HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-11-19had secured a tentative all~ca~ion off $40,000.00 ~or' the year beginning:July 1, 1~42.
Upon motion, duly made.-amt..~sac~ded,. 2he following.salary: increases were authorized,
effective-November 1~1~1:
~nd an appropriation of $4OO.O0...was made.-to-oove~..increasesin,~sala~y~ef-the Deputy Sheriffs
~y the following reco;de.d...vo%e$ Ayes: Messrs, J. M. Fray, E. ~. Ballard, Po H. Gentry,
~. Ashby Harris and C. Purcell ~cCue;.No~s: None.
Claims against-the... County,_ amounting .to.. $~8,858.,~4, .were~present. ed. examined, amd .al-
lewed,~and ~rderedcertified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the
fallowing funds.:
$ ?,038.86
:].lc) .82
Crezet Fire, Dist~c%.
Charlottesville.- Diet ~i,c% ....
I~.-D~t ............. 2,~.
S~l._M~er. Dis~ict. 7 .~2
Scottsv~.~-Dis%ricZ. 7.22
~i% a. Hall Dis~ic% 402.41
Ca~_.In ..~ndS
Home ~Ecc~cs. Tethers
Vocational Agric~t~9 Teachers
Co~onwealth of Virgin~
Total $38,858.54.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
, Chairman.
A regular meeting of t-he Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office BuitdtnEi of the said County on the lSth day of November, 1541.
Present: Messrs. ~. M. Fray, E. ~. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, M. Ashby Harris, and C.
Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. ~; Roberts,.
Absent: None.
Officers present's CoUnty Executive and Sheriff.
Minutes of the meeting of October 1~, 1541, were read and approved.
The Chairman reported that the-claim of Mrs. Leola Harlow against the Dog Fund had
been denied due to insufficient-evidence that. the fowl were killed bydog$.
Notice was received..~the,effee~-that 'the Southern Railway Company had ,appliedtt, the
State Corporation Commission to discontinue the si~%~ck at Arrowhead and that a Hearing
would be held on_the same on December 15, 1~41, at 10 A. M. ~:The County Executive was in-
structed to communicate with Mr. Samuel B.Woods and ascertain whether or not there was any
need for the continuation of this sidetrack.
The County Executive reported tha%he had. had a conference with the Mayor and Oity
Manager concerning the use of the City's Police Radio by County Offic~rs~ The terms out-
lined by the City authorities were such that it was not deemed advisable to pursue the matte~
any further.
It was called to the attention of the Board that at this season of the year deposits
in ~he Fa,pies National Bank would be increased materially and additional security would be
necessary. This Bank submitted a list of securities which it was ina position to deposit
lowing .resolution ~.w~.a. ~u~animoualy....adopt~d,$
BEITRESOL~Dby.%he,~Board..o£..County~Supe~sors. Of. Albema~leCounty,
~inia,-tha~ .%hef~llowingadditiomal securities .which. the~eoples National
Bank has offered to deposit in escrow With'the National Bank and Trust Com-
$16,O00oO0.~..par value,.Ci~y~of. RockyMount,..N,,0., ~%~ater
'and ~ewer Bonds
10~O00..O0,~par value, ~tate of Tennessee $% Funding Bonds
4,000.00, par value, Augusta'Coum~y,_.Va.~,.4 3/4% Pastures
Ma~isterialDistrict Road Bonds due 2/1/48.
~,O00~O0, par value~..State, of.Mississippi~3~% Highway
10, O00.OO,.pa~.~alue, State af. Mississippi_3~ Highway
Bonds.. due 8/1/44.
lO~C~O,O0, par value, 8%ate of Mississippi 3~ Highuy
Bonds due 2/1/49,
lj,OO0,O0, par value, 8tare of Missil~ip~i 3~ Highway
Bonds, ~'nird 8eries, due
10,000.O0, par vllue, State of Mississippi 3~J Hi[huy
Bonds, Third 8eries, due
~0,00, par ulue, To~m of ~rtinsville, Vi., 6~
Hchool Building and 8%r®et Imp~v~nen~ Bonds
Mr. H. A. Haden, DireCtor of FinanCe, submitted a statement of the expenses of the De-
partm~nt of Finance for the monthoof 0'c%ober, 1941, one-third of which to be borne by the
State. Upon motion, duly made a~d seconded, this statement was examined, verified, and ap-
The following Reports were presented and ordered filed~
1. County Executive.
2. District Home Board.
3, University of Virginia Hospital.
4. ~ame Warden.
~. Equalization Board.
The Board's attentionwas called to the fact that appropriation for the quarter endin~
January 31, 19¢2, for the Northern Virginia Regional Defense Council was necessary. Upon
motion, duly made and seconded, an appropriation of $172..76 was made for the Northern
ginia Regional D~fenee Council for'the quarter ending January 31, 1~42, by the'following
recorded.vote~ Ayes~ MessrSo J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. ~entry, H. Ashby Harris,
and C'o Purcell McCue,. and Dr. L. ~. Roberts~ Noes~ None.
Communicationfrom the ~tate.Department of-Highways.showing the ten~.ative allocation
o~. constructi~n.~unds..for the.Prima.rySystem for..the.yearbeginning July 1, l~42,-was pre-
sented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Committee previously appointed to secure
m~ allocation for Route 230 was authorized to appear before the Commission at Culpeper on
November 27, 194i~ and ~equest that the tentative allocation made for Route 230 be made per-
MessrS. ~.ff. B~llard and P. H. ~entry and the ~ount¥ Executive were appointed to
represent the Coun%~ at the annual convention of the League of Virginia Counties to be held
at Roanoke on December ~, 1941, and December 6, 1~¢1.
Cormnunication from the Crippled Children's Hospital, requesting a contribution for thai
institution, was presented and the County ExeCutive was instructed to ascertain whetheror
not any AlbemarleCounty children are in .this institution and .report back°
Request was received from the County ~chool~.oard for a Joint meeting with this Board.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Wednesday, November 26, 1941, at 9 A. M., was fixed
for such a joint meeting.
Upon.motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was adopted~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of-Albemarle
County, Virginia, that the proposed relocation of Route 690, as shown
by Drawing No. I~2~-F prepared by the Chief Engineer's Office of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, Richmond, ~irginia, be and the same
is hereby approved; provided, %hat the new location will provide an out-
let for ~erbert Barbour. and C. D. L. Perkins, owners of property on the
west side of the pr_scent mainline of the Chesapeake'and Ohio Railway' Com-
BE IT FURTHER I~0LVED that the ~tate Highway Commission be and
is hereby requested to discontinue the maintenance of the old road°
Re.po rt of. T.~.~.C.oleman~A~drews. a nd._.C.~mpany.,en~ audit-.o~_ the.. Cc.u~ty' s'. rse~ds., and ac co~t s
for the year ended. J,u~ 30.,~ 1~.4.1,. ~s presented ~d ordered find.. -
Highways, acknowledgin~ recent, of. ~i.s,.Boar~'~ ~esolution dated-Septe~er 17, I9~!, re-
~ul~ 1, l~2,..~ising :t~t, it.-~s.-the. ~an of the Department to leave the'O~p here for
~othe. r year, ~s present~..
Upon. motion,...d~y.made .~d-seconded,.it.. ~s.-crde~ed-t~t[ $2~-..00. be ..~id to. assist in
delaying ~he cost cf .P~e~ati~n of. McIn~ire.
C~~.-,M~. ,..~. ~,.~ D~f.,.~,a~ns.~ .~ ~ Do~ .~E~d~...~.r:. ~ss. of.-.~ep .~:. present ed and dc-
A c~i~Yi~.n,..f~_.~he~B~rd. :of*.Public.~elfare of Augusta County, ~egarding W. P. A~
..Sew~g: Ro~e~, ~$.p~esent,ed ~ and. o~dered, filed.
O~i~at~ from .the Eeague-.of, Virginia. 0o~ties,~ .c~ncezn~g: proposed: legislation
.regard~g. t~.,.,~ae.-a~as.~a metha~_.a~ c~mpe~i~...Shezi~.,.-~d...Sergeant~ ~s. presented
and no action taken_ on .s~e since it ~s not a~!icable to this co~ty.
The DirecYar,...of.Fin~ce .re~ed t~t~_ he. had. made. a~licatioa~ .to t~-
Board for expezaas .~f. his ~ffice. for the yea~ beginning ~anu~ 1, 1~42.
It.- ~s-brought~..$e,.~Yhe, attention of ~he Boa~ that.the ~.Oroz'e~-.Fire Company frequently
goes outside of the O~ze~ .Fire District to a~ist: i~ fighting -fires ~d ~t the Company
fe~ls t~t it: needs_ ~.additional p~..t~. ~.this_work, .~e C~u~ty Executive ~s in-
s~.ructed .to ~nfer with., the offi~Is.~of-this..-Oomp~y .and asce.~ain whether or not it ~uld
be their 'desire t~t the Board p~vide f~ds fr~ the General Fund ~o purchase this ad-
alit io~l equipment.
Co~icatiom ~s presented fr°m Mr. G. Stua~ ~, foyer Treasurer, conceding
charges which were ma~e against h~ for t~ receipts which had been presented,
his check for $83.74. The Director off Fin~ce ~as 'authorized ~d directed to receive the
check and credit Mr.. ~'s accost and request the Co~onwealth's Attorney's opinion as
to Shet~proper procedure to clear the entire matter up.
~e ~ounty Executive ~s instructed to ~x~ an invitatio~ to Senator ~o~ 8, Battle
and Delegates L, ~ordon ~hite ~d E. O. McOue, ~r., to attend the December, 1~$1, meeting
of the Board to confer on legislative ~tters.
T~ Receipts of Hack Bro~ and Alfred Barbour, ~r., showing the ~ent of
for the years 1~1 ~d 19~0, respec~ively~we~e p~sented,~ 'Upon motion, duly ~de and
conded, it was orde~d that the Clerk rel~se taxes for t~se years ~d that the
involved Be charged againat Mr. G.Stuart ~, foyer Treasurer.
The County Executive re~ed that sufficient progress on the collection of delin-
quent l~d-t~e~ ~d no~ been ~de ~d suggested that arr~g~ents Be ~de ~th additional
attorney or atto~eys to presents this ~rk. Upon motion, duly ~de ~d seconded, the
County Executive ~s authorized to ~ke such arr~g~ents,
"~ ~'~ p~sented~, e~ined, and
C~a~s a~inst the County, ~o~ting te $~1,~-..~, ~re
allowed, and ordered ce~ified to ~he Director of Finance ~or pa~ent and c~rged agai~t
the following funds
Crozet Fire District
Dog Tax
Road Debt s ~'~
Rivan~a District
Samuel Miller District
Commonwealth of Virginia
Upon motien, the meeting adjourned.
$ ~,158.47