HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-160ash In Hands.of. Delinquemt.Tax Attorney - Stuart F. Head Oommenweal~h of ~irginia Total $ 10.00 $29,65~.66' Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. , Chairman. A reg~tar' meeting cf the Board ~. County Supervis-~rs of Albemarl'e. Oounty, Virgimia~- was held at the Office Building cf~ th~ said Oounty ~on the- 16th 'day -el~ Suty,· t94t~ Present:. -Messrs~. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and 0. Purcell Mcgee, Absent: Dr. L. G~. -Rober~s,- 0~fieers present': County EE~ ~ive~- Oommonweatth"s Attorney, .and Deputy Sheriff. Minutes of the...meetinE of June 18, 1941, were read and' approved,~ The fallowing Report cf- the OommittBe, appointed at the Nay', 194t, meeting to gather- information concerning the .business of County Licensees during the petted,~ ~f-time which the Sale of Beer and Wine ha~ been prohibited on Sunday, was presented: july 15, 1941 To the Members cf the Board cf County Supervisors Albemarle'County,- Virginia. Gentlemen: At your'regU~arNay~'-~941, m~et~ng~-the--umdersign~t: were appointedto secure theneeessarylinformation~and'con- sider the effect which' the p~ohibitton c~the sale cf Beer on Sunday hEdhadon~the'Iice~sees' bUsiness~inthe eeunty~ your-committee', prepared' .-and: f-orward~d to ,each licensee a questionnaire in ord~r'-t~at~ the necessary information might be assembled. The results of the replies are shown on the attached S~~,' ~ We want~ to particularly oatl your attention to the fact that only 55% cf~ the licensees returned~ the- question-' naires which were s. ent~ to them and~ only 33% Furnished the desired information.- Whether or not this fa-ilure~to supply the information requested was due to lack of available records, or to lack cf~ ~nterest, we are not in a position to say. In view cf thes~ circ~stances, we recommend that the Ordinance as-~.~ew i~(~ef~ect be continue~ EesPee~y~bmit~~, (Signed) L., .G. ROBERTS ..... (signed) H. HAm s H. Ashby Harris SUMMARY OF RESULTS OBTAINED FROM QUESTIO~AZRE SENT TO BEER' LI~E~SEES BY COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY~ BOARD OF' COUNTY S~PER- VISORS TO INVESTIGATE THE EFFECT THE PROHIBITION OF ~THE SALE OF BEER ON SUNDAY H~D HAD ON THE VOLUME" OF~BUSINESS~ 1. Number of Questionnaires sent. out-,-., ............ ....42. 2. Number~~............................. .... ...23~ 3. Per cent-returned~.. ..... . ..... . ................. 4. Number with in~ormationproperly supptied-,".........~14. 5. Per cent with informati~on-properly supptie~.~,~.......33. 6. Number withinureased business.-.... ................. 2. 7. Per cent with~.increasedbusiness 8. Per cent with increased-business cf'-those returned~.~. 9. Number with decreased business. ..... . .......... .....t2. lO. Percee~t with decreased business of those sent out.29. ll. Per cent with decreased busLuess of those returned..86. 415 Upon motion, duly made and seconded~ the Rep,:m't of the Committee was approved. Mr. J. Mo Fray requested to be recorded ~as voting No, The Oommitte~ 'appointed at the-May, t941, meeting to investigate the advisability ~f appointing a Planning Board~and HOUSing Authority, presented its report. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this ~ report was taken under advisement~~- The following Reports were-presented and approved and ordered f~led: 1. County E~ecutive. 2. District Home Board. 3. Game Warden. 4. Equalization Board, 5. Clerk of the Circuit Court. 6. Nniversity of Virginia Hospital. The following Report of the Finance 0ommittee was presented and approved: July 16, 1941 To the Members of the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia: Gentlemen: Your Oemmit%eewishestoreport that the following. Transfers of Interest were due the 'several funds as ~-June 30, 1941. Therefore, we recommend that the action of the Director of~Finance in transferring this Interest as of ~une ~0, 19~1, b~"ratified-.an~ confirmed: FROM: Samuel Miller Dlstri~t..............'o....... ....... ...$2,250~. TO~~ Charlottesville District. ...... .......$ 500.00* Rivanna District. ..................... 1.750,00'* * Int. for I Yr. on-$1G,O00.O0 S~M. Dist. 5s due ** Int. for 1 Yr. on $35,000.00 S.M. Dist. 5s due FRC~: Scottsville District.-... ...................... . · · .. · · .$4,44~.50. TO: Charlott~svi!te District.. ...... .. ~ 10~,~O** Ivy District....... ............ ... .... Rivanna District. .... .. .............. . 1,552.50'*** White Hall District.-..... ............. *Int. for 1 Yr. on- $42,~00~00 Sc. Dist. 5s due 1/k5/47 'and-tnt. f-or-2 Mo~- en $19,~0.O0 Sc. Dist. l~s due **Int. for t Yr, on $2,000.00 Sc~ Dis.t. 5s due ***Int. for 1 Yr, on $12,000.00 Sc. Dist. 5s due 1/kS/47and .Int. for 2 Mo. on$t5,000,00 Sc. ****Int. for 1 Yr, on$31,000,O0 Sc. Dist. 5s due 1/15/47-and-~nt. 'for 2 Mo. on'$1,O00,O0 Sc. mst. due /1/41. x~X~Int, for 2 Mo. on $4,000.00 Sc. Dist. l~s due A/a. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) C.. PURCELL N~CUE FINANCE (Signed) ,p, H, GENTRY (Signed) L. G,, ~OBERTS ,, ~ ~ COMMIT~ Mr. H, A, Haden~ Direct~or c~Finance, submitted 'a statement- of the ~expens~s ~f~.t.he De- partment of Finance~f~or the month of- June, 1941, one-third of which ~e be borne'-by the~ State.~ Upon motion, duly made and seconded~, this statement was examined, verified and ap-' proved. The report of the Auditor of P~Bli~ Accounts on audit of the Sheriff's ~ffioe for _the year 1940 was presented a~ ordered filed.. The following ~mm~unicatton from Mr. O. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, state Department o~ Highways, was presented: Commonwealth of Virginia DEPART~ENT OF HIGHWAYS Richmond June 30, 19-41 ALBEMARLE COUNTY: Seconds~._ Sysiem Albemarle County Board ef Supervisors, Charlotte svitl-e, 'Virginia. Dear Sirs: I"am:aut-hortzedt~--adviseyou~thatyourrequests For additions to the Secondary System of Albemarle County have been acted on as follows - E~fective july l, 1941 Additions A~or~__ved~ Intersection Route 613, East 1.20 miles to Dead End. Length 1,2Omiles Intersection Route 29 to Intersection Route 767. Length t.50 miles- From Intersection Route 627, 0.2 mile West to Zion O~h~rch.,~ Length O~2Omile From Intersection R~te 731. 0.45 mile S~mth. Length 0,%5 mile From:Intersection Route 636, 0.55 mile Northwest.to ~Dead End..Length 0.55 smile NOLOharlcttesvilleto Dead~End~audtooP back to NOL Charlottesville..Roads .in Meadow Brook Height~ Lengt~hl.O3 miles From Intersection'Route 622 to~uvsmna~ County Line, connectingFluvanna~County Route 644. Length O.65'mile~ Copy 'to 'Er. A. H. Petti~ Mr. A. H. Bell Mr. J. J~ Ferret Mr. R. I~ Mount ~Resolution Board Yours-very-truly, s ad) c.-s ~hief---Emgimeer T~e matt~r-~of' a' Sanitary'District" in-the-Rio 'R~ S~ for the ~e i~ a water s~t~ ~o se~ t~ ~ea-~s .b~t .to the-at~e~i'om '~ the B~. It ~s. s~- the c~t wo~ be ne~s~ b~ the '~sid~s i~erested c~d inte~ent~ de~ide the questiom. Upon'motion,' ~y' ~de--~'"~e~, %h~ 'ce~, ~~ ~- ~th the $~y-at a..~st-~t t~-excee~-'$200~; p~d~-, a-.~tition-~est~g s~h S~ is presemte~~ b~ ~e-si~~s-~ a ~f~ent ~'er ~ ~op~y-~e~. C~, ~t~g to ~.~, f-or se~ees- ~ Sub~-it~ ~i~ Ju~ice ~ the si~ ness ~ the Tri~ ~us~ee'~s"~~ed'--~ o~ed p-aid ~th~t~.deduc~on _f~:.~he re~ s~a~ ~'th~ '~i~~ not~ the New York B~ ~at ~e ~ens ~ C'~ty Bonds w~d be p~ble ~-.'~he ~t~e at the National 'B~ ~ It was-br~t to the attention of the B~rd t~t the te~s ~ ~fiee ~ Messrs..-D~- ~ Fors~h and L-, O~ H~f as ~'e~- ~ the B-o~d ~' ~blt~ We~e. t~ted-on J~e 3~, 19~. ~. E. J. B~ m~inat~' Mes.srs,-'Do~las F~ ~d' L, C. H~f t-o'.s~ee~d-the~ selves as m~ers of ~e B~rd ~- ~blie We~e f~'a .te~ ~ two ye~s, each, ~r~ J~y 1, 19~. ~ere being ~no-f~her n~i~tioms, Me~'~ ~o~h ~d H~f ~~~s-ty elected~ ~e ~tter ~ a Police ~io ~ ~ain bro~ht to the attention ~ the-.B~r~ ~d the County Executive was instructed.to contact the proper City-Official and de%ermine-whether or not the City woutd be interested ina jo[ut amrangement and report Back- The following Resolution~., offered by Mr,. P. H. Gentry, duly seconde~, ~ unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it has been b~mght to the' attention of this Beard,that a' majority of the Counties of this State are faced with the increasingly diffi- cult problem of financing the welfare Program as proposed by the State De- partment cf Public We/fame under the provisions of the Public Assistance Act, and WN ~EREAS, the Board of-County Supervisors 'of-this County feels that- the present operation of the We/fare Department in-said Oountie~-under the Virginia Public Assistance .Act, is contrary to the ideals of .local self government and to the fundamental principles of democracy so long cherished in Virginia, 'and. WHEREAS, it is the' 'sense of- this Board that' the. method of selection of the Members of the Board of Public Welfare in this County should be put into effect in each County of this· State, NOW, THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED that the 'Board"of County Saperv~ser~ of' Albemarle-County, V~rginia, hereby goes on' record- as favoring a revision of the Virginia~Public Assistance A~t ~e the extent of making the provisionS which are applicable to this County also applicable to each County in this state. BE' IT:FURTHER: RESOL~:'~ha% 'copies of representatix~es of this' County'in the-'C~eral Assembly, to the Legislative Committee of the League of Virginia Counties, and to the Secretary of the- League of; ~V~irginia - Counties. The proposed Ordinance, fixing License on' Carniva~s, was again brought to the atten- tion of the B-oar~ and action on same deferrede .... Claim, amounting to" $62,~, for costs in connection with Issac Rad~ord Tax Case .was presented and l Ord'el~d The suggested Ordinance regulating Brush Burning was ag~-~~. brought-to the attention of the Board and up°~ motion, duly made .and Seconded, was tabled. Messrs~ E; H'. Bain and- Linden Shroyer, representing the ~Croz~'~-mLionS'mCi~b-;;. ~equested the Board te urg.~he~'State Department of HighWays to widen the~ B/~idge on-Route- 250' 'across Lickingh~le:: Cre~k .about-one. 'hundred yards wes% of-Mechums River and'the.' Bridge also on Route 250 across Laffert~/'s Creek between Crezet. and Browus~lle. The following Resolutious', offered by Mr. C. Purcell McOue, duly seconded, were unanimously adeptedl WHEREAS, it has'!'~be~m brought to the attention of this Board tB~t the Bridge across T..iCking~o~eb Creek, ~-~hort'~istanee west of- Mechums River, and'-the-Bridge-across Lafferty's Creek, between Cre- zet and Brownsville, on Route 250 are too narrow for two vehicles to pass With s~, NOW, visors of Albemarle--County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby requested to widen these Bridges at the earliest possi- ble moment. BE IT 'FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution Be sent to the Chairman of the State Highway Commission, the District Engineer at Outpeper, aud'%he ~sident'Engineer'at- Charlottesville. Claim, amounting to $25.00, for expenses of Mr. E.V; Walker to' New York and return, representing the County in presenting to ~r. Paul G. McIntire Scroll, was presented and -ordered paid. Claims against the County, amounting to $38,~8~.~8, were presented~ examiued, and al- lewed, and ordered certified 2e the Director of Finance for payment and charged aga~st the following fund~ ~ General School Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Road Debtt Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanna District Scottsville Distric~ White Hall District Co-mmenwealth of Virginia ?,477.30 ~; ,34.2.29 61.0o 2¢6.00 17,82~.00 1,825.00 1,950.00 2,625.00 350.0o · 1~281.99 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned, ..... , Chairman. A regular meetimg of..the. Roard~.o~Oo~t~..S~perxis~raof A1BemarleCounty, Virginia, was at ~he Office. B.uildiug..of..~he said. Oonnt~..,on. the 20~h. da~of-August,.~l~41. Presents Messrs..J.M. Fray, E...~+/Ballard, P. H. Gentry, Ho Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. ~', Roberts. Absent~ None. Officers present..~ County Executive. Minutes of the meeting of July 16,.1~$1, were read and approved, Supplemental Budget for Aid t~ the Blind, amounting to $200,00, for the fiscal year ending ~une 30, l~42,"was 'presen~ed~hyj~he Welfare Board and approved. Mr. HA A. Haden, Director of ~inance, submitted a statement of expenses ~£ the Depart- ment of Finance for the month 0f July, 1~41, one-third of which to be borne by t~e State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and approved. The following Reports were presented and approvod and ordered filed~ ~ 1. County Executiv..e. 2. ~ame ~ardeno 3 · Equalization Board, The following Resolutions, offered by Mr. ~C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. P. H. ~entry,we~,e unanimously adopted~ ~HEB~A~, large sums of money have been borrowed by the~hite Hall Magisterial District and expended .on what is new P~u%~ 230, only a portion ofwhich has been repaid, and the tax rate'in the ~hite Hall MagiSterial District to p~vide funds for. interco% and sinking fund.requirement of these and similar bond~ ~s at the present time $0~ per $100.0~ of assessed value, or more thunder the total tax rate in the said District~ and W~EREA~, this Board has made repeated efforts to secure an alloca- tion of funds sufficient to put this road in a passable condition without success due, in its opinion, to the fact that the.road is not.a Federal Aid Highway, and ~REAS, it is~the sense of this Board that the logical method of financing the improvementof this. road is the transfer of the Convic% now located on Route 240 to Route 230upon completion of Route 240, NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, t.hat the Honorable_ Howard C. Rogers, Member of the Virginia State Highway Commission, representing the Culpeper District, be and is hereby urged to exert every effort-tohave the Convict Camp now located on Route 240 assigned to Route 230 uponcompletion of the project to which it is now assigned, BE IT FURTheR RESOLVED that a Committee, cOnS~ting of Dr. L. ~o Roberts~ and the CoUnty ExecUtive, be and is. hereby authorized smd' directed to wait upon the Honorable Howard C, Rogers and present him.~ith a copy of these Resolutions and inform him as to the urgency ~f the situation and solicit his cooperation. Claim of B. R, Walton for loss,of chickens was presented and denie~ due' to the fact that there was insufficient evidence that the chickens had been killed by dogs. A communion%ion from Mr. R. I.Mount, District Engineer, concerning the Board's re- quest!~%c widen Bridges on Route 2~0 across across Lickinghele Creek and Lafferty's Creek, advising that in the opinion of the Highway Department the traffic on Route 2~0 at these points would be reduced considerably upon the opening of Route 240, was presented and ordered f~led. The matter of the appointment of a Planning Board e~d Housing Authority was again brought up undeceive deferred u~til the next regular meeting. The question of a~f~uging with the City authorities .for the use of Police Radio for County Officers was discussed far, her and the County Executive was instructed to confer with the City Officiale and secure, if possible, a proposal from them. Report of L, M~a~y Downs, Audi%or off'PUblic Accounts, on Audit of the Trial Justice Office for %h~ fi~--y~r,.en~d ~une ~0,1~40, was presented and ordered filed. 419 A communication ~ £rom- the. Northern Virginia. Reg.~oaal.De£ensa.Co.~:- was .pre~nt~, t~ $8,~00,00 ~d ~e ~unt. appo~i~ed :~o ,t~a~t7 ~s $t~1.0~. ,~ ~pon, ~.~ns- duly made for the first q~e~ by .the,.~f~o~in~ re~.vote~. A~as~ ~.. Massrs.~J.._M. Fray, E. ~. ~l- The Board's attention ~s. called to the fact tht the appropria%ion for the University of Viri~ia Hospital ~s not ~it during the year which ended J~e 30,. 1941. Therefore, upon motion, d~7 ~de ~d seconded, ~ appropriation ~af $~00.00 ~s.. ~de to co,er '.the- ~0~% due the University ef Virghia Hospital for-the year which ended J~e 30, .19~l...by the follo~ng recorded votel Ayes~ Masers. J. M. ~y, E. J. Ballard, P. H. ~entry~ H. Ashby Harris, ~d O. Purcell ~cCue, ~d Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noesl None. Co~icatiOn f~m Mrs. C~rles L. Kidd, conce~inE the sale of Beer ~d Wine on $~day~ ~s presented and ordgred filed. C~ication from Mr. W. W. Reynolds, /. .... tea.daring his resi~ati~n as Co~ty ~en%, effective Augus~ 1, 1941, ~a presented The Board,s attention ~s called to the fact ti .at so ~ny yo~ men ordinarily a~il- able for ~sition as Assist~t Co~ty Agent are now .iable for military so,ice that the selection of a person at this t~e is rather difficult. Upon mo$ioa, duly ~de and seconded, action on %he selection of a successor %o Mr. Re,olds ~s ~stponed indefinitelye The following Resolution~was unanimously adopte BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Sv Co~mtyi: ~Virgin a-~:? .that the Director of Finaz Subsequent years' land taxes until ~he Sale to year is made and reported to the Clerk of the C Mr. Ro C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of the Stat ing the construction of a sidewalk at Crozet. The Coy with the proper Committee from the Lions Club in regar Company, 'which appears to be in the way of such eonstr Claim of Walter A. Wilson against the Dog Fund, killed and damaged by dogs was approved for payment. Claim, amounting to $1¢4.1~, for costs in con~e presented' and approved for payment-. The Chairman reported that he had appointed Mr. Committee '~o Curtail the Transmigration of Virginia ~ notified him of his acceptance of the appointment. Claim8 against the County, a~ouating to $14,4~6 ~er~isors of Alb~rle ~?f' ce be charged w~th lc)40 aad the Co~onwealth far each ircu~~ CouP. e Highly Depa~men~ appeared conce~- nty Executi~ ~s inst~cted to confer d $~ the Uater Line ef She Cro~et Water action. ~ounting tO $8~,'~G, for Bheep :rich with Isaac Radford Tax Suit was Bernard P, Chamberlain to serve on the ~rce Materials and Mr. ChamBerlain had ,27, were presented, exemined, a~d al- lowed, ~ud ordered certified to the Director of Financ~ for payment and charged agaia~% the fallowing funds ~ ~eneral School Dog Tax C're~e% Fire District ~Oeamoawe~l~h-,-of Virginia $10,$20,58~ ,469.~,6. 280,99. 9.20. To%al Upon motion, ~,'~ee~ing adjourned.