HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-02-11SPECIALUpon mot~ca, the meeting adjourned. A Speeiat Meeting of the Board of C~unty Supervisors cf Albemarle County, Virginia, was held ~t the O~iee Bmtlding of the said County em the llth day of Febraary, 1942. Present: 'Messrs. E, J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry,. and H. Ashby Harris and D~. L. G. Absent: Messrs. J. M.-Fray and C. Pareell Nc~ae. Officers p~esentt County Executive. The following Resolutica was ~animonsly adopt~: WHEREA~, it has Been ~rought 'tO ~he at~entien ef this Beard that a .bill has Been introduced ~t the cUrrent sessi~ cf the General Assembly having for its purpose the release of l~en :for real estate prior to the year 1936, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLIZED by-the Board ef County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Vi~gfnia~ that Hen. John S. Battle, Senator, and ~en. Edward O. MeCue, Jrt, and'Hon. L. G~dca ~hite, members of ~he House ef Del~g~..~.tes~ be and are hereby :requested te oppos~ any legislation which will release real 'estate taxes for any years sul~equeat te 1916. The following Resolution was uua~mous~ adopted: 'WEE~EAS, it has ~een b~ought to the attentiau cf this Board that a bill has Been introduced in'~.~he current session of the General Assembly authorizing the Judge of the Cir~mt% Court to fix the opening and closing hours ef County Offices, NOW, TKEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b~ the Beard of County Supervisors: of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Non. John S. Battle,~. Senator, and Hon. Edward O~ MeOue, Jr.,, and Hen. L* Gordon ~hite,.members of the House of Delegates, be and are hereby requested to have this bill amended so as to eliminate from its previsicas any County operating under the CountyExeeut!ve form of Gevernment~ The foll~g Resolution was mnanimoasly ade~te~ BE IT RESOLVED By %he .Board' of County S~sc~s of Albemarle C~unty, Virginia, that Non. Joh~ ~. Battle, Senator, and H~. Edward 0. Mc~ue, Jr.', amd Hen. L. GordOn White, members of the House of Delegates, Be and are hereby requested to introduce the necessary legislation which wcul~ place the administration of a police' force, if cae were estaBlishe~ in a~ county operating under the Executive form of Government~ under the County~ Executive' instead of the Sherifffe ~ ' The following Reselutica was unanimously adopted~ ~EREAS, it has ~een brough% to the attentica ef this Board that real estate' taxes are assessed against persons and not the land and in the case ef'a life' tenant the County has a. lien against the life .tenancy only, NOW, ~EREFOEE, BE iT RESOLVED by ~he Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgini% that Hen.: John S. Battle, S.e~ter, an~ Hen. Edwar~ O~ McOae, Jr., and Hon. L. Gordon White, members of the House of Delegates, Be and are hereby requested-to introduce a bill'which woul~ provide a lien for ~ax~s on land regardless of the ownership. The following Resolution was unanimensly adopted: WHEREAS, H~use Bill No. !~!~ provides for the fixing of the salary of' the. T~l~.~Justtee'~ by:the-Oompensati~a' Beard~ and ~ER~.~,. the County Executive Eorm of Government provides that .the salaries of all officers and employeos 'be fixed by .the Beard of County Supervisors.of Albemarle County, NOW~ ~HEREFGRE, BE IT EF~OLVED by the B~ard of County Supervis.~ra of AlBemarle ~eunty, Virginia, that Hon~ John ~. Battle, Senator, and Hen. FA~u'd O, McOue, Jr., and Hon. L. G~rdon. White, members of the Nous~ of Delegates, Be and are hereby reqm_ested to have House Bill No. 180 amended so as to eliminate a~y couuty operating.under the Exeoutiue form of Government t~'om the provisions ~of the bill- The Beard's~attention was called to the fact that House Bill No. 20~ had been passed ~y beth Neuses of the General ~ssembly and signed by the Governor, which Act provides for the election of a Director of Civilian D~e. " Dr. L.' G,: Robe~te nominated Nr. H. A, Haden to fill this position. There being no further nominations, ~r. H. A. Haden was unanimously elected. Upon mo~ton, the meeting adJour~ed. 435 A regular 'meeting of the Board of Cowry Supervisors of Albenm~le 0ounty, Virginia, was.held at the Office Building of the said County ca the 18th day of~ Fe~, 1942. Present; Messrs. J. Mo Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. Ho Gentry, ~/.H~,~'Ashby Harris,~ end Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: Nr. 0o Purcell McOae. Officers present; County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. ~L~Ates of the meetings of January 21, 1942, amd February ~, 1942, were read and ap' proved. The County ExecutiVe submitted a Proposed B~dget for the year beginning July 1, 1942. It was ordered .that a Synbpsis of this Proposed Budget be published according to law and that Narch 18, 1942, at 9;30 Ac_ M., be fixed as the date for Public Hearing on same. Mr. 'H. A. Baden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement .of expenses of the Depart- ment of-Finance for the month of January, 1942,-one-third of ~h~ch to he borne .by the Stat~. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this statemen2 .was examined, verified a~d approved. The following communication from Mr.'E. Vj walke~, Commonwealth's Attorney, was presented; January, 23rd, 1942. Board of C~nty Supervisors of Albemarle County, - Charlottesville, Virginia.. RE;,., .,~2 Stu. a. rt .Hamm~, Treasu~.er Ac..count P~ntlemen: Confirming verbal repot made at your last meeting, I beg to advise that on January 20th, the County ExeCutive and I, pursuant to your direction, conferred with State Auditor Downs at h~s office in Richmond relative to charges made against the abeve.cap~ioned account by Albe__merle County since-Mr. Harem went out o.f office, amounting to some $600~00. Mr j Downs advised us at this conference that in order to es~b~ li. sh the liability of Mr, Hamm in a Court proceeding, it would be necessary 'for the County to have an audit made of the County record ,for the years in question and that this would cost at least $1000.00. He also ind~cated that if the charge item arose out of a transaction which occurred more than twelve years ago, it might be impossible to e~tablish the. claim by an audit and that in all 'like instances which' had:come to his at- tention in other Counties, the Board had charged such items off of their Books upon the ground that it would cost more to ob- tain legal proof than the face Value of the claim. It .is therefore my recommendation that the above men- tioned charges against the account of G. 'Stuart Harem, Treasurer, be charged off of the County BookS. Very truly yours, (Slimed) Npon motion, duly made and secret, E. V. WAEEER Commonwealth' s Attorney Albemarle :County. the' recommendation of the Commonwealth, s Attor- ney was adopted _~d_ the Director'of Finance was ,instructed to write the charges referred to off the County's books. A communication from Nr. R. Claude Graham, ~Superintendent of~:Schbols, advising that the National Youth Administration is willing to commence the constr~ction of. an addition to · such _p_p_p_p~tica ~ the Earlysville School provided the County agrees to complete/as ~'mot been completed by July 1, 1942, in the event the National Youth Administration is unable to. continue .... after July, was presented. Up~ motion, duly made and seconded, the School Board was directed ~to proceed with arrangers with the Natiomal Youth Administratio~ to begin cons%r~ctioae The following Reports were presented and ordered filedt -36 County Executive. District Home Board (Annual), University of Virginia Hospital. ' .~ame Warden. L. Nc~arthy Downs, State Auditor, on Audit of Trial Justice.Ps Office. District Forester. Au Ordinance, which ha~ been previously considered, reducing the license ~n Carnivals was again Brought. ap f/or discussien and postponed indefinitely. Petition~ requestin~ that Sections 894 to 905, inclusive~, of _~hapter 39 of the Acts of 1936 be put into effect in the Samuel Miller and White Hall Districts, were present~ and action deferred until the ~e~ar:!.Nm~eh~?:t942~ me~ting_:a~d the Commonwealth's Attorney was instructed to be in a position at that time to advise the Board concerning the law on the subj oct. A comm_~m_!eation from the War Production Board, requesting a representative to attend the Conference to be held in Washington, D. C., on March 9th and 10th, was presented. The matter was referred to the County Exeeutive with .instructions to investigate and attend if he finds it proper that the County be ~epres~ntedo It was brought to the attention, of the Board that Miss Frances T. Southall..had ten- dered her resignation as Superintendent of PuBlic '~el£are effective April 1, 1942. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was authorized to select a Superintenden -Claims against the County, amounting to $50,?29.63, were presented, examined and al- lowed and ~.dered certified to the Director of Finanee for payment and charged against the following funds ~ General School DOg Tax Crozet Fire District Road Debt: Charlottesville District Rivanna District Scottsvitle Distriet Commonwealth of Virginia Total $ 7~117,4/+. 23~.237.34 ~ 32.00- 14.82. 2~ 361.18- 7~293'65 - 1,180.60- 9.492.60- $50,729'63. Upon>motion, the meeting adjourned., A regular meeting of the Board ef County Supervisors ef Albemarle-County, Virginia, was hel~ at the Office Building of the sai~ County on the 18th day of Narch, 1942, Present: Messrs~ J. Mo Fray, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, an~ Dr. L. Go Roberts.. Absent: ~r. Eo J. Ballard. Officers present: C.unty Executive. Minutes of the meeting.- of February 18, 1 942, were readcaud approved. The Chairman announced that this meeting had been designated as the regular annual Bighway Neeting. Therefore,. any interested citizens would new be given an opportunity to make request~ fc~ improvement of and additions to the Secondary System ef Reads in this County. The following requests for improvements to reads were presented: Blaek Top a distance of 600 ft. Petitioned by Henry B. Goodlos and -Othet~Se Treat ~ith ~shed st~e from Route E~ te the Greene Count7 Li~e, a dis- tance~ .T. ~f. approxi~telyo~_~n ~ ~.~_'9 mile, imeluding Two Small Bridges. Petitioned