HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-01-21Government. 2~....Series -~ De£~nse Bonds .,was, .au%horizedo BLASTING. PO~ OR. O~R.. ~H ~P~SI~..~IN...~..~OO~NTY..OE A~~ ~ ~IN~, · EXC~T ~N ~I~N ~'.~E :~ S~I~ OF. SAID ~0~.~, ~ PROMIDIN~. ~NALT~$ FOR ~ VIOLA- ~ON T~P~OF"' was presented.~d., orde~e8-p.~lished, on~. a week for two. successive weeks in ' An 6~in~c~ enti%lsd "~ ORDEAN~ ~LATING ~. T~. NATIONAL DEEN~.~ ~ REG~A~Q~S_ ~RTAEE~..~. P~S ~R PRO~CTION EM .AIR ~IDS, ~_~RGENCY PLUS ~ PROECTION. OF P~LI~.~E, ~E,..~. S~ EEER A STA~.OF .~ EXISTS BE~N ~ ~IED .STAES ~D .2~X.FO~IGN ~_~Y OR NATION~ .~D ~I~ ~S~. OF. SUCH PL~SJ IZING~TE...APP~I~NTOF A GOO~INA~R .. OF VOL~R.~R~CY.~RVI~ D~INING ~D P~SGR~ING .~NALT~".~ ~s. presented, ~d. ordered publi~ed_ once., a ~eek fo~ two suQcessiv~ weeks in %he ~ily.P~ress) 8 newspspe~ ~ving ~ene~l circulation in Albe~rle the following ~undss. School Cro set Fire District D~g Ta~ Road. Debit Charlottesville District Riwa~na S~muel Miller White Hall Cen~e~w6alth of Virginia Total Upon motion, %hemeeting adjourned. $~1G,010,97 48,42 5,000.00 ?,~0ooo ¢,075.00 15,825.00 $157,954.28. , Chairman. A re~ meeting'of the Board of County Super~l.s~rs of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of the said County on the 21s% day of January, 1942. Presentt Nessrse Jo M. Fray, E. Jo Bal]mxxl, Po H. ~entry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Ro~er%s. % Absent~ Nc~ee Officers presentt~ County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. The Board was called to ardor a~d on motion,' duly made and seconded, Mr., C. Purcell ilo~ ~s unanimously elected Temporary Chairing, The Temporary Chairman took the Chair and called for nominations ~for the Chairman of the Boarde Mre ~. M. Fra~ was nominated by Dr. Lo G. Roberts and unanimously elected Chair- man of the Board for the year 19A2e The Chairman then called for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. R. H. Geh%ry?.~was nominated by Dr. L. G. Roberts and unanimously elected Vice Chairman for the year 1942. The Chairman then announced the appointment of the following to compose the Finance Committee for the year 1942~ Bessrs. O. Purcell McOue, Unair~-U~,' and'P. H. Gentry-an4 Dr. ~. ~. Roberts. ~[inutes of the meeting of December 17, 19~%, were read and approved. The following Ordinance, which was presented at the regula.r December, 1941, meeting of the B~ and published according to law, was adopted by the following recorded votel Ayes~ Messrse J, ~ Fray, E. ~. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby ~am~s, and C. Purcell McCue iand Dr, L. G. Roberts; NoeS~ None~ AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE POSSESSION OF ANY DYNAMITE OR BT.A~TING POWDER OR O~ER HIGH EXPLOSIVE WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ALBENARLE, VIR- GL~A, EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PER~T FROM ~ S~ERI~ OF SAID COUNTY AND PRIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION ~tEREOF.. ~E IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, ~ir ~Eimia, that no~Person, firm ~r corporation shall possess within the County of Albemarle any .~te"' or bIast~g powder or ~ther high explosive except upended:written permit from the Sheriff of said county, which permit shall be issued upon. apPlication by the possessor showing that 'such exploSive~ are to be used for legitimate purposes within a reasonable ~[me after their purchase~ and that the same will ~. be Properly.~otecte~ from ~ and all illegal .use; presided, however, that this ordinance shall not be construed to apply to the possession of shotgun, rifle and pist~l ammunition. Amy person who shall violate amy of the provisions of this Or- dinance, or permit the same te be violated with ~his consent bT any person in his employment or render his control, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $5e~O nor mere than '$5Oe00, for each offense, or by confinement in~ Jail not exceeding thirt~ days, or beth, and any such permit shall immediately become null and void and ef ~o effect~ This ordinance shall be in force from its passage. The feII°wing Ordffmence, .~hich was presented at the regular December, 1941, meeting of the Board and published according to law, was adop~ted by the following recorded veto: Ay~s~ Nessrs. ~.~ ~ Fray, E. ~. Ballard, P. H. Gentr~ 'H. AShby Harris, and C, Purcell NeOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes:~ None: RULES AlgD REGULATX~S PERTAINING'TO PLANS Fm PROTECTION FRO~I ~ A STATE ~ ~ ~sTs ~~ ~ ~ STAT~ ~ ~ F~I~ ~Y ~ ~,~ ~ ~ T~TS ~ SN~ P~.A~NS: A~ZING ~E ~POI~- ~ ~ A ~~AT~ ~ VO~~ E~G~'~ S~~ ~NING O~~, ~ ~BING ~TI~. BE IT ORDAINED by the BOard of County SupervisOrs of Albemarle C~unty, Virginia., as fellows: Section 1; Chairman ef the Board of County $upervisors ~_n~ the County Executive are hereby authorized and directed, as long as a~ state of war exists between the Un~ed States ~and'any foreign country or nation, to proclaim and publish rules amd regulations, which shall have the ~ force and effect of law, for the conduct and cooperation of persons, firms, corporations and agencies in maintaining and promoting adequate national defense. Such rules and regulations may include black out, light up, or lighting distribution rearrangement, including the intensity an~ distribution of all stresS, residential, commercial and other lighting. Such rules amd regulations may further include those affecting fire, police, health, ihig~ and ~he general protection ef the public~ and may require ~s An~. ~e~ice~;-exe~.~s~s~jd~o~ty Executive may require any inhabitant or any orgauizatie~ of the County to~ aid :in en£orcing such rules and regulations. The County Executive ma~ also request assistance from organizations such as the:Regi:e~l Defense Cmm~cil, the Re6 Cross~, the Virgin'ia Protective Force and other local, State, and National 0rgauizations. SeCtion 2. The County Executive mayact a~, or appoint, or recommend for appointment By the Regional Defense C~CIl, a 0oordinatc~ of Volunteer Emergency Service. The said Goordinator shall direct the preparation and execution ~ of disaster' plans and volunteer, emergency services in cooperation with the Regional and ~be State Defense Council. ~ ~ Section 3. Special lighting of an emergency nat~e, such as a black out, light up, lighting distribution rearrangement, or change in general lighting intensity shall be placed in effect upen.r®eeip~ of an order that such action is necessary er desirable, from +Jae GOvernor or the district wsaming center to the County Executive, ~oordinator of Valuuteer Emergency Services, ~r Chief Control 0fficer.~ Section 4e It shall Be unlawful to refu~e"or neglect to obey amy such rules ap~ regulations as are proclaimed By 'the Chairman of the Beard cf County Supervisors and Comnty Executive' or. to-refuse or to neglect to obey an~ order of the County Executive in connectioa therewith, or any call made ;upon any person, firm, corporation and agency for' aid in' enforcing the same- Sectiea 5. This crdinanes .shall constitute an exercise by the Coumty of its governmental functions for the protection of the public peace, health and safety, and.neither the County ner any person, firm, corporation, or agency responding ~e the regulations lawfully proclaimed and published as aforesaid or called upon to the same, shall be ]Liable in a suit for damage in SeCtion $. Each violation ef or failure t~ comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance or of the rules and reg~latio~ proclaimed By the Chairman ef the Board of ~oun~7~ Supervisors and' ~be Cotmty Executive in connection therewith shall be deemed a misdemeanor and shall~ be punish- able by a' fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars ($~0,00) o~ by imprisonment not exceeding ~h.irty (30) days, or by both in the discretion of the Court or Jury trying the case. to asses% in de~f~g exl~nses of:'the N~rthern months' period ending H~il 30, 19~2,. by the M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, Po R. Gentry, H. Ashby Roberts; Noesl N~lee the following ResOlution was umanimously adopto~ the surplus in. the ~reas~-T of the Commonwealth ~f Virginia as of Jlme 30, 1942, will be about $6,500,0~, probably more, and there is a division of opinion as to what disposition should be made +.~ereof~ and WHEREAS, such surplus should properly be regarded and classified as a ~aPttal' account, and should be appropriated only on +_.hat 'basis, and ~HEEE~, U~er the 'system of segregation of ~aXes now in f~ce in Virginia, the localities are li~itsd largely to the $~xation of real estate and tangible personal property, the revenue from which, without substantial aid from the S~ate, .is inadequate te meet the expen~_it~u~s occasioned by the rapid ~e-_ges in amd extsnsions of the public free school system, and ~HERFAS, by SeCtion 129 of the Constitution of Virginia it is provided ~hat the "General Assembly shall establish and maintain an efficient system ~f puhIic free schools throughout the State" a~d WHEREA~, Nearly ~'1_'! of the e~unties and cities are indebted either to the Literary ~ or otherwise on account of 'the erection ef school Buildings, amd in'ma~ localities eXisting ~uildings are overcrowded and a&~itienal space is needed, and WHEREAS, it is only fair that at least a large .~_. of the said surplus in the State treasury should be applied to ~hg ~mainttnanee of the "efficient system of. p-~.e free schools .throughout the Staten, required by the Constitutions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDI 1. That the ~eneral Assembly of Virgimia at-its X942 session, be an~ it £s hereby urged to appropriate 'at l~ast one-ha~ ef said surplus tc the various couuty and citY: school boards of the State ~ Be apportioned ~n the basis of school population as shown by the 1940 census, ~and to Be by the same used only (1) for the retirement of exi~sting~mde~tedness of such boards, whether to the Literary Fund or otherwise, and/er (2) for the . erestic~ of 'additional school facilities.,, as .sa~d. bc~S may determine, and that~ sai~ Boards be required to make reports in Writing to the State Board of Education showing the disposi~ton made ~of~ said i~s, and that the Clerk of this Board be and is hereby a copy c~ this ~lutioa to Hon. John S. Battle, State Senator,' and HOno E. Oe McCue,. J=., and H~ L. '~mrd~n White, Members of tho House of Delegates. CommuniCation from the Peoples. National Bank, requesting ~Ssion to withdraw a :ic~ of securities which it has deposited with the National Bank amd Trust crew to seoure the County's deposits, was presented. U~0n m°tAon, duly made and seconded, ~he felloming Resolution was unanimously adopted~ .-:,~. ~ ::.~~:~Ithe value of .securities deposite~ by the Peoples National Bank~ in escrow to prote~t the Co~-a- ty's deposits is in excess of that requi~ed a% this ti~e, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by'the ~upervis~rs of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Peoples National Bank be a~d is hereby authorized to. take down and the National Bank and Trust Compa~ is authorized to release the fellc~ securities ~ t,O00 1~000 16,~ 2,000 - 2,00~ 4,000 Chatham, Virginma, .Water 5~ ~ ~este~e~d ~o~, V~~ S~ool ~ ~ 4/1/~ N~fo~, V~~ Ap~o~a~ou 4~ d~ 5/1/45 ~~e, V~nia Seh~l Bldg.& S~eet ~6% due Ro~ Mo~%, N. C. Water & Sewer 5% due 1~ S~ ~st~, Vir~ Imp. ~ ~ ~ due 2/1/~ T~eesee S~to ~g 6% d~ 7/1/~3 W~en~n, Vir~a, Water ~% due 8~1~51 W~tcn, Vir~ia, S~ 5% d~ 6/1/52 ~~eatio~ was receive~ from the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, requesting per- mission to exchange a pertiou-of-the~ee~r~%ies ~ep~s~ed..~j~--i%-~ith--the---Pe~ptes~. National 'the following Resolution was unanimc~s!y adopted~ 432 WHERFASs ~he Citizens Bank and Trust, Company has requeste~ permission to exchange securities deposited wi~h ~he~ Peoples Na%i~ Bank in es~w ~o ~roteet the Count's deposits in the said Citizens NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT EE~OLVED by 'th,~ B~ard of County Super- vi.sots of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Citizens Bank and Trust Company be authorized to exchange~ the following securitiest TAXEDOWN~ $1,000 o. wife, dated 3/9/40 due: 3/9/43. P~T UPI $1,0~0 Troy ~and Lillian A. SensibAugh, 6% R. E. ted ~eation from the League of Virginia Countie~ concerning continuation of member- ship of Albemarle in the .League ~f'Virgtnia Counties, was presented._ Upon motion, duly made ~nd seconded, It Was ordered that ~,s .coun, ty continue tt?!s ~embership in the ,League of viro ginia Cos~ties, The Court' tY Executive recommended the appointment ef ~r. R..B;' WOz~e~ as Assistant- County Agen~ a% a s~ ~f'$I,~*~0 per year. Upon metion'By~Dr,:L,'~.ltoberts, '~eb~e~ded By Hr. E. J. Ballsmds. Hr. Re B. ~orrell was unanimously .appOin ed Assi~tan% County Agent, el- fective January 26, 1942, at a salary of $1,00~.~0 per year. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed.- 1. County Exe~A~ive. 2. Uni~sity of Virginia Hospital' 3e Bonrd ef EqualiZation. 4. District H~me Board° 5. ~uae Warden.' 6. Department ~of Farm and Home De~ration~, The foll~ Resolution was unanimously adoptedt WHEREAS, by reason ef the ma~F Wisely chosen and gener~s gifts of Paul O- M~In2ire the citizens of ~he Co~.un~y. of. Albemarle have enjoyed ex- WHEREAS, it is fitting that this B~md, as the reDresen-~a~ive- cf the people of the County, shoul~ make public exp~bs~,~of~t~ir gratitude to. Mr, NcIntire, and by public prOClama/t!~n .call upon ~he citizens to recognize ~their indebtedness to him; NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Beard of 0ounty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the 28th day. cf ~ay, the anuiver~ of the Bt ~r~a of Hro ~cIntire, Be and it i~ hereby designated as "~cIn%ire Dayw, to Be observed throughout the C~ty of Albe~a?le as a spec/al day for the ex- pression of the profound feeling of good will and gratitude whichA1bemarle and all of its citizens hold f~r Hr. ~cln$ire. The O~ty Executive reeommm~ed that Room 114 on ,the ~mud floor of the Albemarle ~ounty Office BuildLng be made avai.lable free of rent to ShetThomas Jeffe~sc~ Soil Conserva- tion District until such time as said' space may 'be necessary for e~mer purposes, Upon mo- tion, duly ma~e and seconded, the 0oun%y Executive's recommendation was unanimously approved. ~r. H. A. Haden, Director of F' ~ee~ submitted a statement of expenses of the Depart- ment of Finance f~r the month of ~emem~, 1~41, one-third of which to be borne By the State, Upon motion, du~' made and seconded, this statement, wa~ 'examined, verified and appr~vedo The County Executive reo~mmended.~he apDo!n~aen~%~£~ss ~ane Cowles as an employee of the Department of Finance at a sal4ry of $80e~0 per month. Upon motion~BF>~.,~L. O. Robe~ duly seconded, ~iss Cowles Was appointe~ a Clerk in the Department of Finance at a sa~ of $80e00 per month, The County of the Department Upon motion, duly effective January 1, 1942. E~ecutive recommended .that the salary of ~iss Vernelle ~orris, an emplOYee of Finance, Be increased to $75-~O per m~nth,effective January 1, 1942e made and secn~l~d, the County E~ecutive's recommendation was approved. The County Executive recommended that the sa~ of Miss ~=~are% To Sellers and ~rs. Annie Mays Holt, e~ployees of the ~ffiee of the Clerk of the CirCuit Court, be increased %o -? The CommOnwealth !s Attorney reported that hg and the. County Executive.had attended the Hearing of the Corporation.Commission on the matter of aBau~t of side%.~a~k"~"Arrowhead in accordance witch the Board's instructions and that no decisiea Bad been reached by the Commission up to ~kis time. Claim' af TJ D, Grinnell against the Dog Fund for sheep killed by dog was l=esented and ordered paid, The County Execrative reported that the Work ~oJects Admimistratien ha~-~changed its policy concerning the operation of Sewing Rooms whereby in the fa~,_re the Federal Government ~ould preside all wage ~%s and quarters and the local g~vernment would provide all ma- terials and that it would require'$8~2~O to ¢ontinu'e the" operation under the new pIan in Albemarle County until J!zly 1, 1942. The County Exeentive recommended that the operation of the Sewing Rooms ~e continued until that tame. Upon ~otion, duly made amd secozded, the ~ounty Executive,s recommendation was approved. The 'Sheriff called the Boardts attention to the fact that a rifle should Be purchased and placo~ in his .office and that the automobiles used by his deputies.should be equipped · i%h Sirens. Upon motion, du~y made a~d seconded., it was ordered that rifle and sirens be ~archased for the Sheriff's Office. A proposal was received from C. F. Cassell and Company to purchase the following se- rarities: $ eo0.o0, par value, StrasburS, Va., 2 3/4% Bonds due Z47, at 106.09, and St sb , Va., onds due I I4s; at lo6.41, lus af 1%, ~pon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that this proposal Be accepted and it was ~urther ordered ~Bat the proceeds f~om .the sale be used to purchase U. S. Government Serf'es G 2~% Defense Bonds, The matter of ~ against G.. Stuart Harem, former Treasurer, was again brought to the ~tention of the Board and the Commonwealth's Attorney was. reqUested to recommend ~% the next regular .meeting what action the Board should ~zke in the matter. It was brough~ to the attention of the ~Board that the Child ~elfare Association was willing to provide $328.00 to assist in continuing the services' of the White ~.S~Ool.xDeatis~: pon motion, daly made and seconded, an appropriation of $35~,O0 was made to'match equal fan& ~om the state Treasury to continue the services of the White S~hool Dentist by the following recorded vote~ Ayes: -Nessrs. J. M. Fray, E, J. Ballard, P. H. ~Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and Purcell NcCue, amd Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: Nonce The following Resolution was unanimously adopted: NE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Non. John S. Battle, State Senator, and Non. E. O. and Eon. L. Gordon White, members of the House of Delegates, Be and they are hereby requested to tn%reduce the necessary legislation which, when enacted by the ~eneral Assembly, will provide for the appointment of the members of a Beard of Equalization in any County pperating under the Executive Form of C~vernmen% by the B~ard ef~.?'~omnty Supervisors. C~ontions from the Compensation Board, showing allowances far the Offices of Commonwealth's Attorney and the Depa~..tmemt of Finance fo=' the calendar year 1942, were presented and ordered filed. ~laims against the County, amoun~ting to $5~,320.89, were presented, examined, and al- lowed and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following lands ~ C~aeral $~hool Dog Tax Crozet Fire District '--- Read De~.' Charlottesville District Ivy District Rivanua Distriot $10,482.05 1~0.$1 41.ol 12,825e~0- 1,825.~ 1,95~e00 Upon ~o%2en, the meeting adjourned. A Special Meeting of +.he Board of County Supervisars of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the ~fice Bailding of the said County em the llth day of Feb~_ary, 1942o Present~ 'Messrs. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry,. and H. Ashby Harris and D~.~ L. ~G. ABsent~ Messrs. J. ~. Fray a~ C, Purcell McCue. Officers p~esentt County Exe~utiveo The felling Resolution was unaui~sly adopt~: WHEREAS, it has been br ~:oBght te the attention of this Beard a .bill has beaU introduced ~t the current .sessiOn of the General Assembly having for its purpose the release of.lien for real estate prior to the year 1936, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVF~ by ~he Board of Comnty Supervisors efA~bemarle County, Virginia,-that Hen. John S. Battle, Senator, and ~eme Edward 0.. MoC~e, Jrt, and'Hon. L. ~ordon Whi~e, ~mbers of the ~ouse of Delegates~ Be and are hereby ~equested to oppes~ an~ legislation which will release real ~s .~ate taxes fo~ any years subsequent %o 1916, The following Resolution was uma~mously adopte~ 'WHEREA~ it h~s ~ ~reught te the attention of this Board that a bill has been introduced in'!$~he-current session of the General Assembly authorizing ~he ~udge of the Cir~it Cou~ to fi~ the opening and closing hours of County Offices, NOW, ~EREF~, BE IT RESOLVED b~ the Board ef Ceun%y S~Apervisors :. of Albemarle C~unty,.Virginia, that Hon. John S. Ba%tle~.Senator, and Hca. Edward O; Me~ue, Jr;, and Ben. L. Gordon ~hite, members of the House of Delegates, be and are hereh~ requested to have this bill amended so as to eliminate from i%s provisions any County operating under the ' County ~Exeeut~ive form of Government, The fotl~g Resolu%ion was unamimously BE IT' RESOLVED By the B~ard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that ~on. Joh~ S. Battle, Senator, and MeO~e, Jr,', and Hca. L. Gordon ~hite, members of the House of Delegates, Be and are hereby requested to introduce the necessary legislation which would place the administration of a police force, if one were established in sm~ co~ty operating umder the Executive form of ~overnment, ~nder the Oomnty~Exoeutive instead of the Sheriff, The following· ResOlution was-mnanimeusly adopted~ ~EREAS, it has ~een brought to the attention of this Beard that real estate~ taxes are assessed against persons and not the land and in the case-cfa life" tenant the C~unty has alien against the life .tenancy only, NOW, ~HEREF~RE, BE iT RESOLVED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Hon.: John S. Battle, ~enator, and Hon. Edward O. McCue, Jr., and Hon. L. Gordea White., members of the House of Delegates, be and are hereby requested to introduce a bill which would provide a lion for tax~s on land regardless of the ownership. The following Resolution Was unanim~sly adopted~ WHEREAS, H~use Bill No. 1~ provides for %he fiximg of the salary of~ t~e T~i~$~% ~e'e ~e" C~mpensa~' ~d~ '~ · ~EREAS, the County Executive ~orm of Government provideS that the salaries of all officers and employees Be fixed'by the Beard of County Supervisors. of Albemarle County, NOW~ ~IBEEFGRE, BE IT EE~OLVED by the Beard of Hon.. ~d 0. Me~e, Jr., ~d Hon. L. ~ ~i~, mem~rs of ~e of ~l~ga~s~ ~ ~d a~ here~ r~s~ to have H~e ~ No. 180 ~e~ed so as to climate ~ =o~ o~i~.~der ~e ~i~e f~ of ~e~t'~om ~e ~o~siens of ~e The Board's':attaUtien was called to the fact that House Bill No. 20~ had Been passed by both Bouses of the General ~ssemb~. and signed by the Governor, which Act provides for the election of a Diree$o~ of Civiliam D~f~_se. Dr. Lo~ G- Roberts nominated Mr. N. A, Haden to fill this position. There being no ~rther nominations~ 'Mr. H. A. Haden was unanimously elected. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.