HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-12-17was..held._a~th~:.Off~-ce, B~ild ~ing .., ef~. the.~ said~ Co.~y · .~.... ~..1.~th,, day.. of. D=cembe.re 19~ 1 Pres.~t~...Mess~s,.J:.,.M, F~:, E,. J,..Ba~a~d, P. H. ~entry, .H. Ashby ~rris, ~d Purce~Mcaue, .~d ~,L,.. ~,. Re~e~s, Ahs~_ None,- OffSets.. preeen~ ..... C~MExeau~.ve.,..C~~hLsA~orney..~d Sheriff. Minutes of the eeetin~ of Norther 1~, 1~1, were read and approved. Faris, Vice O~i~n of. the _A~rle C~p~er ..of~ .the.~erican..~d. 2ross,-appeared ~d quested an appropriation ef $1 ~0,O0. to. a~is~ i~ .p~c~g equ~ent for .the, men~ off a blood bank.at ~. Uni~e~sit~. off Virginia. Hospital ,for emergency ~rpoees and~ the renovation of the old ~e High School Building for use. of the Red Cross, Upon ~tion, duly ~e.~d seconded, ~ appropria2ion 0f $1,0~.~, or es much ~hereof a~meybe nece~sary~s ~de for this pu~ose by the followin~.recorded vote~ Ayes~ Messrs., J~ M...F~y., E. J. B~llard, P. H. Gent~, H. ~shby ~is., ~dFC~. P~cel! ~cOus, and Robe,s;. Noe~ Mr. ~, B, Woods appeared and requested the Board ~o oppos~ ~he di~con2inuance off the $~d~ack a~ Arrowhead at ~he hearing before the Sta2e Corporation Cotillion to be held a2. Bic~ond~,oa-.J~u~y-20~. 1~2, ~on ~tion,~ ~d~y ~de ~d .se~nded~ ~he Co~onwea12h's ~ey'~:~d~-2h~U~yJ~xee~vs were instructed to appear at the proper_ t~e and oppose ~his A~ ~he in~ion of ~he Board, 8enamor Jo~ 3. Battle ~d Delegate L. ~o~on ~e appeared. 2o di~cu~ P~posed Legislation ~d these representa2ives were requested to_ sponsor the' follow~g legis~iion a~ the next session of 2he ~eneral Assemblys 1, To pe~ii the Board of Oo~ty ~u~or~ of ~b~rle Co~y to lay a le~ not to exceed $1,7~ for school pu~oses, 2,To ~end the Aci providing for appeal~ f~m the decision of ihs Board of Public W~lfare. ~,'To give volunteer firemen in fire districts ~he s~e authority as in cities. 4. Te provide ~rk pr, jects fer persons ~w~Iling tc p~vide for their A co~unicaticn ~f~m the B~ard ef ~upe~iscrs~of~P~tsyl~ia~ Ce~ty~ cencerning~ re- q~st tc the ~eneral Ass~bly te p~vide f~ds to assist the celtics in the cf school c~ild~,~s-p~n~. ~d the C~irm~ was requested tc reply t~ret~. Final all~catio~ Pr~ry F~ds for the year beginning July 1, 1~2, were and ordered filed. C~icatien from the State Highway Department re~r~ing the relecatien cf Route 6~0 ~s presented and ordered file~. The C~ty Executive presented a letter from the Crippled Children's Hospital Ric~ond, concerning Albemarle children in said insti~tion,~ which info--rich was secured at the direction ef t~s Beard. ~pen metien, duly m~de ~d seecnde~, $~5.00, er as much thereof as may be necessa~, ~s appr~prlated to assist in purc~sing ~ifo~s and equipment for officers ~d enlisted men cf the l~h Ba~Alien cf ~he Virgi~a P~tective Fe~e by the f~llcw~ recorded ~e~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. ~. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby ~rris, and C. Purcell ~cOue, and Dr. L. ~. Rcbe~s; Nces~ None. ~ appropriation cf $202.?6 was made te c~ver the p~chase ef additional p~p fcr the equi~ent ef the Crezet Fire Company ~y the following rec9rded vete~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. F~y, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashb~ Harris, ~d O. Purcell Me~ue, and Dr. L. Rebe~$; Noes~ None. ~e fcllcwing Res~l~i~n was adopted by the fellewing recorded v~te~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. M. F~y, E. J. Ballard, P. H. ~entry, H. Ashby ~rris, and C. Purcell McCue, ~d v in this community which from time to t~me require the expenditures of" NOW~, TSE~E~I~E, BE,.IT~RESOLVED.~y.,the~B~ard.~.of__Count~ Super- thereof as may...be necessary, Be and.the .~ame' is. hereby appropriated. to cover such costs of Emergency DefenSe as may be properly paid from BE IT F~R ~SOL~ that....Mr~.:P..~ H..~en~. and ~the c~unty Executive be and are hereby authorized to allocate such Portio. ns of %his ap~ropriatiOn as may be necessary' ~n their opinion from~time to The Co~tyExe.cutive ree~nded:---Yhe appointment of .Mrs.~ El~.M. .Beale. as ~ ~ployee of the Department of. Fiance.. affecYi~.e D~ber 1%,~1541,: a~.a saI~ ~of $8~.00 per month. Upon motion, duly ~de ~d sec~ed., ~s. ~ale ~$ ~an~ously appointed. Mr. H. A. ~den, Di~ec~r of Finale, submit%ed a statement-of. Expenses of the Depar~ ment of Fimance for. the ~.nth..of. Nov~ber. 194.1..- one?thi~.~.~ which to be borne by ~he State. Upon motion, d~y ~de and seconded, this statement was ex~ined, verified, ~d proved. The follo~ng Reports were presented and ordered filed, 1. C~%y Executive. 2, ~ WardeH. 3- University of Vi~inia Hospital. - - The Bond's attention ~ called' to t~' fact that the~ is a vacancy on the Board of Public ~elfare on acco~ .of the death of Mr. Douglas Fors~h~. Mr. H. ~shby ~is nominated Mr. Allen K. Ra~olph. ts.- fill the. ~expired %e~ of the · ~2e Mr. Fors~h.. There bei~ no furt~r n~inations, Mr.. Randolph~ ~s:-~~iy appointed. T~ Receipts of. Robot .M..D~ckerson and ~eo...Perkins .Estate for. the year~lg32 ~d for the years. 192~,~. 1~.2~ .19~,~ ~ 1926-~ respec~v~,~..were~ presented. ~d ~ Clerk ~s authorized ~d ~i.reCted ~t~ s~rike ~hese ~o~t.s fr~ the ~rds in her office and the rec~r of Finance ~s instructed to c~rge the ~o~ts uf these tickets to ~. Stuart foyer Treasurer. ~e O~ty Executive ~alled the attention ef the Bear~ t~ the fact~t~at the assesser~ ~f ~a~gib.le personal propert~ had ~een paid at the rate of '~0~ per heur, including the Of~r~sportatio~ and that this ~te of. ~y appeared te be inadequate, .c~nsidering t~ present cost of living ~d transportation. Upon m~tien, duly made ~d seconded, the rate ef pay ~f these assessors ~s increa~e~ from ~0~ te 60~ per hour for the yea~ 1742. The B~ard's attention ~s called te the fact~ that an additional employee ~s necessary in the Sheriff's Office te keep the office ~pem twenty-fear hours a ~y the present emergency. Upon mo~i~n, duly ~de ~d secon~ed, the f~llewing Resolution ~s ad. pted by the f~llowing reco~ed v~te~ Ayes~ Messrs. J. M~ F~, E. J. Ball~d, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby ~rris, an~ C~ Purcell McOue~ ~d~Br. L. ~. R~be~s; Nees~ ~ IT~LED by the B~ard ~f Co~ty Supervisors ef Albe~rle Co~ty, ~Virginia, ~t~t the Co~ty Executive be ~d is hereby authorized and directed t~ arr~ge fer the emplo~ent ~f an additional Deputy Sheriff in ~rder %~t the ~ffice may be kept ~pen twenty-f~ur hours a day duri~ the present~ ~ergeney at a salary n~t t~ exceed $100.00 per month. BE IT F~R ~SOLE~ t~t ~ appropriation of $600.00, er as much ~here~f as may be necessary, be ~d the s~e ~s hereby appropriated f~r this pu~ese. The ~tter of ela~ against ~.Stuart ~, foyer Treasurer, ~s referred to the C~F:~Ex~cutive and C,~onwealth's Attorney with instructions to c~nfer with the Auditor ~f Publi~ Acc~ c~neer~ing ~hi~ e~ ~d report back. Upon ruction, d~y ~de ~d seconded, t~e purc~se ~f $~000.00 of Unite~ States An' 'Ordinance~ entitled "AN, ORDINANOE~PROHIBITINO..T~E,POSSE$SIO.g-.OF ANY,. DYNAMITE OR BLASTING. P0WDER.0R 0.THER.'HI~H,,EXRLOS1WE,.~ITHIHTHE~ .CO~UNTY ,0F~.AI,BEMARLE, VIRGINIA..EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMIT' FROM. THE SHERIFF OF SAID COUNTY, AND PROMIDING.. PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA- TION THEREOF" was presented~and~lOrde~ed-published once a week for two. successive weeks in the Sco~tts~ille ~News, a_ newspap.er-.in Albemarle County, '~ An '0rdinanc~ entitled "AN ORDINANCE RELATIN~ TOTHE NATIONAL DEFENSE~ AUTHORIZING TH~ CFAIR~5~ OF THE BOARD .OF COUNTY ..$Lt~ER~ISORS AND.. THE..COUN.TY EX~C.UTI~ ..fg..PROCLAI~ RULES AND RF~ULATIO~$. PERTAINI~ .TO PLANS FOR PRO~OTION FROM.. AIR: RAIDS., AND.EMERGENCY PLANS FOR THE PROTECTION.OF POBLIC..PEACE., HEALTH~.AND SAFETY.~ENEFER A STATE .OF .~AR EXISTS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND ANY.. FOREIGN COUNTRY OR. NATION~ AND TRIAL TESTS OF. SUCH PLANS: AUTHOR- IZING~THE APPOINTMENTOF A COORDINATOR.OF VOLUN~ER.EMERGENDYSERVI~E~ DEFINING OFFENSES, AND PRESORIBIN~ .pENALTIES"~was.presen~ed. and. ordered published- once. a Week for two successive weeks in the DailyProgress, a newspaper having general circulation in Albemarle County. Claims against the County, amounting to $1~,~$~4.28,._ were presented,.-examined, a~d allewed,, and ordered certified,to the'Director of Finance for p~yment 'and char~ed against the following ftmds~, General School Croset Fire District Dog. Tax. Road Debt ~ Charlottesville District. Riwanna.. Samuel Miller ·hite ~alI Commonwealth of VirginAa : 2~, 1}?.50 117.58 48.42 16,15~.0o 5, o00.00 7,550.oo 4,07~,00 1~,825.00 Tectal Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. ., Chairman. A regUtar meeting of the Board of County Supervisors ~f Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of the said County on the 21S% day of Jansua. ry, 1942. Present~ Messrs. Jo M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, 'H. AshBy Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. RoBerts. Absent: N(~lee Officers present~ County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. The Board was called to order azkl on motion,' duly made and seconded, ~r. C. Purcell · c~ was unauimously elected Temporary Chairmane The Temporary Chairman took the Chair and called for nominations .for the ~ of +.he Board. ~r. J. M. Fray was nominated by Dr. L. G. Roberts and unanimously elected Chair- man of the Board for the year 19~2. The Chairman ~hen called for nominations for Vice Chairmau. ~r. P~.. nomina%~ by Dr. L. G. Roberts and unanimously elected Vice Chairm,~ for the year 1942. The Chairman then announced the appointment of the following to compose the Finance Committee for the year 1942~ Messrs. C. Purcell McOue, Chairman~, and P. H. Gentry. and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Minutes of the meeting of December 17, 19~1, were read and approvede The following Ordinance, which was presented at the regular December, 19~l, meeting of the Board and published according to law, was adopted by the following recorded Ayes~ Messrs- ~. M. Fray~ E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, ~. Ashby B~am'ls, an~ O. Purcell ~cCue and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noose None~