HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-06-18 Messrs. P. N.--Gen~-andE.,,-J..,Ballard.wers~. al~appoiated by.the Chairman to serve as members of a Commi~tea.wi~h in~mc~iona ta in~e.s~iga%e and.repo.~t .to' the Board whether or n~t in its ~pinion a Planning 0~mmission should be astablished. Claims against the County, amounting to $33 ,587,48, were. presented,~ exam~nad,and al- lcwed~ and ordered c~ifie, d .%o the Director of Financ~..for ~payment and Charged ~g~i~:%he ...... ~ene~l S~hool Dog Tax Crezet..Fire. District Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanna District S~el Miller District Scot ts~ille ~Distric~ ~i~e H~i Distric~ ~. A. Hades, Di~c~r of Finence - Revolving Oo~onwealth of Virginia ?0.40 .06 100.00 Total Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. , O l,,.ai rma~. A regular meeting .of the Board of County Supervisors of...Albemarle. O.o.unty, Virginia, was held at tbs..Office Building of the said County on the 1.8th day of ~.une, Present~ Ness~s. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, /md Ho Ashby Harris, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: Mr. C. Purcell McOue. Officers present: Oounty Execu~ive,z~Oommonwealth's Attorney, and Deputy Sheriff. Minutes of the meeting of May. 21, 1~41, were read and approved. Mr. James Wilhoit presented a petition, requesting the Board not to ad, pt the Propose[ Ordinance decreasing the License Tax on Carnivals. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this matter was taken under advisement. Mr. Milton Grigg presented a Resolution of the City and County Beautification Commiss- ion of the Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the County be properly zoned. Mr. Grigg was informed that this matter is now in the hands of a Committee. Supplemental Budget for Aid to the Blind, amounting to $~.18, was presented by the Welfare Board and approved, Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of the expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of May, 1941, one-third of which to be borne 'by the State. Upon motion, duly mad~ and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and ap- proved. Communication from the Peoples National 'Bank, requesting permission t~ take down a portion of the Securities which said bank has deposited with the National Bank and Trust Company to protect the County's deposits, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: VfltEBEAS, the amount of money on deposit with the Peoples National Bank, of Oharlottesville, Virginia, does not justify the amount of secur- ity which it has deposited i~ escrow at this time to protect the County's deposits, and WHEREAS, the Peoples National Bank has requested to withdraw a por- tion of these securities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty, Virginia, that the National Bank and Trust Company be and is hereby authorized and directed to release the following securities held in escrow to protect the deposits of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, with the Peoples National Bank: 411 TAKE, DO~N ~ $10~000. Co.usry of Notre. way, Town of BUrkeville, Va. 4~ 3,000 Brunswick 0o. ,. Va. Road f~ dUe 7/1/42 1,000 B~swi.ck~ 0o., Va. To,re Mag. Dist.._~. due ~1/4~ 1,000 Br~s~icE 0.o.~ Va. Powellton. Mag. Dist. ~ due 1,000 Br~s~i~ Co.., Va.. Powellton. Mag.~ Dist. ~% due. 9/1/46 1,000 Br~swiok Co., Va. Neherrin ~g.'Dist..~% due 2;.~00 Br~wick 0e., Va. Me~rrin Ma~. Dis~. ~ due 1]1/48 ~,000 Lee Co..., Va, 19~ RoCky 8ta'; Dist. 5~ due 8/~1 2,ooo co., va. 1,000 ~e Co., Va. White Shoals Mag. Dist. 6% due 9/1/42 2,~0 Lee 0o.., Va. Whi~e 8haal.s Mag..~..Dist. 6% due. 1,000 ~e Co., Va. 1927 ~ok~..gta..Dist. 6% dun 7/1/42 3,000 Lee 0~., Va. 1922 Yok~ Sra. Dist. ~ 3/4% due $ ,ooo - $2,ooo - 5/x/ 3. The following Resolution, offered By Mr. H~ Ashby ~rris, seconded by Mr. E. Ballard, ~s un~.~ously, adopted ~ BE IT ~SOL~D by the Boa~ of County SUpervisors of Albematte Co,tM, Virginia, that the County Executive be ~d he is hereby authorized and directed t~ offer for sale ~y land purchased at tax sales, and BE IT FURT~R ~S0h~ that the Ohai~ah of this Board be and he is hereby authorized ~d directed to execute deed upon pa~ent of the agreed purc~se price. The following Reports were presented and approved ~d ordered filed.~ 1. 0ounty Executive. 2. University of Virg~ia HoSPital. 3. O~e ~arden. 4. Equalization Board. It was brought to the attention .of the Board ~hat the E~aliz~tion Bo~d ~d not had sufficient time allotged it to comble~e its ~rk. Upon motion, duly made ~d seconded, ~s u~ously ordered that the time allotted the Equalization Board-be extended for period of fo~y working days. ~e 0omittee on Planning ~d Housing reposed that it had arr~ged for a conference with Er. Hugh R. Pomeroy, Director of the State Pla~ing Board, ~d would not Be able to ~e ~ repo~ ~til a~er 2hist ~ference. Upo~ motion, duly ~de ~d seconded, this Com- mittee ~s continued. ~e 0o~ittee appointed to study the effect that the prohibition of the Bale Beer on Sunday had had on the licensees' business reposed that it ~d not ~d an oppo~it2 to secure the necessary~ ~ta ~d requested more t~e within which to ~ke a repo~. ~e Oo~ittee ~s granted the request ~d continued. The Co~ty Executive reposed t~t it was necessary to provide a telephone for one of the Air Raid Warning Posts neat Oismont, which had been located at Edgewood School, and reco~ended that the Co~ty pay the charges for the telephone. Upon motion, duly ~de seconded, it was ordered that the cost of inst~llation ~d rental of this telep~ne be paid as long as neces~a~. ~e Co~ty Executive reco~ended the appointment of Mrs.Viola A~strong at a salary of $90.00 per month, effective June 4,. 1941, and Miss ~ry Agnes ~r~nt at a salary of $12~.00 per month, effective July 15, 1941, as Case ~orkers in the .Dep~rtment of Public Welfare. Upon mo~[on:~ d~y~:~de and seconded, Mrs. Amst~ and Mi~s Or~nt we~ ~n-~ously appointed A co~ication 'from the League of Virginia Co,ties, requesting that the Board adopt a Resolution concerning the Department of Public Welffare F~ds, was presented ~d referred the Oo~ty Executive with instructions to investigate and repo~ back. Upon motion, duly ~de ~d seconded, the Cb~i~an ~s ~uthorized to appoint a member of t~ ffo:~t':~ Co~i~tee to Curtail the Trans~gration of Virginia ~ource Materials. Upon m~ti~n, duly made and seconded, the Director of. Finance .was au*~horized to .lend any Road Debt Fund a sufficient s~mm from the General Fund' to prevent a cash d~ficit at June 30, 1941. The Board w~s~informed that it had been requested to~ appropriate $35.00 to assiSts'in defraying the expenses of the Northern Vi~gimia..Regional Defense Council for the~next three months. Upon m~ion~- duly made a~d seconded, the Budget for .the year beginning July i, .1941 was amended to provide the sum.of $140.00 to assis%.i_~ paying the expenses of the Virginia Regional Defense Co,oil for the year beginning July 1, 1941, by the following recorded VOte~ Ayes: Messrs. J..'M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P..H. Gentry, and H. Ashby Harris, and Dr. L. Roberts$ Noes~ None.. The f~llowing Budget..for the Joint Health Department for the year beginning July 1, 1941, was presented and approved: JOINT.. HEALTH DEPARTMENT ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ~LY 1, !~41 - JUNE 30, BECOMMEN~ED BUDGET BUDGET INCREASE OR ESTIMATE Albemarle County $ 6,750.00 $ 6,~50.00 Charlottesville 8,250.00 8,2~0.00 University .1,500.00 1,500.00 State 5,500.00 5,500.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 ..... ~ *New Item TOTAL EXPE~ITURES~ ' Health Officer, Salary Health Officer, Travel Sanitation Officer. No..~ 1~. Salary Sanitation Officer~Neo~l, Travel Sanitation 0fficerNo. 2, Salary Sanitation Officer No~ 2, Travel- Nurse N~. 1, Salary Nurse No. Z, Travel Nurse N~. 2, Salary Nurse No. 2, Travel Nurse No. 3, Salary Nurse No. 3, Travel Nurse No. 4, Salary Nurse No. 4, Travel Clerk Auditor City School Dental ¢o~ty School Dental 0ffzce Supplies and Printing Biologics Equipment, new and/er replacement Postage Telephone amd Telegraph Medical Supplies Extr~ Office Help Night Venereal Di~sease Clinic Part Time Medical Assistant * Miscellaneous $22.F00.00 ......... $22,F00.00 3,900.00 $100.00+ $ 4,000.00 400.00 400.00 1,860.00 1,860.00 550.00 550.00 1,620.00 1,620.00 550.0o 550.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 550.00 55o.oo 1,620.O0 60.00+ 1,680.00 55o.0o 55o.oo 1,620.00 60.00+ 1,680.00 550.00 ~50o00 1,560.00 60.00' 1,~00.00 55o.oo 55o,oo 1,080.00 1,080.00 180.00 180.00 500.00 500.00 5O0;00 500.00 350.00 75.00- 275.00 500.00 iO0.O0-~ 400.00 i25.00 i25.00 120.00 25.00- ~5,00 16o.oo i5.oo* 115.0o 150.00 30.00- 120.00 50.00 50.00 720.00 100.00- 620.00 240.00+ 240.00 ~8500 . 85.00-., ,~000..9.9' _TOTAL, $22~. ~00,00 . .= . ~22.500.00 Claims against the County, mmounting to $29,655.66, were presented, examined, and al- lowed, and Ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the i'£ollowing f~mds: General School Dog Tax Crczet Fire District Road Debt: oha~lottesville District Ivy District Rivanna District Samuel Millet'District ScottsVille District White Hall District 8,799.49 12,~61.52 366.o8 i4.73 .?o 2,550.?~ 4,016.03 825.33 414 ~unds ~ (O0n~inmed) ~ash ~n Ham~s,.o~. Delinquent. . Tax A%torney - Stuart F. Head Comonwealthof Virginia Total $ 10.00 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman. A regular' nee%Lug el' the Boar~ ~f- ~1~ S~~' '~ Albemarle County, Virginiai- was held at the Offie'e B~ding the said County on the t6th. day of ~J~ty,' t94t~ Present:-' .Messrs, J. M. Fray, E. J. Baliard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and. C. Purcell McCue. Absent: Dr. L. G, Roberts. Officers- present: County Exee~ativ% Commonwealth-~s Attorney-, and .Deputy Sheriff. Minutes-of the-meeting ~f June 18, 1941' were read and aPl~OVed,~ The following Report '~f 'the CommittB'e, appointed at the Nay, t941', meeting to gather. information concerning-the business-of County ~eensees during the period of-time which the Sale of Beer and Wine had been prohibited on Sunday, was presented: July 15, 1941 To the Members of the Board of County Supervisors Albemarle County,~ Virginia. Gentlemen: At your-r~g,_~__=r' ~Nay~" t941, meeting'~~ the ~mdersign~ were appointed' to s~ t~ ~'sa~. ~o~t~' ~d 'c~-- sider the effect which' the pr~ibttion ~ the s~e ~ Beer on S~d~ ~d had-.~' the li~ens~s' ~i~s~ '~-~he e~ Y~-'Co~t~ee--~~d~-~ f~~d to ~-c-h tippee a questionna~e tn' ~r-t~t- the neeess~ i~or~tion ~ght be ass~bled. ~e resets ~ the ~plies ~e sho~ on the attached S~, We want- to partimzlarty call your- attention to the fact that only 55% 'e~' the ti-eons'ecs returne~ ~he. question- naires which wer~ 'sent~ to them-'an~ only 33% furnished- the desired information. Whether or not. this fa~z~~ to sappty- the information .requested was due te lack of available records, or to lack off~ interest, we are not in a Position to say° In view of thes~ circumstances, we recommend that the Ordinanc~ asvnew ~'~'e-f2ec% be c.ontimae~. (S:t.~ned) H. ASHBY HARRIS .... 'H. Ashby Harris SUMMARY OF RESULTS OBTAINED FROM QUFSTIONNAtRE SENT TO BEER LICENSEES BY COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY BOARD OF-COUNTY SUPER- VISORS TO INVESTIGATE THE EFFECT THE PROHIBITION OF THE SALE OF BEER ON SD~DAY HAD HAD 0NTHE VOLL~E OFBUSINESS~. 1. Number of- Questionnaires sent- out-~-. .............. 2. Number B~Erme~,,................ .................. .23.- 3. Per cent-return~¥. .............. . ................. .55, 4. Number with information properly supptied¥. ......... 1%. 5. Per cent with information properly' supp~?d. 6. N~mber with ink, eased business.~. ......... . .......... 2. 7. Per cent with.increased' business off~ those sent out-~-. 5, 8. Per cent-with increased business off' those retnrned...~. 9. Number with decreased b~siness. ..... . ....... .........12. 10. Per~ce~t with decreased ~ business of those sent out.29. 11. Per cent with decreased business of those returned..86.