HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-10-15School crozet Dog Tax .Road Deb~ C~arl~ t~tes~ille Ivy Rivauna ~hits ~11 1~ .20 11~,10 ,6o8.10. 400.00 118.22 Total $47,378.21. Upon motion, the meeting ~dJourned, A regula~.,meeti~g.of:i:lhe Board'. o~ ~oun~y.,.Super~iaors ..o~.~.Albemarle-.Ooun~,. Present~ MeSsrs. ~. M..Fra7, E..J. Ballard,. P..fl. Gentry, fl.. Ashby .Harris, .~d Purce~.-McCue,.,, Officers prsa~ts_.. C~.,~.~s~and_,.~h~., ....... to make.asu~ey,..~ a p~cpo~..s~l~ydisi~ictfor. C~zet.~dvicinity. Co~ty,..Vi~gin~,.~t.s~.~cient ff~ds be appropriated to provide the cost of a sudsy o~ Oroaet and vicinity, suc~ coat to be repaid'when, as, ~d if a _~t~ district is established ~d f~ds are available for this pu~ose, Mrs. E. L. ~o~son, of Machos River, Virg~ia, appeared ~d presented a c~ far three chickens which she stated were killed in her presence by dogs. ~on m~tion, duly~de ~d seconded, this cla~s approved for pa~e~ at $1.~ foreach chicken. Mr. Walton a~eered ~d p~seated a cla~ for t~ shoats which he stated he ~s o~ the opinion ~d been killed By dogs. ~is 'eia~ was denied due to the lack of evidence that d~age ~s done by dogs. Cla~ a~inst the Dog F~d for seven chickens ~s presented by Mrs. Leela ~rlow and refaced to the C~i~ of the Board ~th power ~ act. Co~ication from Dr. W, A. Nelson, expressing his appredia~ion of the Board's action in extending him a leave of absence fremhis duties as a member of the Co~ty School Board, ~s p~seated and ordered filed. Ce~icatien from Mr. C. A. Montgome~, Assist~ Director of Extension W~rk, with refference t~ a~i!able ~_~ons as AsSi$2~t Co~ty Agent was presented. It was the sense of the Beard that ~ attemp~ should not be ~de to fill this position during the present e~rgency, Upon motien, duly~de ~d secomded, ~app~priation of $1~.~ ~s~de for the United ~e~i~ Or~izatiomS by the following recorded ~te: Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. E. J. Bellard, P. N. Ge~t~, N. Ashby~is a~ O. P~cell McOme$ Noea~ None. The ffollo~ng Repo~s were presented ~d ordered ~iled: 1. Catty Executive. 2. University of Va. Hospit~. 3. Board of Equalization. ~. ~e Uarden. Mr. N. A. Hades, Director cf Finance, su~itted a statement of expenses of ,the Depa~- me~t of Fiance for the month of September, ~$~, ~~rd of which to Be bo~e by 2he State on. October. 24th~...~s..~.-p~eaented. A Co~ttae,..~cons~t~g._.cf..Messra..~.. J. Ballard ~d P. Gent~ ~d the. Co.~ty. Executive,.~$..ap~inted to. The follo~g~ Re~lutton,. offered by Mr. P. H. Ge~t.ry, seconded by.Mr. E. J.. Bal~rd, 8ta~tng t~t--th~e..$1,0~;~ ~%.Bonds. of C..-E.T~cker due .on April 2~, 1945-, which-are d~POsited ~th ~he peoples National B~k, C~rlotteSyille, Vir- g~ia-j in escrow by the Citizens Bank ~d Trust Company, have been called for ~nt,._ a~ ~~,-the CitizenS-Bank and T~st Core, ny ~s submitted a list of bonds, w~.ch it ~ll..depo.s~. in .li~._of..the Thac~.B~ds-~o be ~thd~, ~W, ~F0~, BE IT ~SOL~D by the Board of County Supe~sors of Alb~le Co~ty, Virginia, t~t thefCi~izens B~k and Trust Comply be is hereby authorized to withdraw and the Peoples National Bank is hereby authorized %o release the fol~wi~.bonds~ ~d that the Citizens B~k a~d T~st Company put up ~th the Peoples National Bank the followi~g $2,000.00 ~nie L. and Claud L. Bur~i~, Jr., $% R. E. Bonds dated August 21, 1~1, due August 21, 1946. $1,000.00 ~oms Terrell 6% R. E. Bo~ds dated J~e 27, 1941, due J~e 27, 1944, ~e following Reso!utio~s, offered by Mr. E. J. Ballard,. seconded by ~AS, i~ ~s been bro~ 2o the attention of %~s Board the n~ber of ~ates i~ the District Home ~s been reduced conside~bly over a .pe~od of se~l years, ~d ~AS, the per di~ cost of maintenaace df i~tes has p~por- %ionately increased, a~d ~AS, the City of ~rrisOnburg is interested iz purc~sing interest in the District Home, NOW, ~~RE, BE .~ ~L~D by the Board of County Supe~isors ef Albemarle Co~ty, Virginia, t~t it is the sense of %his Board the a~ion of the City of ~rrisonburg on the s~e basi~ as the present m~bers~p is ~se and BE IT F~R ~L~D that the representative of t~s County o~ the District Board be ~d is hereby authorized ~d directed %o approve the a~issisn of the City of Harrisonbu~ at such ~e as the ~tter be presented to the District Board. Co~ication f~m the State Department of Highways, giving t~ allocation of an additional $4~]$8,8~.00 of Pr~ary Highly F~ds for the current year, ~$ presented. A request ~s received fr~ the County School Board for pe~ission to ~e a portion of the School F~d Su~lus for the const~ction of an additio~ %0 the B~e~dus Wood High School. Upon motion, duly ~de and seconded, the request ~s ~a~ously ~e.-followi~g Resolution, offered by Mr. H. Ashby ~rris, duly seconded, ~s adop%ed~ ~AS, it ~s bees brought to the attentio~ of this Board that the State ~mezt of High~ys is willing to tr~sfer to this Co~ty for use o~ Route ~2 across the Buck ISland Creek a steel bridge now lo- cated in Warre~ Co~ty ~d ~o longer in use, ~d ~AS, a bridge is ve~ necessary at this location i~ Albe~rle County, ' NOW, ~~, BE IT ~L~D by the Boar~ of Co~y Supe~isors of Alb~arle Co~%y, Virginia, that the Stats Highly Co~issioner be and is hereby requested to authorize the tmsfer of this bridge from Warren Co~ty to Albe~rle Co~ty at ~o expense to the Secondary Highly F~d of Alb~arle, except %he cost of t~nspo~ing the b~dge to t~s co,rye _423