~adeeand seconded, this statement was examined', verified,and_, approved. A letter from T. Coleman Andrews and Company, proposing to audit the accounts and records of the County, including ~he Boar. d'a£-'PubliC~.~elfare, for the year wh~:.~h will end 410 wa~ ummimo.usl~ a~Fl;ed~ . Coun%y,.Virginia,-th~t-~T~.~ Coleman.-Andrews s~dCompauy., of Richmond, Virginia, be and-ia of the County, including the .Bea~d.~ff Public .~elfa~a, for .the :sum. ef $20.00 per ma~ day,_~he.~etalcee% ef..whichnot.%~ exceed Upon motien~by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded, the followir~ Resolution was ~unanimously adopted~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board.of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ that $~?,000,00,par Yalue, of Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation ~% Bonds due in 1~, ~p%ional after 1~$, ~e sold a~d the p~oceeds invested in United States Savings Defense Series #6" Bonds. The following communication from the City Council was presented: CITY OF CHARL0~SVI~, VIRGINIA May ~, 19~1 Beard of Couuty Supervisors Albemarle County Charlottesville, Virginia Gentlemen~ The Council has requested me to advise you that it has considered the suggestion made tc it throughMr. Gleason, that the City should not undertake to charge a license tax on line dealers having their plante i~ Albemarle County, but ing gasoline in Charlottesville. It is the f~eling of the Council that such a license tax is proper. The business conducted by these firms is not essen- tially a county business a~d they do net pay any county license tax. They use the city' streets for deliveries a~d property the city is subjected to fire hazard by their operation. The tax as levied ie not levied on all the business of the firm but is ~alculated according tc the amount sold at wholesale in the city, Wholesale dealers within the city ~n the other h~ud pay a license ~ased on all their sales, including Sales in Albe- marle County. It is the opinion of the Council that the tax is not inequitable and works no hardship, but is a proper Xevy om business done within the city. Respectfully yours, (Si~ned) JAS.' E. B~, JR. Clerk of the Council. A~ Ordinance entitled ,AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN~ ANDRE-ENACTING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED ON ~VEMBER 20,1~¢0, I~OSI~ COUNTY LICENSE TAXES ON CARNIVALS, AND PRESCRIBIN~ PENALTIES FOR ~XHIBITING, &c., WITHOUT SUCH LIOEN~E" was considered and Ordered published according to law ~ith the i~tention of it being proposed for passage at the regular June, 1~¢1, meeting. Upon mo%ion by Mr. P. H. 6entry, duly seconded, the following Resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote~ Ayee~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gent~y, H. Ashby ~arris, and C. Purcell McCue; Noes~ Ncne~ BE IT RE~OLV~D by the Board ef County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $1,200.00, or as much thereof~ as ~ay be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated to assist in s%ruc~ing Camp on Moorma~s RiVer for the 4 H Clubs~ Claim of Mrs. Fred Breeden against the Dog Fund for hens killed by dogs was presented ~d approved for The County Executive suggestedthat ~.C~mmittee be appointe~ to investigate the feasibility of establishing a Housing Authority. Upon~otion, duly made a~d seconded, the ~hairman was authorized te appoint ~his Committee. The Chairman anneuzced the appointment of ~essrso P. Ho ~entr~ and Eo ~o Ballard to serve on this Committee. Messrs, P, H,._ ~en.t~y...and~E,..J,..: Ballard.we.re als~ ~pp~i~te. cl-b~.the Ohairma~ to serve or not in its opinion a Planning commission should ~e established. Claims against the Coun%y, amounting to $33,~87,48, were presented,~ examined~and lowed, and ordered certified 'to the Director of Fina~c~for. payment.and charged fo~l~wi~g ~ fu~ds.~ General 3chool Dog. Tax Croz.et .Fi~e. Distain% Road iDebt.~ Charlottesville District Zvy~ District Rivauna District samuel Miller District Sc~t tswille Distri~ · h~te H~i D~strict ~ A~ Haden, Director ~inance - Revolving Co~Onwealth ef Virgimia $. ?,??~.l~ 70,,40 1,00.00 Upon ~tion~ the mee%i~g adjourned. A regular meeting-of the Board of County-. Supervisors of. Albemarle..County, Virginia, was held at theOffice.Buildiu§ of ~he. said County on. the 18th day of J, une~ 19~1~ Present~ Mess~s. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. Ho Gentry, ~d H. Ashby Harris, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent ~ Mr. ¢. Purcell McOue o Officers present~ County ~xecu.~ive,~eCommonwealth's Attorney, and Deputy Sheriff. Minutes of the meeting of May, 21, 19~1, were read and approved. Mr. James Wilhoit presented a petition, requesting the Board not to ad, pt the Propose~ Ordinance decreasing the License Tax on Carnivals. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, t_his matter was taken under advisement, Mr. Milton Grigg presented a Resolution of the City and County Beautification Co~miss- ion of the Chamber of Commerce, reqUesting that the County be properly zoned. Mr. Grigg was informed that this matter is now in the hands of a Committee. Supplemental Budget for Aid to the Blind, amounting to $B~.18, was presented by the Welfare Board and approved. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of the expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of May, 1941, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly mad~ an~ seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and ap- pro ye d o Communication from the Peoples National Bank, requesting permission te take down a portion of the securities which said bank has deposited with the National Bank and Trust Company to protect the County's deposits, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted~ ~HEREA$, the amount of money on deposit With the Peoples National Bank, of 0harlottesville, Virginia, does not Justify the amount of secur- ity which it has deposited in escrow at this time to' protect the County*s deposits, and ~HEREAS, the Peoples National Bank has reqUested to wi%hdraw a por- tion of these securities, N0~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board cf County Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia, that the National Bank and Trust Company be and is hereby authorized and directed to release the following securities held in escrow to protect the deposits of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, with the Peoples National Bank~ 411