HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-05-04SPECIAL455 The folloWing Resolution, offered by Mr. C.. Pu~. cell McOue, seconded by Mr. p. H. Gentry, was ~animously adopted:. BE IT"~LVE]Y 'by'"the BOard. of County Supervisors of' Albemarle 0ounty, Virglnia~ "that in the future when Budgets are submitted to this Board that it be with the recommendation of the County Executive for adoption or a statememt from him showing wherein he disapp~oveS~'of the contents thereof. The County Executive was instructed to contact the proper, officials and request the retentio~ of the C. C. 0. Forestry Camp in Albemarle County. following resolution, offered by Dr. Lo G, Roberts, seconded by Mr. C.. Purcell McOae, was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the read which leads from Route 250 at the Thcs. S. Herbert Cold Storage at Crozet to U. S. Route 250 at the Crozet Lumber`, COo, Inc. ,~..:r~t a:pa~t c~ the 'Becondary System of' Highways, and~ NHEREAS, this road is Very essential to that sec~io~ of the County during fruit season whea large trucks are moving in that vicinity transporting the fruit to m~ket,'and ~, the req~d width of 30" .is not available bet~ween the tracks of the C & 0 Railroad and the property of Mr. ~ugh T. Wiley, ~on which is-located a. sidetrack, '- NOW, ~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County'Super- Visors of Albemarle County, Vir~a, that the State Hig~y Commission be and is hereby ~-j:.requested to make an exception of it$~ 30' width requirement in this particular instance and take this piece of road into the Secondary S~stem of Highways. Claims against the County, amounting to $.32, 892.60 , were presented, examined ~d al- ord~re~. ~ lowed and/certified to the Director of Finance for payment amd charged against the follow- ingfumds: General School Dog Tax CrozetFire District ~hite Hall District Read De~t Ail Funds - Deferred Debits and Credits Commonwealth of Virginia $ 7,250.67- 23,512.34. 205.70. 19o70. 400.00 18.65 Total $32,892.60. Npon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman. A special meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle COUnty, Virginia, was held at' the Office Building of the said County on the 4th day of May, 1942, at 8 P. M. Presemt: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, H. Ashby Harris, and ¢. Purce!lMcOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. ~Absent: Mr. J, M. Fray. Officers present: OountyExecutive. The following Ordinance, which was presented at the regular June, 1941, meeting amd published according to law, was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. P. H. Gentry, E. J. Ballard, H. Ashby Harris, and C. l~rcell McCue~ Lan~.~;~.L,~G.. ob rts, Noes: None: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED ON NOVEMBER 20, 1940, IMPOSING COUNTY LIC~SE TAXES ON CAPJ~IVALS, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES F0~ EXHIBITING, ETC., WITHOUT SUCH LICENSE. On every Oa.rnival:~ within the boundaries of the County of Albemarle, I~mrginia, there shall be a license tax of $100.00 per day. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a Carnival shall be such as is defined in Chapter 48 of the Acts of Assembly ~of ~Virginia of 1936, Section 153a of the Tax Code. Pro- vided, however, that no License shall be is~aed uutil application therefor has been ~m file with the Di~ ector of' FinanCe of the 0ounty of Aibemarle~ Virginia, ~a~..-least one week. Every persen, firm, company, or corporation who or which exhibits or gives in the Oounty of Albemarle a performance or exhibitien ofan~vOarnival, as defined as aforesaid, without the license required, shall be fi~ed not less than fiftydollars ($50.00) nor more than five hund~ed dollars ($500e00) for each offense. The authorities of this county shall mot allow any such ~arnival to 'open until the license required is ~xhibited to them. This ~dinance shall be in force from its passage. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned., A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Office Building of the said Co~nt~ on the 20th day of May, 1942. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P, H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, and C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent t ~one. Officers present= County Executive,?and Sheriff. Minutes of the meetings of April 15, 1942, and May 4, 1942, worse read and approved. The following Resolution, regarding the con%inuation of the C. C. C.. Camp at White ~ was unanim~asly adopted~ WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of this Board that many CCC Camps in Virginia are being closed and~ WHEREAS, Camp S-60 located at White Hall, Virginia, has done very. excellent work in forest fire prevention and control and~ ~EREAS, the arti2ielal lake nea~ the camp_ has not yet bee~ completed, NOW, T~ER~ORE, ~E IT RESOLVED by the Board of 0ounty Super- visors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Federal ~authorities be and are hereb~ requested to locate a permanent Veterans' Camp at White Hall in this c~unty in ~rder that the artificial lake may be completed and the very excellent forest fire prevention and control work in this county ~e continued. Mr. Ho A. Hades, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of the expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of April, 194~, one-third of which to Be borne by the Upon ~otion~ duly made and seconded, this statement was examined, verified and ap- State, proved. Claim for goats, alleged to have been killed By dogs, was presented by the Society of the Precious Blood, and referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for his opinion. The following Reports were pres~ted and ordered filedl 1. C ~o~nty Executive. 2. University of Virginia Hospital,~ 3. District Home Board. 4. ~ame Warden. Communication from Gert. J. A. Anderson, State Highw~ Commissioner, acknowledging receipt of. Resolution adopted by th~s Board cn Marc~ 18, 19%2, regarding the entrance to Mc- Intire Righ School, was presented. Statement, sho~ing the allocation of Secondary Road FU~ds for the year beginning July 1, 1~42, was presented. The County Executive reported that the W. P. A~ Project for the preparation of the Tax Map of Albemarle County would 'cease to fauction after June, 1~42, and suggested that a Committee Be appointed to investigate the wisdom of continuing the project. The Chairman appointed a Committee, consisting of Dr. L. G. Roberts, ~r..p.H. Gentry, and the 0ounty Executive, to investigate and report Back. The following Resolution, .~arris, was ~~.~" sly adopted~ offered by Dr. L..G. l~ober~s, seconded by Mr. B, ~ ~Ash~ Ro C. Ambler, Resident Engineer of Highways for