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A coaanu~ication-£rom-the No~the.rn Vi~inia. Re~ional.~-De~ense, Co~il,:, was. presented,
for the first queer by the..,f~ina .~co~ed..v~tes. l~s, ~essrs,.J.M.~Fray~ .E. ~. ~l-
la~s~P. ~. Gentws H. Ashby ~r,~s, a~. C..~rcell McCue,.,~d
The Board's att,atica ~s called to the fact t~t the appropriation for the University
of Virg~ia Hospital ~s not ~id during t~ y~r which ended J~e 30, 1~41. Therefore,
upon motion, d~y ~de ~d seco~ed, ~ appropriation .of $~.~+~-~s. ~de to cove~ the
~ount due the UniveFsity of Virg~'ia Hospital for the year which ended J~e ~O, .l~-~..by the
following recorded ~tes Ayess Messrs. J. M. F~y, E. J. Ballard, P. H. 6entw, H, Ashby
Harris, ~d C, Purcell McOue~ and Dr. L. O. Robe~sj Noes~ None.
Co~ication f~m Mrs. Charles L. Xidd, conceive the sale of Beer ~d Wine on S~day
~s presented and ordered fil~.
Co~ioation from Mr. W. ~. Reynolds, tendering his resignation as Assistant
Co~y ~ent, effective l~us~ 1, 1~41, was presented.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that so ~y young men ordinarily aVail-
able for position as Assistan~ Co~ty Agent are nOw liable ~or military se~ice that the
selection of a person at this t~e is rather difficult. Upon mo~ioa, duly ~de ~d seconded,
action on the, selection of a successor to Mr. Reynolds ~s ~stponed indefinitely,
~e following Resolution~s ~an~oUsly adopted~
~ IT ~L~D by the Board of Co~y 3upe~isors of
Co~ty~: ,..Vi~inia-~:~ t~t the Director of ~inanoe be charged with
subsequent years' land ~axes ~til the Sale to ~he Co~on~alth for each
year is ~de and ~po~ed to the Clerk of ~he Circuit CouP.
Mr. R. C. ~bler, Resident Engineer of the State Highly Depa~ment, appeared coace~-
i~ the cons$~ction off a side~ at Cron,t. ~e Co~ty Executive ~s inst~cted to confer
with the pro~r Comities ff~m the Lions Club ~ regard to the ~ater Line of the C~aet Water
Comply, 'which appears to be in the ~y of such construction,
Cla~ of W~ier A. Wilson against the Dog F~d, ~ounting to $8~-,~9~ for Sheep
killed ~d ~ged by dogs ~s approved for pa~ent,
C!a~, ~ounting $o $144,1~, for costs in c0~ection with Isaac Radford T~ Suit
p~s~ted and app~ved for pa~ent,
The C~i~an reposed that he ~d appointed Mr. Bernard P, Ch~berla~ to serve on the
Coittee'~o Cu~ail the of ~urce ~terials and Mr. C~berlain had
notified ~ of his acc,piece of the apartment.
Cla~a a~si the County, ~o~ting to $14,4~6.2~, were presented, ex~ed, ~d al-
lowed, ~d o~ered ceriiffied to the Di~cior of Fi~anoe for pa~ent
following fUnds ~
Dog Tax
Croze~ Fire District
~J~amm~eawe~l~h-. ~ o f Virginia
Upon motion, ~heyme~ing adjourned,
A regular meeting e~ .~he...B~ar&.of....~o~nty~per. visQr_s.~ofAlhsmarle..Oounty', Virginia,
Present~ Messrs. J. M. F~y, P. H. Gentry, H. Aeh~[~ria, and. C.. ~rcell McCue,
and Dr. L. ~.
Officers present ~ Co~unt~xeeuti~.e. ~d.~Sheriff..
Minutes of the meetin~ .el A~ust 20~. 1~41, were read .~d app~ved.
Mr. Berlin Eye, Dist~ict~.Fo~ster,~. and o~her citizens, appeared ~to r~aes~ the Boar~
to put into efffect Sub-section (b) ~f.Ccde Sect~.n~.545 as ~ended, C~ter 18~, of the Acts
of the ~eae~l As~bly of Virginia, 1950, reg~ating B.~sh B~ning~
Following discussion of the ~tter, the following Resolution .was adopted by the follow.
ing recorded vote~ Ayes~ Messrs. C. ~reell McCue, P. H. ~entry, ~d H. Ashby 'Harris; Noes~
Mr.J.M. Fray ~d Dr. L. G. Robe~s~
. BE IT ~L~D BY T~ ~A~ that Svb-seetion (b) of ~he Code See-
tion ~4% aa~ended~ Chapter 18~, of ~he Acts of the General Assembly of
Virginia, 1740, be, ~d the s~e is hereby, ~proved as require~ ia the
Act. ~is order shall be entered on the county records of this Board
and it is hereby ordere~ t~t ~ attested copy he, eof be sez~ to the State
Forester, Box I~$8, University station, C~rlottesville, Virg~ia.
Mr. Eye fu~her suggestet t~t .the rate-of ~y for fire fighting be increased from
20~ per hou~ for registered fire fighters and 1~. per ho~ fo~ non-r~giste~e~ fire fighters
to 2~ per hour for re~ste~d fire fighters~aad 20~ ~ hou~ for non-registered fire fighter~
Upon motion, duly ~de ~d seconded, the followin~ Resolution ~s ~ously adopted=
BE IT ~OL~D BY T~ BO~ OF S~R~RS that the ~tate Forests?
of Virgin~ be, ~d is he,by, ~q~es~ed to approve a c~nge in the rate
of pay to persons employed by t~ Forest Wakens of the said Co~ty for
the suppression off fo~st fires, f~m the present rate of 2~ per hour for
registere~ fire fighters ~d 1~ per hour for non-registered f~ fighters
to the revised ~e of 2~ per hour ~er registered fire fighters ~d 20~
per hour for non-registereA firs fighters,
tr~it an attested copy of this resolution t~ the State Forester, Box 1368,
University Station, C~rlottesville, Virginia. -
Upon.m~tion, duly made an~ secoz~ed, the t~e allette~ the Board of Eq~lizatio~
was exte~de~ sixty ~king days.
~e Budge~ for the q~rte~ e~dimg September ~0, 1~$1, of the No~her~ Virginia Region.
al Defense Co,oil ~s presented a~d ordered file~.
L~Mr. H. A. ~den, Director of Finance, submitted a stat~ent of expe~ses~ef ~he Depa~.
ment off ~inance f~r the month ~f ~us~, 1~41, one-~hir~ of which to ~be borne by the State,
Upon motto~, ~uly ~de 'and seco~ded, this stat~ent was ex, ned, verified ~d. approved;
~e Oounty Executive reported en his co~erence with the ~officials of Augusta C~ty
concerning a Planning Beard. Action on th~'~ ~tter eft the appointment of a Plying Board
was deferred ~til the next regular mee~ia~.
~e foll~ng Reports were presented and ordered filed~
1. cowry Executive.
2. District Home.
~. University of Virginia H~spit~ (~o months)-
4. Equali~tion Board.
~e fOllo~ng Resolution, offered by Dr.
ly adopteds
~~, the~e are six h~dred eighty miles of ~ecenda~ Roa~s
Albe~rle Co~ty, ~d
WBEREAS, many miles of these roads need improvement, including
re-l~'ca%ing and su.~f~cing with crushed stone,.
~AS, the all~cat~o~ ~f f~s for Secondary Roads in this
c~ty is not adequate to co, tote contemplated ~rk within a reaso~ble
lea~h of t~e,
NOW, THEREFORE', BE IT ~ESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that General James A. Anderson, the State
Highway Commissioner, be and is hereby requested to re-assign the Secondary
Highway Convict Camp to this county for the year beginning July 1~. 1942,
Mr. R. C. ~mbler, Resident Engineer of the State Department of Highways, appeared to
askif the matter of the sidewalk at Cr~zet had been decided upon and he was advised that
the matter at this tilne is h the hands of a Committee of citizens of Croset and that he
w~uld be advised when a d~ini%e decision has been reached.
The Com~it%ee appointed at//~eprevious meeting to attempt to secure an allocatien of
funds for the i~.._p~emont of Route 230 reported thai it had learned'that the Convict Camp~
which this Board requested be assigned to Route 230, had already been assigned to Rout~ 2~0,
and suggested that another Resolution be adopted.
Upon mation:.;b~u~r.,~ C~/~Purdell M~Cue, duly seconded, the following Resolution was
u~animously adopted~
WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of County'Supervisors of Albe-
marl® County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of August, 1~41, Resolutions
were adopted by' this Board eoncer~ing the assignment ef'a Convict Camp now
employed oaR outs 240 to Route 230, and
WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of this Board that
the Convict Camp in question has been re-assigned to Route 2~0, and
WHEREAS, large sums of money have been borrowed :by the White Hall
~agisterialDistrict and expended:on what is now. Route 230, only a por-
tion of'Which has been.rePaid, and the tax rate in the ~hite Hall Magis-
terial District to provide funds for interest amd sinking fund requirements
of.these and, similar bondsis at the,present time 60~ per $100,00 'of assessed
value, or more'than ~O% of lbo,total tax rate in the said District,-and
WHEEEAS:~ this Board'hasmade repeated efforts to secu?e ~:':al'lo~a-
%ion of~::~da sUffficient to put this road in a passable co~di'iion:withbut
success ~, in its opimi~n, to %he'-:fact.~.that the'road is ~ot"a~F~derat Aid
NOW, TBEREFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that a Committee, consisting of Dr. L. ~. Roberts,
the County Executive, Messrs. D. B. Owen, Chesley A. Haden, and T~ 8. Zirkle,
be and is hereby authorized and directed to secure and present such data as
may be necessary to the Chairmnn and other Members of the Virginia State
Highway Commission to secure an allocation of funds for the improvement of
Route 2~0 for the year beginning July 1, 1942o
Oommmnioation from the State Department of Highways,advising that $3,000,000~O0 ad-
ditional funds had been allocated for primary roads for the current ~iscal year, was pres-
A communication from Dr. Wilbur A. Nelson, advising that he wO~ld~be~'in Washington
for a large part of the time during the next twelve months assisting with Defense Work and
that he would not be able to attend to his duties as a member of the County School Board'
duritg that time, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, a leave ef absence
fore, period of twelve months from this data.was granted Dr'. Nelson.
Mr. Jesse B. Wilson appeared and requested an appropriation of $100,00 for the United
Service Organizations. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, $100o00 was appropriated, pro-
vided, the Commonwealth's Attorney is of the opinion that it is legal for the Board' to make
such an appropriation, by the following recorded vOte~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. Fray,. P. H.
~entry, Ho Ashby Harris, and C.. Purcell McCue, and Dr, L. ~. Roberts; Noes~ None.
Mr. R. C. Ambler, ResideniEngineer of the State Department of Highways, presented
blue~ print sketches, showing the reads leading to SChools~in Albemarle County which will be
maintained by the State Department of Highways.
Claims against the County, amounting to $~?,~78.21, were presented, e~ined~ and al-
lowed, and ordered certified, to-the Direc!or of Finance for payment' amd. cha~ged.against the
following fundss
J 22
Cro zet Firellia,~.~_ic.t_.
Dog Tax .
Road Debt~
Charl~t~es.v. ille
White Hall
C ommonwe alt h.,.~f....~ir, ginia
Total $47,318.21.
Upon 'motion, the meeting gdJourned.
A regular..,.mee,~i~g-of:[',,~he Board: of.,~ ~oU~$~y. 8uper~leer-$-o~,~,Albemarle...CoUnty,,
Present~ MeSsrs. J-..U.,Fray, E....J..Ballard, P,. H, Gentry, H,. Ashby .Harris, .~d
Oo~t.y, ,._~i~gi~, ~2~-~ficient f~ds be appropriated to provide the
cost of a sudsy o~ Orozet ~d vicinity, suc~ cost to Be repaid when,
as, and if a ~a~i~a~ district is established ~d f~ds are
for this pu~ose,
Mrs. E. E. ~o~son, of Mech~e Rive~, Virg~ia, appeared and presented a c~ for
three chickens which she stated were killed in he~ presence By d~gs, Upon motion, duly
~d seconded, this cla~ ~s ~pproved for pa~ent at $1'~ for each chicken.
Mr. Walton appeared ~d p~se~ted a cla~ for t~ shoats which he etated he ~s o~ ~he
opinion ~d Been killed by dogs. ~is ~ia~ was denied due to the lack of evidence that
d~age ~s done by dogs.
Cla~ a~i~st the Dog F~d for seven chickens ~s presented by Mrs. ~ola Harlew and
referred to the O~i~ of the Board :with. power to act.
Co~u~ation fr~ Dr. W. A. Nelson, expressi~ his appre~iation of the Board's action
in extending him a leave of absence from his duties as a member of the Co~ty School Board,
~s p~sented and ordered filed.
Co~ication from Mr. O. A. ~ontgome~, Assist~t Directo~ of Extension W~rk, with
reference to a~ilable pe~ons as AsSi~2 Co~ty Agent ~s presented. It ~s the se~e
~f the Board that ~ attemp~ should not be ~de to fill this position during the present.
Upoz motion, duly ~de ~d seconded, ~ app~priation of $1~.~ ~s ~de fo~ t~
United Se~ice Or~izatiomS by the following ~cor~ed vote~ Ayes~ Messrs. ~. M. F~y,
E. ~, Ballard, P. fl. ~ent~, H, Ashby ~is ~d O. P~cell McOuel Noes~ Nose.
The follow~g Re~s we~ presented ~d ordered filed~
1. Co~ty Executive.
2. University of Va, Hospital,
~. Board of Eq~ization.
Mr. H. A. fladea, Director of Finance, su~itted a statement of expenses of ,the Depa~-
me~t of Finite f~r the month of Septe~er, 2~4t, ~$~d of w~ch to be borne by the State