HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-03-25ANTICIPATED SURP~ Delinquent Tax, 1939 amd Prio~ 194o LAND REDEMPTIONS FEES: Clerk T~ial Justice Commonwealth ' s Sheriff that $59~91 was due the State of Virginia on account of excess fees of the Clerk of the 0ir- euit Court for the year 19~1, Up~a 'motion, d~ly made amd seconded, this claim wa~ ordered paid. Mr. N. A. Had. n, Director of ~ina~ce, submitted a statem~ut of e~penses of the De- Partment cf Finance for-the month of February, 1942, one-third of which to be borne by the State. Upcu?motio~, duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, ve~ied amd ap- p~ovedo AH this time the citizens were given am opportunity to discuss the B~dget for the year beginning July 1,~ 1942. t~ was brought to the attention of the BOag~ that the portion of the Budget relating to Schools should be discussed with the School Boa~d. There£ore, the meeting was adjourned, following ~he approval of Claims, ~ntil Narch 25, 1942, at 8 P.M., a.t which time the Budget will be f~rther co, sidereal. Claims against the County, amounting to $33,594e43, were presented, examined and al- ordered lowed amd/certified to the Director o~ Finance for ~ayment and charged against the follow- ing funds: General School 0rozet Fire District Dog Tax Read Debt: Ivy District Rivauna District White Hall~ District Commonwealth of Virginia Total $ 8,748.68 ~ 22,784.39 45.64 39e~0 ~ 225.00 ~625e00 ' 4oo.oo ~ $33,594.43. An adjom~aed meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,: Virginia was held at the Office B~ilding of the said' Oouuty on the 25th day of March, 1942, at 8 P. M1 Present: ~essrs° P. H* Gentry, E. J. Ballard, H. Ashby Harris, a~d C. Purcell N¢Cue,~ a~d Dr° L. G. Rober~so Absent= :Mr. J.-.Mo Fray. . .: . Officers pres.mt: County Executive. ~ae members of the.School Board having been invited to be present to discuss the School B~-dget, the members of' this Board a~d the members of the School Board proceeded to discuss the Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1942. Following a Tull discussio~ of the B~et, the same was adopted by the followiug re- corded vote~ Ayes: Nessrse Po H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, H. Ashby Harris, amd 0- Purcell NcOue, amd Dr. L. ~G° Roberts; Noes: None. ALBEMARLE 00~, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTINATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING ~ 30, 1943 , ~ ~NDING ;r[~{E 30.194~ Year ]~ed Year Ending Iacrease ~r Dee~e U~e ' J~e 30,19~ ~ 30, 19~ Tentati~~e3e?~0~g. 19~ Ye~ ~ng , , ....... (A,ct~) ,, .............. · , ,, . , $81,616.39 .~_.,000.00 $90,0~X).00 $30,000.~ $ -~- 4,?O5o65~ !,75_0.~0~ 1,500.~0 -o- 250,0(} 1,865.O0 4~.O0 400.00 -o- 1, 558.00 !, 5~.00 1,500.00 -o- -o- 15,4~53 15,000.00 15,0E~-00 -o- ~o- Lttormey 9,150.43 8,5~0.00 9,000°00 500.00 ~o- 3,492.~O 2, 500.00 3,000.O0 5~0.0~ ~'o- 2,354.O8 2,100°O0 2,100.~ -o- -o- -o- 3oo, o .,, Estimate _ 441 FOR THE YEAR ENDING J-ONE 30, 1942 ~ ~ .{Cont~ued), BOARD OF PRISONERS: Commo~weal~ of Virgiaia U. So Govergmen% O~her REFUND~: States 1/3 Department ef Finanee E~penses Capitation ~axes Returned RENTAL OF COUNTY PROP~TY INTEREST LICENSE$: Slot Nachinqs - Shows amd G~rniva~s V. P. A. i~D ,- (STATE ~ FEDERAL ILID)~ Sta~ ~ederal ONOI~IFIED -'lrear 2M~].ecl '~ear Eading ' (Aot~zI) (Estimate~) Estimate $ 3,714.30 $ ' 4,1000500 _ $ -4,00_0..~ 153.$0 300.00 2GO.~ - -o- 50.00 50.00 5,917.07 1,947.35. 4,141.50 ~,.540049 14o~.5o .150o00 2,091;24 30,632.52 16~017000 3,90'7'73 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN O~RR2~T LEVY . . TEAR _END!N~ ~ 30. !943 IncreAse O~er De,re, se Unde~ Year ~ng Ye~ ~di~ J~e 3~ ~19~ ~e 30, 1~42 Estate -6,300.00 -6,000.00 -o- 300.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 -~.. -o-- ~2,400.00 .2,600.00 200.O0 Amount to be ~aised by 0urrent Levy De~nquents on ~asis of 12% Levy Reqgire~ $191.692.9A $228,744.37 $29,000.49 - 6 Assesse~ Valmatiom of Propert~ ........... $13,104,91~°~ Rate of Levy $025 FOR ?HE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 - - ' . .? ' '-__ ~.:...~.,.. -- ~'.~.'c~'.!~:.~.-,,~- -.'~o,".' 2'.3~ .' '- . - - ~ - x~ar Axa~ng .... No. of T~tle ef , ,~EAR ESD. ED .,g~N~ '~), 197~ ~ 30.~-19~2 Proposed . Ye~r..__]~ :',~.~ .. Yeaz E~dfnS .ALlowed P~u~tio~......~o~om.t '" ...... Appr. o~ri~ion..,, ~~e,..' .... 4p~o~%!°m . ~e~di~es ~rs ].. $ 2,370.~ $~ 2,282,00 $~,370.~ $ a,476.~ $. zo6.~ $ ~ ~ve 2,925.~ 2,451.57 2,~5.~ 3,032'00 ~ cf ~1~- ~ Cir~t Cc~ -2,3920~ 1,~.90 ' 2,392eO1 2,~.~ 5B ~ J~%ioe C~t 3,~.00 3,~10~2 -3,2~.00 3,355.~ 1530~ 50 O~e~th's Att~s ~ Po~cing a~ I~esti~- t~g ~,625.00 ~,061.72 10,~5.~ 13,~4~00 2,629~00 -o- ~ C~n~ent ~d C~e - ~ ~isone rs 2~915.00 2~3.76 2,9~.~ 3,0~.00 202.~' 40.00 ~e~ ~0.00 102.89 200.~ 2~.00 8B ~b~o Ass~s~ 55,099.82 ' 53,831.90 ~5,538.~ ~,155.00 5,91%~ ~00.~ 80 ~ty Ass~e ?,830.~ 5,3~3.31 ~ 8,930.00 ?,130.~ 8D ~cy Com~si~ ~00.~ 583.30 ?00.~ ?~.Oe 9 ~b!ic H~L~ 7,7~.00 6,859.?1 [ 7,1~.00 7,150.O0 ~ Adv~e~em b A~ic~- t~e, ~d. ~e E~o~cs 5.~Q81.33 ~$~2.83 5,~0.00 5,5~,'~ 252e00 13 - ~ee~ 1,805.00 :1;i~.79 ~ 1,855.00 1,755.00 ~ ~te~c ~ ~s T~ · -15 $136.09 .40 $2~.~7.01 ~57.74~_.86 FOR ~HE YEAR EN-DING JUNE 30, 1943 No. of No.' of . ';' '. June 30, IOTAL BOARD OF-:COU~ 199 Read Viewer~ 199A ~ax Re~ands 200 201 A~t~g 2~ ~es Lea~e ~3 Ins~ce P~ p~sati~ ~ ~e ~pesit ~8 T~e~one ~ C~tri~x S~te Nc.Reg. Defez .il 319' $~tione~ 3~ ~sce~e~ ~0 Noter ~0 ~se of ~1 4~ Club ~,~2 ~pp~g ProJ ~ U~ppro~ia~ ~OTAL SPECIAL SERVI( Traveling Stationery, Office Adjusted~ of Va. Counties - emiums - Corn- Telegraph Servi~e ' 800.O0 ad Printed Forms 250.00 Land p set ~d Reserve 50.00 $ 7,50 $ 50.0o 150.00 93.74 150.00 50.00 81.52 100.00 500.00 560.00 560.00 -e- 50.00 50. OO 75.00 56.56 75.00 25.00 25.0~ 25.00 25000 /~80 25e00 COUI~ EXECUTIV~ 102 C6mpensa~i~ cutive 109 Oompensatio~ 206 Dues amd S~] 218 220 319 4O5 1000 ~OTAL COUNTY 75.00- 25.00 25~ -o- 1,575..00 1,575.00 1,225eoo 29~5..00 25.OO 2.80 25.00 25.00 1,000.00 540.78 1,000.CO 1,000.00 5.000.00 -o-, 500.00 500.00 -o- ~ 181.50 -e- 1,000.00 2,$50.00 ,2,836.39 50~00 250.00 265.00 684.60 3,800.00 3,800.00 ,, -o- ,, 'o- 60,O00.00 g0'000.O0 850.00 i,ooo,oo 30.000.00 250. $68.08;5,00 $gg. 5.oo $31.$sp,oo __$250.e of Oo~ty Ex.- .... $1,200.00 of Btenographer scriptions -o- Bond 25~ Telegraph Service 50.00 Forms, etc. 150. O0 1~200,00 1,200.00 1~200.00 -o- -o- -o- -o- 12.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 -25.00 --o- 70.43 lOO.OO lOO. OO -o- -o- 3.25 50.00 25.00 -o- 25.( 50.83 150. C0 150.00 'e" -e,,- 102.06 2OO.O0 200.00 $3.032.00, ~$L3~.OO LO. DEPAR~ OF 102 Compensatio~ 105 Recording 109 Compausatiox A. O~ Stevm M. V. Morri~ Elva M. Be~ ~ane V. 5 Assessors Extra Help 200 Advertising 204 Bock Bindin 206 Dmes amd Su~ 212 Imsura~ce 21g Telephone a~ 220 Traveling 319 Statione~y~ 399 Miscellane~ 405 Office Equi! 1000 Adjusted' TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF ID. COLLECTION OF D! 102 Oompemsatio~ 109 CompensatiO~ 319 Stationery, 405 Office Eq~i! T~ COLLATION OF TAXES of Director~ of Assist.ate ~ s$1,020.00 960.00 ·1,020.00 es 960.00 2,500.00 $ 3,800.00 -$ 3,800.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 35Oe00 31~.30 350.00 350.~ -o- 7,730.00 6,673,00 ' 7,970.00 150.00 B<).23 150.00 lOeO0 9.{2X2} 10.00 s criptions 20.00 20.00 20.0,0 150e00 ~25.00 125.00 d Telegraph Service 150.00 73.05 150.00 penses 300.00 402.35 400.00 Printed Forms,etc. 1,400.00 2,110.23 -1,800.00 s 20.00 7.25 20°00 me~t T~5.00 705.46 500.00 ?,460.OO -o- 510.0( 150.OO -c- -0- 10.00 20.00 125.00 150.00 -o- -0- ~00.00 1,800.00 -o- -0- 20.00 500coo ~o- EINQUENT LAND TAXES of Attermey ~f Stenographer 360.00 ~in%ed Forms, etc. 90.OO aent -o- $/+50.00 $ 9OO.O0 $1,2~.OO $300.(~) ~ 62.50 720.00 -e- -o- 720.~ 9.98 80.00 -~ -~ 80.0( 22.~ ..... 100.~ . _ .~ . ~ , , , ~.~ DELINQBENT LAND , }1.800.O0 $l.2OO.oo $)oo.0o , }goo. 1 443 109 Ccmper~sation of Assistants: W. L. Maupin $2'40~;oo Atmie "N; "HOIt' Nar garb%"Sellers 201 AuditOR 204 B~ ~5 Re, rs ~8 Telephone ~d Tele~ S~ee 317 ~c~d ~o~ 317A Re-I~d~ ~eks 319 S~tione~, Pr~t~ 405 Offiee ~~t 1~0 Adj~ted C~p~sati~ TOTAL BECORDING OF DOG~TS CIRCUIT COURT 102 Cempe~ation of Jadge 103 Relief! Attorneys 121 122 218 314 317 319 Jurors~amd Witnesses jury C0mmissiea Telephone and Telegraph Serviee Libraries Record Books Stationery, I~inte~ Forms, etc. TOTAL CIROUIT C0~RT TOTAL TRIAL JO COMMONWEAL 102 Comp~n~ 0ommo~ 120 218 317 319 399 lOO0 TRIAL JUS~OE COURT 101 0ompe~a~io~ of Clerk 102 ~mpeas~a~tion of Justice 109 Substi%~%e Clerk Substitute Justice TelephSne and Telegraph Service ~ Recor~ BOoks _ Statio~mry, Printed Forms,. et,. Mis eel', Laneo~ OZfioe ~aipme~t Adjust~ ~ Oompe~at&on ;TICE COURT ~50-00 400°00 25.00 !O0o.CO 500.00 60~00 10o00 t~00 3~810,t5 76.~6 394.46 2:5.00 ?8.02 ~637.60 257.3? 133.86 4~080A00 4~250;00 150.00 100.'00 -~- 50.00 500.00 500.00 -~ -c- 25.~0 50.00 25 eO0 lOeO0 -O- 1~e00 100o00 ~.00 '"~0.00 - ~..00 ~.~ 25.~ -e- 35.00 10.00 10.00 -o- ~.OO 2~.~ , , ~.~o- ~ 390.~ ~90..00 .-~ '.. ~,~.m ~o.~5.o0 $1,207.01 $1,207.01 50o~0 1,009e00 560.10 30.00 30.00 60.00 ~3.79 25.00 29.00 10.00 -c- 10.00 ., -~ .... $2~392.0~ $1,2o?.ol $Ll52.86 -~ $ ~4.15 50.00 50.00 1,000.00 ?OOeO0 -o- 300.00 30.00 30e~0 25.00 25.00 . 10,00 10'~ ,.~ -~. ~ , $2.02?,86 2,000.00 1~,00 10,00 lll Docter~ 218 Tel,phi 220 Travel: 399 Mis ce]~ 10~ Adjust~ TOTAL COM~ONWE~ OFFICE POLICING' 102 0ompe~ 106 Cempem~ Thcs. 75.00 5.00 25~00 $Lo23.49 $~;ooo. eo $~,ooo,0o $~, 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 -o- -.e- -o- -o- 50.00 50.00 60.03 100.00 100.00 '-0- 3980 12.00 50°00 38-.00 37.73 10.00 25.00 15.00 56.8? 75400 50.00 -~ 25.00 .oo .oo -o- $25..00 ~. W. ~ampbell - ~ "4,760.00 Insura~oe Premi~m_?Z-i~.~Liability 50.00 Imsur.~ee Premima-. Surety, B.end~. 55'00 TelephOto a~d Telegraph Service .1.25000 Mil.ag, 150.00 Trave~ Auto Gas, Stati~ D~ifor: Misce! I :ng Expenses ' ;?es~ Tubes "~d Repairs ,ease ~ Oil 211 212 218 220 229A 300 312 319 325 399 400 Automobile Purchase 400-~ Au%emo~ilo Naintenance Z~30-2 Automo$ile ~tutenance 400-3 Automobile Naintenance 400-4 Automo]~ile Naintenauce ~5 Office ~nipmen% 14~0~0 Police .F~u_i~ment Adjust, ~ Compensation .~OTAL POP. ICiNG {AND 4,6~7.00 4;760.00 6~180,o0 1,420.00 50.00 55.00 55°00 -o- 97.16 125-00 125.00 -o- 185~25 50.00 50°00 -o- -o. -o- 100.00 100.00 31.00 %9? ~-o- -o- -0- 3.91 'o- >,:~.o- -o- 50.00 86.34 ~i:~0.00 --~e. O0 -o- 150000 245,77 720~.00 200.00 25'00 62.26 25.0O 25.00 1,41%00 1,4-1.9.00 -o- ?50.00 750e00 4OO.O0 328.53 500.00 5O0.0O -o-' 400.0O 24~.49 500.00 500.00 -~. 40O°OO 275.61 500.~ 500. OO 40.0.00 241..?,3 500. O0 ~00 ~ O0 10.00 -o- 10o00 I0.00 200~00 170.00 50.00 O0 -o- INVESTIGATING $3.355.00 $153.00 10.00 -o- ~0.00 -e- .750,00 50,00 -o- 50,00 -o- 50,00 $. ,ooo.oo $_ ;oOo, _ .... $" .o. EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES F~ ~HE YEAR ENDING J~NE 30,194~ GENE ~R~L_ FUND (Continued) . .. YEAR ENDING JDI~.. 30. 19A3 Year EndinE In,tease Over Deer, ease '~nde'r TI~, OF' ~TZO~ ,' ..... ~ ]~D~.J~. 30. Z?Z~ ~une ~,O,..17Z~2 -Prop?sea -Yea~ Em~.:g:-, Year,. Endi~s A~l.~ea :~netie,~, ]:tea ~:TI~ ,O.F 'I~;[ ~pprop ,r~a~, on :]~pendi~ures Appr..o.P' ,r~on Expend~_'~ure June 30,I9A2,. ~t.m,e ;~0~1~42" 1~ ~ard' 4. '~DING 'OF"DO~D~NTS 101 ComPensation of Clerk $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $3~600.00 $ 3,600.00 $-~- $-o- 105 0erti~. ~'g Voting List -e- 128.80 ~150~00 150.00 -o- ;o~ o~ ~o. of' EXPEN~IT~RE:'EsTIM~TES FOR ~tE YE~R'~NDING JUNE ~., 194~ JUne 30, 1942 YEAR ~osed Year C0NFINE~' ~ '~E OF PRISC~ERS 102 Compensation !~of Jailor $~,020.00 $1~'020;00. $Y,020.O0 ~6 Comp~satiom of C~k ~ 2~,~ ~2~.00 ' 2~.00 ~ Doctors lOe~ 4.50 10.00 ~8 Telephone ~ Tele~a~ Se~~ 50.~ 43.54 50.~ 3~ ~el ~ ] 4~ -~ 4~-~ 319 S~tione~, ~nted Fo--,etc. 10.~ -o- 10.00 3~ ~scel~o~ 250~ -~- lO.OO 1~0 Adjured ~om~ ~ation ~_ .o- . ..... -~ .. FIRE PREVENTION 208 Forest Fire ~AL FIRE PREVENTIC . PUBLIC ASSISTAN~ 100 0ompemsa%ion Memb~' of ~ 102 Compensati.~n 109 Compensation Louise A..Wi: Amue H. Lovim~ Nary Agaes .~ Catheri~ ~m _~S~ 209 Freight, Ex~ ~ Re~t: N~ P. A~ ~f~ ~pl~ 218 TeleCom. ~ ~ 220 ~eage 3~ ~el for ~e~ 319 S~tione~, ~2~ Te~~ Bo~s fc 325 ~te~s fo~ ~5 Office ESpz ~ ~eell~s 901 Old Age Assis ~2 ~d to Depe~ 903 Aid ~ Blind 904 ~er~ Re~ !0~ Adj~t~ YfAL P~BLI C ASSISTA~ C OUh"~Y ASSISTANC~ 701 University o~ 70lA Sanitoria Tr~ 702 Children-' s' ~P!~ 703 Chil~'We~ar~ 704 District Hem~ 705 Confederate ~TAL OG~ ASSIS~A LUNACY COMMISSI0! 124 Compensation )TAL LUNACY COMMI~S~ . P~BLIC HEALTH 111 Negro Dentist 138 Registrar 229 Appropriation. ~TAL PUBLIC HEALTH ~D EXTINCTION ~ction Service 260.00 -o- -o- 10.00 ,-o- -o- 75,0O 25.00 500°00 -0- 10.00 -~ . ~3.,o~2.oo , '$2o~,.oo ~. '~oo:oo ' ~o,o,..~ smd-Travel' of 400o0O $ ~6.50 $ 40o.00 $ 4o0.00 1,8O0.~0 1,575.00 1,800,O0 ~2,000.O0 ard $ of Superintendent of ~ssistamts: liams,Oase ~orker $1,200o~0 ,Case Wkro 1,200.00 ~t,Oase Work~ 1,62~.0~ se Worker 1,20~.~ ne~y, eno~ph~ e~o~er ~ ess ~ ~ge ty B~d rices ~72.0~00 d~ ties ~ :'TeleEraph .Servmce ag Rooms minted Forms,etc. ~Indigents SewLug Re. ms 100.0o 46.96 100.0o 10o.00 5.00 10.0o 5.00 5.00 ) at ' Chil~lr~m ) ) ~nsation 232.00 '998~74 391.00 934.00 125.00 '125'65 125.00 125.00 ~,~2o.0o ~59.~.~ ~,~2o. oo 100.00 -e- ~0.00 200.0o ~3~;{;8 .300.00 400.00 3?5.00 "369.65 .40.0.00 400.O0 1,00O.00 ?6?.20 1,00O.0O 1,O00~0O 150,00 41.65 350.00 100.00 'i0O, 00 25'73 50.00 50.00 26,160.00 ~,332o$2 42,283.74 53,007.00 2,844'00 t2,000.00 850,I5 2,500.00 2.200.00 1;800~0 $ 7~830.~ ~ $ 5~373.31 Va. Hospital 1,500.00 at~ent T'B. Patients 1,080,OO Association 3~0O0.~0 1~500.00 1,O80~0O 1,080,00 100'00 100~00 2,50O.00 2,500~00 .. $ ~,9~o.o0 $ ?,~o.o0_ snsions DE 250.00 '250.00 150.00 '124~00 $ '~.'700,00 $ 6.859.71 = ~$ 7.150.00 70o.oo 48J.3o ?oo.o0, 700.00, ~ ~.3o ..... $-7oo.0o ~ 250.00 150.00 6.750.00 of Members ON ital Certificates Jolut Health Dept. 543.00 180.00 3,663.00 AS1.0O O0 -e- 1,50( .00 . ...~ .. ~.~ 15o .o0 .-o- -off '6.750.O0 _ _ -o- _ --~ . . _. $ ~,?.150o00 EXPENDITURE 'ESTIMATES FOR T~E YEAR ENDING J~NE 30, 194~ . . ~TITLE ~FI~NCTIO~'.' - ,g~me 30, 1941 Tear EnAimg Inerease :0wet De~rease-'Under Allowed No. of No. ~ - Expendi- Jmne 30, 1942 Proposed Year Endiag yesr Emd/mg By Fanction... Item TITLE' OF', IT. EM ARBropriati~on %~res ADoropriati.~n...Eroenditure r, June 30. 19_.42_~_J~ne 30. 1942 Board. EOONO~I~ 109 CemPens~ II~ ~ Farm D~ T, O, II8 H~e De~ 218 Tel. & ~ 3~-NisceZ~ .tion ef Stenographer $ 480.0~ /+74.17 Lonstrat~rs: seett $t,600~00 Worrelt 1~000.00 ~er ~ 2~851.33~ ~n~~$: ~. D. Miller $1~,~' ~ele~a~' Se~ce ' - ~5.00 '110.66 405 0~fiee Equipment 10(M) Adj~ste~ Cem~ti~n. $ $ $ $ $ 480.00 ro~ AOVA~C~T A~TC~ A~0 Eo~ ~cO~o~xcs 2,960j00 2,960~00 -e--. -o- 3,080.O0 I25,00 125,00 25'00 2:5,00 125.00 -~ 1~.00 1~.00 II, ELECTI01~ - LI2 ~ EIecti~n Off~eia!~ 2~ R~nt ?5;OO' 222'Vstimg Etst~ Preparing, - Printing& P~i~- 319 StatiCes, ~t~ Fo~ 3~ ~sceli~e~ . 15.~ 1,020.73 1,600e00 1~ 500.00 35'50 '75;00" 75;00 12'00 100.56 $41~s.7g 14'. NAINTENANOE ~BtTI~DI NP~S ~& 'GR~ 19' CApital O~ttay IIg~-C~pe~sa~ien ~ Janitors "~0 ~ In~e 215 Eepai~ 223 Wa%er' Se~ee 30~ B~ [ 306 ~leaning 307 Disi~fec 3~"NtsCel~ .1000 ~Jus~ , TITLE OF:':F~' CTION ,,,, NO. of Fmuetion... I~..e~ TITLE OF ITEM 8G. POOR RELi~ 703 Generall Relief 704 Oid Age Assistanee 705 Aid to :~limd 706 Aid to )ependent Cb_ildren T~TAL POOR REL1 eral Fraud TOTAL VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND 15;OO" I5,~ 150.00 150.00 -e- , -e- l'- ~ 00_ _ !5.00 $1,855.00 $1,755.00 -$ -~ $I 100.O0 . 2,5O0;O'O 1 ~000.00 1,500'0~ 75.00 I,OO0;00 ..... 250.00 IOOo00- 500,oo I~020.00' 20,00 -e- I, .50~;00' -o- 175.'0~: I~,.~ -o- 250,00 25;00- -~ ~ 25.00 . $6,2~,~ ~71.~ ~2~ )25.00 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE~ YEAR ENDING JIH~E 30, 19~ VZRGI~A PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND Year Ended <.Jm3e pO, 1941.. ~ Appro~ria%ion t~res Year Ending J~e 30i 1942 A'~op~a~ $ 9,468.0~ 24,624.00 2,835.00 .. 3,o .O0 $ 9,470.00 $ 9,463.44 20,406.98 20,346.80 2,433.00 2,433.00 ~ 10.722.~0 !0.035,50 · .$43,032,48 ..... YEAR ENDING JUNE' 30.' ] Increase Over Decz Preposed Year Ending Yes ~ Expe~ditu~.e ~ J~ue 30. 1942 June 12,000.00 $ 2,532.00 $ 26~ 160.00 1,536,00 2,844.~ 9.00 15.666,00 -o- Z 56,670.oo $ z ,o7?.,Oo .,,$, REVENI~. ESTINATES FOR THE YEAR F/~IDING JD'~E 30, 1943 VlRQ. tNI.A' ~LIC ASSIST~CE FU~D June 30, 1941 (Act~ual)~_ . $ 42,278.74 ... $ 42,278.74 .... YEAR ~,NDING, JDZ~ ~0. ] Year Ending I~rease Over Deores J~me 30, 1942 Tentative Year Ending Year . (Estimated) .Estima~te June 30. 1942 $ 53,007.00 $56,670.00 $ 3,663.00 $ ~ase Under Allewed m Endimg By .30. ~-,0o Final Estimate 44, FOR ~ ~ E~G ~ 30~ 1943 [~ber Ne. '' Y~ ~g ..... Iner~e ~er'~ec~ase ~mder 116 C~pe~ati~ ~ ~e ~em $ 3~ .... $ 300.0~ $ 3~.00 ~ $ 3~.~0 $ -o- $ -~ 317 Re~o~ Boo~ ~d Tags ~5.00 I04.80 ~5.~'~- ~5.00 -~ 319 Statione~-[[~ted Fe~s, et~. 5.~~' I~36 5.00 5.00 -o- ~0 Aut~obmle ~a~te~ce 9~.0~~ 76~.05 2~ ~5.00 -o- -o- 501 Fowl Cla~s 250.00 8~.55 2~.~ ~I50.0'O -o- 50.00 504 15% Due Star ~ ~0.00 ~3~ ~5.~ ~825.~ -~ = : FOR ~ YE~ .E~ING ~30, '1943 ~ Y~r ~ - Year ~ng ~ I~erease~er Deere~ se U~er :J~e 30~ 1~~' J~e 30~ 19~ Tentative Year ~ Ye~ ~g F~ ;ale ~ Dog Tags $ 5,~2.75 $ 5,50~'O0 $ 5,50~'~ $ -~ $ -~- ~lowed ~ber No. Ye~ ~ng Year ~d~ Year ~dimg By of ~ J~e 30~ 19~ Proposed Increase ~er De~rea~ e Under ~0, FI~ ~TION $ $ $ $ $ $ 19 Capital ~t~ ay 135~0 -o- 50~ 50~00 -o- 207 ~ectric Se~ ~ice 15.GO ~90 15.~ 15.00 -o- -o- 215 Repairs 25.00 3.78 10.~ 10.00 -o- ~3 Water Semi( e 18.00 ~.0O 18.O~ 18.00 -~- 300 Auto tires~~ ~pai~ ~d Upkeep 50.~ 1.75 30.00 30.00 -~ 3~ ~el 25.00 ~.~ 25.00 25.~ -o- - 3~ ~s, 0il ~ Grease 20.00 26.20 20.~ 30.~ 10.~ ~ -oT 0ROZE~ FI~.~D~'~ ~ .... . Year ~ed Year ~di~ ~e~ase ~er Decres ~e Under ' J~e 30, 1~ J~e 30~ 19~ Tentative Year ~g .Year ~di~ Fin~ ~OT.~ ~E}~E ~-ER ~ O~ L~ $ 88,96 $ 50,00 $ 45.00 $ -o~ ' $ 5.~ ~OU~ TO BE ~IS ~ BY CU~NT ~Y $ 7~6.00 DEL~Q~NTS ON B~ ~IS ~ ~ 101.~ ~ ~QU~ ~ $ S47.00 .~TOTAL MAINTENANCE SEWERAGE S~TEM EXP-~DITURE 'ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19/.3 'WOOLEN. I~ILLS SANITARY'DISTRICT FUND~ YEAR ENDING J~NE 30. Increase Over'Decreas~ Year Ending Year Em TITLE OF, .F~NCTION' . .. YEAR' ENDE~ JUNE 30,' 194I Year Ending- ef No,-Of June 30, 19/.2 Proposed ~F%mcti ~en .Item .TITLE OF IT~ Avprop~riation' ...E~pe__nditures. Apprepriation~E~penditure June 30~,1942 J~e ..30~ MAINTENANCE OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM 2~~ae~airs $ . 90.00 $ -~- ,$ , 6q-qo ~,$, 60.00 $ -~ $ -, $ 90.00 .$ .o- $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ -o- $ -~ DELINQUENT TAXES: 19/.0 FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3~, 1943 · June 30, 19~l June 30, 1942 Tentative · , . ~. (Actual) , , ,, (Estimated,, ,,) E, stima, ~te., _ ...... YEAR EHDING"'~ 30;' Inerease Over Dee~e~ Year Ending Year June 30. 1942 June~ 3( 1941 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN CURRENT LEVY A~OU~T TO ~. ~AISED B~ C~~IL~V~ D~LINQ~m~S O~ BAS~S OF ~ LEVY REQUIRED ASSESSED VAL~E OF P~OPEBTY RATE OF LEVY 11..80. $ 5.00 20.31 $ 1Oo00 $ 10.00 $ 50.o0 682 $ 58,591.00 .1~ 5.o0 $ -~- $ 5.oo -o- $ -o- $ ~bT T~._OTiON ' er No. - ' 31. DEBT SERVIC~ 8~0 R~empt~ on ~f Ben~s T~ D~T SERV ~E :EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTR. IOT'RO~D' DEBT YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 19.~1 YEAR.ENDING J~NE '30. Year Ending Increase Over Decrea~ June 30, 1942 Proposed Year Ending Year .TITLE OF ITEM. .~A..ppr~op.ri.atien E~penditu~s. AD~romriatienE~p..enditure~ June ..3~.~.1942 .J. uae 3( $ 8,800.00 $ _6: 202_.5~ ~ . 7,258:94 $ 15,002,55 $ 7,255~94 FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19/.3 CHARLOTTESVILLE D .ISTRICTi 'RO~_- DEBT'FUND' ' MISCELLANEOUS Delinquent Interest ~n ~uvestments City's Share l~f Interest A~O~r TO B~..~SED ~' c~ ~0~ ~ ~_ TITLE ©F No. of _Fuuctim Item TITLE 32. D~T ~3 ~te~s: Year Ended Jane 30, 1941 ..... , (,Act;.~) ., June 30, 19;42 , YEAR F~N~INGJUNE30~ Increase Over Deore: Tentative Year Ending Year Estimate Ju~e 30. 19~ J~ne 1,474.76 ~ 1~OO0.00 5,678.42 1~200,00 -o- 9OO°00 ?,153.18 $ 3,~00.00 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 .IVY DISTRIOT~ ROAD DEBT .FDI~. YEAR :E~D_ _ __ ~ ~ ~ . ~ING JUNE 30. YEA~R_ ~E/~DED .JUNE 30. 1941 Year Ending Increase Over Decr~ June 30, 1942 Pr~posed Year Ending Yea: Approp. riation E~p~ enditures ADp~opriati. on .Expenditure J~ 30.1942 J-n~. $ 3,6o0.00 $ 5,312.85 $ 3,700.oo $ 2,500,0~ $ _ .o- $1 $ ?,?oo.oo $ $, ?,mo.oo $ 6,6o0.00 $ -,,.. img All~ed 19/+2 BY Board Under ndi~g Final 1942 Estimate ~9~3 . ~e Under A!lowe~ hding By ~.19,42. Board 00,00 OOeoo L~43 ~se Under Ending ~inal I0. 1942 E~st~t? 1943_ ~ .ase Under Allowed ' ~ng By 30 ~1942 ..... B~_rd 20OEO0 2OO~00 REVENt~;ESTINATES FOR THE YEAR ENDinG JUNE 3O, 1943 I~rease OVe~ ~rease ~der AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY CURRENT 'LEVY DELINQUENTB ON BASIS OF 12% LEVY REQUI~ ASSESSED VALUE RATE OF LE~Y TITLE OF, FUNC~ DN Number No. Fanctie~ Item ~TEN 33. DEBT SERVICE II 800 Redemptie$~' of Bends 803 Interest .tn $215,000.OO TOTAL'DEBT SERVICE ~SCELLANEous, ~ Delinquent Tsxes Interest on lave.. TOTAL REVENUE OTHE] AMOUNT TO BE RAIS~ DELINQUENT~ ON BAS.~ LEVY REQUIRED ASSESSED VAL~E OF RATE OF LEVY TI?,,LE OF ~F~.C~ N~mber No. $ 5,100.00 ~ $ 1,559,994.00 .27 FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19/,3 Year E~d~ Inerease Over Decre. June 30, 1942 Prepesed Year Ending Year Appropria. t. iem Expen. ditures Appropriation .iE=.R..enditmre June' ~0~. 1~42 .J~e · $ $ $ $ $ 5,~eo.~ 5,48sJ3 5,?oo.o0 6,4o0°o0 $16,300°0~ $16,238.73 $16,450.00 $17,150.00 $ ?00°00 700,00 $ REVENUE ESTINATES FOR THE YEAR ENDIN~ JUNE 30~ 1943 RIV__~A DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND tments THAN CURRENT LEVY BY CUREENT LEVY ~Se Under All°wed ~, 194~ Board, Year Ende~ ' Year Ending Inerease Over Deereas~ Under June 30, 1941 J~e 30, 1942 Tentative year Eroding Year E~ding Fim~l (Actual) (Es~t'~z~ated) .. Es~_timate ...... J~e )0., 1~42 ~June 30~ 1942 Estimate $ 1,348°!5 $1,200;00 $ 1~200°00 $ _ 00. 2 o,o,go %z..oo.o0 ' .. loo..oo .... , E $ . , oo.oo _ $ $. *,oo.oo . $13,550.00 $15,398.00 $2,560,620°00 060 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 j - Year Ending - Inerease Over Deere~se Un,er ,Allowed ,zo~, , ef of June 30, 1942 Proposed Year Ending Year .... ~_~ ,~ ;.L,~ ~ , ~ ' e ' ~ , , ..... 34° DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption ~f Bends $ 6,500.00 $ 5,~72.~6 $ 6,400.00 $ ?,800.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 803 Interest e~ Bends !2~000._~00 ' ~13,020°.98 . 11~950o00 1.1,300°00... -o, ...... 6~ TOTAL DEBT SERVIOE $15~500.00 $18~993.04 $18,350.00 $19~100.00 $1~400.00 $ 6~ '~ ' ~ , , I "'I],, . ' T~ ---- .... MISCELLANEOUS: Delin~uemt Tax~s Interest on Inw ~OTAL ~ ~THE~ AMOUNT TO BE RAISEE DELINQUENTS ON BAS] LEVY REQb-IRE~ ASSESSED VALUE OF RATE OF ~ stments THAN ~JRRENT BY CURRENT LEVY OF 12% ~OPERTY B~ENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING J~NE 30~ 1943 , . .YEAR ENDI~ JUNE ~0, Year Ended Year Ending Inerease O~er Decreas~ June 30, 1941 J~me 30, 19..42 Tentative Year Ending Year $ 1,981°24 $ 1,100.00~ $ 1,50~°00 $ 400e00 $ $17 ~6~0°00 .?5 Ending By 0o00 Under 1942 Estimate 0.00 0.00 449 EXPENDITURE ESTATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 SCOTTSVILLE DIS .T~. Itt' ROAD ' D_EBT~ ~_ ~-~ ,.~___~ TITLE OF FUNCTION !Number N e i ~t~.~%ion~ Item TITLE OF I~.TEM ~3 Interest ~n B~s T~ D~T S~ViCE Delinquent.~. T~xes Interest en investments DE~INQ~S oN SASIS ~F ~ ~~ V~UAT~ON ~0~ YEAR ENDED~ J~NE '.0 1-'- Year Ending Increase Over Decre e Under A.llowe~ -June 30, 1942 Proposed Year Ending Year Ending By AooroRriati~ enditures ~Apprppriatien~. Expe.nditB~e~. June 30. ~~9 ~ Boa_rd_ $ 5,200.00 $ 6,599,00 $ 6,700.00 $ 6,700,00 12, 334095 12,432.45 10.~69~.00 , 11,750.00 , $t~,534.95 $19,031.85 $17,393.00 $18,450.00 REVENUE ESTI~L~TES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 SCOTTSVILLE DIS.TRI. CT ROAD DEBT ~ $ 1,057.00 Year Ending ~ Increase O~er DecreaSe Under ~ June 30, 1942 Tentative Year Ending Year ~ding Final (Estimated) _Estimate .June JO, 1942. J~e 3~, 1~42 Est.~.te $: 1,838.62 $ 1,0 $ 1,200.00 $ 200.00 $ $, 1,838o62 $1,ooo.oo $~1,~oo.oo $ 2oo°00 $17,250.00 June 30, 1941 _ (i,t a) ,,, L EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOa THE YEAR E~OEG J~ 30, WHITE. HAI~..DISTRI_ ~T ROAD DEBT FUND , TITLE OF :lOTION,, _ _ YEAR_._ ENDED JUNE__ 30. 1941 , , ~ , YEAR E}~)ING JUNE /0 1-':-::_ _ __ Nmmber Ne. ' Year Ending ' Increase 'Over Decrease Un~er Allewed ef ~f June 30, 1942 Proposed Year Ending Year: Ending By '~Funetien Item TITLE OF ITEM ~ Ao~ro~riation Expenditures .A~ropriatien _ Expenditure June ~0~ 1~_4~ June 30. 1942.__ Beard ~36. D~T' smvio~ 800 Re(lemp%$~ of B~nds $ 5~000.80 $ 6,861.67 $ 5,60Oe00 $ 6,000.00 $ 400.00 $ 803 Iateres~ ~n Bonds _.~4,150.0~ 3~973.06 3,950.00 3~95_0o00 .... -o- . TOT~ DEBT SERVICE $ 9,150,00 $10,834.73 $ 9,610.~ $ 9,950.00 $ ~.00 $ MISCELLANEOUS Delinquent T~ Interest ~ TOTAL REVENUE AMOUNT TO BERAi DELINQUENT~ ON ASSESSED VADUE RATE OF LEVY , REVE~ ESTINATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 WH, ITE HALL ,,,DISTRICT ROAp,, DEBT FUND Year Ended Year Ending June 30, 1941 June 30, 19.~2 ~ (Actual) ~ ~ (Estimate. e_d) ~S ~estmen{s sED $ 1,510.72 1,595.ff5 $ 3,106.~7 $ '7o0.00 $ ~,ooo.oo 40o0.00 $ 1,700.O0 $ 2,000.00 $ 1.084.~ $ 9,034.00 $ .60 ~' I~r~se Over ~¢rea ,e Under Tentative Year Ending Year ' ~ding Final 450 REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDI}~ JUNE 30, 19~ SCHOOl. FtFND- STATE FUND~ General Appropriatiem Supervision Vocational ~ucatiom Special EduCatio~ Superintendent's Salary Masic E~ucati~ Year Emi,4 Year Ending Jtme 30, 1941 Jume 30, 1942 (Actual) . ~ (Estimated) · $ 89,322.88 3,980.00 6,311.63 1,124.00 1,006.29 t00o00 $103,269.90 4,010.00 6,900.00 1,280.O0 1,017.54 100.00 YEAR END!.N_G J~NE 30. 1943 Tentative Final ~Es. timate J~m.e. ~0~ 1---~O~l---_'Estimate $~0,880.~0 $ 7,610-10 $ 4,863.33 853.33 7,200.(~3 300.00 1,100.00 -o- 180.00 1,006.29 -,o- 11.25 100.00 -e- -o- Delin~ment ~axes Cash Appropriati~ 8,241.21 6,000.00 6,000.00 -e- -e- l, 500. O0 -o- -o- 1 ~ 500.00 OTHER FUNDS Dawson Fumd Tmitiem- T~tiem - Sale of Sup. Sale of Re~ Rents, Reba' Gasoline T~ Jeanes ~ Textbooks Literary lm~ Surplus COUNTY TAXES TOTAL ~E 0' GRAND TOTALS AMOIr3F~ TO BE RAI~ DELINQUENTS ON R LEVY REQUIRED A~SESSED VALUAT] RATE OF LEVY TITLE ,OF Number No. of of Function Item 17A. SCHOOL BO/m 100 Compen (6 Me Tots2 = $1~ 206 Dues ~ 220 Travel~ 298 C~mmur~ Comm~ 299 Distri! 299x Sale ~d TOTAL SCHOOL BOm ~aer Divisio~ ,irate Sources ,lies . Estate ~es, Miscellaneous Refunds (clty) 1913. SUPERINTEND] 102 COmpens~ 135 Secret~ 214 Box Rent 215d Fixture~ 218 Telepho~ 220 Travel 319 Statien~ 405 Office TOTAL SUPERiNTEN/ 17C. INSTRUCTION 133a Princip~ 133b Princips 133c Princips 133d Princip~ 134a Teachers NaR 134b Teache~ Fe~ 134~ Teacgers 1344 Teaeher~ Fe~ 134e Teachers Ma~ 134f Teachers 9T7.50 292.5O 3,350.00 813.81 1~620.33 100,00 4,748.28 1,247.41 ~14,225.80 960.00 9?5.00 15.00 -e- 300.00 200.OO -o- 100,00 -o- 200.00 220~*00 -o- 100.00 200,00 100.00 300.00 5(30,00 200.00 -e- 300.00 600.00 300.00 'c' 1,400cOO 1,600.~0 200.0~ -e- - 6~ 0~0.00 6,000.00 -e' 1,218.00 1,069.15 -o- 148.85 20,000.00 20, O00.00 -o- 122,432.43 119,212.13 126,855.56 7,643 -43 ~HER THAN CURRENT LEVY .10 ;ED BY CURRENT SIS OF 12% )N ~NCTION . ~' TITLE OF iTEM $ 260,5~4.33 $ 267,967.57 $ 289,449.33 $126,855.56 144,154.05 13,104,914.00 1.10 $23,421.86 $1~940.10 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR E~DING JUKE 30, 1943 -- SCHOOL FDhD ........ YEAR ENDED ~ '0 1-' · ~AR _ENDIN~ JUNE 3_ ] Year Ending Increase OVer Dec~ June 30, 1942 Proposed Year Ending Ye~ Appropriat_igm_ E~oemii{~z'es ~~-:~endiSure__ _J_~me 30. 1942 .Jtm~ ation of Members $ 550.00 bors, 20 Meetings each, 120 Meetings @ $10.00 200.O0) d Subscriptions 6~00 nE Expenses 160.0~ ty Activities and ncement Costs 140.00 ution of Text~oeks .125.OO Textboo~ NT 'S OFFIOE tion of Supt.. & 2' 1,060.00 6°00 ~d Repairs 30.00 e & Tele~aph 135~ F Supe~ntendemt ~, Pr~t~, P~ge Supplies qui~ent ~T'S O~IOE Ls - White - Nale Ls - White - Female Ls - Negro - Male Ls - Negro - Female -High SChool-White- -High School-White- -High School-Negro- -High School -Elementary ~White- -Elementary-White- $ 44o.00 $ 6o0.00 $ 900.00 $ 300.00 $ Ending ~lowed -o- $ 6.00 6.00 6.00 -o- -i~" 130.85 260.00 200.00 -o- 60~00 14o.oo lOO.OO -o- 40.00 137.91 140.00 149;00 -e- 1,200.00 6.00 200.00 100,00 140,00 i -~' 6.197.08 .o- 6 000_ O0 .~~ $ 981.00 $6,955.~ $1,146.00.. $7,346.00 , $ 6,3~00 $7,646.00 3,600.00 3~780.00 902.40 1,060.00 6.00 6.00 2.~0 7.5.00 93.58 135.00 373.32 5oo.00 900.00 724.10 1,050,00 '$6,501.00 $5,917.89 $6,656.00 15,346.62 14,929.11 15,394.19 'O-- --O- --O-- 668.25 668.25 893.03 957.87 957.78 1,137.83 7,252.74 8,O36~82 8,683.47 18,871.38 17,704.19 18,996.75 -o- 490.05 760.00 2,958.12 1,978.02 2,186e84 817.72 -o- -o- 4,200,0O /.,20°00 6.00 -0- o.oo -o- j:oo 135.00 -o- 500.0'0' ,e- -o- 1,2®.0o 15o.oo 50.00 ._ .-'o..- $7,641.oo $ 1,010.00 $ 25..00 16,627.50 1,233.31 1,080.00 186.97 1,327.50 189.67 4,662.00 -o- 4,¢ 28,1/~.00 9,147'25 945.00 ~:185.00 2,934.00 7~?e16 1,03~.00 1,035.00 21.47 --Om 4 51 'EXPENDiTD~ ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1943 ~_~_ -TITLE OF...I~I~OT. ION . _ Fumeti.on It~. 'TITLE;OF. '~I~TE~ Appropria..t.i.~ [ 13421 Teach{m-Elementary Negre- .. · [ 134i Teaeh~rs-Voeationa!-~hite- ·_ 134i Tea~h~s-~ ~ati~l-le~~ · M~e .. ~ 1,069.20 13~ Teach~rs~o~ ~ueati~ - ,~7.40 YEAR' E~D~~:%. 'Year ~ng ' Increas~ Over :Do. June 30, 1942 Propose~ Year .Ending ~ Expemiit ~m~es' .. A ?.po riat~_.~a E~pend/ture J~e~_._ 19_42 Ju 16,460.49 19,670.31 24,507.00' 4,836.69' 6'~3§.00' 6,674.80' 7,420'0~' 745.20" 1,06~,20 1,189.20 ~ 1,/%.0.00 250,80 1,247.40 1~511.50 1,620.00 108.50 -o~ -~- !,000,00 1,000-00 'oomSupplies 5,O34.I5 935.55 6.~ 995.00 '675.00 50.00 3,100.00' 6,289;47 6,919,57- ?,530'03' 610'46 134m Sick l 135a O~pe~ Supes 13~o ~ompe: Supe~ 213 Insur~ Oomp~ 220 Tray,: High 220a Travel 220b Travel 221 Taiti~ 305 01assx 1,200.00 1,022.65 1,160'55 1,35'0.00 189.45' 5.55 6.00 6.00 850.50 995.00 995'-00 271.13 675.00 675.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 -o- 2,$98.58' 2,900;00 3,000jO0' 100.00 493.74 1,000.00 800.00 -o- 305b 313 314 314a 314~ 322 TOTAL INSTRUCTI( Star~lqr~ize4 Tests I85.00 108.72 50.00 150.00 100.00 Labor~tol~j Supplie~ 500.00 15.8..'11 500.00 500.00 150.00 1,625,00 1,$75®00 I~475.00 1,000.97 Lib~ Sapplies .. Musio tSapp, lies .... ~200'00 87.32 200°00 200.00 Special Education Sh~pplies :300.00 2Q4.70 300.00 300e00 m~o~ti~ Supplies ..... ~50,~ ' 550.00.~ __302.9T 550.00 Vooat}onal _ _ ~ $16~,91~'.06 $157,564.75 $173,095.59 $201,896.23 $33,022.11 $ i?D. TRANSPORTA~ 123 Sa!ari 136 Drive~ 211 Insure 218 Teleph 219 Oontrs 300 Repai~ 312 Gasol~ TOTAL TRANSPORTS. HOUSING 105 Record 119 Wages 123 Repai~ 207 F.,lect:~ 210a Boiler 215a Repair Buil 21ff~ 215~ 218 223 300 306 311 312 323 399 TOTAL HO~SII{G 19. ION es, Repairman& helpers 1,800.00 1,849.20 1,850.00 2,160.00 310.00 s-O'oUnty owne~ buses 5,418.00 5,086.32 6,435.00 9,540.00 1,105.00 aec 1,300.00 1,308.85 1,300.00 1,300.00 one - Repair Shop 56.00 56.12 56.00 56.00 ,tops 2,448.00 1,191.05 1,728.00 855.00 s - Tires & Upkeep 5,200.00 5,419.06 5,200.00 6,000'00 800°00 ne, Oil and Grease 4~000e00/4_,.8~9.20 . 4~ _ 5~500.00_ ~,000.00 _ $ 20,222.00 ~ 19.,769.80 $ 21,069.00 $ 25,411.00 .$ 5,215.00 TIGN TOTAL CAPITAL 20. DEBT SERVIC] 801 Pri~ei] 804 In%ere~ L TOTAL DEBT SERV2 Maintemmoe ~f Floors Repair~ on ~t~e ~and FixtUreS, Teleph~e : Wa~r ~e~iee Tires,~mbes ~d Repa~ ' s J~ito~s"SupPlies ~so~% O~ ~ Grease aepak~,s ~k Wells .~3 ~prowme~~ ~ Gr~s 322 V~ati,~ ~e~ 4~ ~plao~ment ~ B~es ~3 ~0 ~ ~1 N~ Bu:~ldi~ ~Y ~ - Litera~ ~ t - Liter~ ~ CE 'uag of Documents 6.00 15.75 gO.O0 20.O0 -o- ~ Jamitors 3,810.00 3,684.60 3,810.00 4,455.00 645.00 aim ~ Buildings 960.00 966.68 1,000.00 1,~40.00 [e Ou_wren% 1,200cOO 1,275e97 1,200.00 1,300e00 100.00 ~e on BUildings 2,000.00 1,102.17 1,700.00 1,500.00 -o- Insurance -o- -o- -o- 325.00 325-00 and-Upkeep of lings & Grounds 3,000.00 3,057.74 3,500.00 4,000.00 500,00 500.00 459.6~ ,500.00 500.00 GRAND TOTAL 1,100.00 768.58 1,100.00 1,500.00 400.00 49.~0 45.67 49.10 49.10 600.00 409.54 600.00 600.00 100.00 97.03 100.00 · 100.00 1,200.00 1,189.61 1,400.O0 1,500.00 100.00 5,000.00 6,118.12 5,000.00 5rO00~O0 ~ -o- 200.00 134.01 200.00 200e00 700.00 302.85 700.00 400.00 ,, ,500.00 _ 283.45 ..... 500,,-00 , 900-~ $ 20,925.10 $19,911.~ $ ~,379.10 $ 23,7~.10 $00.~0 450.~5 550.00 400°00 745.00 747.11 591.38 400.00 -o- 10,000.00 13,919.06 9,500.00 10,000,00 500.00 1,OO0.00 9 ~2~.16 1,000.0~ 800.00 -'o- 270.00 -o..' -o= -o'- -o- --O-- --~ --O-- $ 12,145.00 $ 16,310.78 $ 11,641.3.8 $ 11,600.00 $ 500.00 - ._ -= ~-~ f-- -- . , ~ ~., ~.' . , , , ~_ ?~944.66 7,579.00 5,950.76 5!702.00,, : 7,579.00 6,675.00 -o- ,,401.50 ,,, -o,-, ~239t584?fi8' $239,711.51 $247,967.57 $289,4~9.33 $48,957.11 .30. 1943 . :pease- UnderAllowo~ ~ar Ending By ~3o.; 174a Boara.. --Om ~0~ 4, 221 873.00 ~O~ 873.00 200.00 ~O~ 300.00 500.00 150.00 191.38 200.00 541.38 904.00 310,50 ~,2~..~0 .. ;7,475.35 452 FOR THE YEAR ENDING J~NE 30, 1943 ~ ~ ~ J~e 30, 19~ ~oposed ~ Year.~.~d~ Year ~etioa Item TIT~ ~ -I~ ~ A~rop~at~n ~p~~~~~:~ ~ ~ati~l B~ c & T~t O~ ~ ~* $ ~- $ -~- $~ 'I,I25~00 $ ~,125'00 $ Peoples Nati m~ B~ -o- ~'o" -o- 1,~5~ 1,125.00 Liter~~ ~ Virg~ia ..~ ~0.00 T~ $ -o- $ ~ $ -o- $ 2,8~0.~ $ 2,850.00 $ ~ ~ING Ye~-;~ed Year ~d~ ..... ~Inorease '~er D~rea~e U~er ~ J~e 38~19~ J~e 30, 19~ Ten~ti~ Year ~- Ye~ - ~"~:u~' ~ ' ~ '- , (Act~) ~ (~t~) ~t~te. J~ ~0, 19~ J~e 3)~942 Est~a~; Natio~ B~ ~ ~t 0~p~ ~ ' Peoples Natio ~ B~ C~rlottes~e~ Va. -o- ~ ~2.50 1~125,~ -o- ~tera~ F~ ~ V~ia -~ 6~.~ ~.~ N~: It is ~tieipat~~ t~t the ~ ~th the two l~ b~ ~ll .~eld ~ net ret~ ~ 4~ ~d t~t the f~ w ~th the Liter~ ~ ~ V~a w~l ~eld a net ~et~ ~ $. ~e Bo~d preeseded to ~y ~e 0o~tY ~ies ~or the Ye~ ~9~ .a~ o~e~ t~t ~e Directo~ ~ F~ee'~ the Co~ty ~e/~be~le assess ~d ooHe~t om ~ t~ble real estate ~ ~l t~le t~gible ~o~l proPe~y, ~el~i~ ~e~ne~ ~d tools not assessed as rea! esta~ at the gemer~ reaSsessment~ ~ ~ ~ 1925~ ~ er ~loyed ~ a ~aet~ing or min~ b~ess t~ble by the State ~ Oapi~; ~olm~ ~lio se~ee co~orati~ pr~ (except th~ ro~l~g st~k o~ ~lr~ds °~rated by ste~), ~bas~d upom the ~s~ssment f~ed by the S~te Co,option C~issiom and ce~ied by it to the Bo~ ~ C~ty Su~r- vise~ both as to l~ati~ ~d val~tion. Fe~ ~ne~ Cowry ~eses~ ~ty~Five Cen~ ($,25) on eve~ One H~d~d wo~h ~ sai~ ~e~y. For ~e~tiem ~ School ~es, ~e D.ol~ ($1.00) ~ ~e~ ~e H~d Dol~ wo~h ~ said prope~y. For the ~ose ~ Inte~st ~ ~Retirement ~ ~$e~ty Sehoot ~ebte~ess Ten Costs (So.lc) ~en ~e~ ~e H~ed Dol~ ~wo~h ~ s~d ~pr~oe~y. Fo~ Inte~st ~ $~ ~ f6r District Re~ B~ds~ the bir~etor of Fi~ee s~l le~ a~ co~ect on ~l ~ said ~r~erty as fo~o~ to~it: ~(1) In the Ch~lottesville Oist~t ~i~,Ftve ~t$O~$0~5~ ~e~ ~ H~ ~,Doll~ worth of s~ prope~2. (2) In ~e I~ District ~~e 0e~ts~ (~.35) ~ ~e~ ~e H~r~ Dell~ wO~h ~ sa~ (3) In the ~~ District S~ty ~nts ($0.60) on ~e~ One Dolla~ wo~h of s~d p~e~y. (4) In the~ 8~el M~ler Di~trfet SeventY~Fi~e Cen~ ($.75) ~e H~e~ Dollars worth ~ said pr~pe~. (5) ~ the Seottsvil!e District Ei~ty-Five CeOs (~.85) ~ ~e~ ~e H~r~ Doll,s wo~h ~ said prope~y. Fo~' Opera%~ ~ ', ~e~es ,~ ~ the /. Woolen, ~i1,1a ,Sau~,%a..'~,y ~ - D~stri~%, Ten-cents (~O~lO) on-every One Hundre~ Do!l~ wo~h of ~ prope~, F~r Operating Expenses-in the Crozet Fire District, Ten Cents ($0.10) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of said property. Upon motion, the meeting adJourn~i. Chairman A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albe_m~_rle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of the said County on the 15th day of April, 1942. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray,/E. Purcell McOue, amd Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent~ None. Officers present~ County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff. and March 25, 1942. Minutes of the meetingsof March 18, 19~2,/were ree~[ and approved. It was brought to the attention of the Board that the German'Cannon located on the west side of Court Square would probably be of value for salvage purposes in the present emergency. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,, the County Executive was instructed to dispose of this Cannon for salvage purposes. The following Resolution was unanimously adopted~ WHEREAS, request has been received from the National Ban~ and 'Tr~st-' Compa~y for authority to t~ke do~n certain securities it has deposited in escrow irlth the Peoples National Bank of charlottesville, Virginia, to Se- cure the County's deposits, and WHEB~Jk8, the National Bank and Trust Company has deposited in escrow at this time saeurities valued at $174,000.00, and ~, the amount of the County's deposits in said institution on March 31~'1942, amounted to $62,638.01, N0~, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Peoples National Bank be and it is here- by authorized to release the following, securities held by it in escrow to p~otect the deposits of the County of Albem~_rle in the National Bank_ and Trust Compem~: $6,000.00 Rector and Visitors, U.of Va., 3 3/4% Bonds due 2/1/42. '~e following Resolutioa was unanimously adopte~ WHER~, request has been received from the Citizens Bank andTrust Company for authority to take down a portion of the securities it has de- posited in escrow with the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Vir- ginia, to protect the County's~deposits, NOW, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, .-~bat the Citizens Bank and Trust Company be and it is hereby authorized to make the following Exchange of Securities deposited in escrow with the Peoples National Bank to secure the deposits of the County ~f Albemarle, Virginia: TAKE DO~ $2,000.00 $1,000,00 6% Bond of Annie L. and Claud L. Burgin, Jr.,~ due .sl 14 . 6% Bond of F. C. and Madie M. Thacker due 4/27/42. PUT OPt $3,000.00 5% Bonds of Ferrest S. Towe and Helen $. Tows ~ue 6/1 /46.