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For Operating, · ~e~s' -~ in the- .'., WoOlen ,.' -N ills . Sanitary / .
DiStrict, Ten-Cents ($O~!O') on One HUndred-Dollar~ worth c~ ~aid property.
For Operat~ Expenses-in the Crozet Fire District, Ten Cents (S0.10) on every One
Hundred Dollars worth of said property.
Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned.
~__~, Chairman
A regular meeting of the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Office Build~.g of the said 0ounty on the 15th day of April, 1942.
Present: ~essrs. J. M. Fray,/E. J. ~ ~a~ ~d,,-P.~:H~ .,:~Ge~try~:H..;.AShby Harrt~ and~.
Purcell McOue, amd Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent: None.
Officers present~ County Executive, Commonwealth's Attorney, amd Sheriff.
and ~arch 25, 1942,
Minutes of the meetingsof March 18, 19~2,/were rea~ and approved.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that the German Cannon located on the
west side of Court Square would probably be of value for salvage purposes in the present
emergency. Upon motion, duly made and seconded,, the County Executive was instructed to
dispose of this Cannon for salvage purposes.
The following Resolution was unanimously adopted~
WHEREAS, request has been received from the National Bank and Trust
Company for authority to t~ke down certain securities it has deposited in
escrow ~ith the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Virginia, to se-
cure the County's deposits, and
WHEREAS, the National Bank and Trust Company has deposited in escrow
at this time s~eurities valued at $174,000.00, and
WHEREAS, the amount of the County's deposits in said institution on
March 31, 1942, amounted to $62,638o01,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Peoples National Bank be and it is here-
by authorized to release the following, securities held by it in escrow to
pr~oteet the deposits of the County of Albemarle in the National Bank and
Trust Company~
$6,000.0~ Rector and Visitors, U..of Va., 3 3/4% Bonds due
The following Resolution was unanimously adopted~
WHEREAS, request has been received from the Citizens Bank and Trust
Company fer authority to take down a' portion of the securities it has de-
posited in escrow with the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Vir-
ginia, to protect the County's .deposits,
NOW, THEKEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle ~cunty, Virginia, that the Citizens Bank and Trust Company be and
it is hereby authorized to make the following Exchange of Securities deposited
in escrow with the Peoples National Bank to secure the deposits of the County
~f Albemarle, Virginia~
6% Bond of Annie L. and Claud L. Burgin, Jr.,-due
6% Bond of F. C. and Madie M. Thacker due 4/27/42.
5% Bonds of Forrest S. Towe and Helen S. Towe due
~he County Executive reported that Mr. Wilbur Smith, Secretary of the Electoral Beard,
had requested that the compensation of Judges and Clerks of Elections be increased to $5.00
per day. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously
,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Vir-
ginia, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 200 of the Miehie Cede the
compensa{ion of Judges and Clerks of Elections be increased from '$3.00 to
per day for. each day served on Election Da~.
The following Reports were presented and ordergd filed:
1. County Executive.
2. University of Virginia Hospital.
3. Game Wardau.
Mr. H.. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses of the Depart-
meat of Finance for the month of March, 1942, one-third of which-to be bo~ne by the State.
Upon motion, d~ly made and seconded, this statement was e~mined, verified, amd approved.
A petition from a group of citizens of Crozet, requesting that funds be appropriated
with which to se6,are the services of an Engineer to make a Survey of ~e Orozet community
and report 'as to the necessary facilities to properly serve the community with water, was
pre,eared. Upon motion, 'duly made And ~Seconded~ the following Res~oldtion was a~oPted by the
following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. ~J. Ballard, 'P. ~. Gentry, H. Ashby
Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of AIbemarle County
Virginia, that an appropriation of $750.00, or as much thereof as may be
necessary, be ~amd the same is hereby appropriated to cover the cost of a
Survey of the water supply at Crozet, the General Fm~ to be reimbursed for
such p~rtion of this appropriation as may be expended when, as, and if 'the
Crozet'. Sanitary District has funds with lwhich to pay the same.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be amd is hereby
authorized amd directed to arrange with Mr. R. Stmart Royce, C. E., of
Richmond,Virginia, to de this work. ~j
The following Resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes:
J. M. Fra~ E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McOae, and Dr. L. G.
Roberts; Noes: None:
WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of this Board that
there is available a quantity of quail at. a very reasonable price,
-.~. NOW~ ~%~ERE~.O~.~-BE IT RF~OLVED~
.o~.~$1~9uo~%~ ~iFg~.~za, d,.~,, ...... ~, ~eBoard of County Supervisors
v~am ~&~.ou, or as muca r~ereox~ as may be necessary, be and is hereby
appropriated for the pur~ase of quail, which are to be liberated~"in
this county bythe Game Wardea.
Upon motion, duly ma~e and seconded, the CoumtyExecutive was authorized to increase
the salary of Mrs. Elva .N~:Beale, an employee of the Department of Finance, to $100.00 per
month at such time as .in his ~pinion her services warrant such salary.
The County Executive reported that he had received an-offer from Mr. D. H. Morris to
purchase the 31 Acre tract of land received from Thomas E. Smith for $2~0.00. Upon motion,
duly made amd seconded, the following Resolution was umsmimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County S~_~Pervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia,-that~the offer of D. H.. Morris to Purchase 31 Acres of Le~d a~-
quired f~om ThOmas E'. Smith at a price of $250.00, $50.00 of which to be
Paid upon delivery of the deed and the remainder at the rate of $50.00 each
six ~ths, be a~d the same is hereby accepted, and the Chairman ~erk of this
Boa~ are hereby authorized te execute the deed to said property for amd
en behalf of this Board.
Petition, requesting the Board to put into effect in Albemarle County Sections 894 to
905, Inclusive, of Chapter 39 of the Code of Virginia, which w~presented at the meeting of
February lB, 1942, were'again brought tot he attention of the Board.~ U~on motion, duly made
and seconded, the'following Resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE ~ RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Couuty,
Virgim~a' that SectiOns 894 to 905, Inclusi~ve, of Chapter 39 of the Cede of
Virgi~a, commonly knownas the Peach "Yellows" law,~be and the same is hereby
put into effect in Albemarie Century.
The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Pa?cell McOue, seconded by Mr. P. H.
Gentry, was ~nimously adopted:.
BE IT 'EESOLVEN' by ~ the Board of County Supervisors or-'Albemarle
County, Virginia, i'th~t in the future when Budgets are s~bmitted to this
Board~that it be with the recommendation of the County Executive for
adoption or a statement from him showing wherein he disapproves.: of the
contents thereof.
The County Executive was instructed to contact the proper, officials and request the
retentio~ of the C. C. C. Fores
The following resolutior
MoOae, was unanimously adoptedl
try Camp in Albemarle County.
., offered by Dr. Lo G~ Roberts, seconded by Mr. C.. Purcell
WHEREAS, the reai: which leads from Route 250 at the Thcs. S.
Herbert Cold Storage at Crozet to U. S. Route 250 at the Crozet
Lumber'Co., Inc. ,~..~t a.pa~t' ~ the 'Becondary System of' Highways, andy
· HEREAS, this road is Very essential to that section of the
County during fruit season when large trucks are moving in that
vicinity transportimg the fruit to market,'snd
WHEREAS, the req~red width of 30' is not available between
the tracks of the C & 0 Railroad and the property of Mr. Hugh T.
Wiley, ~ on which is- located a~ Sidetrack,
NOW, THER~F0~E, BE IT' ~RESOLVED by the Board of CountYlSuper-
Visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission
be and is hereby :~'requested to make an exception of it~ S0' width
requirement in this particular instance and take this piece of road
into the Secondary SyStem of Highways.
Claims against the Comnty, amounting to $32, 892.60 , were presented, examined ~nd al-
ordered ~ '
lowed and/certified to ~he Director of Finance for payment and charged against the follow-
ing funds:
Dog Tax
Orozet Fire District
~hite Hall District Read Debt
Ail Funds - Deferred Debits
and Credits
Commonwealth of Virginia
$ 7,250.67
Total $32,892.60.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
~~ ,, Ohairmauo
A special meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle COUnty, Virginia,
was held at'the Office Building of the said County on the 4th day of Nay, 1942, at 8 P. M.
Present: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, H. Ashby Harris, and O. Purcell McOue,
and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Absent: Mr. Jo M. Fray.
Officers present: 0ountyExecutive.
The following Ordinance, which was presented at the regular June, 1941, meeting and
published according to law, was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. P. H.
Gentry, E. J. Ballard, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell M~Cue~ an,...~.~,.~;L,.a~Roberts, Noes: None
On every Carnivals ~1 ~e boundaries of the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, there shall be a license tax of $100.00 per day. For the purpose
of this Ordinance, a Carnival shall be such as is defined in Chapter 48 of
the Acts of Assembly 'of 'Virginia of 1936, Section 153a of the Tax Code. Pro-
vided, however, that no License shall be issued until application therefor
has been ~ file with the Director of FinanCe of the County of Albemarle,
Virginia, a~,..least one week.
Every person, firm, company, or corporation who or which exhibits or
gives in the Oounty of Albemarle a performance or exhibition of any Carnival,
as defined as aforesaid, without the license required, shall be fined not
less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00)